custody - German English Dictionary



Meanings of "custody" in German English Dictionary : 20 result(s)

English German
custody Gewahrsam [m]
custody (sichere) Verwahrung [f]
custody Aufsicht [f]
custody Bewachung [f]
custody Obhut [f]
custody Haft [f]
custody Aufbewahrung [f]
custody Untersuchungshaft [f]
custody Verwahrung [f]
custody Sorgerecht [n]
custody Gewahrsam [m]
custody Aufsicht [f]
custody Verwahrung [f]
custody Depot [n]
EU Terms
custody Sorgerecht [n]
Swiss Law
custody Untersuchungshaft [f]
custody Auslieferungshaft [f]
custody Haft [f]
custody Obhut [f]
custody Sorgerecht [n]

Meanings of "custody" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 140 result(s)

English German
protective custody Schutzgewahrsam [m]
youth custody Jugendgewahrsam [m]
police custody Polizeigewahrsam [m]
custody receipt Depotschein [m]
protective custody Schutzhaft [f]
taking into custody Verhaftung [f]
taking into custody Arrestierung [f]
safe custody Depotverwahrung [f]
police custody Haft [f]
safe custody sichere Verwahrung [f]
global custody allgemeine Verwahrung [f]
child custody Sorgerecht für Kinder [n]
make allowance for time spent in custody on remand die Untersuchungshaft anrechnen [v]
place in safe custody in sichere Verwahrung geben [v]
remand someone in custody jemanden in Untersuchungshaft behalten [v]
discharge a detainee from custody einen Häftling aus der Haft entlassen [v]
give something into custody (in charge) etwas in Verwahrung geben [v]
be placed in custody pending deportation in Abschiebehaft genommen werden [v]
be placed in custody with a view to deporation in Abschiebehaft genommen werden [v]
be placed in custody pending deportation in Schubhaft genommen werden [v]
be placed in custody with a view to deporation in Schubhaft genommen werden [v]
be released from custody aus der Haft entlassen werden [v]
take custody of someone für jemanden das Sorgerecht übernehmen [v]
take into custody in Verwahrung nehmen [v]
take into custody inhaftieren [v]
take into custody prior to extradition in Auslieferungshaft nehmen [v]
take someone into custody jemanden dingfest machen [v]
take someone in custody jemanden in Gewahrsam nehmen [v]
be in custody in Gewahrsam sein [v]
ask for one's custody jemandes Sorgerecht verlangen [v]
award custody das Sorgerecht geben [v]
award custody das Sorgerecht übertragen [v]
award custody das Sorgerecht zusprechen [v]
be taken into custody verhaftet werden [v]
be taken into custody in Gewahrsam genommen werden [v]
be under custody in Verwahrung sein [v]
be under custody in Gewahrsam sein [v]
be under custody verhaftet sein [v]
be under custody unter Arrest stehen [v]
be under custody in Haft sein [v]
claim one's custody jemandes Sorgerecht einfordern [v]
demand one's custody jemandes Sorgerecht verlangen [v]
demand one's custody jemandes Sorgerecht anfragen [v]
fight for one's custody ums Sorgerecht kämpfen [v]
gain one's custody jemandes Sorgerecht gewinnen [v]
get one's custody jemandes Sorgerecht bekommen [v]
give someone custody of jemandem das Sorgerecht geben von [v]
take into custody verhaften [v]
have custody of the children Sorgerecht für die Kinder haben [v]
have custody of the children Aufsicht über die Kinder haben [v]
chains of custody Lieferketten [pl]
safe custody charges/fees Depotgebühren [pl]
safe custody charges/fees Verwahrgebühren [pl]
safe custody departments Depotabteilungen [pl]
children under the custody of in Gewahrsam genommene Kinder [pl]
children under the custody of Kinder unter der Aufsicht von [pl]
in the custody of in der Obhut von [prep]
in the custody of in Gewahrsam von [prep]
joint custody with the father gemeinsames Sorgerecht mit dem Vater
safe custody fee Aufbewahrungsgebühr (für Wertsachen)
taken into custody inhaftiert
taking into custody inhaftierend
in safe custody in sicherer Verwahrung
contract of safe custody Verwahrungsvertrag [m]
chain of custody Lieferkette [f]
safe custody Verwahrung [f]
custody charges Depotgebühr [f]
custody of goods Aufbewahrung von Gütern
contract of safe-custody Vertrag zur sicheren Verwahrung
safe custody sichere Verwahrung
keep in safe custody sicher aufbewahren
entrusted with the custody of the goods betraut mit der Verwahrung der Ware
custody charges Depotgebühr [f]
safe custody fee Depotgebühr [f]
safe custody fee Verwahrgebühr [f]
safe custody department Depotabteilung [f]
securities custody department Depotabteilung [f]
(customers') securities custody department Depotabteilung [f]
custody business Depotgeschäft [n]
safe custody charges/fees Depotgebühren [pl]
safe custody charges/fees Verwahrgebühren [pl]
securities custody departments Depotabteilungen [pl]
alien detained in custody pending deportation Abschiebehäftling [m]
alien detained in custody pending deportation Schubhäftling [Ös.] [m]
custody pending deportation Schubhaft [Ös.] [m]
custody with a view to deportation Schubhaft [Ös.] [m]
preventive custody Maßnahmenvollzug [m]
preventive custody Maßnahmenvollzug [Ös.][Lie.] [m]
safe custody agreement Depotvertrag [m]
(police station) custody suite Gewahrsamszelle (Polizei) [f]
child custody (of someone) elterliche Sorge (für jemanden) [f]
child custody (of someone) elterliche Sorge [f]
child custody (of someone) Obsorge [f]
child custody (of someone) Obsorge (für jemanden) [Ös.] [f]
custody awaiting/pending court appearance Verwahrungshaft [f]
custody pending deportation Abschiebehaft [f]
custody pending extradition Auslieferungshaft [f]
custody with a view to deportation Abschiebehaft [f]
custody with a view to extradition Auslieferungshaft [f]
preventive custody Sicherungsverwahrung [Dt.] [f]
preventive custody Sicherungsverwahrung [f]
preventive custody Verwahrung [f]
preventive custody Verwahrung [Schw.] [f]
remand in custody (before trial) Untersuchungshaft [f]
remand in custody (before trial) U-Haft [f]
review of the remand in custody Haftprüfung [f]
term of custody Haftdauer [f]
appeal against a remand in custody Haftbeschwerde [f]
declaration of parental custody Sorgeerklärung [f]
custody pending deportation Abschiebungshaft [f]
federal custody Bundeshaft [f]
declaration of parental custody Sorgerechtserklärung [f]
youth custody Jugendstrafe [f]
custody prior to deportation Abschiebehaft [f]
child custody (of someone) Sorgerecht [n]
child custody (of someone) Sorgerecht (für jemanden) [n]
sole custody alleiniges Sorgerecht [n]
safe custody agreements Depotverträge [pl]
commitment to an institution of preventive custody Unterbringung in der Sicherungsverwahrung/im Maßnahmenvollzug
custody battle Streit um das Sorgerecht
joint custody gemeinsames Sorgerecht
joint custody gemeinsame Obsorge [Ös.]
joint custody gemeinsame Obsorge
sole custody alleiniges Sorgerecht
sole custody alleinige Obsorge [Ös.]
sole custody alleinige Obsorge
taking into police custody Ingewahrsamnahme. die
aliens detained in custody pending deportation Abschiebehäftlinge [pl]
aliens detained in custody pending deportation Schubhäftlinge [pl]
Swiss Law
child custody Sorgerecht [n]
right to custody Sorgerecht [n]
compensation for time spent in custody following a wrongful conviction Haftentschädigung [f]
Custody Act Unterbringungsgesetz [n]
custody of children Sorgerecht für die Kinder
chain of custody record Abfallbegleitschein [m]
chain of custody Beweiskette [f]
chain of custody Beweiskette
SAP Terms
owner custody Eigenverwahrung [f]
jacket custody Streifbandverwahrung [f]
method of holding in custody Verwahrungsart [f]