guard - Español Inglés Diccionario



Significados de "guard" en diccionario español inglés : 165 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
guard guardia [f]
guard guarda [m/f]
guard protector [m]
guard resguardo [m]
guard vigilante [m/f]
guard velar [v]
guard custodiar [v]
guard guardar [v]
guard guardarse [v]
guard guardés [m]
guard ronda [f]
guard guardesa [f]
guard guarnición [f]
guard escoltar [v]
guard tutelar [v]
guard vigilar [v]
guard asediador [m]
guard custodio [m]
guard guadarnés [m]
guard guardés [m]
guard guardián [m]
guard resguardo [m]
guard velador [m]
guard asediadora [f]
guard custodia [f]
guard fieldad [f]
guard guardia [f]
guard guarnición [f]
guard centinela [m/f]
guard guardia [m/f]
guard vigilante [m/f]
guard velador [adj]
guard atalayar [v]
guard abroquelar [v]
guard aguaitar [v]
guard cerner [v]
guard custodiar [v]
guard escoltar [v]
guard marcar [v]
guard cercado [m]
guard guardián [m]
guard salvavidas [m]
guard turno [m]
guard bedel [m]
guard celador [m]
guard alcaide [m]
guard tapador [m]
guard bloque [m]
guard guardia [m]
guard defensor [m]
guard veladora [f]
guard cazoleta [f]
guard vanguardia [f]
guard guardesa [f]
guard guardiana [f]
guard veladora [f]
guard escolta [m/f]
guard veedor [m/f]
guard rondista [m/f]
guard controlar [v]
guard monitorear [v]
guard monitorizar [v]
guard celar [v]
guard guardar (proteger/ocultar) [v]
guard proteger [v]
guard encovar [v]
guard convoy [m]
guard custodio [m]
guard celadora [f]
guard defensa [f]
guard cautela [f]
guard escolta [f]
guard precaución [f]
guard salvaguardia [f]
guard vigilante [m/f]
guard conservar [v]
guard convoyar [v]
guard defender [v]
guard guarecer [v]
guard preservar [v]
guard reparar [v]
guard retener [v]
guard medio de protección [m]
guard cadena de un reloj [f]
guard guarnición de una espada [f]
guard guarnición de vestido [f]
guard chinel [m/f]
guard prevenirse [v]
guard estar sobre sí [v]
guard estado de defensa
guard custodio [m] US
guard calpián (náhuatl) [m] HN
guard frailecillo [m] AL
guard guarecimiento [m] disused
guard plantón [m] rare
guard retranquero [m] CU
guard velador [m] disused
guard guardiacárcel [m/f] PY AR UY
guard guachimán (inglés) [m/f] GT HN CR NI PA DO PE GQ
guard aguardar [v] disused
guard amesnar [v] disused
guard [uk] jefe de tren
guard guachimán [m] CR
guard dispositivo de protección [m]
guard dispositivo protector [m]
guard protección [f]
guard guarda tipo jaula [f]
Work Safety Terms
guard dispositivo de protección
guard defensa de protección
guard elemento de protección
guard guardilla [f]
guard salvaguarda [m]
guard carcelero [m]
guard protección [f]
guard patrulla [f]
guard vigilancia [f]
guard albergar [v]
guard cárter [m]
guard dispositivo de protección [m]
guard rejilla de protección [f]
guard dispositivo protector [m]
guard cartivana [f]
guard protección [f]
guard vigilancia [f]
guard defensa [f]
guard protección [f]
guard barrera [f]
guard jefe de tren
guard de protección
guard hilo de control
guard guardián [m]
guard centinela [m/f]
guard guardián [m/f]
guard baranda [f]
guard capota [f]
guard resguardo [m]
guard estar a la escucha [v]
guard estar prevenido [v]
guard dispositivo protector [m]
guard retén [m]
guard correctivo [m]
guard funda [f]
guard rejilla [f]
guard prevención [f]
guard dispositivo protector
guard velador [m]
guard conductor de tren [m]
guard guarda [m/f]
guard el guardatrén
guard el guarda
guard escudo [m]
guard rostro [m]
guard defensa [f]
guard guarda [m/f]
guard dispositivo de protección
guard barrera protectora
guard escucha [m]
guard vigilia [f]
guard guardia [f]
guard prevención [f]
guard hacer guardia [v]
guard la guardia
guard base [m/f]
guard escolta [m/f]
guard servador [m]

Significados de "guard" con otros términos en diccionario español inglés : 500 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
fan guard guardaventilador [m]
point guard conductora [f]
(basketball) shooting guard escolta [m/f]
civil guard aceituno [m]
ankle-guard tobillera [m]
knee guard rodillera [f]
advance guard avanzada [f]
guard [us] vigilante [m/f]
security guard guarda [m/f]
guard against precaver [v]
stand guard montar guardia [v]
lower one's guard bajar la guardia [v]
be on one's guard guardarse [v]
be on guard duty estar de guardia [v]
elbow guard codera [f]
prison guard carcelero [m]
water tank guard aljibero [m]
soldier of the main guard of the house of burgundy, which brought emperor charles v to castile archero (francés) [m]
life guard bañero [m]
spoils guard botinero [m]
nursing guard bozal [m]
nursing guard bozalejo [m]
forearm guard brazal [m]
forearm guard brazalete [m]
horse guard caminante [m]
guard brace cañón [m]
royal body guard capitán de guardias de corps [m]
customs guard carabinero [m]
border guard carabinero [m]
coast guard carabinero [m]
jail guard carcelero [m]
security guard celador [m]
guard of the chamberga regiment in madrid chambergo [m]
silo guard cillero [m]
castle guard clavario [m]
castle guard clavero [m]
guard rail contracarril [m]
national guard barracks cuartelillo [m]
over head guard cubrecabeza [m]
over head guard cubrecabezas [m]
chain guard cubrecadena [m]
body guard custodio [m]
prison guard custodio [m]
metal guard flap faldón [m]
forest guard florestero [m]
train guard frenero [m]
cross-guard gavilán [m]
coast guard guardacostas [m]
stamp guard guardacuños [m]
royal stamp guard guardadamas [m]
bounty guard guardador [m]
guard (sword) guardamano [m]
trigger guard guardamonte [m]
dust guard guardapolvo [m]
dust guard guardapolvos [m]
security guard guripa (caló) [m]
reserve guard imaginaria [m]
mountain guard montanero [m]
pasture guard montanero [m]
unranked civil guard officer número [m]
provisions guard dog perro alforjero [m]
chest guard peto [m]
sentry doing long guard as punishment plantón [m]
royal door guard portero de damas [m]
royal door guard portero de sala [m]
main guard principal [m]
guard of a sword recazo [m]
security guard resguardo [m]
night guard rondín [m]
nightly municipal patrol guard sereno [m]
chief guard sobreguarda [m]
main guard sobreguarda [m]
second guard sobreguarda [m]
civil guard member tricornio [m]
ant guard arandela [f]
hilt guard arandela [f]
advance guard avanzadilla [f]
advance guard avanzada [f]
civil guard benemérita [f]
face guard carilla [f]
civil guard police station including living quarters for families of policemen casa cuartel [f]
basket guard cazoleta [f]
security guard office celaduría [f]
body guard custodia [f]
ertzaintza people's guard ertzaintza (euskera) [f]
shin guard espinillera [f]
shin guard esquinela [f]
iron arm guard falda [f]
security guard fieldad [f]
lock guard guarda [f]
royal guard guardia [f]
civil guard guardia civil [f]
shearing guard mangueta [f]
hand guard manopla [f]
pair of civil guard officers on patrol pareja [f]
horse shoulder guard pechera [f]
rear guard retaguardia [f]
rear guard rezaga [f]
ankle guard tobillera [f]
wheel guard trascantonada [f]
avant-guard vanguardia [f]
guard rod vara de guardia [f]
guard shift vela [f]
night guard vela [f]
standing guard velación [f]
standing guard velada [f]
hammer guard zapatilla [f]
member of the ertzaintza people's guard ertzaina (euskera) [m/f]
security guard guarda jurado [m/f]
rail crossing guard guardabarrera [m/f]
security guard guardia de seguridad [m/f]
crossing guard guardia de tráfico [m/f]
security guard vigilante [m/f]
security guard vigilante jurado [m/f]
typical of a guard alguacilesco [adj]
off-guard descuidado [adj]
be on guard acautelarse [v]
drop one's guard dejarse [v]
drop one's guard descuidarse [v]
guard against parapetar [v]
be on one's guard parapetarse [v]
catch off guard pillar [v]
guard against precaver [v]
guard against reservarse [v]
be on one's guard reservarse [v]
guard against resguardarse [v]
be on one's guard resguardarse [v]
stand guard velar [v]
mount guard before the holy sacrament velar [v]
dust guard guardapolvos [m/pl]
ice guard guardahielos [m]
guard rail pasamanos [m]
guard rail contracarril [m]
foot guard guardapiés [m]
hand guard guardamanos [m]
reserve guard imaginaria [m]
guard [us] celador [m]
grille guard tumbaburros [m]
grille guard mataburros [m]
bumper guard mataburros [m]
cattle guard guardaganado [m]
cattle guard guarda ganado [m]
cattle guard [us] guardaganado [m]
cattle guard [us] guarda ganado [m]
road guard guardacamino [m]
highway guard guardacamino [m]
traffic guard guardacamino [m]
point guard base [f]
night guard imaginaria [f]
spanish civil guard benemérita [f]
guard duty guardia [f]
shin guard canillera [f]
kidney guard riñonera [f]
large wall built to guard the cities muralla [f]
prison guard carcelera [f]
groin guard coquilla [f]
guard post garita [f]
door guard puerta de protección [f]
jail guard carcelera [f]
security guard celadora [f]
cable guard guardacable [m/f]
security guard guardia [m/f]
civil guard guardia civil [m/f]
prison guard guardiacárcel [m/f]
guard duty guardia [m/f]
security guard rondista [m/f]
door guard vigilante de puesta [m/f]
door guard guardia [m/f]
off-guard desprevenido [adj]
guard against cautelar [v]
stand guard hacer guardia [v]
be on guard estar de guardia [v]
be on guard estar sobre aviso [v]
be on guard andar sobre aviso [v]
be on guard estar en guardia [v]
guard against guardarse de [v]
guard against precaver de [v]
guard against precaver contra [v]
guard from abrigar de [v]
guard from abrigarse de [v]
guard oneself with abroquelarse con [v]
guard oneself with abroquelarse de [v]
seek the guard of ampararse con [v]
seek the guard of ampararse de [v]
seek the guard of ampararse en [v]
guard oneself broquelarse [v]
put someone on guard poner a alguien en guardia [v]
guard against precaverse contra [v]
relieve the guard relevar la guardia [v]
stand guard rendir la guardia [v]
replace the guard relevar la guardia [v]
be on duty as a guard or lookout estar de centinela [v]
be on guard estar de centinela [v]
guard oneself against defenderse contra [v]
guard oneself from defenderse de [v]
guard oneself against a risk cubrirse contra un riesgo [v]
guard someone from something guardar a alguien de algo [v]
be on one’s guard cautelarse [v]
be under guard estar bajo vigilancia [v]
be off guard pillar desprevenido [v]
be off guard estar desprevenido [v]
cup guard of a sword taza
a guard of honour un guardia de honor
changing of the guard cambio de guardia
civil guard guardia civil
guard dog perro guardián
security guard guardia jurado
yeoman of the guard alabardero de la casa real británica
guard rail valla de protección
changing of the guard relevo de la guardia
security guard guardia de seguridad
traffic guard guardia de tráfico
crossing guard guardia de tráfico
traffic guard barrera guardacamino
road guard barrera guardacamino
guard [us] carcelero [m]
ward or guard made by a weapon in fencing atajo [m]
guard or sentry stationed in a watch-tower atalayador [m]
guard-rail contracarril [m]
guard ribbon for a hat barbiquejo [m]
hat guard barboquejo [m]
field-guard campero [m]
excise/customs guard carabinero [m]
guard of a gunlock guardamonte [m]
dust-guard guardapolvo [m]
dust-guard of a carriage or railway car guardapolvo [m]
rural guard miñón [m]
mountain guard montaraz [m]
guard of sword recazo [m]
wooden guard on steps of a staircase while building mamperlán [m]
night-guard rondador [m]
second guard sobreguarda [m]
leather guard worn in front of the stirrup in california tapadero [m]
tower-guard torrero [m]
night guard vivaque [m]
night guard velador [m]
hat guard barbuquejo [m]
guard [us] celadora [f]
shell-guard of dagger/cutlass concha [f]
hand-guard of a sword cazoleta [f]
grand-guard granguardia [f]
shako guard forrajera [f]
guard of a sword guardamano [f]
guard of a fan guía [f]
guard over fruits meseguería [f]
rear-guard retaguardia [f]
knee-guard rodillera [f]
cup guard of a sword taza [f]
night-guard vela [f]
civil guard guardia civil [f]
night guard veladora [f]
life guard bañera [f]
put on guard alertar [v]
be on one's guard alertar [v]
guard from danger escudar [v]
be upon one's guard guardar [v]
guard against guardarse [v]
guard (against) guardarse [v]
be ready/on guard prevenirse [v]
be on one's guard percatar [v]
be on one's guard requerir [v]
be on one's guard resguardarse [v]
be on one's guard precaverse [v]
keep guard vigilar [v]
mount guard before the holy sacrament velar [v]
outside rib/guard of a fan guardas [f/pl]
dress-guard (carpentry) guardafangos [m]
guard-ship navío de guardia [m]
railway guard jefe del tren [m]
sword guard guarda de la espada [m]
sword guard puño [m]
yeoman of the guard alabardero de la casa real [m]
sword guard empuñadura [f]
be on one's guard estar en guardia [v]
be on one's guard estar sobre sí [v]
be off one's guard estar desprevenido [v]
be on one's guard estar sobre aviso [v]
guard placed in a watch-tower atalaya [m] disused
cross guard of a sword áliger [m] disused
national guard cachimbo [m] PE
rural guard cuadrillero [m] PH
guard of vineyard meseguero [m] rur. rare
wooden guard on steps of a staircase while building mampernal [m] rare
uruguayan cavalry soldier of the presidential guard and the court of justice blandengue [m] UY
prison guard custodio [m] MX HN
man hired to guard and protect goods or people custodio [m] NI CU BO PY AR UY
shin guard chíngar (inglés shinguard) [m] US
corner guard esquinero [m] AR UY
leather tail guard (horse) florón [m] PE
security guard celote [m] PR teen
prison guard gendarme (francés) [m] CL
coast guard guarda costa [m] CL
prison guard guardacárcel [m] AR
headlight guard guardafaro [m] BO
headlight guard guardalodo [m] DO EC
headlight guard guardalodos [m] EC rare
trigger guard guardamano [m] VE:W
bumper guard mataburras [m] BO
bumper guard mataburro [m] HN SV CR VE EC BO
bumper guard mataburro [m] HN SV NI
grille guard matabuey [m] HN SV NI
grille guard mataburras [m] BO
grille guard mataburro [m] HN SV CR VE EC BO
grille guard mataburro [m] HN SV NI
cattle guard mataburros [m] PY UY
robust man working as a security guard in public patovica [m] AR UY
guard dog perro cuidandero [m] CO
punishment of machete blade smacks inflicted by a guard plan de machete [m] CU
prison guard plomo [m] CL jail
night guard rondín [m] BO:E CL
night guard rondín [m] BO CL
armored truck guard remesero [m] CR BO AR UY
municipal police officer or guard sereno [m] PE BO
irrigation water guard rondador [m] PE:S rur.
jail guard rondín [m] HN NI
night guard serrucho [m] SV delinq.
bumper guard tumbaburros [m] EC PE
security guard shafo [m] AR delinq.
night guard velador [m] MX NI PA BO
eaves guard tapacán [m] CL
king's personal guard amesnador [m] disused
arsenal guard arsenalero [m] CL
field guard campero [m] disused
procession guard cursor de procesiones [m] disused
hob guard enfalcado [m] CO
plow guard frailecillo [m] AL
high royal guard guarda mayor del rey [m] disused
cattle guard mataburros [m] UY
mountain guard montaraz [m] ES local
estate guard montaraz [m] ES local
cattle guard paso canadiense [m] ES
armored truck guard remesero [m] UY
municipal patrol guard sereno [m] PE
royal guard station zaguanete [m] disused
guard round the staff of a lance arandela [f] disused
national guard cachimba [f] PE
razor guard badana [f] EC
security guard cuilía [f] SV derog.
woman hired to guard and protect goods or people custodia [f] NI PY AR UY
shin guard chunquera [f] AR:Nw
shin-guard (sports) chimpinillera [f] HN SV NI
corner guard esquinera [f] AR
guard station caseta [f] MX NI CR CU PR CL AR
guard station caseta de peaje [f] BO CL AR rare
guard station caseta de peaje [f] MX SV PE
railroad crossing guard guardacruzada [f] CL
guard house guardianía [f] EC
national guard guardiola [f] SV disused
civil guard comisaría [f] CR
guard gate huachimanía [f] EC
trigger guard oblea [f] HN
advance payment to a rural guard pinta [f] GT
guard bee puertera [f] HN rur.
armored truck guard remesera [f] CR BO AR UY
irrigation water guard rondadora [f] PE:S rur.
leather rope guard rozadera [f] MX rur.
grille guard telera [f] HN SV NI
water guard walaca [f] BO
brush guard telera [f] HN SV NI
arsenal guard arsenalera [f] CL
shin guard canillera [f] HN NI VE EC BO CL AR UY
fluorescent tube guard canoa [f] CL
face guard careta [f] HN
prison guard centinela de vista [f] rare
civil guard transportation guard escolta [f] ES rare
mountain guard montaraza [f] ES local
estate guard montaraza [f] ES local
cattle guard puerta canadiense [f] ES
armored truck guard remesera [f] UY
rear guard retaguarda [f] disused
rear guard retroguardia [f] disused
rear guard zaguera [f] disused
coast guard guardacosta [m/f] NI CU PE CL
railroad crossing guard guardacruce [m/f] CL
railroad crossing guard guardahilos [m/f] AR
railroad crossing guard guardalíneas [m/f] CL
prison guard guardiacárcel [m/f] PY AR
night guard ronda [m/f] EC
acting like a security guard aboyado [adj] CU
caught off guard fuera de base [adj] DO PR
off-guard impróvido [adj] rare
be on guard cautelarse [v] LAM
guard against the rain asubiar [v] rur. rare
(for a thief) guard abanderar [v] GT SV
guard before robbing (thieve) abanderar [v] GT SV
guard something/somebody ponerse avispa [v] MX HN NI
guard before robbing (thieve) atalayar [v] GT
speak kindly to a target before robbing them to encourage them to let their guard down rezar [v] HN
speak kindly to a target before robbing them to encourage them to let their guard down acampar [v] HN
guard or watch someone cuiliar [v] SV
watch or guard culear (inglés to cool) [v] DO
guard someone casar [v] GT
drop one's guard papearse [v] GT
drop one's guard carabear [v] ES local
rear guard espaldas [f/pl] disused
off-guard desprevenida [adj/f]
be on one's guard andar sobre aviso [v]
take somebody off guard tomar desprevenido a alguien [v]
take somebody off guard pillar a alguien con la guardia baja [v]
take somebody off guard sorprender a alguien [v]
catch off one's guard pillar desprevenido a alguien [v]
catch off one's guard sorprender a alguien con la guardia baja [v]
catch off guard sorprender con la guardia baja [v]
catch off guard pillar desprevenido [v]
catch off-guard pillar desprevenido [v]
catch one off one's guard pillar desprevenido a alguien [v]
catch one off one's guard sorprender a alguien con la guardia baja [v]
catch one off one's guard pillar de improviso a alguien [v]
catch one off one's guard pillar distraído a alguien [v]
catch somebody off guard pillar desprevenido a alguien [v]
catch somebody off guard pillar distraído a alguien [v]
catch somebody off guard sorprender a alguien con la guardia baja [v]
catch someone off guard pillar a alguien con la guardia baja [v]
catch someone off guard pillar de sorpresa a alguien [v]
catch someone off guard sorprender a alguien [v]
catch someone off guard pillar distraído a alguien [v]
catch someone off guard coger desprevenido a alguien [v]
lower one's guard descuidar la guardia [v]
drop one's guard bajar la guardia [v]
drop one's guard descuidar la guardia [v]
let one's guard down bajar la guardia [v]
let one's guard down descuidar la guardia [v]
drop one's guard descuidarse [v]
drop one's guard estar desprevenido [v]
drop one's guard estar distraído [v]
drop one's guard tener un descuido [v]
catch someone off guard coger a alguien desprevenido [v]
let down one's guard bajar la guardia [v]
be on guard against someone estar en guardia respecto a alguien [v]
be on guard against someone estar alerta ante alguien [v]
be on guard against someone tener cuidado con alguien [v]
be on one's guard estar alerta [v]
be on one's guard against someone estar en guardia respecto a alguien [v]
be on one's guard against someone estar alerta ante alguien [v]
be on one's guard against someone tener cuidado con alguien [v]
let the fox guard the henhouse encomendar las ovejas al lobo [v]
be on one’s guard estar con la mosca detrás de la oreja [v]
be on one’s guard tener la mosca detrás de la oreja [v]
be on guard estar sobre los estribos [v]
be on guard andar sobre los estribos [v]
be on guard ponerse en guardia [v]
be on one’s guard guardar las vueltas [v]
guard something with one’s life guardar algo como oro en paño [v]
put their guard up against ponerse alerta frente [v]
put their guard up against ponerse en guardia contra [v]
put one on one's guard ponerse en guardia [v]
put one on one's guard ponerse alerta [v]
put one on one's guard tener cautela [v]
put one on one's guard ponerse en actitud vigilante [v]
remain on guard against someone permanecer en guardia respecto a alguien [v]
remain on guard against someone seguir en guardia respecto de alguien [v]
remain on guard against someone tener cuidado con alguien [v]
remain on one's guard against someone permanecer en guardia respecto de alguien [v]
remain on one's guard against someone seguir en guardia respecto de alguien [v]
remain on one's guard against someone tener cuidado con alguien [v]
put their guard up against estar en guardia ante [v]
let the fox guard the henhouse meter los perros en danza [v]
stay on guard against someone estar en guardia contra alguien [v]
stay on guard against someone estar alerta contra alguien [v]
stay on guard against someone permanecer atento respecto de alguien [v]
stay on one's guard against someone estar en guardia contra alguien [v]
stay on one's guard against someone estar alerta contra alguien [v]
stay on one's guard against someone permanecer atento respecto de alguien [v]
let the fox guard the henhouse poner la iglesia en manos de lutero [v]
guard someone servir de resguardo a alguien [v]
catch someone off-guard agarrar a alguien desprevenido [v]
catch someone off-guard pillar a alguien desprevenido [v]
catch one off one's guard coger a alguien por el flanco [v]
catch one off guard coger a alguien por el flanco [v]
catch somebody off guard pillar a alguien descuidado [v]
take somebody off guard pillar a alguien descuidado [v]
catch someone off guard coger a alguien por el flanco [v]
keep guard over something celar sobre algo [v]
keep guard over something celar por algo [v]
be on guard andar sobre aviso [v]
be on guard estar sobre aviso [v]
be on guard andar sobre el aviso [v]
be on guard estar sobre el aviso [v]
be on one's guard estar alguien sobre mí [v]
be on one's guard estar alguien sobre ti [v]
be on one's guard estar alguien sobre sí [v]
lower one's guard bajar la guardia [v]
drop one's guard bajar la guardia [v]
let one's guard down bajar la guardia [v]
mount guard montar la guardia [v]
let the fox guard the henhouse encomendar las ovejas al lobo [v]
guard a secret ser alguien un sepulcro [v]
on guard de guardia [adv]
on guard en guardia [adv]
on your guard ojo alerta [adv]
on your guard ojo avizor [adv]
when one's guard is down a un volver de cabeza [adv]
if one lets one's guard down a un volver de cabeza [adv]
when one lets one's guard down a un volver de cabeza [adv]
lower one's guard relajarse
lower one's guard dejar de estar a la defensiva
lower one's guard descuidarse
lower one's guard flaquear
let one's guard down entregarse
keep on guard against someone cuidarse de alguien