finish - Inglés Sinónimo Diccionario


[1] stop , conclude , end , cease
[2] complete , accomplish , perfect , achieve , carry out , fulfil , consummate , clinch , write 'finis' to , (Colloq) wrap up
[3] finish off , dispose of , dispatch/despatch , exhaust , consume , eat/drink (up) , use (up) , devour , drain , (Colloq) polish off
[4] finish off , kill , exterminate , annihilate , destroy , get rid of , dispose of , dispatch/despatch , put an end to , administer/deliver/give the coup de grace , bring down , overcome , beat , defeat , conquer , best , worst , (Colloq) polish off , terminate , (Slang) bump off , rub out , (US) waste , ice
[5] finish up , conclude , close , terminate , wind up , end , culminate
[6] finish up , end up , settle
[7] finish off , perfect , put the final touches on , polish , put a finish on
[8] finish with , release , let go , have/be done with , let loose , set free
[9] complete
[10] finish up , land up , fetch up , end up , wind up
[11] end , stop , terminate , cease
[12] eat up , polish off
[1] coating , finishing
[2] stopping point , finale , finis , last , conclusion , close
[3] polish , refinement , culture , cultivation
[4] destination , goal
[5] ending , conclusion
[6] finishing , conclusion , termination , end , close , closing , completion , culmination , ending , finale , (Colloq) winding up , (US) wind-up
[7] death , killing , annihilation , extermination , downfall , destruction , defeat
[8] polish , surface , texture