mourning - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "mourning" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 29 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
mourning luto [m]
mourning duelo [m]
mourning duelo [m]
mourning luto [m]
mourning lamentador [adj]
mourning viudo [adj]
mourning lamento [m]
mourning fúnebre [adj]
mourning plañidero [adj]
mourning lutos [m/pl]
mourning llanto [m]
mourning dolor [m]
mourning desconsuelo [m]
mourning gemido [m]
mourning vestido de luto [m]
mourning plañido [m]
mourning aflicción [f]
mourning deplorable [adj]
mourning luctuoso [adj]
mourning afligido [adj]
mourning funéreo [adj]
mourning de luto [adj]
mourning lamentoso [adj]
mourning prendas de luto [f/pl]
mourning plañidera [adj/f]
mourning afligida [adj/f]
mourning luctuosa [adj/f]
mourning lamentosa [adj/f]
mourning funérea [adj/f]

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "mourning" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 117 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
in mourning enlutado [adj]
be in mourning estar de luto [v]
mourning bonnet capirote [m]
long mourning gown capuz (francés) [m]
black mourning ribbon crespón [m]
man in mourning enlutado [m]
mourning dress luto [m]
half mourning medio luto [m]
mourning veil manto de humo [m]
mourning dress monjil [m]
monk cross cloth used as mourning monjil [m]
nine-day mourning period novenario [m]
mourning paper papel de luto [m]
mourning ribbon on a hat gasa [f]
jargon used for things carried as rigorous mourning marga [f]
mourning veil pena [f]
in mourning enlutado [adj]
dress in mourning enlutar [v]
be dressed in mourning enlutarse [v]
be in mourning penarse [v]
mourning dress/adornment lutos [m/pl]
mourning widow viuda [f]
mourning bride viuda [f]
person in mourning enlutada [f]
put on mourning enlutarse [v]
dress oneself in mourning enlutarse [v]
put into a state of mourning or grief enlutar [v]
be in mourning for estar de luto por [v]
be in mourning llevar luto [v]
be in mourning for llevar luto por [v]
a state of mourning (estar) de luto [adv]
a mourning atmosphere un ambiente de luto
long mourning gown capuz [m]
mourning band on the arm brazal [m]
black fabric used for mourning requemado [m]
mourning-dress monjil [m]
paid mourning woman at funerals endechadera [f]
leave off mourning garments desenlutar [v]
put into mourning enlutar [v]
put crape/mourning on enlutar [v]
mourning clothes lutos [m/pl]
deep mourning luto riguroso [m]
half mourning medio luto [m]
mourning-dove paloma de la carolina [f]
go into mourning tomar el luto [v]
come out of mourning dejar el luto [v]
mourning dress zulú [m] CU
small ribbon used on the lapel of a suit as a sign of mourning, recognition, or protest of something cintillo [m] HN BO
mourning dress disimulo [m] DO
end of the mourning period alivio [m] disused
mourning room guayadero [m] disused
short black mourning mantle chía [f] disused
mourning scarf yacolla [f] PE rur.
mourning gecko cuija [f] MX HN
in mourning enlutecido [adj] MX DO
in mourning enjergado [adj] disused
in mourning lutado [adj] disused
being part of a nine-day mourning period novendial [adj] rare
appear to someone (spirit or soul in mourning) espantar [v] HN
in mourning enlutada [adj/f]
in mourning de luto [adj]
be in mourning estar de luto [v]
wear mourning dress ir de luto [v]
be in mourning rasgarse alguien las vestiduras [v]
dress in full mourning attire cerrarse de negro [v] PA PR
i am in mourning estoy de luto
be dressed in mourning vestirse de luto [v]
mourning dress macanazo [m] HN
mourning dove paloma lúgubre
mourning wheatear collalba núbica
mourning sierra-finch (phrygillus fruticeti) yal [m] CL
mourning sierra finch yal [m] CL
american mourning dove güilota [f] MX
american mourning dove güiltota [f] HN
american mourning dove huilota [f] MX
mourning dove (zenaida macroura) huiltota [f] HN
mourning dove güilota [f] MX
mourning dove güiltota [f] HN
mourning dove huilota [f] MX
mourning dove (zenaida macroura) güiltota [f] HN
mourning dove (zenaida macroura) huilota [f] MX
mourning dove (zenaida macroura) güilota [f] MX
mourning dove (zenaida macroura) paloma rabiche [f] CU
mourning dove (zenaida macroura) rabiche [f] CU PR
mourning dove güilota [f] MX
american mourning dove güilota [f] MX
mourning dove (zenaida macroura) huilota [f] MX
mourning dove (zenaida macroura) huiltota (náhuatl) [f] HN
small mourning dove tucurpilla [f] EC
american mourning dove zenaida huilota
african mourning dove tórtola engañosa
mourning wheatear collalba núbica
mourning dove zenaida huilota
mourning sierra finch yal pechinegro
mourning warbler reinita plañidera
mourning collared dove tórtola engañosa
mourning sierra-finch yal pechinegro
General Medicine
mourning widow viuda [m]
work of mourning duelo [m]
work of mourning trabajo del duelo
complicated mourning duelo complicado
anticipatory mourning duelo anticipatorio
mourning rituals rituales de luto
mourning flag bandera de luto
mourning bride viudo [m]
mourning widow viudo [m]
mourning bride escabiosa [f]
mourning widow escabiosa [f]
mesoamerican mythical character who is a mature woman appearing at night near rivers and ravines mourning her dead children siguampera [f] HN:W
mourning moth pirpinto de la yeta [m] AR
mourning moth miquipapalotl [m] MX
mourning moth tepanpapalotl [m] MX
mourning moth taparaco [m] PE
mourning moth bruja [f] CU
mourning moth mariposa de la muerte [f] MX CR
mourning moth tara bruja [f] VE
mourning moth mariposa negra [f] CO