rock - Almanca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "rock" in German English Dictionary : 49 result(s)

İngilizce Almanca
rock Felsen [m]
rock Fels [m]
rock Felsbrocken [m]
rock Gesteinsart [f]
rock Rockmusik [f]
rock Gestein [n]
rock rütteln [v]
rock schaukeln [v]
rock wiegen
rock ins Wankenbringen
rock schwanken
rock erschüttern
rock sich wiegen
rock jemanden mitreißen
rock Klunker [m]
rock Diamant [m]
rock Dollar [m]
rock Schmuck [m]
rock Geldstück [n]
rock Fels [m]
rock schaukeln [v]
rock Fels [m]
rock Naturstein [m]
rock Gestein [n]
rock rütteln [v]
rock Fels [m]
rock Felsen [m]
rock Gestein [n]
rock Felsgestein [n]
rock Fels [m]
rock Gesteinsart [f]
rock Gestein [n]
rock Fels [m]
rock Gebirgsart [f]
rock Festgestein [n]
rock Fels [m]
rock Gestein [n]
rock wackeln [v]
rock schaukeln [v]
rock wackeln
rock kippen [v]
rock Fels [m]
rock Felsen [m]
rock Klippe [f]
rock Fels [m]
rock Gestein [n]
rock rockig [adj]
rock Rock [m]
rock oszillieren [v]

Meanings of "rock" in English German Dictionary : 5 result(s)

Almanca İngilizce
Rock [m] skirt
Rock [m] (suit) jacket
Rock [m] (suit) coat
Rock [m] rock
Rock [m] rock music

Meanings of "rock" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 500 result(s)

İngilizce Almanca
rock-bottom niedrigster [adj]
rock-bottom niedrigste [adj]
rock-solid grundstabil [adj]
rock-solid pickelhart [Schw.] [adj]
rock-solid hundertprozentig zuverlässig [adj]
rock-solid bretthart [adj]
rock-solid grundsolide [adj]
rock-solid brettlhart [Bayr.][Ös.] [adj]
rock-ribbed unnachgiebig [adj]
rock-steady ganz ruhig [adj]
rock-ribbed prinzipienfest [adj]
rock-steady ganz fest [adj]
rock-hard steinhart [adj]
rock-ribbed unbeugsam [adj]
rock-solid bombensicher [adj]
popping rock Gebirgsschlag [m]
falling rock Steinschlag [m]
Dome of the rock Felsendom (in Jerusalem) [m]
crushed rock Schotter [m]
decoration rock Dekorationsfelsen [m]
diallage rock Gabbro [m]
(solid) rock excavation Felsaushub [m]
silt rock Schluffstein [m]
rock baffle Störstein (Wasserbau) [m]
rock avalanche Felsrutsch [m]
rock anchor Felsanker [m]
rock fall Steinschlag [m]
rock fall Felsrutsch [m]
rock garden Steingarten [m]
rock pressure Gesteinsdruck [m]
rock spur Felsvorsprung [m]
rock temple Felsentempel [m]
rock rotting Gesteinszerfall [m]
rock-bottom Nullpunkt [m]
rock overhang Felsvorsprung [m]
piece of rock Felsbrocken [m]
overhanging rock Felsüberhang [m]
rock salmon Kabeljau [m]
rock star Rockstar [m]
solid rock fester Fels [m]
rock candy Kandiszucker [m]
reptile heat rock Wärmestein [m]
rock bed Felsengrund [m]
grunge rock Grunge [m]
overhanging rock überhängender Felsen [m]
rock-bottom Tiefpunkt [m]
rock salmon Dorsch [m]
rock-cut cellar Felsenkeller [m]
rock slide Bergsturz [m]
rock pool Wassertümpel [m]
piece of rock Felsblock [m]
rock fall Felssturz [m]
ultramafic rock Ultramafitit [m]
reptile heat rock Heizfelsen [m]
rock debris Gesteinsschutt [m]
rock (mineral) Fels [m]
a sliding rock ein rutschender Felsen [m]
altered rock veränderter Felsen [m]
carved rock gemeißelter Stein [m]
earth core rock-fill dam Erddamm [m]
earth core rock-fill dam Erdwall [m]
emery rock Schmirgelstein [m]
fissured rock gespaltener Stein [m]
fissured rock rissiger Stein [m]
nature of rock Gesteinsart [f]
ledge of rock Felsbank [f]
hewing rock Gesteinsarbeit [f]
hot dry rock technology Hot-Dry-Rock-Technik [f]
falling rock zone Steinschlagzone [f]
flow of rock Magma [f]
whin-rock Grauwacke [f]
strength of the rock mass Gebirgsfestigkeit [f]
settling (of a rock) Absenkung [f]
rock fall Rufe [f]
rock face Felswand [f]
rock fall Rüfe [Schw.] [f]
rock fall Steinlawine [f]
rock wool Steinwolle [f]
spur of rock Felsnase [f]
rock outcropping Felszunge [f]
rock pool Wasserlache [f]
rock band Rockband [f]
rock fragmentation Gesteinszerlegung [f]
liquid rock Schmelze [f]
rock music Rockmusik [f]
rock-cut tomb Felskammer [f]
face of the rock Felswand [f]
rock band Rockformation [f]
rock-hewn church Felsenkirche [f]
emery rock Schleifscheibe [f]
emery rock Schmirgelscheibe [f]
moon rock Mondgestein [n]
life rock Lebendgestein [n]
loose rock Lockergestein [n]
hot dry rock technology Erdwärme-Mining [n]
effusive rock Ergussgestein [n]
cumulate rock Kumulatgestein [n]
unconsolidated rock Lockergestein [n]
rock garden Alpinum [n]
rock ptarmigan Alpenschneehuhn (Lagopus muta) [n]
rock tomb Felsengrab [n]
sedimentary rock Absatzgestein [n]
prehistoric rock Urgestein [n]
rock climbing Felsklettern [n]
sedimentary rock Schichtgestein [n]
fragmental rock Trümmergestein [n]
useless rock taubes Gestein [n]
hard rock Felsgestein [n]
rock salt Steinsalz [n]
rock festival Rockfestival [n]
dioritic rock Dioritgestein [n]
rock-cut tomb Felsgrab [n]
sedimentary rock Sedimentgestein [n]
argillaceous rock Tongestein [n]
emery rock Schleifmittel [n]
make the party rock Stimmung in das Fest bringen [v]
make the party rock die Stimmung anheizen [v]
rock wiegen [v]
rock rocken [v]
rock schütteln [v]
rock schaukeln [v]
rock someone jemanden erschüttern [v]
rock schwanken [v]
rock wings mit den Tragflächen wackeln [v]
rock the boat sich gegen die anderen stellen [v]
rock the boat on the system am System rütteln [v]
erode the ground/rock (wind, water) abtragen [v]
erode the ground/rock (wind, water) auswaschen [v]
erode the ground/rock (wind, water) den Boden/Gestein erodieren [v]
hit rock bottom auf dem Nullpunkt angekommen sein [v]
hit rock bottom den Tiefpunkt erreichen [v]
hit rock bottom ganz unten landen [v]
be at rock-bottom auf dem Nullpunkt sein [v]
be stuck between a rock and a hard place zwischen Baum und Borke sitzen/stecken [v]
be the cock of the walk/roost/rock das Alphatier sein [v]
be the cock of the walk/roost/rock die größte Klappe haben [v]
build the tunnel they had to drill/bore through solid rock.' Um den Tunnel zu bauen, musste man massiven Fels durchbohren. [v]
carve out a tunnel in a rock einen Tunnel in den Fels treiben [v]
settle (rock) sich senken [v]
settle (rock) sich absenken [v]
be at rock bottom auf dem Tiefpunkt sein [v]
be at rock bottom auf dem Nullpunkt sein [v]
be at rock bottom im Keller sein [v]
hit rock bottom den Tiefpunkt erreichen [v]
hit rock bottom den Nullpunkt erreichen [v]
hit rock bottom am Boden zerstört sein [v]
hit rock bottom ganz unten ankommen [v]
hit rock bottom ganz unten landen [v]
joint-bordered rock bodies Kluftkörper [pl]
ledges of rock Gesimse [pl]
ledges of rock Felsbänke [pl]
falling rock zones Steinschlagzonen [pl]
chips of rock Gesteinssplitter [pl]
slabs of rock Gesteinsplatten [pl]
shelves of a rock Felsplatten [pl]
rock anchors Felsanker [pl]
rock faces Felswände [pl]
rock gardens Steingärten [pl]
rock tunnels Tunnel [pl]
rock-bottom prices Tiefstpreise [pl]
rock-bottom prices Schleuderpreise [pl]
rock debris Gesteinstrümmer [pl]
rock-bottom prices Niedrigstpreise [pl]
rock drawings Felszeichnungen [pl]
massive rock massiges Gestein
living rock anstehendes Gestein
loose rock lockeres Gestein
exposed rock anstehendes Gestein
farewell rock flözleerer Sandstein
cured life rock vorgehältertes Lebendgestein (Aquarium)
calcic sedimentary rock kalkiges Sedimentärgestein
clastic rock klastisches Sediment
a mighty rock ein gewaltiger Felsen
a rock-solid investment eine grundsolide Geldanlage
a rock-solid computer platform eine hundertprozentig zuverlässige Computerplattform
sculpturing of rock Bearbeitung des Gesteins
rock anhydrite massager Anhydrit
rock comminution Zerkleinerung des Gesteins
rock in situ anstehendes Gestein
rock rake schwerer Räumschild
rock-bound vom Fels eingeschlossen
as the sea around a rock etwas umspülen
rock-bottom price Tiefstpreis
built on rock auf Fels errichtet
Rock Scorpion Bewohner von Gibraltar
rock-bottom price allerniedrigster Preis
Rock English Gibraltar-Englisch
rock-bound von Felsen umschlossen
solid as a rock hundertprozentig zuverlässig [übertragen] [adj]
steady as a rock felsenfest [adj]
to live under a rock hinterm Mond leben [v]
(as) dumb as a rock stumm wie ein Fisch/Grab sein
solid as a rock grundsolide [übertragen]
solid as a rock grundstabil [übertragen]
as hard as a rock so hart wie ein Felsen
as hard as a rock so hart wie Stein
as solid as a rock massiv wie ein Fels
as solid as a rock unerschütterlich wie ein Fels
as solid as a rock wie ein Fels in der Brandung
as steady as a rock felsenfest
as steady as a rock so fest wie ein Felsen
as steady as a rock so standhaft wie ein Felsen
be between a rock and a hard place genau zwischen zwei Stühlen sein
be between a rock and a hard place in der Klemme sitzen
be between a rock and a hard place weder ein noch aus wissen
be between a rock and a hard place zwischen Baum und Borke sein
be between a rock and a hard place zwischen Hammer und Amboss sein
between a rock and a hard place in der Klemme
between a rock and a hard place zwischen Baum und Borke
between a rock and a hard place zwischen zwei Stühlen
between a rock and a hard place in der Zwickmühle
between a rock and a hard place in einer misslichen Lage
between a rock and a hard place in einem Dilemma
caught between a rock and a hard place in der Klemme sitzen
caught between a rock and a hard place zwischen Baum und Borke stecken
caught between a rock and a hard place in der Zwickmühle sitzen
caught between a rock and a hard place in der Klemme stecken
caught between a rock and a hard place in einem Dilemma sein
as hard as rock steinhart [adj]
don't-rock-the-boat attitude Nur-nicht-Anecken-Mentalität [f]
in the shelter of a rock im Schutze eines Felsens
in danger of rock burst gebirgsschlaggefährdet
a river cuts through rock not because of its power but because of its persistence sondern mt seiner Beharrlichkeit
a river cuts through rock not because of its power but because of its persistence der Fluss durchdringt den Felsen nicht mit seiner Kraft
he that will not be ruled by the rudder must be ruled by the rock Wer nicht hören will muss fühlen
dripping hollows out rock Steter Tropfen höhlt den Stein
I've got all CDs by this rock band. Ich habe alle CDs von dieser Rockband.
steady as a rock bombenfest [adj]
rock venue Rockschuppen [m]
be between a rock and a hard place in der Klemme sitzen [übertragen] [v]
be between a rock and a hard place in einer Zwickmühle stecken [übertragen] [v]
be as steady as a rock wie ein Fels in der Brandung stehen [v]
be as steady as a rock völlig ruhig, souverän sein [v]
be as solid as a rock wie ein Fels in der Brandung stehen [v]
be stuck between a rock and a hard place zwischen Baum und Borke sitzen/stecken [übertragen] [v]
rock the boat für Unruhe sorgen [übertragen] [v]
to rock out abrocken [v]
to really rock it up so richtig abhotten [v]
to be as dumb as a rock strohdumm sein [v]
the Rock Gibraltar
rock hart beinhart [adj]
rock klasse sein [v]
rock großartig sein [v]
rock-bottom price äußerster Preis
rock-bottom price allerniedrigster Preis
rock-bottom price Niedrigstpreis [m]
rock-bottom price Schleuderpreis [pl]
rock-bottom prices Niedrigstpreise [pl]
rock-bottom prices Schleuderpreise [pl]
rock-solid finances kerngesunde Finanzen
rock-solid grundsolid [adj]
rock-solid grundsolide [adj]
rock bottom price äußerster Preis
Work Safety
rock-dust barrier Gesteinsstaubsperre [f]
rock burst Gebirgssprengung [f]
Politicians do not want to rock the boat on this issue. Politiker wollen sich in dieser Frage nicht exponieren.
rock dusting Gesteinsstaubverfahren
rock consolidation Gebirgsverfestigung
rock drilling Gesteinsbohren
rock phosphates Gesteinsphosphate
rock-fill dam Steinschüttdamm
crushed rock distributor Schotterverteiler
rock phosphate with nitric acid Rohphosphat mit Salpetersäure
decomposition by rock phosphate Rohphosphataufschluss
rock phosphate with sulphuric acid Rohphosphat mit Schwefelsäure
calcined phosphate from rock phosphate Glühphosphat aus Rohphosphat
measurement of rock thrust Gebirgsdruckmessung
rock phosphate Rohphosphat
rock phosphate fertilizer production Rohphosphat-Düngemittelerzeugung
of rock phosphate von Rohphosphat
chip of rock Gesteinssplitter [m]
rock crusher Steinbrecher [m]
rock shovel loader Schaufellader [m]
rock drill Steinbohrer [m]
rock bottom price scharf kalkulierter Preis [m]
rock bottom Nullpunkt [m]
rock bottom Tiefpunkt [m]
rock wool Steinfaser [f]
chimney rock Felsklippe [f]
chimney rock Erdpyramide [f]
rock drawing Felszeichnung [f]
rock shaft schwingende Welle [f]
rock drilling machine Gesteinsbohrmaschine [f]
rock drill machine Gesteinsbohrmaschine [f]
rock wool Steinwolle [f]
rock wool Mineralwolle [f]
granite rock Granitgestein [n]
native rock Ganggestein [n]
rock oil Erdöl [n]
petroleum source rock Erdölmuttergestein [n]
rock-salt lattice Steinsalzgitter [n]
rock salt Steinsalz [n]
volcanic rock Vulkangestein [n]
sedimentary rock Sedimentgestein [n]
host rock Wirtgestein [n]
rock schütteln [v]
rock schwanken [v]
rock schaukeln [v]
rock pendeln [v]
rock wackeln [v]
rock schwenken [v]
rock crushers Steinbrecher [pl]
rock shovel loaders Schaufellader [pl]
rock drawings Felszeichnungen [pl]
rock wool Steinwolle
rock wool Schlackenwolle
rock rubble Gesteinsschotter [m]
rock crystal Bergkristall [m]
rock salt Steinsalz [n]
rock salt deposit Steinsalzlager [n]
chemical rock chemisches Sediment
rock pool Felstümpel [m]
rock pools Lithotelmen [pl]
moon rock Mondgestein [n]
lunar rock Mondgestein [n]
ashlar rock Quaderstein [m]
rock engraving Felsgravierung [f]
rock painting Felsmalerei [f]
rock-cut tomb Felsengrab [n]
rock of offence Stein des Anstoßes
crushed rock Steinschlag [m]
crushed rock Schotter [m]
ashlar rock Haustein [m]
ashlar rock Quader [m]
ashlar rock Quaderstein [m]
ashlar rock Werkstein [m]
broken stone/rock (unbehauener) Bruchstein [m]
rock burst Gebirgsschlag [m]
rock crusher Steinbrecher [m]
rock slide Steinschlag [m]
rock filling Bergversatz [m]
rock anchor Felsanker [m]
fall of rock Steinschlag [m]
rock excavation Gesteinsaushub [m]
rock guard Steinschlagschutz [m]
plaster rock Rohgips [m]
rock pressure Felsdruck [m]
rock dowel Steindübel [m]
rock-fill dam Steinschüttdamm [m]
rock drill Bohrhammer [m]
rock bolt Gesteinsanker [m]
rock borer Gesteinsbohrer [m]
rock pressure Gesteinsdruck [m]
rock rubble Gesteinsschotter [m]
rock breaker Steinbrecher [m]
rock drill Gesteinsbohrer [m]
rock bolt Ankerbolzen [m]
rock blasting Gesteinssprengung [f]
rock wool Steinwolle [f]
rock formation Gesteinsschicht [f]
rock bolting Felsverankerung [f]
rock fibre Gesteinsfaser [f]
rock structure Gesteinsstruktur [f]
rock stratum Gesteinsschicht [f]
rock throw Gesteinsverwerfung [f]
rock fault Gesteinsverwerfung [f]
rock bracing Felsverankerung [f]
rock foundation Felsgründung [f]
rock mechanics Felsmechanik [f]
bank (sand/rock) Bank [f]
rock layer Steinbettung [f]
rock dust Steinmehl [n]
rock meal Steinmehl [n]
rock rash Bruchsteinstückwerk [n]
rock fabric Gesteinsgefüge [n]
igneous rock Eruptivgestein [n]
volcanic rock Eruptivgestein [n]
sedimentary rock Sedimentgestein [n]
primary rock Urgestein [n]
eruptive rock Eruptivgestein [n]
rock fabrics Gesteinsgefüge [n]
rock flour Felsenmehl [n]
plaster rock Gipsgestein [n]
intrusive rock Tiefengestein [n]
rock anchors Felsanker [pl]
rock bolts Ankerbolzen [pl]
rock cavity Hohlraum im Gestein
hard rock massiger Fels
weathered rock verwitterter Fels
stable rock festes Gebirge
rock chalk felsartiger Kalkboden
decomposed rock zersetztes Gestein
stable rock festes Gestein
soft rock loser Fels
crumbly rock brüchiges Gestein
decomposed rock verwitterter Fels
cataract (small waterfall from rock to rock) mehrstufiger (kleiner) Wasserfall [m]
rock goat Steinbock [m]
rock salt mining Steinsalzbergbau [m]
rock wool Steinwolle [f]
rock mechanics Felsmechanik [f]
loose rock Lockergestein [n]
rock salt Steinsalz [n]
rock salt mining Kali- und Steinsalzbergbau
rock mechanical gebirgsmechanisch [adj]
rock rill Karren [m]
rock mass Fels [m]
tricone rock bit Dreirollenmeißel [m]
unaltered rock unverwittertes Gestein [m]
amygdaloidal rock mandelförmiger Einschluss [m]
deep-seated igneous rock Plutonit [m]
extrusive rock Vulkanit [m]
intrusion rock Plutonit [m]
joint-bordered rock body Kluftkörper [m]
metamorphic rock Metamorphit [m]
normal rock pressure Überlagerungsdruck [m]
overburden (rock) pressure Überlagerungsdruck [m]
popping rock Hangendschlag [m]
popping rock Hangendschlag (Setzen des Haupthangenden) [m]
pressure of rock/mountain mass Gebirgsdruck [m]
resedimented rock Turbidit [m]
rock arrangement Gebirgsaufbau [m]
rock avalanche Felssturz [m]
rock basin (form of erosion) Kesselstein [m]
rock bottom Nullpunkt [m]
rock bottom Tiefpunkt [m]
rock breaking Gesteinszerfall [m]
rock burst Gebirgsschlag [m]
rock burst Hangendschlag [m]
rock burst Hangendschlag (Setzen des Haupthangenden) [m]
rock debris Detritus [m]
rock debris Gesteinsschutt [m]
rock fall Felssturz [m]
rock fall landslide Bergrutsch [m]
rock fall landslide Bergsturz [m]
rock filling Bergversatz [m]
rock fragment Kluftkörper [m]
rock interstice Felsspalt [m]
rock kernel Steinkern [m]
rock pressure Gebirgsdruck [m]
rock slide Felsrutsch [m]
rock slide Felssturz [m]
rock stream Blockstrom [m]
rock type Lithotyp [m]
rock waste Steinschutt [m]
rock weight pressure Überlagerungsdruck [m]
trap rock Trapp [m]
slide rock Gehängeschutt [m]
volcanic rock(s) Vulkanit [m]
igneous rock Magmatit [m]
quartz-rich granitic rock quarzreicher Granitoid [m]
rock fall Steinfall [m]
rock glacier Blockgletscher [m]
volcanic rock Vulkanit [m]
plutonic rock Plutonit [m]
rock mass porosity Gebirgsporosität [f]
rock system Gesteinsfolge [f]
rock mass permeability Gebirgsdurchlässigkeit [f]
rock texture Gesteinstextur [f]
rock terrace Felsterrasse [f]
rock shelter Halbhöhle [f]
rock formation Gesteinsformation [f]
bonding (of the rock) Verfestigung [f]
cementation (of rock) Verkittung [f]
flow of rock Gesteinsschmelze [f]
measurement of rock pressure Gebirgsdruckmessung [f]
nature of rock Gebirgsart [f]
pressure resistance (of rock) Druckfestigkeit [f]
rock beam Gesteinsplatte [f]
rock bracing Felsverankerung [f]
rock bracing Gesteinsverankerung [f]
rock density Gesteinsdichte [f]
rock drift Gesteinsstrecke [f]
rock fault Gesteinsverwerfung [f]
rock fill Steinschüttung [f]
rock fissure spring Spaltenquelle [f]
rock flour Gletschermilch [f]
rock formation Felsformation [f]
rock fortress Felsenfestung [f]
rock fracture spring Spaltenquelle [f]
rock interstice Felsspalte [f]
rock investigation Gesteinsuntersuchung [f]
rock masses Gesteinsmasse [f]
rock mechanics Felsmechanik [f]
rock mechanics Gebirgsmechanik [f]
rock milk Gletschermilch [f]
rock movement Gebirgsbewegung [f]
rock shaft Schwingwelle [f]
rock shell Gesteinshülle [f]
rock strength Gebirgsfestigkeit [f]
rock strength Gesteinsfestigkeit [f]
rock structure Gesteinsstruktur [f]
rock wall Felswand [f]
shear resistance (of a rock complex) Scherfestigkeit [f]
shear resistance (of a rock complex) Schubfestigkeit [f]
shelf of a rock Felsplatte [f]
slab of rock Gesteinsplatte [f]
stone bubble (in magmatic rock) Lithophyse [f]
rock face Felswand [f]
rock slide Felsrutschung [f]
rock sample Gesteinsprobe [f]
rock fall Steinlawine [f]
rock pinnacle Felsnadel [f]
rock analysis Gesteinsanalyse [f]
rock weathering Gesteinsverwitterung [f]
rock fissure Gesteinsspalte [f]
rock salt Steinsalz [n]
igneous rock Magmagestein [n]
cavernous rock kavernöses Gestein [n]
intrusive rock Intrusivgestein [n]