singular - Fransızca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "singular" in French English Dictionary : 14 result(s)

İngilizce Fransızca
singular singulier [adj]
singular curieux [adj]
singular drôle [adj]
singular fantasque [adj]
singular simple [adj]
singular baroque [adj]
singular particulier [adj]
singular extraordinaire [adj]
singular individuel [adj]
singular excentrique [adj]
singular extravagant [adj]
singular unique [adj]
singular étrange [adj]
singular exceptionnel [adj]

Meanings of "singular" with other terms in English French Dictionary : 500 result(s)

İngilizce Fransızca
first-person singular present indicative of blâmer blâme [m]
first-person singular present subjunctive of blâmer blâme [m]
third-person singular present indicative of promettre promet [m]
(generally singular) chance hasard [m]
feminine singular form of patient patiente [adj]
singular feminine form of européen européenne [adj]
feminine singular of haut haute [adj]
feminine singular of fin fine [adj]
feminine singular of infortuné infortuné [adj]
feminine singular form of meilleur meilleure [adj]
feminine singular of pensif pensive [adj]
feminine singular of mental mentale [adj]
feminine singular form of vieux vieille [adj]
feminine singular form of présent présente [adj]
masculine singular of vieux vieil [adj]
feminine singular form of gai gaie [adj]
feminine singular of miraculeux miraculeuse [adj]
feminine singular of heureux heureuse [adj]
feminine singular of aucun aucune [adj]
feminine singular of coulis coulisse [adj]
feminine singular of exposé exposé [adj]
feminine singular form of exprès expresse [adj]
feminine singular form of marin marine [adj]
third-person singular present indicative of imager image [f]
first-person singular subjunctive present of prononcer prononce [f]
first-person singular present indicative of trancher tranche [f]
first and third person singular present form of tenter tente [f]
third-person singular present indicative of trancher tranche [f]
feminine singular form of meilleur meilleure [f]
first-person singular present subjunctive of concurrencer concurrence [f]
first-person singular present indicative of demander demande [f]
(generally singular) ugliness laideur [f]
feminine singular form of patient patiente [f]
second-person singular imperative of prononcer prononce [f]
third-person singular subjunctive present of prononcer prononce [f]
third-person singular present indicative of concurrencer concurrence [f]
third-person singular present subjunctive of concurrencer concurrence [f]
first-person singular present indicative of concurrencer concurrence [f]
first-person singular indicative present of prononcer prononce [f]
third-person singular indicative present of prononcer prononce [f]
first-person singular present subjunctive of trancher tranche [f]
the third-person masculine singular personal pronoun used after a preposition lui [pron]
feminine singular of aucun aucune [pron]
to me (first-person singular indirect object pronoun) moi [pron]
the one belonging to you (singular) tien [pron]
me (first-person singular direct object pronoun) moi [pron]
you (singular) tu [pron]
the plural or singular personal pronoun in the second person (polite form) vous [pron]
some (singular) quelque [pron]
second-person singular imperative of favoriser favorise [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of payer paye [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of fréquenter fréquente [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of inventer inventa [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of voir vit [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of ambiancer ambiance [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of ressentir ressentait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of implorer implore [v.p./der.]
singular imperative of confirmer confirme [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of devenir devins [v.p./der.]
third-person singular indicative imperfect of savoir savait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of inquiéter inquiète [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of infirmer infirme [v.p./der.]
third-person singular conditional of prendre prendrait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of causer cause [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of exhaler exhalait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of clairer claire [v.p./der.]
first-third-person singular indicative present of sombrer sombre [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of trouver trouves [v.p./der.]
first-person singular future of parler parlerai [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of deviner devine [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of crâner crâne [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of prêter prêta [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of brouiller brouille [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of revoir revis [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of arracher arracha [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of divorcer divorce [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of importer importait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of exercer exerce [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of révéler révélait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of ombrager ombrages [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of achever achevait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of grêler grêle [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of griffer griffes [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of conseiller conseilla [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of mordre mord [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative form of contenir contient [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative form of suffire suffisait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of sauvegarder sauvegarde [v.p./der.]
2nd person singular imperative exister existe [v.p./der.]
1st and 3rd person singular indicative and subjunctive present of exister existe [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of saigner saignait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of border borde [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of réveiller réveillait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular indicative present form of cylindrer cylindre [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of offenser offense [v.p./der.]
third-person singular subjunctive present of sortir sorte [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of descendre descendis [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of ronger ronge [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of recourir recours [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of naufrager naufrage [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of paumer paume [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of remuer remue [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of refaire refait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of oublier oublie [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of casser casse [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of alerter alerte [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of torturer tortures [v.p./der.]
ordinary second-person singular imperative present of accuser accuse [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of soigner soigne [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of appuyer appuie [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of rentrer rentrai [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of détester déteste [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of minuter minute [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of dériver dérive [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of allumer allume [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of dire dit [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of estimer estimait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of précéder précède [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of cascader cascades [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of jouir jouissait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of flamber flambait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of envoyer envoie [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of apprêter apprête [v.p./der.]
third-person singular conditional of recevoir recevrait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative form of boire buvait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of axer axes [v.p./der.]
third-person singular future indicative of vouloir voudra [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of déterminer détermine [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of avouer avoue [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of ranimer ranime [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of errer errait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of napper nappes [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of bénéficier bénéficie [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of navetter navette [v.p./der.]
third-person singular conditional of tirer tirerait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of réunir réunis [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of tourner tourne [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of profiter profite [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic form of rencontrer rencontra [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of conjurer conjure [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of déborder débordait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of causer causes [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of oser osai [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of résumer résume [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic form of envoyer envoya [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of croiser croise [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic form of tomber tomba [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of développer développait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of augmenter augmente [v.p./der.]
first-person singular subjunctive present form of cylindrer cylindre [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of expliquer explique [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of embrasser embrasse [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of dresser dresse [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of usiner usine [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of coucher couches [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of mousser mousses [v.p./der.]
first-person singular future of mourir mourrai [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present conditional of vouloir voudrais [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of dominer domine [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of élancer élance [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of enfermer enferme [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of permettre permets [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of courir courus [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of dépasser dépasse [v.p./der.]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of reconnaître reconnaissais [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of déclarer déclare [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of potasser potasse [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of muser muse [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of emmener emmène [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of présider préside [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of fixer fixait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of cirer cire [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic form of imiter imita [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of renvoyer renvoie [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of contempler contemple [v.p./der.]
first-person singular future of tâcher tâcherai [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of excuser excuse [v.p./der.]
first-person singular future of passer passerai [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of tromper trompes [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of planer plane [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of torturer torture [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of réunir réunis [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of insulter insulte [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of maudire maudit [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of approuver approuve [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of obéir obéis [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of étonner étonne [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of planer planait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of frapper frappe [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of frégater frégate [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of coûter coûte [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of nager nage [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of regretter regrette [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of raciner racine [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative form of reprocher reproches [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of professer professe [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of domestiquer domestiques [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of nuager nuage [v.p./der.]
third-person singular indicative past historic of venir vint [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of récolter récoltes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of river rives [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of flatter flatte [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of demeurer demeure [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of folâtrer folâtre [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of plaire plaise [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of coûter coûte [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of investir investis [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of spiraler spirale [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of signaler signale [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of baser bases [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of crypter crypte [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of affirmer affirme [v.p./der.]
first-person singular future of savoir saurai [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of abandonner abandonne [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of corriger corrige [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of oublier oublie [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of enchaîner enchaîne [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of susciter suscite [v.p./der.]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of recevoir recevais [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of penser pensai [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of révéler révèle [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of regretter regrette [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of souhaiter souhaite [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of manger mange [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of épanouir épanouit [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of dérouler déroule [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of recueillir recueille [v.p./der.]
first-person singular future of vouloir voudrai [v.p./der.]
third-person singular conditional of oser oserait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of répondre réponds [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of respecter respectait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular future of retrouver retrouverai [v.p./der.]
third-person singular subjunctive imperfect of voir vît [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of glacer glace [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of inventer invente [v.p./der.]
first person singular present indicative form of remplir remplis [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of passer passe [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of épouser épouses [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of attacher attacha [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of accuser accusait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of triompher triomphes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of donner donnais [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of trousser trousse [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of rouler roule [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of compromettre compromis [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of risquer risque [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of signaler signale [v.p./der.]
second-person singular simple future form of faire feras [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of défier défie [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of concevoir concevait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of franchir franchit [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of écouler écoule [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of précipiter précipite [v.p./der.]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of songer songeais [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of remercier remerciait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of chasser chassait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of nuager nuage [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of efforcer efforce [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of annoncer annonça [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of gonfler gonfle [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of renoncer renonce [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of emmener emmène [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of observer observe [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic form of déclarer déclara [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of découvrir découvre [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of souvenir souvient [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of amener amène [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of mêler mêle [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of lâcher lâche [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of communiquer communique [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of caser cases [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of saluer saluai [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of équivoquer équivoque [v.p./der.]
first-person singular indicative present of porter porte [v.p./der.]
first-third-person singular indicative present of écrire écris [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of inspirer inspire [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of envahir envahissait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of manquer manque [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of corser corse [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of régimer régime [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of constater constata [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of élever élevait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of engendrer engendre [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of fréquenter fréquente [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of mettre mette [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect subjunctive of répondre répondît [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of trembler tremble [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of désigner désignait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of déshonorer déshonore [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of provoquer provoque [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of émettre émis [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of grandir grandit [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of redevenir redevenait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of manier maniait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of emporter emportait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of suggérer suggère [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of déterminer détermina [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic form of faire fis [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of dédaigner dédaigne [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of dépasser dépasse [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of échanger échanges [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of écorcer écorce [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of décevoir déçus [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of recouvrer recouvre [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of accabler accable [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of respirer respire [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect subjunctive of apercevoir aperçût [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of trembler trembla [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of accorder accorde [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of justifier justifie [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of foirer foire [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of alarmer alarmes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of rendre rends [v.p./der.]
feminine singular past participle of dévorer dévorée [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of ignorer ignore [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of être sois [v.p./der.]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of rappeler rappelais [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of préserver préserve [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of rendre rendis [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of équivoquer équivoque [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of constituer constitue [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of confier confia [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of refléter reflète [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of observer observait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of récompenser récompenses [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of renverser renverse [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of structurer structures [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of apaiser apaise [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of muser muses [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of lisser lisse [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of être fus [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of gémir gémissait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of prétendre prétendait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of rechercher recherche [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative form of causer causait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of perler perle [v.p./der.]
third-person singular future of sortir sortira [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of pocher poches [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of déclarer déclare [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of annoncer annonce [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of livrer livre [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative form of tuer tuait [v.p./der.]
third person singular future indicative form of entendre entendra [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of ignorer ignorait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of agiter agite [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of clore close [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of commencer commence [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of inspirer inspire [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of déserter désertes [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of chasser chasse [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of feindre feignait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of apprécier apprécie [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of accomplir accomplit [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of parader parade [v.p./der.]
second-person singular indicative past historic of tenir tins [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of forcer force [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of douter doutai [v.p./der.]
first-person singular conditional of pouvoir pourrais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of révolter révoltes [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of renvoyer renvoya [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of bêcher bêche [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of jurer jure [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of pleurer pleure [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic form of partager partagea [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of franchir franchit [v.p./der.]
first-third-person singular subjunctive present of aimer aime [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of invoquer invoque [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of refuser refuse [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of rentrer rentrais [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of rebeller rebelle [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of intéresser intéresse [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of organiser organise [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of travailler travaillais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of angoisser angoisses [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of couder coude [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of mener menait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of adorer adore [v.p./der.]
third-person singular conditional of savoir saurait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of sourire souris [v.p./der.]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of espérer espérais [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of opposer oppose [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of verser verse [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of mener mène [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of étudier étudia [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of contredire contredit [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic form of remarquer remarqua [v.p./der.]
third-person singular indicative present of bouillir bout [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of rassurer rassure [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of devenir deviens [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of baigner baignait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of écrier écriai [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of favoriser favorise [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of descendre descends [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of dîner dîne [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of arranger arrange [v.p./der.]
first-third-person singular indicative present of crier crie [v.p./der.]
first-person singular future of répondre répondrai [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of citer cite [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of fesser fesse [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of masquer masques [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of surveiller surveille [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of préserver préserve [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic form of craindre craignit [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of proser prose [v.p./der.]
third-person singular indicative past historic of naître naquit [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of montrer montre [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative form of tenir tient [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of résider réside [v.p./der.]
third-person singular conditional of permettre permettrait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular conditional of tenir tiendrait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of soupçonner soupçonne [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of asseoir assied [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of habiller habille [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of bêcher bêche [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of laisser laisse [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of chérir chéris [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of succomber succombe [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of intervenir intervient [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of évanouir évanouis [v.p./der.]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of répondre répondais [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of prouver prouve [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of débaucher débauche [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of clairer claire [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of graver graves [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of fumer fume [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of planer plane [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of flaquer flaque [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of brusquer brusques [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of essayer essayai [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of mentir mens [v.p./der.]
third-person singular indicative imperfect of pleuvoir pleuvait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of écumer écume [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of transformer transforme [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of déployer déploie [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of sortir sort [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of dérouler déroula [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of destiner destine [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of manœuvrer manœuvre [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of gainer gaine [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of sembler semble [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of deviser devise [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of innocenter innocente [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of supposer suppose [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of briser brise [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of aiguiller aiguilles [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of menacer menace [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of rapprocher rapproche [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of écouter écoute [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of dessiner dessine [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of tâcher tâchait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of rester restais [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of abaisser abaisse [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of rêver rêve [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic form of sauter sauta [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of conseiller conseille [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of paumer paume [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of attendre attendis [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of abaisser abaissait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of rouler roule [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of effectuer effectue [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of adresser adresse [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of métaphysiquer métaphysique [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of manger mange [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of soulever soulève [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of dominer domine [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of favoriser favorise [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of flécher flèches [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of repousser repousse [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of proposer propose [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of abattre abattit [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of dîner dîne [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of hacher hache [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of visiter visitait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of recommencer recommence [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of taire tait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular indicative present form of falloir faut [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of froncer fronça [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of river rives [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of secouer secoue [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of cultiver cultive [v.p./der.]
third-person singular future of agir agira [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of moquer moque [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of briser brisait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of enfuir enfuis [v.p./der.]
first-third-person singular subjunctive present of sauver sauve [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of éponger éponge [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of déranger dérange [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of retenir retenait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present form of valoir vaut [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of influencer influence [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of nourrir nourris [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of contester conteste [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of amuser amuse [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of disposer disposa [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of daigner daigne [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present tense indicative form of mentir ment [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of palmer palmes [v.p./der.]
third-person singular indicative future of venir viendra [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of ramasser ramasse [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of sauvegarder sauvegarde [v.p./der.]