fool - İngilizce Eşanlam Sözlük


[1] trick , gull , befool , deceive , take in , swindle , defraud , hoax , cheat , fleece , cozen , hoodwink , bluff , dupe , gull , humbug , delude , mislead , make a fool of , pull the wool over (someone's) eyes , have (someone) on , pull (someone's) leg , tease , twit , (Archaic) chouse , (Colloq) kid , con , snow , do a snow job on , bamboozle , put one/something over on , pull something/a fast one on , (Brit) twist , (Mainly US/Canadian) josh , (Slang) pluck , (Brit) nobble
[2] joke , fritter , frivol away , jest , banter , dissipate , shoot , tease , twit , fritter away , fool away , feign , fake , pretend , make believe , (Colloq) kid
[3] fool with/around/about (with) , gull , dupe , play (around/about) (with) , toy/trifle (with) , slang , befool , mess/fiddle (around/about) (with) , monkey (around/about) with , cod , put on , meddle (with) , tamper with , take in , put one over , fribble (with) , put one across
[4] horse around , fool around/about , play/mess around/about , arse around , fool around , gambol , frolic , romp , cavortwaste/fritter away/squander/kill time , fribble , loiter , dawdle , idle , (Brit) potter (about) , lark/muck about/around , (US) putter around/about , (Colloq) footle
[1] sap , simpleton , ninny , saphead , muggins , ninny-hammer , nincompoop , tomfool , ass , jackass , dunce , dolt , halfwit , numskull/numbskull , blockhead , bonehead , pinhead , silly , feather-brain , loon , goose , booby , jay , goon , mooncalf , idiot , ignoramus , dim-wit , nitwit , halfwit , imbecile , moron , clod , clodpole , clodpoll , clodpate , oaf , (Psychology) retardate , (Scots) gomerel , (Colloq) birdbrain , dumb-bell , fat-head , chump , twit , knuckle-head , chucklehead , nit , twerp/twirp , (Brit) pillock , (US/Canadian) jerk , retard , (Slang) sap , dope , (Brit) git , (Australian) boofhead
[2] (court) jester , chump , gull , clown , comic , mark , patsy , comedian/comedienne , entertainer , fall guy , sucker , zany , buffoon , soft touch , mug , merry andrew , farceur , joker , jokester , droll , Punch , Punchinello , pierrot , harlequin
[3] butt , jester , motley fool , dupe , gull , victim , cat's-paw , (Colloq) chump , greenhorn , (easy) mark , (US) fall guy , (Slang) pigeon , sucker , stooge , (Brit) mug