northern - Französisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "northern" im Französisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 6 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Französisch
northern septentrional [adj]
northern septentrional [adj]
northern nordique [adj]
northern nord [adj]
northern arctique [adj]
northern du côté nord

Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "northern" im Englisch Französisch Wörterbuch : 2 Ergebniss(e)

Französisch Englisch
Genetic Biology
northern [m] northern blotting
Animal Breeding
northern [m] northern blotting

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "northern" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Französisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 500 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Französisch
northern ıreland ırlande du nord [n]
northern ırish les ırlandais du nord [n]
northern ırish de l'ırlande du nord
Human Resources
northern recruitment recrutement pour le nord
northern division division europe du nord
northern development council conseil de développement du nord
State Law
northern pipeline agency administration du pipe-line du nord
northern pipeline pipe-line du nord
ıslamic movement of northern ısrael mouvement islamique d’ısraël du nord
coat of arms of northern ireland armoiries de l'irlande du nord
alliance party of northern ireland parti de l'alliance de l'irlande du nord
national unity party (northern cyprus) parti de l'unité nationale (chypre)
democratic party (northern cyprus) parti démocrate (chypre du nord)
northern ireland assembly assemblée d'irlande du nord
seal of the northern mariana islands sceau des îles mariannes du nord
local government areas of the northern territory zones d'administration locales du territoire du nord
Governmental Terms
northern basin and pas-de-calais coal fields (association) houillères du bassin du nord et du pas-de-calais
northern territorial zone zone territoriale du nord
iron and steel union of northern france union sidérurgique du nord de la france
northern temperate zone zone tempérée boréale
northern suburb banlieue nord
industrial institute of northern france institut industriel du nord de la france
national aircraft manufacturing company of northern france société nationale des constructions aéronautiques du nord
indian and northern affairs canada ministère des affaires indiennes et du nord canadien
department of indian affairs and northern development ministère des affaires indiennes et du nord canadien
EU Terms
northern estonia estonie du nord
northern hungary hongrie septentrionale
northern aegean égée septentrionale
northern ıreland ırlande du nord
northern mariana ıslands îles mariannes du nord
northern alföld alföld septentrional
northern europe europe du nord
northern portugal portugal du nord
northern illinois university université de northern illinois
northern bottlenose whale hyperoodon boréal
Marine Biology
northern sea lion otarie de steller
northern elephant seal elephant de mer
northern fur seal otarie à fourrure
northern right-whale dolphin dauphin à dos lisse
northern riffleshell epioblasme ventrue
Genetic Biology
northern blotting northern [m]
northern blotting transfert d'arn
northern blotting transfert de northern
northern blotting technique de northern
Genetic Science
northern blotting transfert d'arn [m]
Nature Science
northern pike brocheton [m]
northern pintail pilet [m]
northern pike brochet [m]
northern shoveler souchet [m]
northern quahog praire [f]
northern fulmar pétrel glacial
northern right whale baleine de biscaye
northern flicker pic flamboyant
northern pintail canard pilet
northern wheatear traquet motteux
northern bobwhite colin de virginie
northern parula paruline à collier
northern waterthrush paruline des ruisseaux
northern fur seal otarie des pribilofs
northern bottlenose whale hyperoodon boréale
northern lapwing vanneau huppé
northern sea lion lion marin
northern shrike pie-grièche grise
northern fir-moss lycopode sélagine
northern anteater-chat traquet brun
northern giant petrel fulmar de hall
northern sea lion lion de mer de steller
northern gannet fou de bassan
great northern diver plongeon imbrin
northern shoveler canard souchet
northern blot transfert de northern
northern community communauté nordique [f]
Health Research
centre for rural and northern health research centre de recherche en santé dans les milieux ruraux et du nord [m]
northern anteater-chat traquet brun
northern flicker pic flamboyant
northern orange-tufted sunbird soui-manga de palestine
great northern diver plongeon huard
northern shrike pie-grièche grise
northern pygmy-owl chevêchette naine
northern scrub-robin drymode bridé
northern grosbeak-canary serin à gros bec
northern wryneck torcol fourmilier
northern paradise-whydah veuve à collier d'or
northern giant petrel pétrel de hall
northern lapwing vanneau huppe
northern crombec crombec fausse sitelle
northern harrier busard saint-martin
northern beardless-tyrannulet tyranneau imberbe
northern hawk-owl chouette épervière
northern slaty antshrike batara tacheté
northern red bishop euplecte franciscain
northern golden bulbul bulbul des sula
northern hobby faucon hobereau
northern chestnut-tailed antbird alapi de zimmer
northern crombec crombec sittelle
northern bentbill bec-en-arc cendré
northern brownbul bulbul brun
northern pied-hornbill calao pie
northern puffback cubla de gambie
northern roughwinged swallow hirondelle à scies
northern helmeted curassow hocco à pierre
northern anteater chat grivet brun
northern jacana jacana du mexique
northern waterthrush sylvette des ruisseaux
northern fulmar pétrel fulmar
northern house-wren troglodyte familier
northern cardinal cardinal rouge
northern pintail canard pilet
northern chiffchaff pouillot véloce
northern brownbul bulbul sombre
northern cassowary casoar unicaronculé
northern pygmy owl chevêchette naine
northern goshawk autour des palombes
northern black-flycatcher gobemouche drongo
northern masked weaver tisserin de roseaux
northern sparrow hawk epervier d'europe
northern white-faced owl petit-duc à face blanche
northern eagle owl grand duc d'eurasie
hall's/northern giant-petrel pétrel de hall
northern mountain-cacique cassique à bec blanc
northern pied-babbler cratérope bigarré
northern fantail lève-queue gris
northern scrub-flycatcher tyranneau des palétuviers
northern mountain cacique cassique à bec blanc
northern wheatear traquet motteux
northern pygmy-owl chevêchette des rocheuses
northern potoo ıbijau jamaïcain
northern masked-weaver tisserin du nil
northern hawk owl chouette épervière
northern shoveller canard souchet
northern double-collared sunbird souimanga de preuss
northern bobwhite colin de virginie
northern white-rumped babbler cratérope à croupion blanc
northern bentbill tyranneau à bec courbe
northern hepatic-tanager piranga à joues grises
northern jery petit jery
northern mockingbird moqueur polyglotte
northern fulmar fulmar boréal
northern gannet fou de bassan
northern barred woodcreeper grimpar vermiculé
northern beardless tyranulet moucherolle à petit bec
northern brown-throated weaver tisserin du nord
northern masked weaver tisserin du nil
northern bald ıbis ıbis chauve
northern pied babbler cratérope bigarré
northern long-tailed tit mésange à longue queue
northern house-martin hirondelle de fenêtre
northern beardless tyrannulet tyranneau imberbe
northern fulmar fulmar boreal
northern long-eared owl hibou moyen-duc
northern fantail rhipidure à ventre chamois
northern wren troglodyte mignon
northern ground-hornbill bucorve d'abyssinie
northern shoveler canard souchet
northern lapwing vanneau huppé
northern carmine bee-eater guêpier écarlate
northern bullfinch bouvreuil pivoine
northern house martin hirondelle de fenêtre
great northern diver plongeon imbrin
northern rosella perruche gracieuse
northern white-crowned shrike eurocéphale de rüppell
northern bentbill tyran à gorge grise
northern oriloe oriole orangé
northern screamer kamichi chavaria
northern srub robin agrobate masqué
northern house wren troglodyte familier
northern rough-winged swallow hirondelle à ailes hérissées
northern waterthrush paruline des ruisseaux
northern parula paruline à collier
northern brown-throated weaver tisserin à gorge noire
northern saw-whet owl petite nyctale
northern nightingale-wren troglodyte philomèle
northern academic health services network réseau universitaire des sciences de la santé du nord
Real Estate
department of ındian affairs and northern development ministère des affaires indiennes et du nord canadien [m]
northern hemisphere hémisphère boréal
northern siberia la sibérie septentrionale
northern hemisphere hémisphère septentrional
northern hemisphere hémisphère nord
northern control area zone de contrôle du nord
northern light aurore boréale
northern system study étude du système dans les régions du nord
northern domestic airspace espace aérien intérieur du nord
northern control area région de contrôle du nord
northern tracks system reseau septentrional de routes
northern right whale dolphin dauphin du nord à dos lisse
Animal Breeding
northern blotting northern [m]
northern blotting technique de northern
northern blotting transfert de northern
northern blotting transfert d'arn
pitch northern pine pin dur
Forest Engineering
northern white cedar thuja du canada
Wild Species
northern searobin grondin [m]
alpine northern rockcress braya délicate
northern yellow locoweed oxytrope jaune tardif
northern watermeal wolffie boréale
northern catalpa catalpa à feuilles cordées
northern maidenhair fern adiante du canada
northern wild rice zizanie des marais
northern saillamp lampe-voilière du nord
northern harrier busard saint-martin
northern wild raisin viorne cassinoïde
northern shorthusk brachyélytre du nord
northern red currant groseillier rouge
far-northern buttercup renoncule hyperboréale
northern sedge carex déprimé
northern red-backed vole campagnol à dos roux boréal
northern woodland violet violette septentrionale
northern blue-eyed-grass bermudienne septentrionale
northern short-tailed shrew grande musaraigne
northern twayblade listère boréale
northern water-starwort callitriche hermaphrodite
northern hawk owl chouette épervière
northern hog sucker meunier à tête carrée
northern bog lemming campagnol-lemming boréal
northern leopard frog grenouille léopard
northern two-lined salamander salamandre à deux lignes
northern lanternfish lanterne du nord
northern buttercup renoncule pédatifide
northern shrike pie-grièche grise
northern ronquil ronquille du nord
northern anchovy anchois du pacifique
northern snowberry symphorine occidentale
northern willow saule arctophile
northern sea lion otarie de steller
northern rough-winged swallow hirondelle à ailes hérissées
northern dewberry ronce à flagelles
northern evening primrose onagre parviflore
northern false asphodel tofieldie écarlate
northern watersnake couleuvre d'eau
northern shoveler canard souchet
northern arrowhead sagittaire cunéaire
northern yellow-eyed-grass xyris des montagnes
northern bottlenose whale baleine à bec commune
northern golden saxifrage dorine à feuilles alternes
northern parula paruline à collier
northern cardinal cardinal rouge
northern redbelly dace ventre rouge du nord
northern panic grass panic boréal
northern bobwhite colin de virginie
northern map turtle tortue géographique
northern saw-whet owl petite nyctale
northern bog clubmoss lycopode inondé
northern holly fern polystic à feuilles de houx
northern waterthrush paruline des ruisseaux
northern rockfish sébaste à quatorze épines
northern wood fern dryoptère dressée
northern mockingbird moqueur polyglotte
northern bugleweed lycope uniflore
northern long sedge carex folliculé
northern pike grand brochet
northern sculpin ıcéline boréale
northern right-whale dolphin dauphin à dos lisse
northern elephant seal éléphant de mer
northern mudwort limoselle aquatique
northern seadevil pêcheur à deux massettes
northern brook lamprey lamproie du nord
northern cricket frog rainette grillon
northern elegant sedge carex élégant
northern raccoon raton laveur
northern blue grass pâturin court
northern grasshopper mouse souris à sauterelles
northern fescue fétuque hyperboréale
northern sennet barracuda du nord
northern pintail canard pilet
northern river otter loutre de rivière
northern fur seal otarie à fourrure
northern clingfish crampon bariolé
northern black currant gadellier de l'hudson
northern dusky salamander salamandre sombre du nord
northern bayberry myrique de pennsylvanie
northern pitcher plant sarracénie pourpre
northern stickseed hackélia penché
northern wolffish loup à tête large
northern burreed rubanier hyperboréal
northern bog violet violette néphrophylle
northern goshawk autour des palombes
northern bog sedge carex à côtes
northern spearnose poacher agone foncé
northern meadow-rue pigamon des fronterières
northern woodrush luzule trompeuse
northern pearleye oeil-perlé du nord
northern clustered sedge carex dru
northern gentian gentiane à pétales aigus
northern alligator lizard lézard alligator du nord
northern pin oak chêne ellipsoïdes
northern pikeminnow sauvagesse du nord
northern starflower trientale boréale
northern manna grass glycérie boréale
northern rock sole limande du nord
northern clubmoss lycopode aplati
northern puffer sphéroïde du nord
northern kingcroaker bourrugue renard
northern water plantain alisma commun
northern comandra géocaulon livide
northern bedstraw gaillet boréal
northern smoothtongue leuroglosse luisant
northern long-eared myotis vespertilion nordique
northern riffleshell epioblasme ventrue
northern lapwing vanneau huppé
northern flying squirrel grand polatouche
northern pipefish syngnathe brun
northern barrens tiger beetle cicindèle verte à lunules
northern alkali grass puccinellie étroite
northern pocket gopher gaufre gris
northern bluet agrion porte-coupes
northern wheatear traquet motteux
northern firmoss lycopode sélagine
northern madtom chat-fou du nord
northern bent grass agrostide de mertens
northern blueberry bleuet boréal
northern gannet fou de bassan
northern red-backed salamander salamandre cendrée
northern fulmar fulmar boréal
northern poison oak sumac de rydberg
northern beech fern phégoptère du hêtre
northern meadow sedge carex des prés
northern clearwater crayfish écrevisse à rostre caréné
northern adder's-tongue herbe-sans-couture
northern flicker pic flamboyant
northern pygmy-owl chevêchette naine
northern pygmy clubtail gomphe minuscule
northern rough fescue fétuque de l'altaï
northern sand lance lançon du nord
northern pike brochet [m]
northern sennet baracuda [m]
northern quahog praire [f]
northern wobbegong requin-tapis savetier
northern right whale dolphin dauphin à dos lisse boréal
northern paradise fish barbure paradis du nord
northern brook lamprey lamproie du nord
northern bottlenose whale hyperoodon boréal
northern hog sucker meunier à tête carrée
northern pike grand brochet
northern gannet fou de bassan
northern shortfin squid encornet rouge nordique
northern pike brochet du nord
northern red snapper vivaneau campèche
northern squawfish sauvagesse du nord
northern lucina lucine boréale
northern rough shrimp crevette gambri nordique
northern nylon shrimp crevette nylon nordique
northern krill krill subantarctique
northern white shrimp crevette ligubam du nord
northern royal albatross albatros royal du nord
great northern diver plongeon imbrin
northern right whale baleine de biscaye
northern madtom chat-fou du nord
northern prawn crevette nordique
northern puffer compère bigaré
northern cods morues du nord
northern fulmar fulmar boréal
northern fur seal otarie des pribilofs
northern wolffish loup gélatineux
northern kingfish bourrugue renard
northern redbelly dace ventre rouge du nord
northern sennet petit barracuda
northern mauxia shrimp chevrette mauxia nordique
northern shrimp crevette nordique
northern pink shrimp crevette rose du nord
northern elephant seal éléphant de mer boréal
northern lemon rock crab tourteau citron du nord
northern puffer tétrodon bigarré
northern bluefin tuna thon rouge du nord
northern brown shrimp crevette royale grise
great northern tilefish tile chameau
northern sennet brochet de mer
northern velvet shrimp crevette chamois nordique
northern spicebush benjoin [m]
northern sedge carex déprimé
northern bladderwort utriculaire jaunâtre
northern bog goldenrod verge d'or des marais
northern slender pondweed potamot filiforme
northern gentian gentiane à pétales aigus
northern swamp buttercup renoncule des cariçaies
northern meadow-sweet spirée septentrionale
northern evening-primrose onagre parviflore
northern willow saule arctophile
northern yellow point-vetch oxytrope jaune
northern wild licorice gaillet du kamtchatka
northern sweet-vetch sainfoin boréal
northern beech fern grande phegoptéride du hêtre
northern moonwort botryche boréal
northern groundsel séneçon hyperboréal
northern many-flowered woodrush luzule des frimas
northern water-starwort callitriche hétérophylle
northern speedwell véronique couchée
northern blue grass pâturin court
northern bog rosemary andromède à feuilles de polium
northern red currant groseillier rouge
northern camouflage lichen mélanohalée septentrionale
northern bog starwort stellaire calycanthe
northern bog birch bouleau glandulifère
northern bog sedge carex à côtes
northern mannagrass glycérie hybrid
a northern pitcher-plant sarracénie pourpre
northern elegant sedge carex élégant
northern black currant gadellier de la baie d'hudson
northern tubercled orchid platanthère petite-herbe
northern labrador tea petit thé du labrador
northern wild rice zizanie des marais
bicknell northern crane's-bill géranium de bicknell
northern pink oeillet rampant
northern poison oak sumac de rydberg
northern holly-fern polystic faux-lonchitis
northern rough fleabane vergerette du nord
northern burreed rubanier hyperboréal
northern water-plantain alisma commun
northern wild comfrey cynoglosse boréale
northern oak fern gymnocarpe du chêne
northern starflower trientale boréale
northern hawthorn aubépine différente
northern yellow lady's-slipper cypripède mocassin
northern tansy mustard moutarde-tanaisie fausse-sagesse
northern bugleweed lycope uniflore
northern firmoss lycopode sélagine
northern tofieldia tofieldie écarlate
northern buttercup renoncule arctique
northern blueberry bleuet boréal
northern yellow-eyed-grass xyris des montagnes
northern shooting star gyroselle du nord
northern pitcher plant sarracénie pourpre
northern alkali grass puccinellie étroite
northern fescue fétuque hyperboréale
northern slender ladies'-tresses spiranthe découpée
northern comandra comandre livide
northern bayberry cirier de pennsylvanie
northern jointweed polygonelle articulée
northern fairy-candelabra androsace septentrionale
northern manna grass glycérie boréale
northern golden saxifrage dorine à quatre étamines
northern shorthusk brachyélytre du nord
northern white rush jonc blanchâtre
northern beaked sedge carex utriculé
northern watermeal wolffie boréale
northern beech fern phégoptère du hêtre
northern yarrow achillée millefeuille
northern sweet coltsfoot pétasite des régions froides
northern ground-cedar lycopode aplati
northern st. john's-wort millepertuis boréal
northern maidenhair fern adiante du canada
northern buttercup renoncule pédatifide
northern water horehound lycope uniflore
northern dewberry ronce à flagelles
bent northern sedge carex déprimé
northern groundcone boschniakie de russie
northern wild licorice gaillet du kamtschatka
northern fan-coral lichen bunodophore boules-noires
northern seabeach sandwort honckénye diffuse
northern wild raisin viorne cassinoïde
northern marsh violet violette rampante
northern rough fescue fétuque de l'altaï
northern witchgrass panic boréal
northern gentian gentiane amarelle
northern arrowhead sagittaire cunéaire
northern panicgrass panic boréal
northern woodrush luzule trompeuse
northern jacob's-ladder polémoine boréale
northern water-horehound lycope à une fleur
northern meadow phlox phlox maculé
northern long sedge carex folliculé
northern crane's-bill géranium du nord
northern fox grape vigne lambruche
northern bentgrass agrostide de mertens
northern holly fern polystic à feuilles de houx
northern false asphodel tofieldie écarlate
leafy northern green orchis platanthère du nord
small northern yellow locoweed oxytrope mineur
northern bent grass agrostide de mertens
small northern bog-orchid platanthère à feuille obtuse
great northern aster aster modeste
northern microseris microséris boréal
northern sweet grass hiérochloé hérissée
northern holly fern polystic faux-lonchitis
northern pussytoes antennaire néodioïque
northern willowherb épilobe cilié
northern linanthus linanthe du nord
northern catalpa catalpa à feuilles cordées
northern meadowsweet spirée septentrionale
northern red oak chêne rouge
northern golden-saxifrage dorine à quatre étamines
northern water plantain alisma commun
northern bush honeysuckle dièreville chèvrefeuille
northern bedstraw gaillet boréal
northern pin oak chêne ellipsoïdal
alpine northern rockcress braya délicate
northern water-hemlock cicutaire du nord
northern arnica arnica lonchophylle
new england northern reed grass calamagrostide raide
northern woodland violet violette septentrionale
northern meadow-rue pigamon de la frontière
northern paintbrush castilléjie hyperboréale
northern bog violet violette néphrophylle
northern blue-eyed-grass bermudienne septentrionale
northern bayberry myrique de pennsylvanie
northern pondweed potamot alpin
northern clubmoss lycopode aplati
northern coral lichen sphérophore globuleux
northern panic grass panic boréal
northern bog clubmoss lycopode inondé
northern stitchwort stellaire boréale