singular - Französisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "singular" im Französisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 14 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Französisch
singular singulier [adj]
singular curieux [adj]
singular drôle [adj]
singular fantasque [adj]
singular simple [adj]
singular baroque [adj]
singular particulier [adj]
singular extraordinaire [adj]
singular individuel [adj]
singular excentrique [adj]
singular extravagant [adj]
singular unique [adj]
singular étrange [adj]
singular exceptionnel [adj]

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "singular" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Französisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 500 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Französisch
(generally singular) chance hasard [m]
first-person singular present subjunctive of blâmer blâme [m]
first-person singular present indicative of blâmer blâme [m]
third-person singular present indicative of promettre promet [m]
feminine singular of heureux heureuse [adj]
feminine singular of aucun aucune [adj]
feminine singular of coulis coulisse [adj]
feminine singular of exposé exposé [adj]
feminine singular form of exprès expresse [adj]
feminine singular form of marin marine [adj]
feminine singular of pensif pensive [adj]
feminine singular of mental mentale [adj]
feminine singular form of patient patiente [adj]
singular feminine form of européen européenne [adj]
feminine singular of haut haute [adj]
feminine singular of fin fine [adj]
feminine singular of infortuné infortuné [adj]
feminine singular form of meilleur meilleure [adj]
feminine singular form of vieux vieille [adj]
feminine singular form of présent présente [adj]
masculine singular of vieux vieil [adj]
feminine singular form of gai gaie [adj]
feminine singular of miraculeux miraculeuse [adj]
first-person singular indicative present of prononcer prononce [f]
third-person singular indicative present of prononcer prononce [f]
first-person singular present subjunctive of trancher tranche [f]
third-person singular present indicative of imager image [f]
first-person singular subjunctive present of prononcer prononce [f]
first-person singular present indicative of trancher tranche [f]
first and third person singular present form of tenter tente [f]
third-person singular present indicative of trancher tranche [f]
feminine singular form of meilleur meilleure [f]
first-person singular present subjunctive of concurrencer concurrence [f]
first-person singular present indicative of demander demande [f]
(generally singular) ugliness laideur [f]
feminine singular form of patient patiente [f]
second-person singular imperative of prononcer prononce [f]
third-person singular subjunctive present of prononcer prononce [f]
third-person singular present indicative of concurrencer concurrence [f]
third-person singular present subjunctive of concurrencer concurrence [f]
first-person singular present indicative of concurrencer concurrence [f]
some (singular) quelque [pron]
to me (first-person singular indirect object pronoun) moi [pron]
the third-person masculine singular personal pronoun used after a preposition lui [pron]
feminine singular of aucun aucune [pron]
the one belonging to you (singular) tien [pron]
me (first-person singular direct object pronoun) moi [pron]
you (singular) tu [pron]
the plural or singular personal pronoun in the second person (polite form) vous [pron]
first-person singular present subjunctive of relancer relance [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of apprécier appréciait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of enivrer enivre [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of gripper grippe [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of investir investis [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of témoigner témoignait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of montrer montres [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of pister pistes [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of écouler écoule [v.p./der.]
third-person singular conditional of rendre rendrait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of avoir avait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of varier varie [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of seoir sied [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of souffler souffles [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative form of revenir revient [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of trôner trônes [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of définir définit [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of tenir tenait [v.p./der.]
first-third-person singular indicative present of ouvrir ouvre [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of attaquer attaquait [v.p./der.]
first person singular imperfect indicative form of entendre entendais [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of pardonner pardonne [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of rappeler rappelle [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of paniquer panique [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of affecter affecte [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of mousser mousses [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of imposer imposait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of songer songes [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of écraser écrase [v.p./der.]
third-person singular conditional form of pleurer pleurait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of efforcer efforce [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of blesser blesse [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of élever élève [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of remarquer remarque [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of procéder procède [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of orbiter orbite [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of conter contait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of facturer facture [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of égarer égare [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of autopsier autopsie [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of baiser baise [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of pénétrer pénètre [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of avouer avoue [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of moquer moque [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of transformer transforme [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of tasser tasses [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of éclairer éclaire [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of avertir avertis [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of réveiller réveille [v.p./der.]
first-person singular indicative future of aimer aimerai [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of informer informe [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of suicider suicides [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of retentir retentit [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of patienter patiente [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of guillotiner guillotine [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of pousser pousse [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of coiffer coiffe [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of consister consistait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of jurer jure [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of échapper échappe [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative form of réussir réussit [v.p./der.]
third-person singular indicative past historic of oser osa [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of abaisser abaisse [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of monologuer monologue [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of coucher couches [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of hutter hutte [v.p./der.]
third-person singular simple future of montrer montrera [v.p./der.]
first-third-person singular indicative present of aimer aime [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect subjunctive of aller allât [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of entretenir entretiens [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of agir agisse [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of presser presse [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of vivre vive [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of subsister subsiste [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of écraser écrase [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of mourir meure [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of séparer sépare [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of manœuvrer manœuvre [v.p./der.]
third-person singular future of comprendre comprendra [v.p./der.]
third-person singular indicative imperfect of devenir devenait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of sauver sauva [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of déshonorer déshonore [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of gîter gîte [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of dépasser dépassait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of contribuer contribue [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of ennuyer ennuie [v.p./der.]
first-person singular future of prendre prendrai [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of signaler signale [v.p./der.]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of essayer essayais [v.p./der.]
first- and third-person singular indicative present of piquer pique [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of daigner daigna [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of souper soupe [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of déshonorer déshonore [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of renvoyer renvoyait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of embrasser embrassait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of affliger afflige [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of apporter apporta [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of quereller querelles [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of oser osait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of exposer exposa [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of précipiter précipitait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of utiliser utilise [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of lanterner lanternes [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of arriver arrive [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of épouser épouses [v.p./der.]
first- and third-person singular present subjunctive of ficher fiche [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of pousser pousse [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of prendre prends [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of encourager encourage [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of mépriser méprisait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative form of ouvrir ouvrait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of mener mène [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of incendier incendie [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of tarder tardait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of confirmer confirme [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of rencontrer rencontres [v.p./der.]
first and second-person singular conditional form of aller irais [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of être sois [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of nourrir nourris [v.p./der.]
first-person singular simple future form of faire ferai [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of venger venge [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of liquider liquides [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of centrer centres [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of plaquer plaques [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of informer informe [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of empresser empresse [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of défier défie [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of favoriser favorise [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of commander commandait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of poster postes [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of rejoindre rejoint [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of appliquer applique [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of contrôler contrôle [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of jouer joua [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of ajouter ajoute [v.p./der.]
third person singular present indicative form of chanter chante [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic form of fermer ferma [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of dispenser dispense [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of amuser amuse [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect subjunctive of trouver trouvât [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of regretter regrette [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of loger loges [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of dégager dégageait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular future of rendre rendrai [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of obliger oblige [v.p./der.]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of éprouver éprouvais [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of ronger rongeait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of espérer espérait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of imposer impose [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of suffire suffise [v.p./der.]
third-person singular indicative of choisir choisit [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of grainer graine [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of calomnier calomnie [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of quitter quitte [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of capoter capote [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of saler sale [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of maintenir maintient [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of entrer entrais [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of écraser écrase [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative form of dire disais [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative form of cacher cachait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of rassir rassit [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of hocher hocha [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of présumer présume [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of laver lave [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of toucher touche [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of mentir mens [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of porter portai [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of partager partage [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of songer songes [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of effacer efface [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of essayer essaie [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of ôter ôte [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of activer actives [v.p./der.]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of tromper trompais [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of gerber gerbe [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of condamner condamne [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of proser prose [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of surveiller surveillait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of prier prie [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of avoir as [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of répondre réponds [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic form of devenir devint [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of accepter accepta [v.p./der.]
third-person singular indicative present form of composer compose [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of présumer présume [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of lire lisais [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of grossir grossissait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of fuiter fuite [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of unir unis [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of éprouver éprouvait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of repasser repassa [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of contraster contrastes [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of voisiner voisine [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of saisir saisit [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of succomber succombe [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of supporter supportait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of orbiter orbite [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of tirer tirai [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of forcer forçait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of serrer serrait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of bouger bougea [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of briser brise [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of renoncer renonça [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of ôter ôtait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of plonger plonge [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of corser corse [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of enfouir enfouis [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of réjouir réjouit [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of savoir sache [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of survenir survient [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of charger chargea [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative form of rentrer rentrait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of toucher touche [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of fissurer fissure [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of rester restai [v.p./der.]
first-person singular indicative present form of mariner marine [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of dégager dégage [v.p./der.]
second-person singular future indicative of avoir auras [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic form of donner donna [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic form of avouer avoua [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of abattre abat [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of amuser amuse [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of opiniâtrer opiniâtre [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of raser rase [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of border bordait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of brancher branche [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of saler sale [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of entourer entoure [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of imager images [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of gonfler gonfle [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of extraire extrait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of plaire plaisais [v.p./der.]
first-person singular future of croire croirai [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of massacrer massacres [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of recourir recours [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of attendre attends [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of préoccuper préoccupe [v.p./der.]
first-person singular future of suivre suivrai [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of craindre crains [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of paumer paume [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of mêler mêle [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of prétexter prétexte [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of débaucher débauches [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic form of raconter raconta [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of boire boit [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of découvrir découvris [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of ranimer ranime [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of frémir frémit [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of obliquer oblique [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of impatienter impatiente [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of aiguiller aiguille [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of exiger exige [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of plaider plaide [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of publier publie [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of cacher cache [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of respecter respecte [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of présenter présentait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of égaler égale [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of résider réside [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of intéresser intéresse [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of montrer montrai [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of distinguer distingue [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of mourir meurs [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of apprendre apprenne [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of désigner désigna [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of muser muse [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of perler perles [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of unir unis [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of impliquer implique [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of monter montai [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of arrêter arrête [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of terrer terres [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of brosser brosse [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of trembler tremblait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of valser valse [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of rejoindre rejoignait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of accueillir accueillis [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of coder codes [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of illuminer illumine [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of percer perçait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of intriguer intrigue [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of déclarer déclare [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of espacer espaces [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of renter rentes [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of autoriser autorise [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of prononcer prononçait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of égarer égare [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of situer situe [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of moucher mouche [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of élancer élance [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of courser courses [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of tirer tire [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of gripper grippe [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of couvrir couvre [v.p./der.]
first-person singular future of avouer avouerai [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of dessiner dessine [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of dépenser dépenses [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of rejoindre rejoignit [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of frémir frémis [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of reposer reposa [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of ordonner ordonne [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of achever achève [v.p./der.]
second-person singular future of pouvoir pourras [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of exciter excite [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of plumer plume [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of axer axes [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of embrasser embrassa [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of lancer lance [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of atteindre atteignit [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic form of croire crut [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of assister assiste [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of préambuler préambule [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative form of rire rit [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of ressembler ressemble [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of procurer procure [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of prendre prends [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of signer signe [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of sommer somme [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of recommander recommandait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of renouveler renouvelle [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of gazer gaze [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of doser dose [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of paresser paresse [v.p./der.]
third-person singular future of mourir mourra [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of murmurer murmures [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of retirer retirait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of presser pressa [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of soupçonner soupçonne [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of essayer essayait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of saisir saisis [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of raser rase [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of transporter transporte [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of duper dupe [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of équilibrer équilibre [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of varier varie [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of jurer jure [v.p./der.]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of pleurer pleurais [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of accommoder accommode [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of raisonner raisonne [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of diriger dirige [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of retirer retire [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of distancer distance [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of métamorphoser métamorphose [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of voiler voila [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of poser pose [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of commercer commerces [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of menacer menace [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of devoir dois [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of égaler égale [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of frémir frémissait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of avertir avertis [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of insister insiste [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of défier défie [v.p./der.]
third-person singular indicative past historic of plaire plut [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of voyager voyages [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of authentiquer authentique [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of remercier remerciai [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of examiner examine [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of préparer prépare [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of projeter projette [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of ramener ramène [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of garnir garnis [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic form of saluer salua [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative form of tendre tendait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular conditional of durer durerait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of catastropher catastrophes [v.p./der.]
third-person singular future of occuper occupera [v.p./der.]
inflection of compter first-person singular present indicative form compte [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of expirer expira [v.p./der.]
first-person singular subjunctive present of sortir sorte [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of conseiller conseillait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of remplacer remplace [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of présager présage [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of précéder précède [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of succéder succède [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of métamorphoser métamorphose [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of réclamer réclame [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of nier nie [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of danser danse [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of posséder possédait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of parjurer parjure [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of redevenir redevint [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect subjunctive of pouvoir pût [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of transmettre transmis [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of recommander recommande [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of agir agisse [v.p./der.]
first person singular imperfect indicative form of chercher cherchais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of étinceler étincelles [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of porter portes [v.p./der.]
third-person singular indicative present form of régler règle [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of appeler appelles [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of grainer graine [v.p./der.]
second-person singular conditional of mourir mourrais [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of apprendre apprends [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present indicative of cercler cercles [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of retomber retombe [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of précipiter précipitai [v.p./der.]
third-person singular conditional of parler parlerait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of coiffer coiffe [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of contenter contente [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative form of devenir devient [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of opiniâtrer opiniâtre [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of rouler roule [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of griller grille [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of permettre permette [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of aveugler aveugle [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of mériter mérite [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of empêcher empêche [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of dialoguer dialogue [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of espérer espère [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of plâtrer plâtre [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of témoigner témoigne [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of engager engage [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of contempler contemple [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of contrôler contrôle [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of effacer efface [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of opérer opère [v.p./der.]
third-person singular indicative imperfect of donner donnait [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of obéir obéis [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperfect indicative of aller allais [v.p./der.]
first-person singular conditional of devoir devrais [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of marbrer marbre [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of engendrer engendre [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of écrire écrivis [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of golfer golfe [v.p./der.]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of sortir sortais [v.p./der.]
first-person singular past historic of fermer fermai [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative of emplir emplissait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic form of deviner devina [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic form of relever releva [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of charpenter charpente [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of frémir frémis [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of discuter discute [v.p./der.]
first-person singular indicative present of torcher torche [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of exciter excite [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present indicative of paraitre parait [v.p./der.]
third-person singular past historic of défaire défit [v.p./der.]
second-person singular past historic of accueillir accueillis [v.p./der.]
third-person singular imperfect indicative form of assister assistait [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present subjunctive of éclipser éclipse [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of germer germe [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of consoler console [v.p./der.]
first person singular present indicative form of vendre vends [v.p./der.]
first-second-person singular indicative present of faire fais [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of apprendre apprenne [v.p./der.]
second-person singular imperative of prêcher prêche [v.p./der.]
third-person singular present subjunctive of torturer torture [v.p./der.]
second-person singular present subjunctive of donner donnes [v.p./der.]
first-person singular present indicative of sauvegarder sauvegarde [v.p./der.]
first-person singular imperfect indicative of mettre mettais [v.p./der.]