agent - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "agent" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 107 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
agent agente [m/f]
agent intermediario [m]
agent personero [m]
agent delegado [m]
agent agenta [f]
agent corredora [f]
agent expendedor [m]
agent expendedora [f]
agent factótum [m/f]
agent representante [m/f]
agent apoderado [m]
agent apoderado [m]
agent diligenciero [m]
agent factor [m]
agent ministro [m]
agent podatario [m]
agent procurador [m]
agent solicitador [m]
agent apoderada [f]
agent poderhabiente [m/f]
agent procurador [m]
agent gestor [m]
agent procuradora [f]
agent factora [f]
agent ministra [f]
agent oficiala [f]
agent procuradora [f]
agent espía [m/f]
agent conducto [m]
agent comisionado [m]
agent diligenciero [m]
agent expedidor [m]
agent factor [m]
agent encomendero [m]
agent ministro [m]
agent misionario [m]
agent mandatario [m]
agent solicitador [m]
agent delegada [f]
agent comisionada [f]
agent mandataria [f]
agent expedidora [f]
agent factora [f]
agent ministra [f]
agent gestora [f]
agent misionaria [f]
agent corresponsal [m/f]
agent corresponsal [adj]
agent agente [adj]
agent diputado [m]
agent operativo [m]
agent mediador [m]
agent operativa [f]
agent diputada [f]
agent mediadora [f]
agent asistente [m/f]
agent agenciador [m] disused
agent encargado [m]
agent personero [m] rare
agent agenciero [m] MX
agent agenciadora [f] disused
agent encargada [f]
agent personera [f] rare
agent agenciera [f] MX
agent corredor [m]
agent administrador [m]
agent gestor [m]
agent diligenciero [m]
agent encomendero [m]
agent factótum [m]
agent diligenciador [m]
agent delegado [m]
agent factor [m]
agent mandatario [m]
agent procurador [m]
agent apoderado [m]
agent administradora [f]
agent reemplazante [m/f]
agent poderhabiente [m/f]
agent agente [m/f]
agent dependiente [m/f]
agent representante [m/f]
agent interpósita persona
agent interpuesta persona
agent gestor [m]
agent mandatario [m]
agent dependiente [m/f]
agent diligenciador [m]
agent mandatario [m]
agent trabajadora [f]
agent mandataria [f]
agent dependiente [m/f]
agent comisionista [m/f]
agent interpósita persona
agent interpuesta persona
agent negociador [m]
agent agente [m]
agent gestor [m]
agent agente [m]
agent trabajador [m]
agent agente de acción
agent germen [m]
agent fideicomisario [m]
agent gestor [m]
agent mandatario [m]
agent agente [m]
agent complemento agente [m]

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "agent" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 500 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
commission agent comisionista [m/f]
polluting agent contaminante [m]
advertising agent publicitaria [f]
thickening agent espesante [m]
shipping agent expedidor [m]
advertising agent publicitario [m]
business agent gestor [m]
business agent gestora [f]
secret agent confidente [m/f]
customs agent aduanero [m]
secret agent agente secreto [m]
excise tax collection agent alcabalero [m]
shipping agent atijarero [m]
aging agent betún de judea [m]
land agent/steward cortijero [m]
tanning agent curtiente [m]
tanning agent curtimiento [m]
bleaching agent decolorante [m]
descaling agent desincrustante [m]
deoxidizing agent desoxidante [m]
thickening agent espesante [m]
foaming agent espumante [m]
undercover agent infiltrado [m]
customs agent pericial [m]
shipping agent porteador [m]
publicity agent publicitario [m]
revulsive agent revulsivo [m]
revulsive agent revulsorio [m]
hardening agent solidificante [m]
forwarding agent transitario [m]
customs agent vista [m]
secret agent agente secreta [f]
female customs agent matrona [f]
shipping agent paquetería [f]
double agent agente doble [m/f]
insurance agent agente de seguros [m/f]
secret agent espía [m/f]
double agent espía doble [m/f]
male agent oficial [m/f]
advertising agent publicista [m/f]
pertaining to a female customs agent matronal [adj]
antifoaming agent antiespumante [m]
bonding agent adhesivo [m]
customs agent transitario [m]
ship's agent consignatario de buques [m]
fluxing agent fundente [m]
drying agent desecante [m]
chemical agent agente químico [m]
case which is used to indicate the agent of a verb caso ergativo [m]
case which is used to indicate the agent of a verb ergativo [m]
surface active agent surfactante [m]
surface active agent tensoactivo [m]
surface active agent tensioactivo [m]
binding agent aglutinante [m]
estate agent [uk] fideicomisario [m]
free agent buey suelto [m]
adhesive agent agente adhesivo [m]
estate agent [uk] fideicomisaria [f]
estate agent agente inmobiliaria [f]
dulling agent anestesia [f]
land agent/steward cortijera [f]
business agent gestora [f]
undercover agent infiltrada [f]
shipping agent porteadora [f]
publicity agent publicitaria [f]
forwarding agent transitaria [f]
purchasing agent agente de compras [m/f]
real estate agent agente inmobiliario [m/f]
double agent agente doble [m/f]
dulling agent agente tranquilizador [m/f]
change agent agente de cambio [m/f]
appoint a person as an agent nombrar a una persona como agente [v]
degreasing agent agente desengrasante
emulsifying agent agente emulgente
agent of the employer representante del patrón
dehydrating agent agente deshidratante
emulsifying agent agente emulsionante
an agent provocateur un agente provocador
undercover agent policía encubierto
undercover agent agente encubierto
undercover agent agente de incógnito
undercover agent agente encubierta
fire insurance agent agente de seguros contra incendio
travel agent agente de viajes
land agent/steward cortijero [m]
house-agent casero [m]
agent/means of doing anything instrumento [m]
man of business/agent negociador [m]
news-agent noticiero [m]
aging agent betún [m]
acidifying agent acidulante [m]
house-agent casera [f]
news-agent noticiera [f]
be agent/deputy of representar [v]
land-agent corredor de fincas rurales [m]
shipping agent consignatario de buques [m]
sub-agent subejecutor [m]
sub-agent subejecutora [f]
advertising agent agente de publicidad [m/f]
press-agent agente de relaciones públicas [m/f]
insurance agent agente de seguros [m/f]
free agent francotirador [m] fig.
police agent from la guardia civil guiri [m] ES
lottery agent billetero [m] MX SV NI PA CU DO PR VE
shipping agent of merchandise transported by boat caleto [m] VE
customs agent despachador [m] NI PE BO CL PY
lottery agent chiquero [m] HN
person or organization that serves as an agent for a negotiation or executor of a project facilitador [m] NI CR PR PE BO
agent who attends or watches from a booth garitero [m] PE
municipal police agent gandul [m] PR
customer service agent counter (inglesa) [m] CR
closed container in which the curdling agent is prepared to make cheese cuajero [m] VE
secret police agent pesquisa [m] PA disused
real estate agent realtor (inglés) [m] US PR
police or internal revenue agent ratón [m] PR delinq.
secret agent raya [m] CO delinq.
narcotics agent renta [m] PR police
secret police agent tira [m] CO:C BO UY delinq.
internal revenue agent submarino [m] PR delinq.
internal revenue agent trapiche [m] PR delinq.
travel agent agente viajero [m] MX
bus ticket collection agent chulillo [m] PE
commercial agent factor [m] disused
being a commercial agent factoraje [m] disused
office of a commercial agent factoraje [m] disused
collection agent forero [m] disused
secret police agent pesquisa [m] EC
undercover agent submarino [m] ES
free agent francotiradora [f] fig.
lottery agent billetera [f] MX SV NI PA CU DO PR VE
lottery agent chiquera [f] HN
person or organization that serves as an agent for a negotiation or executor of a project facilitadora [f] NI CR PR PE BO
secret police agent pesquisa [f] EC disused
travel agent agente viajera [f] MX
office of a commercial agent factoría [f] disused
customs agent agente aduanal [m/f] MX
collection agent cobra [m/f] PA
as agent por cuenta ajena
(acting as) principal or agent (en calidad de) mandante o mandatario
fbi agent agente del fbi
undercover narcotics agent narco [m] PR
secret police agent sapo [m] PA
immigration agent migra [f] US MX GT HN SV NI EC
collection agent culebra [f] CO
immigration agent migra [f] MX
internal revenue agent hombre rana [m] PR delinq.
softening agent suavizador [m]
forwarding agent [us] transitado [m]
shipping agent consignatario [m]
withholding agent retentor [m]
universal agent apoderado general [m]
land agent administrador [m]
collection agent cobrador [m]
co-agent comandatario [m]
general agent apoderado general [m]
special agent apoderado singular [m]
withholding agent retentor [m]
managing agent gerente [m]
commercial agent corredor [m]
agent fee comisión de agencia [f]
forwarding agent expedidora [f]
customs agent transitaria [f]
shipping agent agencia de transportes [f]
land agent administradora [f]
customs agent aduanera [f]
purchasing agent agente comercial [m/f]
agent of exchange agente de cambio [m/f]
real-estate agent agente inmobiliario [m/f]
real estate agent agente inmobiliario [m/f]
customs agent agente de aduanas [m/f]
customs clearing agent agente de aduanas [m/f]
estate-agent agente inmobiliario [m/f]
estate agent agente inmobiliario [m/f]
commercial agent agente comercial [m/f]
business agent agente comercial [m/f]
commission-agent comisionista [m/f]
sub-agent subagente [m/f]
co-agent coagente [m/f]
commission agent comisionista [m/f]
joint agent coagente [m/f]
land agent agente inmobiliario [m/f]
act as agent correr [v]
change agent cambiar de agente [v]
appoint an agent nombrar un agente [v]
agent officer oficial pagador
additional agent agente adicional
customs agent agente de aduana
forwarding agent agente cargador
forwarding agent receipt certificado de transitario
revenue agent agente tributario
customs agent despachante de aduana
escrow agent agente depositario
buying agent agente de compras
estate-agent corredor de fincas
agent of exchange corredor de bolsa
agent and patient agente y sujeto
estate-agent administrador de finca
home agent agente propio
regulating agent agente estabilizante
purchasing agent jefe de servicio
export agent agente exportador
forwarding agent despachante de aduanas
custom house agent agente aduanal
commercial agent agente de comercio
revenue agent agente fiscal
sales agent agente de ventas
sales agent agente de ventas sale
sole agent agente exclusivo
purchasing agent jefe de compras
tax agent agente tributario
sole agent agente en exclusiva
patent agent agente de patentes y marcas
fiscal agent agente recaudador
shipping agent agente naviero
agent sole agente exclusivo
manufacturer's agent representante comercial
forwarding agent agente de aduana
agent busy agente ocupado
del credere agent agente del credere
exclusive agent representante exclusivo
forwarding agent despachante de aduana
revenue agent inspector de hacienda
shipping agent agente marítimo
forwarding agent agente expedidora
forwarding agent expedidor aduanero
purchasing agent agente de compras
charterer's agent agente del fletador
forwarding agent agente de despacho
forwarding agent agente de transportes
forwarding agent agente de transporte
general agent agente general
transport agent agente de transportes
insurance agent agente de seguros
insurance agent corredor de seguros
economic agent agente económico
innocent agent agente inocente
enrolled agent agente matriculado
escrow agent agente de plica
selling agent agente de ventas
collection agent agente de cobros
agent bank banco agente
agent license licencia de agente
special agent agente especial
field agent agente de campo
financial agent agente financiero
local agent agente local
apparent agent representante aparente
apparent agent agente aparente
stock-transfer agent agente de transferencia de acciones
appoint an agent nombrar un agente
fiscal agent agente fiscal
corporate agent agente corporativo
manufacturer's agent agente del fabricante
authorized agent agente autorizado
foreign agent agente extranjero
forwarding agent agente de expedición
private agent agente privado
mercantile agent agente mercantil
bargaining agent agente de negociaciones
transfer agent agente de transferencia
transit agent agente de tránsito
real estate agent agente de bienes raíces
universal agent representante general
import agent agente de importación
importation agent agente de importación
distribution agent agente de distribución
independent agent agente independiente
independent insurance agent agente de seguros independiente
duly authorized agent agente debidamente autorizado
customs agent agente aduanal
acquisition agent agente de adquisiciones
acquisition agent agente de compras
advertising agent agente de publicidad
advertising agent agente publicitario
agent licence licencia de agente
global agent agente global
apparent agent interpósita persona
selling agent agente de ventas
corporation agent agente de la corporación
governmental agent agente gubernamental
ad agent agente de publicidad
shares transfer agent agente de transferencia de acciones
call centre agent agente de centro de llamadas
organisation agent agente de la organización
organization agent agente de la organización
commerce agent agente de comercio
importation agent agente de importación
state agent agente estatal
apparent agent representante aparente
industrial agent agente industrial
e-business agent agente de comercio electrónico
industry agent agente de industria
stock-transfer agent agente de transferencia de acciones
association agent agente de la asociación
agent license licencia de agente
estate agent agente de bienes raíces
innocent agent agente inocente
estate agent agente de la propiedad inmobiliaria
export agent agente de exportación
export agent agente exportador
authorised agent agente autorizado
escrow agent depositario de plica
agent for a party in a sale mandatario en la compraventa
general agent mandatario general
special agent mandatario singular
international agent agente internacional
domestic agent agente nacional
import agent agente importador
managing agent agente administrador
customs agent agente aduanal
customs agent agente aduanero
apparent agent agente aparente
authorized agent agente autorizado
captive agent agente cautivo
corporate agent agente corporativo
purchasing agent agente de adquisiciones
real estate agent agente de bienes raíces
field agent agente de campo
call center agent agente de centro de llamadas
collection agent agente de cobros
combination agent agente de combinaciones
commercial agent agente de comercio
e-commerce agent agente de comercio electrónico
clearing agent agente de compensación
purchasing agent agente de compras
distribution agent agente de distribución
charter agent agente de fletamento
real estate agent agente de la propiedad inmobiliaria
bargaining agent agente de negociaciones
business agent agente de negocios
dividend paying agent agente de pagos de dividendos
patent agent agente de patentes
escrow agent agente de plica
press agent agente de prensa
publicity agent agente de publicidad
reinsurance agent agente de reaseguro
claims agent agente de reclamaciones
withholding agent agente de retención
insurance agent agente de seguros
independent insurance agent agente de seguros independiente
transfer agent agente de transferencia
stock transfer agent agente de transferencia de acciones
transit agent agente de tránsito
sales agent agente de ventas
duly authorized agent agente debidamente autorizado
manufacturer’s agent agente del fabricante
shipping agent agente del naviero
economic agent agente económico
special agent agente especial
exclusive agent agente exclusivo
overseas agent agente exterior
foreign agent agente extranjero
fiduciary agent agente fiduciario
financial agent agente financiero
fiscal agent agente fiscal
general agent agente general
innocent agent agente inculpable
independent agent agente independiente
innocent agent agente inocente
local agent agente local
shipping agent agente marítimo
commercial agent agente mercantil
shipping agent agente naviero
unauthorized agent agente no autorizado
official agent agente oficial
ostensible agent agente ostensible
paying agent agente pagador
private agent agente privado
publicity agent agente publicitario
withholding agent agente retenedor
tax agent agente tributario
sole agent agente único
sales agent agente vendedor
traveling agent agente viajero
duly authorised agent agente debidamente autorizado
customs agent despachante de aduanas
ebusiness agent agente de comercio electrónico
mercantile agent agente mercantil
real estate agent api (agente de la propiedad inmobiliaria)
land agent administrador de tierras
ecommerce agent agente de comercio electrónico
broker-agent licenciado como corredor y agente
transport agent agente de transporte
electronic business agent agente de comercio electrónico
transportation agent agente de transporte
electronic commerce agent agente de comercio electrónico
unauthorised agent agente no autorizado
promotion agent agente de promoción
buying agent agente de compras
promotional agent agente de promoción
revenue agent agente fiscal
revenue agent agente tributario
agent bank banco agente
enrolled agent agente matriculado
enterprise agent agente empresarial
sole agent agente exclusivo
universal agent agente general
manufacturer's agent agente del fabricante
manufacturing agent agente manufacturero
marketing agent agente de marketing
executive agent agente ejecutivo
re-insurance agent agente de reaseguro
clearing house agent agente de casa de liquidación
clearinghouse agent agente de casa de liquidación
import agent agente de importación
universal agent representante general
regional agent agente regional
federal agent agente federal
world agent agente mundial
worldwide agent agente mundial
company agent agente de la compañía
national agent agente nacional
negotiating agent agente de negociaciones
negotiation agent agente de negociaciones
commission agent agente a comisión
clearing house agent agente de cámara de compensación
clearinghouse agent agente de cámara de compensación
revenue agent agente de hacienda
marketing agent agente de mercadeo
ad agent agente publicitario
forwarding agent agente de envío
free agent agente libre
Foreign Trade
surface-active agent surfactante [m]
iata agent agente iata
Social Security Terms
collection agent recaudador
fire-extinguishing agent agente extintor de incendios [m]
foam layer-forming flameproofing agent agente protector que forma capas de espuma contra incendios [m]
neutralizing agent agente neutralizador [m]
neutralizing agent agente neutralizante [m]
protective agent agente protector [m]
polluting agent agente contaminante [m]
protective agent agente protector
neutralizing agent agente neutralizante
neutralizing agent agente neutralizador
fire-extinguishing agent agente extintor de incendios
Work Safety Terms
softening agent emoliente [m]
extinguishing agent sustancia extintora
physical agent agente físico
chemical agent agente químico
harmful agent agente nocivo
antifogging agent agente antivapor
pathogenic agent agente patógeno
haemotoxic agent agente hemotóxico
antifogging agent compuesto anti-empañamiento
oxidising agent agente oxidante
wetting agent agente espumoso
antifogging agent agente antivaho
anticholinesterase agent inhibidor de la colinesterasa
extinguishing agent agente extintor
reducing agent agente reductor
anticholinesterase agent agente anticolinesterásico
antifogging agent pasta antivaho
biological agent agente biológico
bonding agent agente de enlace
blasting agent agente detonante
bonding agent adherente [m]
Employment Law
designated paying agent aseguradora designada
antifreeze agent agente anticongelante [m]
impregnating agent agente de impregnación [m]
protective agent agente protector [m]
bonding agent adhesivo [m]
emulsifying agent agente emulgente [m]
emulsifying agent agente emulsionante [m]
antifoaming agent antiespumante [m]
defoaming agent antiespumante [m]
frost-preventive agent agente anticongelante [m]
drying agent secante [f]
impregnating agent agente de impregnación
antifreeze agent agente anticongelante
protective agent agente protector
finishing agent agente de acabado [m]
sizing agent agente encolador [m]
softening agent agente suavizante [m]
acidifying agent agente acidificante [m]
bleaching agent agente de blanqueo [m]
leveling agent [us] agente igualador [m]
retarding agent agente retardante [m]
levelling agent [uk] agente igualador [m]
bleaching agent agente blanqueador [m]
chemical agent agente químico [m]
reducing agent agente químico [m]
antistatic agent agente antiestático [m]
levelling agent [uk] agente igualador
sizing agent agente encolador
acidifying agent agente acidificante
bleaching agent agente de blanqueo
bleaching agent agente blanqueador
finishing agent agente de acabado
chemical agent agente químico
reducing agent agente químico
wetting agent agente humectante
antistatic agent agente antiestático
retarding agent agente retardante
softening agent agente suavizante
agent-driver chofer-agente [m/f]
forwarding agent agente de transporte
exclusive agent agente exclusivo
foreign agent agente extranjero
transfer agent agente de transferencias
fiscal agent agente fiscal