related - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "related" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 22 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
related relacionado [adj]
related conexo [adj]
related afín [adj]
related carnal [adj]
related emparentado [adj]
related pariente [adj]
related allegado [adj]
related emparejado [adj]
related relacionable [adj]
related relatado [adj]
related emparentado [adj]
related correspondiente [adj]
related afines [adj/pl]
related deudoso [adj] disused
related conexa [adj/f]
related asimilada [adj/f]
related relacionada [adj/f]
related emparentada [adj/f]
related relacionado [adj]
related relacionado [adj]
related vinculado [adj]
related homólogo [adj]

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "related" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 500 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
drug-related crime drogodelincuencia [f]
related by marriage emparentado [adj]
related by blood consanguíneo [adj]
be related entroncar [v]
be related relacionarse [v]
family (related people living together) casa [f]
court where lawsuits related to tithes were heard excusado [m]
government chamber related to palace attire cámara de los paños [f]
work-related illness enfermedad ocupacional [f]
work-related illness enfermedad profesional [f]
related species pariente [m/f]
related thing pariente [m/f]
related to ampurdán, region of catalonia, spain ampurdanés [adj]
related to ancash ancashino [adj]
related to the andahuaylas andahuailino [adj]
related to the arab empire of al-andalus in spain andalusí [adj]
related to andújar, city of the province of jaén andujareño [adj]
related to los angeles angelino [adj]
related to puebla angelopolitano [adj]
related to arcos de la frontera arcobricense [adj]
related to arecibo arecibeño [adj]
related to areguá aregüense [adj]
related to areguá aregüeño [adj]
related to arezzo aretino [adj]
related to arganda province in madrid, spain argandeño [adj]
related to the arms race armamentista [adj]
pertaining or related to babia, spain or inhabitants babiano [adj]
pertaining or related to qala marka, bolivia or inhabitants calamarqueño [adj]
related by blood consanguíneo [adj]
pertaining or related to the barcelona soccer club culé [adj]
pertaining or related to the cuplé cupletero [adj]
related to dance dancístico [adj]
related by marriage emparentado [adj]
related by affinity or likeness emparentado [adj]
fallas-related fallero [adj]
pertaining or related to linares linarense [adj]
accept a non-related offspring ahijar [v]
become related by marriage emparentar [v]
be related emparentar [v]
become related by affinity or likeness emparentar [v]
be related entroncar [v]
become related entroncarse [v]
become related to relacionarse [v]
be related tangir [v]
be related to tocar [v]
related languages, sister tongues lenguas hermanas [f/pl]
mammal family related to pigs and hippos pecarí [m]
mammal family related to pigs and hippos saíno [m]
canaanite god related to child sacrifice (from bible) moloch [m]
related to one's parents parentela [f]
drug-related violence violencia relacionada con las drogas [f]
skin-related cutáneo [adj]
related to a minority minoritario [adj]
hearing-related auditivo [adj]
breast-related mamario [adj]
work-related laboral [adj]
related to relacionado con [adj]
related to money pecuniario [adj]
related to sugar azucarero [adj]
related or belonging to jazz jazzístico [adj]
akin (related by blood) sanguíneo [adj]
from/related to the mexican state of chiapas chiapaneco [adj]
related to the streets callejero [adj]
related to ourense orensano [adj]
related to palms palmar [adj]
related to concerniente [adj]
related to marbella marbellero [adj]
related to marbella marbellí [adj]
related to rcd espanyol blanquiazul [adj]
related to the currency monetario [adj]
related to a place named xalapa xalapeño [adj]
related to the anthropological race caucásico [adj]
related to the tail caudal [adj]
related to aaron aarónico [adj]
related to a son or daughter filial [adj]
related to perfidy pérfido [adj]
related to james joyce or his writings joyceano [adj]
related to the language or its speakers cebuano [adj]
related to the area around the edge of a glacier periglaciar [adj]
related to the kazakh people or the kazakh language kazajo [adj]
related to chad chadiano [adj]
related to abortion abortivo [adj]
related to peru peruano [adj]
related to peru peruana [adj]
related to chauvinism chovinista [adj]
pertaining to nonverbal behaviour related to movement kinésico [adj]
related to flowers floral [adj]
related to chile chileno [adj]
related to chile chilena [adj]
related to a stereotype estereotípico [adj]
related to the history of literature filológico [adj]
related to the christadelphians cristadelfiano [adj]
related to seals fócido [adj]
related to the left or right of the body lateral [adj]
related to acetic acid acético [adj]
related to vinegar acético [adj]
related to latvia or the latvian language letón [adj]
containing components to prevent colour-related distortion acromático [adj]
related to or resembling lead plúmbeo [adj]
related to or resembling lead plomizo [adj]
related to francisco franco franquista [adj]
related to the political left izquierdista [adj]
related to the acromion acromial [adj]
related to the acromion acromiano [adj]
related to all categories or things generalizado [adj]
related to actinometry actinométrico [adj]
related to the fatty layer under the skin subcutáneo [adj]
related to liberia liberiano [adj]
related to that part of africa south of the sahara subsahariano [adj]
related to the libido libidinal [adj]
related to colombia colombiano [adj]
related to a threshold or entrance liminar [adj]
related to or resembling soot fuliginoso [adj]
related to the foundation or basis fundamental [adj]
related to heaven or to the sky celestial [adj]
related to adrenal glands adrenal [adj]
related to the comoros comorense [adj]
related to liturgy litúrgico [adj]
related to the surface superficial [adj]
related to the scientific study of flight aeronáutico [adj]
related to galicia in iberia gallego [adj]
related to galicia in iberia galaico [adj]
related to the galician language gallego [adj]
related to swaziland suazilandés [adj]
related to the people of galicia in iberia gallego [adj]
related to a conclusion concluyente [adj]
related to a ganglion ganglionar [adj]
related to afghanistan afgano [adj]
related to the forest selvático [adj]
related to the forest silvestre [adj]
related to the forest silvático [adj]
related to a symbol simbólico [adj]
related to an entire organism sistémico [adj]
related to agoraphobia agorafóbico [adj]
related to geography geográfico [adj]
related to the country or language of georgia georgiano [adj]
related to ethnic group or language ainu [adj]
related to heat energy geotérmico [adj]
related to luxembourg luxemburgués [adj]
related to lymph or lymphatic system linfático [adj]
related to a germ germinal [adj]
related to ghosts fantasmal [adj]
related to a gland or glands glandular [adj]
related to madagascar malgache [adj]
related to malaysia malasio [adj]
related to malta or its language maltés [adj]
related to allergy alérgico [adj]
related to correction correctivo [adj]
related to the planet mars marciano [adj]
related to the alphabet alfabético [adj]
related to gravitation gravitatorio [adj]
related to masturbation masturbatorio [adj]
related to grenada granadino [adj]
related to guyana guyanés [adj]
related to gymnastics gimnástico [adj]
related to gynecology ginecológico [adj]
related to the amnion amniótico [adj]
related to ancestors ancestral [adj]
related to andorra andorrano [adj]
related to a characteristic that is not definitively of either sex andrógino [adj]
related to a metaphor metafórico [adj]
related to a metaphor metafórica [adj]
related to the church of england and related churches anglicano [adj]
related to normans in england after the norman conquest anglonormando [adj]
related to the norman rule of england anglonormando [adj]
related to harmony armónico [adj]
related to culture cultural [adj]
related to a metropolis metropolitano [adj]
related to microbiology microbiológico [adj]
related to thebes tebano [adj]
related to anomers anomérico [adj]
related to milan milanés [adj]
related to antarctica antártico [adj]
related to heat or temperature termal [adj]
related to heaven celeste [adj]
related to the people hebreo [adj]
related to the language hebreo [adj]
related to the current time and style moderno [adj]
related to antiquaries antiguo [adj]
related to antiquaries anticuario [adj]
related to tokelau tokelaués [adj]
related to delay of payment moratorio [adj]
related to plant parts that extend downward decurrente [adj]
related to a hierarchy jerárquico [adj]
related to morocco marroquí [adj]
related to or shaped like a torus tórico [adj]
related to histology histológico [adj]
related to history histórico [adj]
related to the apostles apostólico [adj]
related to deixis deíctico [adj]
related to a deity deísta [adj]
related to multiple languages multilingüe [adj]
related to multiple languages plurilingüe [adj]
related to democracy democrático [adj]
related to city municipal [adj]
related to evil spirits demoníaco [adj]
related to a homonym homónimo [adj]
related to the arawak arahuaco [adj]
related to trees arbóreo [adj]
related to architecture arquitectónico [adj]
related to the northern polar region of the planet árctico [adj]
related to the northern polar region of the planet ártico [adj]
related to argentina argentino [adj]
related to mutation mutacional [adj]
related to arianism ariano [adj]
related to hormones hormonal [adj]
related to the nose nasal [adj]
related to thealleged aryan master race ario [adj]
related to nauru nauruano [adj]
related to the nazi party or nazism nazi [adj]
related to naples napolitano [adj]
related to or like a dilettante diletante [adj]
related to a language form referring to three of something trial [adj]
related to flood diluvial [adj]
related to nepal nepalés [adj]
related to the netherlands holandés [adj]
related to the netherlands neerlandés [adj]
related to hygiene higiénico [adj]
related to marriage himeneo [adj]
related to a mathematical hyperbola hiperbólico [adj]
related to plasma plasmático [adj]
related to tunisia tunecino [adj]
related to the hypothalamus hipotalámico [adj]
related to hypoxia hipóxico [adj]
related to astrology astrológico [adj]
related to nicaragua nicaragüense [adj]
related to niger nigerino [adj]
related to values or properties approached at infinity asintótico [adj]
related to typography or printing tipográfico [adj]
related to nitrogen nítrico [adj]
related to udmurts or udmurtia udmurto [adj]
related to the atlantic ocean atlántico [adj]
related to djibouti yibutiano [adj]
related to polymathy polifacético [adj]
related to north korea norcoreano [adj]
related to nostalgia nostálgico [adj]
related to possession posesivo [adj]
related to nova scotia neoescocés [adj]
related to numidia númido [adj]
related to wedding and marriage nupcial [adj]
related to nutrition alimenticio [adj]
related to nutrition nutricional [adj]
related to a dynasty dinástico [adj]
related to azerbaijan azerbaiyano [adj]
related to babylon babilónico [adj]
related to the church eclesiástico [adj]
related to an economy económico [adj]
related to ecuador ecuatoriano [adj]
related to the current time presente [adj]
related to a president presidencial [adj]
related to the bahamas bahameño [adj]
related to the baltic languages báltico [adj]
related to the balts báltico [adj]
related to a memory of perfect clarity eidético [adj]
related to the earliest state of something prístino [adj]
related to electrons electrónico [adj]
related to electromagnetism electromagnético [adj]
related to the reign of elizabeth i of england isabelino [adj]
related to belarus bielorruso [adj]
related to belize beliceño [adj]
related to or based on experience empírico [adj]
related to an enantiomer enantiomérico [adj]
related to bhutan butanés [adj]
related to or having the characteristics of prose prosaico [adj]
related to an enigma enigmático [adj]
related to the proto-indo-european language protoindoeuropeo [adj]
related to protons protónico [adj]
related to the environment ambiental [adj]
related to a protozoan protozoo [adj]
related to a two-legged animal bipedal [adj]
related to the finno-ugric and samoyedic peoples or their languages urálico [adj]
related to ophthalmology oftalmológico [adj]
related to urine úrico [adj]
related to eschatology escatológico [adj]
related to people as a whole público [adj]
related to puerto rico puertorriqueño [adj]
related to an organ orgánico [adj]
related to the region and culture of etruria etrusco [adj]
related to the eucharist eucarístico [adj]
related to eurasia eurasiático [adj]
related to eurasia euroasiático [adj]
related to high levels of activity memorable [adj]
related to ossetia osetio [adj]
related to non-normative sexuality torcido [adj]
related to the instrumental case instrumental [adj]
related to boeotia beocio [adj]
related to vegetables or plants vegetal [adj]
related to bolivia boliviano [adj]
related to or denoting an animal capable of producing a poisonous chemical venenoso [adj]
related to or containing venom venenoso [adj]
related to everyday language vernáculo [adj]
related to things which overlap traslapado [adj]
related to things which overlap superpuesto [adj]
related to things which overlap solapado [adj]
related to shore between high and low tide mark intermareal [adj]
related to or characterized by ratiocination raciocinativo [adj]
related to botswana botsuano [adj]
related to animals whose eggs hatch inside their body ovovivíparo [adj]
related to brazil brasileño [adj]
related to brazil brasilero [adj]
related to brittany bretón [adj]
related to panama panameño [adj]
related to or living in marshes palustre [adj]
related to panama canalero [adj]
related to pandeism pandeísta [adj]
related to pantheism panteísta [adj]
related to love or sexual desire pafio [adj]
related to papua new guinea papú [adj]
related to paraguay paraguayano [adj]
related to paraguay paraguayo [adj]
related to or originating from ireland or the irish people irlandés [adj]
related to the language irlandés [adj]
related to a vortex vortiginoso [adj]
related to a biological or symbolic parasite parasitario [adj]
related to a biological or symbolic parasite parasítico [adj]
related to a specific region regional [adj]
related to the faroese islands or language faroés [adj]
related to brunei bruneano [adj]
related to brunei de brunéi [adj]
related to a parish parroquial [adj]
related to the kidneys nefrítico [adj]
related to the kidneys renal [adj]
related to the national government level federal [adj]
related to pathology patológico [adj]
related to burgundy burgundio [adj]
related to early christian church leaders patrístico [adj]
related to burundi burundés [adj]
related to an ordinary weekday ferial [adj]
related to the west occidental [adj]
related to laughter risible [adj]
related to cameroon camerunés [adj]
related to non-urban areas rural [adj]
related to dogs canino [adj]
related to saudi arabia saudí [adj]
related to saudi arabia saudita [adj]
related to the heart cardíaco [adj]
related to the heart cardíaco [adj]
related to the semitic subdivision of afro-asiatic languages semítico [adj]
related to senegal senegalesa [adj]
related to senegal senegalés [adj]
related to the serbo-croatian language serbocroata [adj]
related to serbia and serbians serbio [adj]
related to shakespeare or his works shakespeariano [adj]
related to the caucasus region or people caucáseo [adj]
related to the socinians sociniano [adj]
related to a combination of social and economic factors socioeconómico [adj]
related to dreams onírico [adj]
related to somalia somalí [adj]
related to the soviet union or its republics soviética [adj]
related to the soviet union or its republics soviético [adj]
related to space espacial [adj]
related to the zulu people or language zulú [adj]
related to the zygoma cigomático [adj]
gang related relacionado con pandillas [adj]
related to bottomland or rustic country veguero [adj]
related to hunting cinegético [adj]
related to train of gown/robe caudal [adj]
related to amount or payment after expenses/taxes neto [adj]
related to the member of a group giving mystical interpretation to old testament cabalístico [adj]
accounting-related relacionado con la contabilidad [adj]
blood related consanguíneo [adj]
blood related emparentado [adj]
related to a foreseer/soothsayer boca de chivo [adj]
related to a foreseer/soothsayer boca de santo [adj]
accounting-related relacionado con la contabilidad [adj]
approach-related relacionado con el acercamiento [adj]
approach-related relacionado con el planteamiento [adj]
approach-related relacionado con la aproximación [adj]
gang related relacionado con pandillas [adj]
become related by marriage emparentar [v]
be related emparentar [v]
be related empalmar [v]
be related to tocar [v]
become related emparentar [v]
be related to tener [v]
be related to entroncarse [v]
be related to someone ser pariente de alguien [v]
be related to something estar relacionado con algo [v]
be related to something relacionarse con algo [v]
be related to something guardar relación con algo [v]
be related to something tener relación con algo [v]
be related entroncar con [v]
in a manner related to taxation fiscalmente [adv]
related to anatomy anatómicamente [adv]
(health related) conditions padecimientos [m/pl]
avalanche-related deaths muertes por avalanchas [f/pl]
related to or derived from plants fito- [pref]
related to the heart cardio- [pref]
related to birth defects and similar abnormalities terato- [pref]
related to blood hemo- [pref]
related to many multi- [pref]
related to water hidro- [pref]
related to the brain encefalo- [pref]
health-related research investigación relacionada con la salud
health-related relacionado con la salud
a rise in drug-related crime un aumento de los delitos relacionados con las drogas
a rise in drug-related crime un incremento de los delitos relacionados con las drogas
related to citrus trees or fruit citrícola [adj]
augustan (related to caesar) augustal [adj]
related to the christians subject to the moors in spain almozárabe [adj]
related to the canary islands canariense [adj]
related to the canary islands canario [adj]
related/belonging to catalonia catalán [adj]
pertaining/related to rubber gomero [adj]
related to millstones moleño [adj]
related to sandalwood sandalino [adj]
become related by marriage adeudarse [v]
be related to entroncar [v]
be related by marriage emparentar [v]
become related by marriage enlazarse [v]
become related/intimate with estrechar con [v]
be related relacionarse [v]
be related tocar [v]
become related by marriage emparentarse por matrimonio [v]
become related/intimate with intimar con [v]
train (an orderly succession of related events or thoughts; a sequence) orden [m]
related to asociado con [prep]
mammal family related to pigs and hippos báquiro [m] VE
mammal family related to pigs and hippos sahíno [m] EC NI
mammal family related to pigs and hippos jabalí [m] MX
mammal family related to pigs and hippos sajino [m] PE
legal document related to appointments and legislation (by the government) acuerdo [m] MX GT HN NI CO
skilled and unprincipled person in business or in matters related to money caima [m] CO VE
a name related to the political satire press which opposes the government ahuizote [m] MX
extended family groups adopting non-related members and whose elements constitute a lineage aíllo [m] PE CL
any aspect related to or typical of military officials chafarotismo [m] HN derog.
cockfighting spectacle and everything related to it gallerismo [m] DO
card game in which two or more players try to group related cards before their opponents golpeado [m] PE
company or group of companies that perform different related tasks combinado [m] CU
activity typical of a coyote, a person who takes care of administrative paperwork, especially those related to traveling without having the necessary paperwork to leave the country coyotaje [m] EC MX HN
activity typical of a coyote, a person who takes care of administrative paperwork, especially those related to traveling without having the necessary paperwork to leave the country coyoteo [m] US MX
activity typical of a coyote, a person who takes care of administrative paperwork, especially those related to traveling without having the necessary paperwork to leave the country coyoterismo [m] EC
dance hall dance related to the gavotte and minuet, accompanied by music with two parts fast and slow cuando [m] AR
person who resolves conflicts over issues related to water juez de aguas [m] EC
ideological position related to the government of augusto pinochet pinochetismo [m] CL UY rare
mammal family related to pigs and hippos jabalina [f] MX
group of related people cepa [f] PR
individual or organization the activity of which is parallel to that of others, with related or similar characteristics contraparte (inglés) [f] MX SV NI PA EC BO
person who resolves conflicts over issues related to water jueza de aguas [f] EC
group of intimately related people mazorca [f] GT
woman who lives with a family not related to her ñaña [f] CL:S
set of services related to public health salubridad [f] MX SV CL PY UY
closely related cercano [adj]
related to the achual (native tribe of the amazon basin) achual [adj] PE
related to aguardiente or any other type of drink (which gets you drunk quickly because of its high alcohol content) agarrador [adj] SV CO EC AR
related to certain beverages or fruits with a flavor that stays long in the palate agarrador [adj] MX
related to the condition of cimarron (domestic animal that escapes into wild life) acimarronado [adj] MX
related to the democratic action party of venezuela adeco [adj] VE
related to annatto bush/fruit/seed/coloring achiotero [adj] MX
related to the garifuna ethnic group from honduras afrohondureño [adj] HN
related to customs aduanal [adj] MX GT HN SV NI CR CU PR VE PE BO CL
related to salvador allende's ideology allendista [adj] CL
related to an animal hooked on human flesh cebado  [adj] CO VE PE BO PY AR UY
related to arnuflismo arnuflista [adj] PA
related to an african mutual aid society abakuá [adj] CU PR
related to the organization of banquets banquetero [adj] CO CL
related to the political movement of bolivian dictator hugo bánzer banzerismo (de hugo bánzer suárez) [adj] BO
related to amazonian ethnic groups of bolivia bárbaro [adj] BO disused
related to banana production/trade bananero [adj] GT HN NI CR PA
related to banana bananero [adj] GT HN NI CR PA
related to someone who is imitating the gaucho in appearance and demeanor agauchado [adj] BO CL AR UY
related to someone who financially helps another who sells lottery tickets aguante [adj] DO
related to someone who takes advantage of any situation for her/her own benefit agentado [adj] PR
related to a child or teenager who behaves as a baby aguaguado [adj] EC
related to someone who exaggerates unjustified abuse agilado [adj] CL
related to a calf that suckles too much, due to the milker's neglect or because it ran away to its mother agitado [adj] PR
related to a person who likes avocados aguacatero [adj] MX PA CU DO PR
related to a person who grows or sells avocados aguacatero [adj] HN SV NI CR PA CU DO PR
related to the avocado aguacatero [adj] MX HN DO PR
related to a person who receives a large amount of complaints aguaje [adj] NI
related to a person who is a believer in omens agüerista [adj] CO
related to a young animal who has lost its mother aguachado [adj] rur.
related to an animal, usually a lamb, not drinking the mother's milk, who has become emaciated, weak or sick aguachado [adj] AR rur.
related to someone who has lost their enthusiasm agüevado [adj] CR CO
related to a person who likes drinking unfermented maguey juice aguamielero [adj] MX
related to the unfermented maguey juice aguamielero [adj] MX
related to the bovine animals, having both ribs of the same color, but different from that of the loin and belly aguanés [adj] CL
related to a teenager who assumes the attitudes or wears the clothing of an adult agrandado [adj] MX PE CL AR UY
related to a person who gains more self-assurance and self-confidence agrandado [adj] PY AR UY
related to a person who resists any physical effort aguantador [adj] MX GT HN CR CO VE BO CL PY AR UY
agriculture-related agroecológico [adj] MX HN PA DO PR BO
related to a food or drink that has gone somewhat sour agrioso [adj] PR
related to a food or drink that has turned somewhat sour agrioso [adj] PR
related to bloque popular political movement supporter bloquero [adj] HN
related to coffee bean en bellota [adj] CR
related to a cyclist bicicletero [adj] CU
related to a foreseer/soothsayer boca de sapo [adj] VE
gasoline related bencinero [adj] CL
related to a mining trash beneficiado [adj] HN
related to a fortune-teller bocaguá [adj] DO
related to a variety of corn with a tender center bojo [adj] VE:W
related to the piece of clothing, specially knickers, made of a checkered white and grey fabric bataraz [adj] AR UY rur.
cycling related bicicletero [adj] CU CL
related to a biker bicicletero [adj] CU
related to the dregs bigoteado [adj] CL
related to small business bolichero [adj] CL
night club related bolichero [adj] BO
bar related bolichero [adj] BO
related to batllismo batllista [adj] UY
related to someone who is heavy beer drinker birrero [adj] AR CR