trigo - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "trigo" im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch : 18 Ergebniss(e)

Spanisch Englisch
trigo [m] wheat
trigo [m] money
trigo [m] wheat
trigo [m] wheat grain
trigo [m] wealth
trigo [m] property
trigo [m] riches
trigo [m] wheat-field
trigo [m] brass
trigo [m] dosh
trigo [m] lolly
trigo [m] dingbat
trigo [m] loot
trigo [m] dough
trigo [m] corn
trigo [m] wheal
trigo [m] grain
trigo [m] wheat (triticum)

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "trigo" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 228 Ergebniss(e)

Spanisch Englisch
mote de trigo [m] pearl barley
trigo perlado [m] pearl barley
trigo hervido [m] boiled wheat
trigo hervido y machacado [m] boiled and pounded wheat
trigo einkorn [m] einkorn
trigo escaña [m] einkorn
de trigo [adj] wheaten
de trigo [adj] made from wheat
trillar trigo [v] thresh wheat
trigo blando bread wheat
pan de trigo integral whole wheat bread
almidón de trigo cornstarch
trigo candeal bread wheat
pan de trigo corn bread
harina de trigo wheat flour
trigo integral whole wheat
trigo alonso [m] bearded wheat
pan de trigo [m] wheat bread
trigo trechel [m] spring wheat
trigo salmerón [m] fanfaron wheat
(trigo) berrendo [adj] having the husk tinged with dark blue spots
(trigo) cañihueco [adj] relating to a variety of wheat which gives good flour
(trigo) zorollo [adj] reaped but not ripe (wheat)
(trigo) cañivano [adj] relating to a variety of wheat which gives good flour
trigo morisco [m] branks
trigo nuevo [m] green corn
trigo para sembrar [m] seed corn
paja del trigo [f] corn-stalk
enfermedad del trigo [f] blast
hecha de trigo candeal [f] whites
atizonarse (el trigo) [v] mildew
menear (trigo) [v] thrash
hongo parásito que ataca al trigo bunt of a sail
manjar hecho de trigo y leche frumenty
trigo mondado y medio molido groats
canal para conducir trigo shoe
separar el trigo de la paja [v] separate the chaff from the wheat
no ser trigo limpio [v] not to be honest
no ser trigo limpio [v] be fishy
no ser trigo limpio [v] be dubious
no es todo trigo [expr] it's not all rainbows and butterflies
una cosa es predicar, la otra dar trigo action speak louder than words
trigo limpio honest thing or person
¡vuelta la burra al trigo! it is said to those who insist on making the same mistakes over and over again
separar el trigo de la paja to separate the wheat from the chaff
y dale la burra al trigo same old story
no ser trigo limpio [v] be unreliable
no ser trigo limpio [v] be untrustworthy
no ser trigo limpio [v] be a crooked as a barrel of fish hooks
no ser trigo limpio [v] be bent as a nine bob note
no ser trigo limpio [v] be crooked as a barrel of fish hooks
no ser trigo limpio [v] be crooked as a fish hook
no ser trigo limpio [v] be devious
no ser trigo limpio [v] be dishonest
no ser trigo limpio [v] be down-and-dirty
no ser trigo limpio [v] crooked as a dog's hind leg
no ser trigo limpio [v] give someone the creeps
no ser trigo limpio [v] have a shady character
no ser trigo limpio [v] be a fly-by-night
no ser trigo limpio [v] not be as perfect as someone/something seems
no ser trigo limpio not to be trustworthy
nunca es mal año por mucho trigo an abundant year of corn is never a bad year
por mucho trigo nunca es mal año an abundant year of corn is never a bad year
una cosa es predicar y otra es dar trigo saying and doing are two things
una cosa es predicar y otra dar trigo saying and doing are two things
el trigo money
cultivo de trigo wheat growing
cosecha de trigo [f] wheat crop
cosecha de trigo [f] wheat harvest
trigo duro rojo de invierno hard red winter wheat
trigo blando weak wheat
gorgojo del trigo granary weevil
aventadora para trigo corn fan
trigo tardío late wheat
trigo duro blanco hard white wheat
tierra de trigo corn land
trigo marzal spring wheat
trigo duro hard wheat
futuro de trigo wheat future
gorgojo del trigo grain weevil
trigo sarraceno buckwheat
trigo rojo de primavera hard red spring wheat
salvado de trigo sharps
campo de trigo wheatfield
clases de trigo wheat classes
trigo desraspado beardless wheat
harina de trigo duro hard-wheat flour
trigo blando blanco soft white wheat
espiga de trigo cornstalk
trigo semolero hard wheat
trigo duro strong wheat
trigo molido grist
trigo duro durum
molino de trigo grist mill
trigo blando soft wheat
trigo blando rojo de invierno soft red winter wheat
aceite de germen de trigo wheat germ oil
trigo de otoño fall wheat
trigo en hierba green corn
salvado de trigo wheat bran
harina de trigo corn meal
de trigo wheaten
harina integral de trigo whole-wheat flour
germen de trigo [m] wheat germ
aceite de germen de trigo wheat germ oil
Food Engineering
trigo duro [m] durum wheat
trigo sarraceno [m] buckwheat
harina de trigo sin refinar [f] wheat meal
harina de trigo wheat flour
trigo duro durum wheat
trigo sarraceno buckwheat
trigo entero whole wheat
germen de trigo wheat germ
harina de trigo wheat flour
enfermedad del gorgojo del trigo wheat weevil disease
goma de trigo wheat gum
envenenamiento por pastura de trigo wheat pasture poisoning
aceite de germen de trigo wheat germ oil
sembrar trigo [v] corn
afrecho de trigo [m] wheat bran
subproducto de molienda de trigo [m] wheat shorts
trigo duro [m] durum wheat
trigo sarraceno [m] buckwheat
trigo álaga [m] variety of durum wheat
trigo alonso [m] variety of durum wheat
trigo aristado [m] bearded wheat
trigo azul [m] purple wheat
trigo azul [m] blue wheat
trigo azul [m] dark wheat
trigo azulejo [m] purple wheat
trigo azulejo [m] blue wheat
trigo azulejo [m] dark wheat
trigo azulenco [m] purple wheat
trigo azulenco [m] blue wheat
trigo azulenco [m] dark wheat
trigo berrendo [m] variety of bread wheat
trigo bornero [m] blackish ground wheat
trigo bornero [m] darkened ground wheat
trigo cañihueco [m] variety of emmer wheat
trigo cañivano [m] variety of emmer wheat
trigo cascalbo [m] variety of durum wheat
trigo chamorro [m] type of beardless wheat
trigo chapado [m] andalusian wheat
trigo común [m] bread wheat
trigo común [m] common wheat
trigo común [m] a cultivated wheat species (triticum aestivum)
trigo cuchareta [m] andalusian wheat
trigo de bona [m] polish wheat (triticum polonicum)
trigo de invierno [m] autumn wheat
trigo de marzo [m] type of beardless wheat
trigo de polonia [m] polish wheat
trigo del milagro [m] bread wheat (triticum linnaeanum)
trigo derraspado [m] type of beardless wheat
trigo desraspado [m] type of beardless wheat
trigo durillo [m] type of durum wheat
trigo duro [m] type of durum wheat
trigo fanfarrón [m] type of durum wheat
trigo lampiño [m] hairless wheat
trigo marzal [m] type of beardless wheat
trigo mocho [m] beardless wheat
trigo montesino [m] barbed goatgrass
trigo morato [m] purple wheat
trigo morato [m] blue wheat
trigo morato [m] dark wheat
trigo moreno [m] purple wheat
trigo moreno [m] blue wheat
trigo moreno [m] dark wheat
trigo moro [m] type of bulgur wheat
trigo moruno [m] type of bulgur wheat
trigo otoñal [m] autumn wheat
trigo pelón [m] type of beardless wheat
trigo peloto [m] type of beardless wheat
trigo piche [m] type of candeal wheat
trigo racimal [m] bread wheat
trigo redondillo [m] emmer wheat
trigo rubión [m] type of durum wheat
trigo rubión [m] ES local rur. variety of common wheat
trigo salmerón [m] type of durum wheat
trigo sarraceno [m] buckwheat
trigo sarraceno [m] common buckwheat
trigo sarraceno [m] a flowering plant in the knotweed family polygonaceae (fagopyrum esculentum)
trigo trechel [m] spring wheat
trigo tremés [m] spring wheat
trigo tremesino [m] spring wheat
trigo zorollo [m] unripened wheat
enfermedad del trigo [f] blight
harina de trigo sin cerner [f] graham flour
lavado del grano de trigo bleaching
pietín del trigo take all
harina de trigo wheat flour
zona del trigo wheatbelt
zona de cultivo del trigo corn belt
trigo de primavera spring wheat
trigo para fideos durum wheat
brotado como en trigo o cebolla sprouting
trigo duro durum wheat
trigo grano wheat grain
trigo de invierno winter wheat
grano panza blanca en trigo yellow berry
en trigo boot stage
primer nudo visible en trigo jointing stage
campo de trigo wheat field
trigo para forraje (pienso) coarse wheat
paja de trigo wheat straw
sémola de trigo duro durum wheat semolina
trigo forrajero cheat for fodder
subproducto de molienda del trigo wheat white shorts
trigo semienano semi-dwarf wheat
trigo morisco buckwheat
trigo sarraceno buckwheat
trigo enano dwarf wheat
trigo sarraceno buckwheat
harina de trigo tierno soft-wheat flour
germen de trigo wheat germ
harina de trigo duro durum-wheat flour
harina de trigo sarraceno buckwheat flour
trigo sarraceno buckwheat
harina de trigo (común) all purpose flour
con granos de trigo malteado granary bread/flour
harina de trigo wheat flour
kasha (trigo sarraceno) buckwheat
trigo candeal bread or white wheat
trigo duro emmer wheat
mosquito del trigo hessian fly
trigo sarraceno buckwheat
aceite de germen de trigo wheat germ oil
germen de trigo wheat germ
trigo negro [m] buckwheat