fruit - German English Dictionary



Meanings of "fruit" in German English Dictionary : 33 result(s)

English German
fruit Ertrag [m]
fruit Frucht [f]
fruit Obst [n]
fruit Resultat [n]
fruit Ergebnis [n]
fruit Früchte [pl]
fruit Obst das
fruit Obst
fruit Homo [m]
fruit Schwuchtel [f]
British Slang
fruit Warmer [m]
fruit Schwuler [m]
fruit Tunte [f]
fruit Schwuchtel [f]
fruit Holzbündel [n]
fruit Reisigbündel [n]
fruit Schwuler [m]
fruit Warmer [m]
fruit Tunte [f]
fruit Schwuchtel [f]
fruit Reisigbündel [n]
fruit Holzbündel [n]
fruit Ertrag [m]
fruit Frucht [f]
fruit Resultat [n]
EU Terms
fruit Obst [n]
fruit Früchte [pl]
fruit Obst [n]
fruit Früchte [pl]
fruit Obst [n]
fruit Früchte [pl]
fruit Früchte
fruit Obst

Meanings of "fruit" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 500 result(s)

English German
fruit-bearing erfolgreich [adj]
fruit-bearing ertragreich [adj]
fruit-flavoured mit Fruchtgeschmack [adj]
fruit crate Harass [Schw.] [m]
fruit wine Fruchtwein [m]
fruit wine Most (vergoren) [m]
fruit-growing Obstanbau [m]
day for eating only fruit Obsttag [m]
(hard) pit (of a stone fruit) Kern [m]
(hard) pit (of a stone fruit) Stein (einer Steinfrucht) [m]
(hard) pit (of a stone fruit) Obstkern [m]
fruit orchard Obstgarten [m]
fruit tree Obstbaum [m]
fruit machine Spielautomat [m]
citrus fruit grower Zitrusfrüchteanbauer [m]
fruit basket Früchtekorb [m]
fruit and veg stall Obst- und Gemüsestand [m]
fruit-growing Obstbau [m]
fruit spread Fruchtaufstrich [m]
choice fruit Obst erster Wahl [m]
fruit flan Obstkuchen [m]
fruit cake Spinner [m]
fruit basket Obstkorb [m]
fruit salad Obstsalat [m]
fruit juice Fruchtsaft [m]
fruit-market Obstmarkt [m]
fruit-tree Obstbaum [m]
core of a fruit Kern einer Frucht [m]
dried fruit cake getrockneter Früchtekuchen [m]
fresh-squeezed fruit juice frisch gepresster Obstsaft [m]
fruit and vegetable middleman Gemüsehändler [m]
fruit brush Obstpinsel [m]
fruit cobbler Obstkuchen [m]
fruit garden Obstgarten [m]
fruit juicer Entsafter [m]
fruit machine (british english) Spielautomat [m]
fruit machine (british english) Glücksautomat [m]
fruit market Obstmarkt [m]
fruit market Früchtemarkt [m]
fruit nappy Obstteller [m]
fruit seller Obsthändler [m]
fruit seller Obstverkäufer [m]
fruit seller Früchteverkäufer [m]
fruit selling Obstverkauf [m]
fruit selling Obsthandel [m]
fruit selling Früchtehandel [m]
fruit teas Früchtetee [m]
pip fruit Kernfrucht [f]
net weight of fruit Fruchteinwaage [f]
miracle fruit Wunderbeere [f]
fruit bowl Kompottschale [f]
fruit crate Steige [f]
fruit crate Stiege [f]
fruit crate Obstkiste [f]
fruit crate Lattenkiste [f]
fruit farm Obstzucht [f]
bruise (on fruit) Druckstelle (an Obst) [f]
stone fruit Steinfrucht [f]
slice (of a fruit) (abgeschnittene) Spalte (einer Frucht) [f]
tropical fruit Südfrucht [f]
fruit production Obstproduktion [f]
fruit fly Fruchtfliege [f]
Falta's flour and fruit diet Falta Mehl-Früchte-Kur [f]
fruit crate Obststeige [f]
fruit press Fruchtpresse [f]
ripeness of fruit Fruchtreife [f]
fruit sauce Fruchtsauce [f]
fruit and flowers anniversary Wachshochzeit [f]
canned fruit Obstkonserve [f]
stone-fruit Steinfrucht [f]
kiwi fruit Kiwifrucht [f]
kiwi fruit Kiwi [f]
citrus fruit industry Zitrusfruchtindustrie [f]
dried vine fruit getrocknete Weintraube [f]
dried vine fruit getrocknete Traube [f]
dried vine fruit Rosine [f]
dry fruit roasting machine Trockenobströstmaschine [f]
fleshy fruit fleischige Frucht [f]
fleshy fruit Saftfrucht [f]
forbidden fruit verbotene Frucht [f]
fruit box Obstkiste [f]
fruit bud Fruchtknospe [f]
fruit juicer Saftpresse [f]
fruit juicer Fruchtpresse [f]
fruit on a tree Frucht an einem Baum [f]
fruit on a tree Frucht auf einem Baum [f]
fruit picking Obsternte [f]
fruit reamer Obstpresse [f]
fruit reamer Fruchtpresse [f]
fruit seller Obsthändlerin [f]
fruit seller Obstverkäuferin [f]
fruit seller Früchteverkäuferin [f]
fruit stew Kaltschale [f]
fruit-bud Fruchtknospe [f]
fruit ice cream Fruchteis [n]
(fruit) flesh Fruchtfleisch [n]
soft fruit Beerenobst [n]
fruit jar Einmachglas [n]
stone-fruit Steinobst [n]
dried fruit Trockenobst [n]
wall fruit Spalierobst [n]
stewed fruit Kompott [n]
pip fruit Kernobst [n]
dried fruit Dörrobst [n]
bottled fruit Konservenobst [n]
dry fruit Dörrobst [n]
fruit jar Einweckglas [n]
stone fruit Steinobst [n]
barrel of fruit Obstfass [n]
cold stewed fruit Kompott [n]
dried fruit cake getrocknetes Früchtebrot [n]
frozen fruit tiefgefrorenes Obst [n]
frozen fruit gefrorenes Obst [n]
fruit and vegetables Obst und Gemüse [n]
fruit company Fruchtunternehmen [n]
fruit festival Obstfest [n]
fruit knife Obstmesser [n]
fruit picking Obstpflücken [n]
fruit soda Mineralwasser mit Fruchtgeschmack [n]
fruit soda water Mineralwasser mit Fruchtgeschmack [n]
mulct someone of the fruit of their toil jemanden um die Früchte seiner Arbeit bringen [v]
pit something (stone fruit) etwas entkernen (Steinobst) [v]
bear fruit Früchte tragen [v]
bruise (fruit) Druckstellen bekommen (Obst) [v]
yield fruit Früchte tragen [v]
to bear fruit Früchte tragen [v]
to bear fruit Früchte zeitigen [v]
be in fruit Früchte tragen [v]
drink fruit juice Fruchtsaft trinken [v]
drink fruit juice Obstsaft trinken [v]
grow fruit Obst anbauen [v]
fruit bowls Kompottschalen [pl]
fruit crates Obstkisten [pl]
fruit crates Lattenkisten [pl]
fruit crates Harasse [pl]
fruit crates Steigen [pl]
fruit crates Stiegen [pl]
fruit flies Fruchtfliegen [pl]
candied fruit(s) Kanditen [pl]
candied fruit(s) Dickzuckerfrüchte [pl]
samara fruit Flügelnüsse [pl]
fruit crops Früchte [pl]
dried fruit getrocknete Früchte [pl]
crystallized fruit kandierte Früchte [pl]
dried layers of fruit pulp getrocknete Schichten aus Fruchtfleisch [pl]
dried layers of fruit pulp getrocknete Schichten aus Fruchtpülpe [pl]
frozen fruit gefrorene Früchte [pl]
frozen fruit TK-Früchte [pl]
fruit and vegetable products Obst- und Gemüseprodukte [pl]
fruit and vegetable products Obst- und Gemüseerzeugnisse [pl]
fruit juices Obstsäfte [pl]
fruit juices Fruchtsäfte [pl]
fruit plants Obstpflanzen [pl]
fruit plants Obstgehölze [pl]
candied fruit(s) kandierte Früchte
raw fruit and vegetables vegetarische Rohkost
fruit in season Obst der Saison
jellied fruit Früchte in Gelee
fruit-flavored mit Fruchtgeschmack
caramelized fruit glasierte Früchte
passion-fruit Passionsfrucht
caramelized fruit karamellisierte Früchte
passion-fruit Maracuja
fresh fruit frisches Obst
old world fruit bats Flughunde
fruit-juice expert Fachkraft für Fruchtsafttechnik
bear fruit Frucht tragen [v]
bear fruit Früchte tragen [v]
bear fruit Früchte zeitigen [v]
bear fruit sich auszahlen [v]
forbidden fruit is sweetest Verbotene Frucht schmeckt am besten
Forbidden fruit taste the sweetest. Verbotene Speise schmeckt am besten.
Forbidden fruit taste the sweetest. Verbotene Früchte schmecken am besten.
I like fruit. Ich mag Obst.
fruit loop Depp [m]
fruit loop Schwachkopf [m]
fruit loop Idiot [m]
fruit loop Dummkopf [m]
fruit shop Obstladen [m]
fruit trade Obsthandel [m]
fruit trader Fruchthändler [m]
fruit and vegetable seller Obst- und Gemüsehändler [m]
yield fruit Frucht tragen
fruit of the poisonous tree doctrine Fernwirkung des Beweisverwertungsverbots
EU Terms
fruit juice Fruchtsaft [m]
fruit-growing Obstbau [m]
citrus fruit Zitrusfrucht [f]
soft fruit Beerenfrucht [f]
pip fruit Kernobst [n]
fresh fruit Frischobst [n]
fruit product Obsterzeugnis [n]
fruit vegetable Fruchtgemüse [n]
stone fruit Steinobst [n]
early fruit and vegetables Frühobst und Frühgemüse
tropical fruit tropische Frucht
fruit vegetable Fruchtgemüse
fruit peeling machine Früchteschälmaschine
fruit peeler Obstschäler
device for extracting fruit juice by means of stea Dampfentsafter
fruit press with endless pressing band Kelterpresse mit endlosem Pressband
hanging-up of harvested fruit Aufhängen geernteter Früchte
fruit shears Fruchtschere
fruit sugar Fruchtzucker
harvested fruit geerntete Früchte
fruit cleaning Fruchtreinigung
fruit storage cabinet Obstvorratsschrank
citrus fruit squeezer Zitrusfruchtpresse
fruit coring machine Fruchtentkernmaschine
citrus fruit Zitrusfrucht
fruit press Kelterpresse
fruit press using press rams Kolbenkelterpresse
fruit products Fruchtprodukt
fruit storage rack Obstvorratsregal
citrus fruit peeler Zitrusfrüchteschäler
fruit juice Fruchtsaft [m]
fruit juice extraction Fruchtsaftgewinnung [f]
fruit essence Fruchtessenz [f]
fruit sugar Fruchtzucker [m]
fruit acid Fruchtsäure [f]
fruit sugar Fructose [f]
hen fruit Ei [n]
fruit growing Obstbau [m]
fruit growing Obstbau [m]
fruit quality Fruchtqualität [f]
fruit juice regulation Fruchtsaftverordnung [f]
stone fruit Steinobst [n]
pome fruit Kernobst [n]
fruit tree Obstgehölz
Food Engineering
stone fruit Steinfrucht [f]
scald mark (fruit) Braunfleckigkeit [f]
soft rot (fruit) Weichfäule [f]
pomaceous fruit Kernobst [n]
stone fruit Steinobst [n]
fruit-growing Obstbau [m]
standard fruit tree Hochstamm-Obstbaum [m]
fruit production Obstbau [m]
fruit setting Fruchtansatz [m]
fruit-processing Obstverwertung [f]
crop of fruit Obsternte [f]
forest fruit Waldfrucht [f]
fruit plantation Obstplantage [f]
fruit processing Früchteverarbeitung [f]
to produce a good crop of fruit viele Früchte tragen [v]
crops of fruit Obsternten [pl]
fruit vegetables Fruchtgemüse [pl]
wild fruit Wildobst
air-freight fruit Flugobst [n]
fruit brandy Obstler [m]
fruit brandy Obstbrand [m]
fruit cake Stollen [m]
fruit cake Christstollen [m]
fruit cake Weihnachtsstollen [m]
fruit juice Most [m]
fruit juice Fruchtsaft [m]
fruit juice Süßmost [m]
fruit loaf Christstollen [m]
fruit juice Obstsaft [m]
fruit loaf Stollen [m]
fruit loaf Weihnachtsstollen [m]
fruit liquor Fruchtlikör [m]
fruit machine einarmiger Bandit (Spielautomat) [m]
fruit salad Fruchtsalat [m]
fruit pleasure Fruchtgenuss [m]
open-faced tart/pie with a fruit filling Obstfladen [m]
passion fruit nectar Maracujasaft [m]
tea spiked with fruit schnapps or rum Jagatee [m]
tea spiked with fruit schnapps or rum Jagatee (Jägertee) [Ös.] [m]
tomato fruit Goldapfel [Veraltet] [m]
summer fruit pudding Brotpudding [m]
unfermented fruit juice Süßmost [m]
fruit salad Obstsalat [m]
fruit mustard Obstsenf [m]
fruit stollen cake Früchestollen [m]
fruit mustard Fruchtsenf [m]
fruit nectar Fruchtnektar [m]
fruit spread Früchteaufstrich [m]
fruit brandy Fruchtbrand [m]
fruit nectar Obstnektar [m]
fruit basket Früchtekorb [m]
fruit distillate Obstbranntwein [m]
stewed fruit Kompott [m]
fruit compote Kompott [m]
fruit tea Früchtetee [m]
fruit cake Stolle [f]
fruit loaf Stolle [f]
fruit preparation Fruchtzubereitung [f]
fruit slice Fruchtschnitte [f]
fruit slice Obstschnitte [f]
open-faced tart/pie with a fruit filling Obstwähe [f]
candied fruit kandierte Frucht [f]
fruit soup Obstsuppe [f]
citrus fruit Zitrusfrucht [f]
fruit sauce Obstsauce [f]
fruit jam Fruchtmarmelade [f]
chilled fruit soup Kaltschale [f]
fruit fool Fruchtcreme [f]
fruit press Obstpresse [f]
fruit squeezer Fruchtpresse [f]
dessert fruit Tafelobst [n]
dried fruit Dörrobst [n]
fruit bread Kletzenbrot [n]
fruit bread Früchtebrot [n]
fruit bread Kletzenbrot [Bayr.][Ös.] [n]
fruit cake Kletzenbrot [Bayr.][Ös.] [n]
fruit cake Kletzenbrot [n]
fruit cake Früchtebrot [n]
fruit loaf Kletzenbrot [n]
fruit mousse Fruchtmousse [n]
fruit loaf Früchtebrot [n]
fruit loaf Kletzenbrot [Bayr.][Ös.] [n]
fruit drink Fruchtgetränk [n]
air-freighted fruit Flugobst [n]
fruit brandy Obstwasser [n]
canned fruit Dosenobst [n]
fruit preserves Kompott [n]
fruit fasting Früchtefasten [n]
tinned fruit Dosenobst [n]
bottled fruit eingemachtes Obst [n]
oval tartlets with fruit Fruchtschiffchen [n]
mixed fruit Mischobst [n]
greenhouse fruit Treibhausobst [n]
dried fruit Trockenobst [n]
early fruit Frühobst [n]
dried fruit Trockenfrüchte [pl]
fruit baskets Früchtekörbe [pl]
fruit salads Obstsalate [pl]
fruit salads Fruchtsalate [pl]
fruit slices Fruchtschnitten [pl]
fruit slices Obstschnitten [pl]
sections (of a citrus fruit) Fruchtfächer [pl]
sections (of a citrus fruit) Spalten [pl]
candied fruit kandierte Früchte [pl]
fruit gums Fruchtgummis [pl]
fruit preserves Obstkonserven [pl]
fruit drop Drops [m/n]
caramelized fruit glasierte Früchte
candied fruit kandierte Früchte
fruit milk-shake Obst-Milkshake
fruit in season Obst der Saison
jellied fruit Früchte in Gelee
fruit in syrup Eingemachtes Obst
fresh fruit frisches Obst
fruit bread Hutzenbrot [BW]
fruit cake Hutzenbrot [BW]
fruit loaf Hutzenbrot [BW]
red fruit pudding rote Grütze
summer fruit pudding Brotpudding {m} mit Beerenfüllung
fruit cake Früchtekuchen
fruit cake englischer Kuchen
fruit cake Früchtebrot
fruit fibre Fruchtfaser [f]
fruit-bearing fruchttragend [adj]
fruit tree Obstbaum [m]
milk fruit tree Sternapfelbaum [m]
milk fruit tree Sternapfelbaum (Chrysophyllum cainito) [m]
multiple fruit Fruchtverband [m]
tomato fruit Paradeiser [m]
tomato fruit Liebesapfel [m]
tomato fruit Liebesapfel [Veraltet] [m]
tomato fruit Goldapfel [m]
tomato fruit Paradeiser [Ös.] [m]
tomato fruit Paradiesapfel [m]
tomato fruit Paradiesapfel [Veraltet] [m]
seed (of a pip fruit) Kern (einer Kernfrucht) [m]
fruit kernel Fruchtkern [m]
kiwi fruit chinesischer Strahlengriffel [m]
fruit set Fruchtansatz [m]
fruit peduncle Fruchtstiel [m]
fruit setting Fruchtansatz [m]
bread-fruit tree Brotfruchtbaum [m]
fruit stalk Fruchtstiel [m]
multiple fruit Fruchtstand [m]
butter fruit tree Saphubaum [m]
monkey fruit Elefantenapfel [m]
fruit-bearing tree Obstbaum [m]
curd fruit Elefantenapfel [m]
indehiscent fruit Schließfrucht [f]
lime (fruit) Limone [f]
lime (fruit) Limone (Frucht) [f]
lime (fruit) Limette [f]
miracle fruit Mirakelfrucht (Synsepalum dulcificum) [f]
miracle fruit Mirakelfrucht [f]
multiple fruit Fruktifizenz [f]
oleaginous fruit Ölfrucht [f]
passion fruit Maracuja [f]
passion fruit Passionsfrucht [f]
passion fruit Maracuja (Passiflora edulis) [f]
pseudo-fruit Scheinfrucht [f]
rambutan fruit Rambutan [f]
rambutan fruit haarige Litschi [f]
rambutan fruit Rambutanfrucht [f]
tomato fruit Tomatenfrucht [f]
tomato fruit Tomate [f]
samara fruit Flügelnuss [f]
ugli fruit Ugli [f]
aggregate fruit Sammelfrucht [f]
Brazil nut fruit Paranussfrucht [f]
capsule fruit Kapselfrucht [f]
citrus fruit Zitrusfrucht [f]
dragon fruit Pitaya [f]
dragon fruit Pitahaya [f]
drupaceous fruit Steinfrucht [f]
dehiscent fruit dehiszente Frucht [f]
key fruit Samara [f]
fruit production Fruchtproduktion [f]
schizocarp fruit Sapltfrucht [f]
soursop fruit Annona [f]
dragon fruit Drachenfrucht [f]
mericarp fruit Teilfrucht [f]
simple fruit Einzelfrucht [f]
oleiferous fruit Ölfrucht [f]
dehiscent fruit Streufrucht [f]
fruit color Fruchtfarbe [f]
snake skin fruit Schlangenhautfrucht [f]
multiple fruit Sammelfrucht [f]
single fruit Einzelfrucht [f]
fruit skin Fruchtschale [f]
kovai fruit Scharlachranke [f]
kovai fruit Tindola [f]
kiwi fruit Kiwi [f]
snakeskin fruit Schlangenhautfrucht [f]
fruit skin Obstschale [f]
fruit of a tree Baumfrucht [f]
bread-fruit Brotfrucht [f]
snake fruit Schlangenfrucht [f]
fruit rot Fruchtfäule [f]
pip fruit Kernfrucht [f]
citrous fruit Zitrusfrucht [f]
miracle fruit Katamfe [f]
titty fruit Kuheuterpflanze [f]
fruit tree blooming period Obstblüte [f]
tropical fruit Tropenfrucht [f]
stone fruit Steinfrucht [f]
fruit colour Fruchtfarbe [f]
titty fruit Nippelpflanze [f]
miracle fruit Wunderbeere [f]
dehiscent fruit Springfrucht [f]
mangosteen fruit Mangostanfrucht [f]
avocado fruit Avocadofrucht [f]
kiwi fruit Kiwifrucht [f]
compound fruit Sammelfrucht [f]
accessory fruit Scheinfrucht [f]
purple mangosteen fruit Mangostinfrucht [f]
capsular fruit Kapselfrucht [f]
miniature fruit Zwergobst [n]
miniature fruit tree Zwergobstbaum [n]
pomaceous fruit Kernobst [n]
dwarf fruit tree Zwergobstbaum [n]
espalier fruit Spalierobst [n]
fruit flesh Fruchtfleisch [n]
berry fruit Beerenobst [n]
pip fruit Kernobst [n]
flesh of fruit Fruchtfleisch [n]
stone fruit Steinobst [n]
fruit pulp Fruchtfleisch [n]
dwarf fruit Zwergobst [n]
soft fruit Beerenobst [n]
to fruit Früchte tragen [v]
fruit trees and shrubs Obsthölzer [pl]
fruit trees and shrubs Obstgehölze [pl]
stone fruit family (botanical subfamily) Steinobstgewächse [pl]
stone fruit family (botanical subfamily) Steinobstgewächse (Amygdaloideae) (botanische Unterfamilie) [pl]
citrus fruit Zitrusfrüchte [pl]
fruit trees Fruchtbäume [pl]
fruit varieties Obstsorten [pl]
fruit species Obstarten [pl]
fruit-bearing trees Obstbäume [pl]
fruit trees Obstbäume [pl]
kiwi fruit Kiwi
dehiscent fruit dehiszente Frucht
monster fruit Köstliches Fensterblatt
fruit sage Zimmerlinden-Salbei
curd fruit Indischer Holzapfel
fruit salad plant Köstliches Fensterblatt
tomato-fruit eggplant Afrikanische Aubergine
tomato-fruit eggplant Äthiopische Eierfrucht
kiwi fruit Kiwi-Frucht
kiwi fruit Chinesische Stachelbeere
to fruit Früchte tragen
chocolate pudding fruit Schwarze Sapote
kiwi fruit Chinesischer Strahlengriffel
green fruit unreife Früchte
few-spine marble-fruit prickly pear Engelmanns Feigenkaktus
fruit production Fruchtproduktion
fruit peduncle Fruchtstiel
snakeskin fruit Schlangenhautfrucht
butter fruit tree Saphubaum
purple mangosteen fruit Mangostinfrucht
fruit of a tree Baumfrucht
simple fruit Einzelfrucht
kovai fruit Scharlachranke
kovai fruit Tindola
snake fruit Schlangenfrucht
monkey fruit Elefantenapfel
capsular fruit Kapselfrucht
compound fruit Sammelfrucht
titty fruit Nippelpflanze
yellow-fruit nightshade Kantakari
curd fruit Elefantenapfel
fruit stalk Fruchtstiel