immediate - German English Dictionary



Meanings of "immediate" in German English Dictionary : 26 result(s)

English German
immediate unmittelbar [adj]
immediate sofort [adj]
immediate umgehend [adj]
immediate sofortig [adj]
immediate unverzüglich [adj]
immediate direkt [adj]
immediate prompt [adj]
immediate unvermittelt [adj]
immediate nächst [adj]
immediate augenblicklich [adj]
immediate unmittelbar [adj]
immediate unverzüglich [adj]
immediate sofort [adj]
immediate sofortig [adj]
immediate dringend [adj]
immediate umgehend [adj]
immediate alsbaldig [adj]
immediate unmittelbar [adj]
immediate augenblicklich [adj]
immediate direkt [adj]
immediate direkt [adj]
immediate unverzüglich [adj]
immediate unmittelbar [adj]
immediate verzögerungsfrei [adj]
immediate verzögerungsfrei
immediate ohne Verzögerung

Meanings of "immediate" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 211 result(s)

English German
as immediate as possible unmittelbar [adv]
as immediate as possible unverzüglich [adv]
as immediate as possible sofort [adv]
as immediate as possible möglichst unmittelbar [adv]
as immediate as possible so schnell wie möglich [adv]
as immediate as possible so direkt wie möglich [adv]
as immediate as possible möglichst bald [adv]
as immediate as possible so zügig wie möglich [adv]
in the immediate future in naher Zukunft [adv]
in the immediate future in der nahen Zukunft [adv]
in the immediate future in unmittelbarer Zukunft [adv]
in the immediate future in der unmittelbaren Zukunft [adv]
immediate area Nahbereich [m]
immediate instruction Direktbefehl [m]
immediate cause unmittelbarer Grund [m]
immediate influence unmittelbarer Einfluss [m]
immediate influence direkter Einfluss [m]
immediate medical response sofortiger medizinischer Eingriff [m]
immediate operation Sofortbetrieb [m]
immediate operation sofortiger Betrieb [m]
immediate viewing sofortiger Zugriff [m]
immediate aid Soforthilfe [f]
immediate write-off Sofortabschreibung [f]
annuity immediate nachschüssige Rente [f]
immediate-type allergy Frühtyp-Allergie [f]
immediate annuity sofort fällige Rente [f]
immediate action Sofortmaßnahme [f]
immediate prosthesis Sofortprothese [f]
immediate contact unmittelbare Berührung [f]
immediate payment Sofortzahlung [f]
immediate delivery Sofortlieferung [f]
immediate care Sofortbehandlung [f]
immediate care sofortige Behandlung [f]
immediate care sofortige Versorgung [f]
immediate care Sofortpflege [f]
immediate care unmittelbare Versorgung [f]
immediate care sofortige Pflege [f]
immediate cause unmittelbare Ursache [f]
immediate environment nähere Umgebung [f]
immediate environment unmittelbare Umgebung [f]
immediate environment nächste Umgebung [f]
immediate environment direkte Umgebung [f]
immediate family unmittelbare Familie [f]
immediate family engste Familie [f]
immediate family engere Familie [f]
immediate mission unmittelbare Aufgabe [f]
immediate mission unmittelbare Mission [f]
immediate occupancy sofortige Belegung [f]
immediate occupancy unmittelbare Belegung [f]
immediate operation sofortige Operation [f]
immediate operation unmittelbare Operation [f]
immediate operation sofortige Inbetriebnahme [f]
immediate response Sofortreaktion [f]
immediate response unmittelbare Reaktion [f]
immediate response unmittelbare Antwort [f]
immediate response sofortige Antwort [f]
immediate response sofortige Reaktion [f]
immediate response unverzügliche Reaktion [f]
immediate response unverzügliche Antwort [f]
immediate response unmittelbare Rückmeldung [f]
immediate settlement sofortige Begleichung [f]
immediate settlement sofortige Verrechnung [f]
immediate solution unmittelbare Lösung [f]
immediate solution sofortige Lösung [f]
immediate solution Sofortlösung [f]
immediate support sofortige Unterstützung [f]
immediate support Soforthilfe [f]
immediate support unmittelbare Unterstützung [f]
immediate support Sofortunterstützung [f]
immediate support umgehende Unterstützung [f]
immediate support unverzügliche Unterstützung [f]
immediate surroundings unmittelbare Umgebung [f]
immediate surroundings unmittelbare Nähe [f]
immediate threat unmittelbare Bedrohung [f]
immediate threat unmittelbare Gefahr [f]
immediate threat augenblickliche Bedrohung [f]
immediate viewing sofortige Ansicht [f]
immediate warning sofortige Warnung [f]
immediate warning sofortige Abmahnung [f]
immediate action programme Sofortprogramm [n]
immediate result sofortiges Ergebnis [n]
immediate cash sofortiges Bargeld [n]
immediate environment unmittelbares Umfeld [n]
immediate environment direktes Umfeld [n]
immediate interest unmittelbares Interesse [n]
immediate interest sofortiges Interesse [n]
immediate interest direktes Interesse [n]
immediate viewing sofortiges Ansehen [n]
to take immediate action sofort handeln [v]
to take immediate action Sofortmaßnahmen ergreifen [v]
be in an immediate danger in unmittelbarer Gefahr sein [v]
be in an immediate danger in unmittelbarer Gefahr schweben [v]
be in an immediate danger sich in unmittelbarer Gefahr befinden [v]
immediate action/measures Sofortmaßnahmen [pl]
the immediate family die engsten Angehörigen [pl]
immediate steps Sofortmaßnahmen [pl]
immediate concerns unmittelbare Anliegen [pl]
immediate concerns unmittelbare Sorgen [pl]
immediate family engste Angehörige [pl]
immediate family engste Familienangehörige [pl]
immediate family direkte Familienangehörige [pl]
immediate family unmittelbare Familienangehörige [pl]
immediate relatives nächste Angehörige [pl]
immediate relatives direkte Verwandte [pl]
immediate relatives unmittelbare Verwandte [pl]
immediate suburbs direkte Vororte [pl]
immediate suburbs direkte Vorstädte [pl]
immediate support services sofortige Unterstützungsdienste [pl]
immediate superior direkte Vorgesetzte
immediate superior direkter Vorgesetzter
immediate addressing unmittelbare Adressierung
immediate address unmittelbare Adresse
immediate call diversion sofortige Anrufumleitung
immediate-release nicht retardiert
in the immediate environs of something in der näheren Umgebung von etwas
with immediate effect ab sofort
with immediate effect mit sofortiger Wirkung
with immediate effect bereits jetzt
for immediate retrial zur sofortigen nochmaligen Erprobung
in immediate succession unmittelbar hintereinander
He was suspended with immediate effect. Er wurde mit sofortiger Wirkung suspendiert.
available for immediate delivery sofort lieferbar [adj]
for immediate ordering zur sofortigen Bestellung
immediate demand sofortiger Bedarf
immediate possession sofortiger Besitz
immediate object unmittelbares Ziel
immediate vicinity unmittelbare Nachbarschaft
immediate neighbours unmittelbare Nachbarn
immediate recovery sofortige Wiederherstellung
immediate delivery sofortige Lieferung
immediate consequence unmittelbare Folge
for immediate release zu sofortiger Freigabe
subject to immediate acceptance zur sofortigen Annahme
immediate annuity sofort beginnende Rente
immediate maturity sofortige Fälligkeit [f]
immediate write-off Sofortabschreibung [f]
immediate repayment sofortige Rückzahlung [f]
Business Correspondence
for immediate attention zur sofortigen Beachtung
for immediate execution zur sofortigen Erledigung
for immediate consideration zur sofortigen Überlegung
for immediate performance zur sofortigen Verrichtung
for immediate review zur sofortigen Durchsicht
for immediate dispatch zum sofortigen Versand
for immediate delivery zur sofortigen Lieferung
immediate delivery is required sofortige Lieferung ist erwünscht
subject to immediate acceptance zur sofortigen Annahme
for immediate retrial zur sofortigen nochmaligen Erprobung
hoping this will find your immediate attention hoffend auf schnelle Bearbeitung
which will have our immediate attention welchem wir uns sofort widmen werden
with cash discount for immediate payment mit Skonto für sofortige Zahlung
petty food theft (for immediate consumption) Mundraub (veraltet) [m]
petty food theft (for immediate consumption) Mundraub [m]
immediate matter Sofortsache [f]
Swiss Law
dismissal with immediate effect fristlose Kündigung
immediate action/measure Sofortmaßnahme [f]
immediate action/measures Sofortmaßnahmen [pl]
immediate effect Sofortwirkung [f]
immediate processing mitlaufende Verarbeitung [f]
immediate measures Sofortmaßnahmen [pl]
ready for immediate use sofort gebrauchsfertig
immediate access sofortiger Zugriff
immediate access direkter Zugriff
immediate allergy Anaphylaxie [f]
immediate allergy akute Allergie [f]
immediate allergy Schutzlosigkeit [f]
immediate care of the newborn in the delivery room Erstversorgung [f]
immediate allergy immunologische Überempfindlichkeit [f]
immediate hypersensitivity (reaction) Anaphylaxie [f]
immediate hypersensitivity (reaction) immunologische Überempfindlichkeit [f]
immediate hypersensitivity (reaction) akute Allergie [f]
immediate hypersensitivity (reaction) Schutzlosigkeit [f]
immediate allergy Schutzlosigkeit {f} gegenüber Antigenen
immediate hypersensitivity (reaction) Schutzlosigkeit {f} gegenüber Antigenen
immediate replacement denture Sofortprothese [f]
immediate loading of dental implants Sofortbelastung der Zahnimplantate [f]
immediate insertion denture Sofortprothese [f]
immediate insertion Sofortinsertion [f]
immediate prosthesis Immediatprothese [f]
immediate implant Sofortimplantat [n]
Fire Protection
immediate treatment Sofortbehandlung [f]
immediate treatment sofortige Behandlung [f]
immediate payment sofortige Bezahlung
immediate execution sofortige Ausführung
Model Railroading
immediate stop Halt [m]
immediate stop Halt [m]
immediate-access storage Direktzugriffsspeicher [m]
immediate access store Schnellspeicher [m]
immediate access Schnellzugriff [m]
immediate access unmittelbarer Zugriff [m]
immediate instruction Direktbefehl [m]
immediate cancel direkter Abbruch [m]
immediate mode Direktmodus [m]
immediate processing unmittelbare Verarbeitung [f]
immediate address unmittelbare Adresse [f]
immediate addressing unmittelbare Adressierung [f]
immediate address direkte Adresse [f]
immediate data Direktdaten [n/pl]
immediate processing mitlaufende Verarbeitung
immediate processing unmittelbare Verarbeitung
immediate recovery sofortige Wiederherstellung
SAP Terms
immediate output Sofortausgabe [f]
immediate writeoff Sofortabschreibung [f]
immediate issue Sofortauslagerung [f]
immediate-start job Sofort-Start-Job
immediate dial Sofortwahl [f]
immediate appreciation percentage Satzverständnisquote [f]
immediate consequence unmittelbare Folge
immediate annuity sofort beginnende Rente
immediate treatment sofortige Behandlung
immediate objective Nahziel [n]
immediate measure Sofortmaßnahme [f]