third - German English Dictionary



Meanings of "third" in German English Dictionary : 16 result(s)

English German
third dritte [adj]
third dritter [adj]
third drittel [adj]
third drittes [adj]
third Dritter [m]
third Drittel [n]
third drittes [num]
third dritte dritter
third dritte [adj]
third dritte [adj]
third dritter [adj]
third Dritter [m]
third Drittel [n]
third Terzparade [f]
third Terz [f]
third Terz [f]

Meanings of "third" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 309 result(s)

English German
third largest drittgrößtes [adj]
third-best dritt-best... [adj]
third largest drittgrößter [adj]
third largest drittgrößte [adj]
third-party ... Drittanbieter... [adj]
third-rate drittklassig [adj]
third-party Haftpflicht- [adj]
third-rate drittrangig [adj]
third-class drittklassig [adj]
third most important drittwichtigste [adj]
a third ein Drittel [adj]
eighty-third dreiundachtzigste [adj]
every third jeder dritte/jede dritte/jedes dritte [adj]
fifty third dreiundfünfzigster [adj]
fifty third dreiundfünfzigste [adj]
fifty third dreiundfünfzigstes [adj]
forty third dreiundvierzigster [adj]
forty third dreiundvierzigste [adj]
forty third dreiundvierzigstes [adj]
third country Drittstaat [m]
third degree murder Totschlag [m]
third power Kubus [m]
buck of third head Löffler [m]
third person effect Dritte-Person-Effekt [m]
third-party debtor Dritt-Schuldner [m]
third party Dritte [f]
two-third majority Zweidrittelmehrheit [f]
trusted third party vertrauenswürdige Dritte [f]
Picardy third pikardische Terz [f]
third-party rights Rechte Dritter [f]
third toe dritte Zehe [f]
third party liability Haftpflicht [f]
relationship to third parties Außenverhältnis [n]
third-party responsibility Fremdverschulden [n]
third-party goods Drittgut [n]
come third in the Olympics Olympiadritter sein [v]
drive in third gear. Im dritten Gang fahren [v]
give someone the third degree jemanden schonungslos ins Verhör nehmen [v]
have effects on third parties außenwirksam sein [v]
have effects on third parties Außenwirkung haben [v]
be free of/from (any) third-party rights frei von Rechten Dritter sein [v]
be placed third sich als Dritter plazieren [alt] [v]
be placed third sich als Dritter platzieren [v]
change into third gear in den dritten Gang schalten [v]
change down/downshift from fourth (gear) into third vom vierten (Gang) in den dritten herunterschalten [v]
change up/upshift into third in den dritten hochschalten [v]
be charged with criminal possession of a controlled substance in the third degree des Besitz von Betäubungsmitteln dritten Grades angeklagt werden [v]
come in third als Dritter ankommen [v]
come in third auf dem dritten Platz landen [v]
come in third als Dritter durchs Ziel gehen [v]
come in third als Dritter durchs Ziel kommen [v]
come in third in the race auf dem dritten Platz landen [v]
come in third in the race als Dritter durchs Ziel gehen [v]
come in third in the race als Dritter durchs Ziel kommen [v]
finish in third place den dritten Platz machen [v]
finish in third place den dritten Platz belegen [v]
finish in third place auf dem dritten Platz landen [v]
give someone the third degree jemanden ins Kreuzverhör nehmen [v]
give someone the third degree jemanden schonungslos ins Verhör nehmen [v]
decisions affecting third parties außenwirksame Entscheidungen [pl]
third countries Drittstaaten [pl]
third parties Dritten [pl]
third-party services Fremdleistungen [pl]
third-party funds Drittmittel [pl]
third-party rights Fremdrechte [pl]
third countries Drittländer [pl]
twenty-third dreiundzwanzigste [num]
one third ein Drittel
motor third party liability insurance Kfz-Haftpflichtversicherung
third world Dritte Welt
innocent third party gutgläubiger Dritter
disclosure of data to third parties Weitergabe von Daten an Dritte
a third party ein Dritter
vis-à-vis third parties im Außenverhältnis
the Third World die dritte Welt
third cousin Cousine dritten Grades
third parties Dritte
third person dritte Person
rights of third parties acting in good faith Rechte gutgläubiger Dritter
third-party product Fremdfabrikat
third-party claims Ansprüche Dritter
third-party von Dritten
third-party product Fremdprodukt
third-class dritter Klasse
third hand smoke Rauch
third-party liability Haftung gegen Dritten
one-third ein Drittel
a fifth/third wheel ein drittes Rad
a fifth/third wheel eine nutzlose Person
a fifth/third wheel ein fünftes Rad
a fifth/third wheel das fünfte Rad am Wagen
third time's the charm aller guten Dinge sind drei [expr]
on the downchange/downshift from forth to third beim Zurückschalten vom vierten in den dritten
on the third hand (OTTH) Aaaber
as was suggested by a third party wie von dritter Seite vorgeschlagen wurde
by almost a third um fast ein Drittel
by almost a third fast ein Drittel
by almost a third fast gedrittelt
when two people quarrel a third rejoices Wenn zwei sich streiten freut sich der Dritte
I live on the third floor of a six-storey house. Ich wohne im dritten Stock eines sechsstöckigen Hauses.
third eyelid Nickhaut [f]
third-party motor insurance Autohaftpflichtversicherung [f]
be a third wheel das fünfte Rad am Wagen sein
third person Dritte [m]
third-party supplier Fremdanbieter [m]
third-party supplier Drittlieferant [m]
third-party supplier Drittanbieter [m]
third-party vendor Drittlieferant [m]
third-party vendor Drittanbieter [m]
third party insurance Haftpflichtversicherung [f]
Third World dritte Welt [f]
third-party liability Betriebshaftpflicht [f]
third-party supply Fremdeinspeisung [f]
third-party-funded research Drittmittelforschung [f]
third party Drittpartei [f]
third-party insurance Haftpflichtversicherung [f]
motor third party insurance Kraftfahrzeughaftpflichtversicherung [f]
third-party insurance Unfallhaftpflichtversicherung [f]
third-world country Entwicklungsland [n]
third-party business Drittgeschäft [n]
third-party funds Drittmittel [pl]
third-party suppliers Drittlieferanten [pl]
third-party suppliers Drittanbieter [pl]
third-party vendors Drittlieferanten [pl]
third-party vendors Drittanbieter [pl]
third-party services Dienstleistungen Dritter [pl]
expert third-party certificate Bescheinigung eines neutralen Sachverständigen
for account of a third party auf fremde Rechnung
expert third-party neutraler Sachverständiger
on the part of any third partes seitens Dritter
one third ein Drittel
to a third party an einen Dritten
third arbitrator Obmann des Schiedsgerichts
third-line support Third-Level Support
the Third World Dritte Welt
third party dritte Person
third-world country Land der Dritten Welt
on the part of any third parties seitens Dritter
third-party liability Haftung gegen Dritten
trade in goods between the Community and third countries Warenverkehr zwischen der Gemeinschaft und Drittländern
third-party liability Haftung gegenüber Dritten
loan for a third-party account Treuhandkredit [m]
third-party mandate Bankvollmacht [f]
loan for a third-party account Treuhanddarlehen [n]
third-party service provider Zulieferer [m]
third country Drittland [n]
Business Correspondence
third copy Drittausfertigung [f]
one-third with order ein Drittel bei Auftragserteilung
one-third on delivery ein Drittel bei Lieferung
one-third against 90 days' acceptance ein Drittel gegen Dreimonatswechsel
present the draft a third time die Tratte zum dritten Mal vorlegen
Vocational Training
dual third-level courses duale Studiengänge
Work Safety
one-third octave-band spectrum Terzbandspektrum [n]
third person effect Third-Person-Effekt [m]
person served with a third party notice Streitverkündeter [m]
person served with a third party notice Streiverkündungsempfänger [m]
person serving a third party notice Streitverkündender [m]
third party Dritter [m]
third party defendant Streitverkündeter [m]
third party defendant Streiverkündungsempfänger [m]
third party notice Streitverkündung [f]
third-party motion to vacat Drittwiderspruchsklage [f]
third-party effect of fundamental rights Drittwirkung von Grundrechten [f]
third-party motion to vacate Drittwiderspruchsklage [f]
third party notice procedure Streitverkündungsverfahren [n]
third party notice procedures Streitverkündungsverfahren [pl]
third-country national Drittstaatsangehöriger [m]
third-country national Drittstaatsangehörige [f]
safe third country rule Drittstaatenregelung [f]
safe third country rule (asylum seekers can be returned to the first safe country they set foot in Drittstaatenregelung [f]
third country Drittland [n]
third-country nationals Drittstaatsangehörigen [pl]
third-country nationals Drittstaatsangehörige
safe third country rule (asylum seekers can be returned to the first safe country they set foot in EU-Recht)
EU Terms
third-party insurance Haftpflichtversicherung [f]
third country Drittland [n]
Mediterranean third countries Mittelmeeranrainerstaaten ohne EG-Staaten
third stage of EMU dritte Phase der WWU
third Lomé Convention Abkommen von Lomé III
Swiss Law
contract to the charge of a third person Vertrag zu Lasten eines Dritten [m]
contract in favor of a third party Vertrag zu Gunsten eines Dritten [m]
third party dritte Partei [f]
third-brush generator Dreibürsten-Maschine
third gear dritter Gang [m]
third body dritter Körper [m]
third-party insurance Haftpflichtversicherung [f]
third power dritte Potenz [f]
third-party indemnity insurance Haftpflichtversicherung [f]
equation of the third degree Gleichung dritten Grades
equation of the third degree kubische Gleichung
third law of thermodynamics dritter Hauptsatz Thermodynamik
third cosmic velocity dritte kosmische Geschwindigkeit [f]
female third cousin Cousine dritten Grades
third class befriedigend [adj]
third grader Drittklässler [m]
third-party funded project Drittmittelprojekt [n]
third-party funding Drittmittel [n]
third-party funds Drittmittel [pl]
third party funds Drittmittel [pl]
Lower third class Befriedigend
third-party assignments Aufträge Dritter
Third class Befriedigend
third-party funding Drittmittel
Third Republic Dritte Republik [f]
Third Reich Drittes Reich [n]
the third estate der dritte Stand
the third order der dritte Stand
the Third Reich das Dritte Reich
third person plural dritte Person Plural
the third book of Moses (from the Old Testament) das 3. Buch Mose (aus dem alten Testament) [n]
Jesus falls the third time (9th station) Jesus fällt zum dritten Mal unter dem Kreuz (9. Station)
the third book of Moses (from the Old Testament) Levitikus
third-party medical history Fremdanamnese [f]
medical history from a third party Fremdanamnese [f]
third stage of labor Nachgeburtssperiode [f]
third-degree burns Verbrennungen dritten Grades
third ventriculostomy Ill.-Ventriculostomia
third eyelid drittes Augenlid [n]
third finger Ringfinger [m]
third eyelid Nickhaut [f]
third eyelid drittes Augenlid [n]
middle third mittleres Drittel
third firing dritter Brand [m]
third party protection Drittschutz [m]
third party litigation Drittklage [f]
third-party representative Drittbeauftragte [f]
one-third octave band analysis Terzbandanalyse [f]
third party Drittbetroffene
third motion shaft Abtriebswelle [f]
third motion shaft Getriebehauptwelle [f]
third party logistics externer Logistikdienstleister
third rail dritte Schiene [f]
third rail Stromschiene [f]
third party ink No-Name-Patrone [f]
trusted third party vertrauenswürdige Drittpartei [f]
Adobe Terms
third space drittelgeviert [adj]
SAP Terms
third-party order Streckenauftrag [m]
third party declarant Drittanmelder [m]
third-party order supplier Streckenlieferant [m]
third-party liability insurance Haftpflichtversicherung [f]
third-party delivery Streckenlieferung [f]
third-party invoicing Zentralregulierung [f]
third-party credit memo Streckengutschrift [f]
third-party requisition Streckenbestellanforderung [f]
third-party order processing Streckenabwicklung [f]
third-party order Streckenbestellung [f]
third-party item Streckenposition [f]
third-party deal Streckengeschäft [n]
third-party business transaction Streckengeschäft [n]
third country Drittland [n]
third-party expert opinion Fremdgutachten [pl]
third-party order for material to be provided Streckenbestellung für Beistellmaterial
Electrical Engineering
third rail collector Schleifschuhträger [m]
third-voltage motor Drittelspannungsmotor [m]
add-on third party Dreierkonferenz [f]
third generation mobile communication system universelles mobiles Telekommunikationssystem [n]
third party charging Belastung an Drittperson
third generation mobile communication system Mobilkommunikationssystem dritten Generation
third generation mobile communication system (tgmcs) Mobilkommunikationssystem der dritten Generation
third-party motor insurance Kfz-Haftpflichtversicherung [f]
automobile third party insurance Kfz-Haftpflichtversicherung [f]
third-party insurance Haftpflichtversicherung [f]
third party insurance Haftpflichtversicherung [f]
third party liability insurance Haftpflichtversicherung [f]
motor third party insurance Kraftfahrzeughaftpflichtversicherung [f]
third-party securities deposit account Treuhanddepot [n]
third-party securities deposit account Treuhänderdepot [n]
third-party liability Haftung gegen Dritten
triennial (plant which blooms only in its third year) dreijährige Pflanze (Pflanze, die erst im dritten Jahr blüht) [f]
triennial (plant which blooms only in its third year) dreijährige Pflanze [f]
sow in her third year zweijährige Bache [f]
third eye drittes Auge
third-placed competitor in an Olympic event Olympiadritter [m]
third parry Terz [f]
third parry Terzparade [f]
third-placed competitor in an Olympic event Olympiadritte [f]
germany's third division Dritte Liga
Horse Riding
third toe joint Hufgelenk [n]
third isomorphism theorem dritter Isomorphiesatz [m]
third power dritte Potenz [f]
declaring third party Drittanmelder [m]
third country Drittland [n]
third sector Nonprofit-Sektor
third sector Dritter Sektor
third stream Third-Stream [m]
third tone Drittelton [m]
picary third picardische Terz [f]
mediant (third degree of a key) (harmonics) Mediante [f]
Pythagorean major third pythagoreische Terz [f]
Picardy third picardische Terz [f]
augmented third übermäßige Terz [f]
major third große Terz [f]
diminished third verminderte Terz [f]
third inversion dritte Umkehrung [f]
major third große Terz
minor third kleine Terz
the (first/second/third) inversion of a chord die (erste/zweite/dritte) Umkehrung eines Akkords
airman third class Obergefreiter [m]
third / one-third octave mid-band frequency Terzmittenfrequenz [f]
one-third octave analysis Terz-Filter-Analyse [f]
minor third kleine Terz [f]
major third große Terz [f]
third harmonic dritte Harmonische [f]
third harmonic dritte Oberwelle [f]
third order active filter aktives Filter dritter Ordnung
third order band-pass filter Bandpassfilter dritter Ordnung
third-order filter Filter dritter Ordnung
Mechanical Engineering
third tap Fertigschneider [m]
third angle system amerikanische Projektion [f]