writer - Spanish English Dictionary



Meanings of "writer" in Spanish English Dictionary : 38 result(s)

English Spanish
writer literato [m]
writer escritor [m]
writer escritora [f]
writer literata [f]
writer autor [m]
writer redactor [m]
writer autora [f]
writer redactora [f]
writer escritor [m]
writer redactor [m]
writer pluma [f]
writer publicista [m/f]
writer tradicionista [m/f]
writer escribidora [f]
writer escritora [f]
writer redactora [f]
writer cuentero [m]
writer pluma [f]
writer cuentera [f]
writer cuentista [m/f]
writer escribiente [m] outdated
writer escribidor [m] derog.
writer escribiente [m] disused
writer escriptor [m] disused
writer plumario [m] disused
writer pluma [f] fig.
writer escribidora [f] derog.
writer escriptora [f] disused
writer plumífero [m]
writer plumífera [f]
writer cuechero [adj] NI
writer girador [m]
writer girador [m]
writer quien vende opciones
writer transcriptor [m]
writer emisor [m]
writer transcriptora [f]
writer guionista [m/f]

Meanings of "writer" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 203 result(s)

English Spanish
ghost writer testaferro [m]
leader writer editorialista [m/f]
prose writer prosista [m/f]
comedy writer comediógrafo [m]
culteranist writer culterano [m]
writer of epics épico [m]
male writer escribidor [m]
male writer escritor [m]
male letter writer evangelista [m]
newspaper writer gacetero [m]
farce writer mimógrafo [m]
mystic writer místico [m]
ghost writer negro [m]
teacher/writer of rhetoric rétor [m]
satirical writer satírico [m]
tango singer/song writer tanguero [m]
chorus writer villanciquero [m]
female writer escritora [f]
article writer articulista [m/f]
bolero song writer bolerista [m/f]
writer or painter of local customs and manners costumbrista [m/f]
dialogue writer dialoguista [m/f]
writer of or player in farces or interludes entremesista [m/f]
farce writer farsista [m/f]
serial story writer folletinista [m/f]
short story writer folletista [m/f]
news brief writer gacetista [m/f]
comic writer historietista [m/f]
affected writer preciosista [m/f]
precious writer preciosista [m/f]
prose writer prosista [m/f]
public law writer/author publicista [m/f]
ballad writer romancerista [m/f]
ballad writer romancista [m/f]
sonnet writer sonetista [m/f]
tango singer/song writer tanguista [m/f]
treatise writer tratadista [m/f]
zarzuela writer/author zarzuelista [m/f]
pertaining to the writer azorín azoriniano [adj]
pertaining to spanish writer josé de espronceda esproncediano [adj]
characteristic of spanish writer josé de espronceda esproncediano [adj]
pertaining to cuban writer and politician josé martí martiano [adj]
characteristic of cuban writer and politician josé martí martiano [adj]
teletype writer teleimpresor [m]
writer of history historiador [m]
romance writer romancero [m]
best-selling writer escritor mejor vendido [m]
writer of history historiadora [f]
distinguished writer estilista [f]
romance writer romancera [f]
comedy writer comediógrafa [f]
culteranist writer culterana [f]
newspaper writer gacetera [f]
mystic writer mística [f]
satirical writer satírica [f]
tango singer/song writer tanguera [f]
chorus writer villanciquera [f]
novel-writer novelista [m/f]
feature writer cronista [m/f]
story writer cuentista [m/f]
treatise writer tratadista [m/f]
ballad writer baladista [m/f]
pertaining to the spanish writer pío baroja barojiano [adj]
a spanish writer and philosopher unamuniano [adj]
a sci-fi writer un escritor de ciencia-ficción
grant writer redactor de solicitud de subsidio
retired technical writer redactor técnico jubilado
film writer escritor cinematográfico
paperback writer escritor de libros en rústica
sports writer escritor deportivo
feminist writer escritor feminista
freelance writer escritor independiente
writer of ballads chanzonetero [m]
news-writer gacetero [m]
poor writer gacetillero [m]
writer of fables fabulista [m]
bad writer escritorcillo [m]
petty writer escritorcillo [m]
poor writer escritorzuelo [m]
prose-writer prosador [m]
writer on mystical theology místico [m]
teacher/writer on rhetoric rétor [m]
obscene writer/artist pornógrafo [m]
writer of music musicógrafo [m]
writer of farces sainetero [m]
writer/singer of villancicos villanciquero [m]
writer of tonadillas tonadillero [m]
shorthand writer taquígrafo [m]
sonnet writer sonetista [m]
ballad-writer trovador [m]
style of a writer fraseología [f]
prose-writer prosadora [f]
bad writer escritorcilla [f]
petty writer escritorcilla [f]
poor writer escritorzuela [f]
writer of music musicógrafa [f]
news-writer gacetera [f]
writer of articles articulista [m/f]
genre writer costumbrista [m/f]
writer of or player in farces or interludes entremesista [m/f]
elegant speaker/writer hablista [m/f]
scholarly writer hablista [m/f]
writer of farces farsista [m/f]
author/writer of homilies homilista [m/f]
writer on feudal law feudista [m/f]
writer of folletines folletinista [m/f]
essay-writer ensayista [m/f]
writer on to pics of his own country regnícola [m/f]
prologue-writer prologuista [m/f]
prose-writer prosista [m/f]
ballad-writer trovista [m/f]
writer or composer of musical dramas zarzuelista [m/f]
elegant (writer) aticista [adj]
ballad-writer escritor de baladas [m]
hack writer escritor mercenario [m]
shorthand-writer taquígrafo [m]
shorthand-writer taquígrafa [f]
ballad-writer coplista [m/f]
ballad-writer jacarista [m/f]
writer of comedies cómico [m] disused
shorthand-writer braquígrafo [m] rare
reggaeton lyric writer arquitecto [m] PR
headline writer cabecero [m] PE
male writer who lacks talent and originality escribidor [m] PE CL derog.
sign writer rotulero [m] CR disused
song writer cantor [m] disused
ghost writer palo blanco [m] CL
writer of comedies cómica [f] disused
reggaeton lyric writer arquitecta [f] PR
headline writer cabecera [f] PE
female writer who lacks talent and originality escribidora [f] PE CL derog.
sign writer rotulera [f] CR disused
careless writer borronista [m/f] disused
writer detailing the special things of his country regnícola [m/f] cult rare
become a writer meterse a escritor [v]
i was a writer yo era escritor
i want to be a writer quiero ser escritor
who is your favourite writer? ¿quién es tu cantante favorito?
as the writer says como dice el escritor
according to the writer según el escritor
colombian writer gabriel garcía márquez gabo [m]
bad writer escribidor [m] disused
guaracha song writer/singer guarachero [m] CU
bad writer escribidora [f] disused
guaracha song writer/singer guarachera [f] CU
hack writer cagatintas [m/f]
hack writer chupatintas [m/f]
fake writer cagatintas [m/f]
fake writer chupatintas [m/f]
writ-writer abogado de la prisión
covered call writer vendedor de opción de compra cubierta
covered option writer vendedor de opción cubierta
covered put writer vendedor de opción de venta cubierta
covered writer vendedor de opción cubierta
direct writer vendedor de seguros directo
uncovered call writer vendedor de opción de compra descubierta
uncovered option writer vendedor de opción descubierta
direct writer reasegurador directo
naked call writer vendedor de opción de compra descubierta
naked option writer vendedor de opción descubierta
option writer emisor de una opción
option writer emisor de la opción
writer of the option emisor de una opción
writer of the option emisor de la opción
writer of a digest recopilador [m]
entailed estate writer mayorazguista [m/f]
legal writer escritor jurídico
non-profit grant writer redactor de solicitud de subsidios para organizaciones sin fines de lucro
teletype writer telescritor [m]
label writer rotuladora [f]
teletype writer telescritora [f]
tech writer escritor técnico
output writer transcriptor de salida
report writer escritor de informes
teletype writer equipment equipo teleescritor
stroke writer escritor de trazos
short news' writer gacetillero [m]
teletype writer teleimpresora [f]
leader-writer editorialista [m/f]
law-writer jurista [m/f]
output writer transcriptor de salida
hack writer escritor mercenario
copy writer redactor de anuncios
teletype writer terminal teleescritor
covered writer vendedor cubierto
report writer generador de informes
tech writer autor técnico
copy writer redactor de textos publicitarios
continuity writer encargado de continuidad
report writer impresora de informes
tape writer impresora de cinta
teletype writer system sistema de teleimpresoras
pcd writer editor de textos pcd [m]
photo cd writer impresor de disco compacto fotográfico [m]
land line teletype writer teletipo por línea inalámbrica
photo-cd writer impresor de disco compacto fotográfico [m]
script writer guionista [m/f]
writer of lyrics autor de las letras
ink writer receptor impresor de tinta [m]
short-story writer cuentista [m/f]
pertaining to ramón de campoamor, spanish writer campoamorino [adj]
pertaining to leopoldo alas, clarín, spanish writer, or his work clariniano [adj]
characteristic of leopoldo alas, clarín, spanish writer, or his work clariniano [adj]