against - Español Inglés Diccionario



Significados de "against" en diccionario español inglés : 29 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
against contra [prep]
against a [prep]
against versus [prep]
against enfrente [adv]
against versus [prep]
against contrario [adj]
against cerca de [prep]
against frente [prep]
against en contra [prep]
against enfrente [prep]
against en pugna [prep]
against hacia [prep]
against anti- [pref]
against anti [prep]
against junto a [prep]
against cerca de [prep]
against opuesto [adj] SV NI
against ante [prep]
against hasta [prep]
against en contra [adv]
against en contrario [adv]
against en frente [adv]
against frente a [prep]
against al opósito [adv] disused
against a contramano [adv]
against a contrapelo de
International Law
against a cuenta de [prep]
against comparado con [prep]
against contraste con

Significados de "against" con otros términos en diccionario español inglés : 500 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
stone bench built against the wall poyo [m]
knock against topar [v]
discrimination against discriminación contra [f]
offence against infracción de [f]
immune against inmune a [adj]
insured against asegurado contra [adj]
discriminate against discriminar [v]
lap against lamer [v]
fight against lidiar con [v]
plot against conspirar contra [v]
guard against precaver [v]
go against contrariar [v]
react against reaccionar contra [v]
inform against delatar [v]
rebel against rebelarse contra [v]
appeal against recurrir contra [v]
make a stand against resistir [v]
against the clock contrarreloj [adv]
discriminate against discriminar a [v]
transgress against pecar contra [v]
take action against proceder contra [v]
check against cotejar [v]
trespass against violar [v]
vote against votar en contra [v]
charge against acometer [v]
against the grain a contrapelo [adv]
person leaning against a wall a long time arrimón [m]
whipping against azotamiento [m]
crashing against azotamiento [m]
partisan man of Isabel II against don carlos the pretender cristino [m]
train with pull tested against pack animals ferrocarril de sangre [m]
countrymen against the military golilla [m]
beating of rain and wind against a wall hostigo [m]
supporter of the fight against the bejaranos in badajoz in the time of sancho iv of castile portugalés [m]
player that scores a point against the dealer punto [m]
flowing against the current regolfo [m]
going against the current remontamiento [m]
going against the current remonte [m]
rubbing up against each other revuelco [m]
rubbing against the grain rodapelo [m]
knocking against something achocadura [f]
checking against colación [f]
checking against comparación [f]
partisan woman of Isabel II against don carlos the pretender cristina [f]
indulgences granted by the pope to kings who waged war against muslims cruzada [f]
bouncing against the wall rebotadura [f]
using one's own words against them retorsión del argumento [f]
against the light contraluz [m/f]
partisan of Isabel II against don carlos the pretender cristino [adj]
going against the current fajador [adj]
not scored against imbatido [adj]
supporting the fight against the bejaranos in badajoz in the time of sancho iv of castile portugalés [adj]
face off against acarear [v]
brush up against acariciar [v]
bet against apostar [v]
put against arrimar [v]
be put against arrimarse [v]
take precautions against atrincherarse [v]
whip against azotar [v]
crash against azotar [v]
go against caer [v]
check against carear [v]
face off against carear [v]
check against colacionar [v]
beat against combatir [v]
crash against combatir [v]
go against combatir [v]
check against comparar [v]
conspire against complotarse [v]
conspire against conjurarse [v]
protest against contestar [v]
go against contradecir [v]
go against contraponerse [v]
inform against delatar [v]
turn against derribar [v]
advise against desaconsejar [v]
work against desfavorecer [v]
compete against echarse [v]
bring charges against encausar [v]
press charges against encausar [v]
take precautions against guardarse [v]
set against indisponer [v]
turn against indisponer [v]
go against ir contra [v]
put against llegar [v]
press against llegar [v]
put against llegarse [v]
press against llegarse [v]
turn against one another malmeter [v]
set against malquistar [v]
turn against malquistar [v]
be against oponerse [v]
guard against parapetar [v]
work against pelear [v]
resist or work against one another pelear [v]
have worked against pelear [v]
guard against precaver [v]
prevail against prevalerse [v]
row against the current proejar [v]
in schools, present arguments for and against an issue proponer [v]
have a grudge against someone quejarse [v]
brush against raspar [v]
scrape against raspar [v]
bounce against the wall rebotar [v]
rub against something refregarse [v]
sail against the current remontar [v]
guard against reservarse [v]
guard against resguardarse [v]
protest against responder [v]
set against revolver [v]
brush against rozar [v]
scrape against rozar [v]
face off against tenerse [v]
come up against toparse [v]
plot against tramar [v]
turn against someone volverse alguien contra otra persona [v]
jamb against which a door closes batiente [m]
immunity against prosecution or claim fuero [m]
crime against humanity delito de lesa humanidad [m]
prejudice against prejuicio contra [m]
insurance against seguro contra [m]
argument against argumento contra [m]
sentence against which an appeal is not ejecutoria [f]
insurance against prevención contra [f]
supporter of the fight against the bejaranos in badajoz in the time of sancho iv of castile portugalesa [f]
retaliated against represaliado [m/f]
protecting against ram-raiding antialunizaje [adj]
against critics or critiques anticrítico [adj]
against the clock contrarreloj [adj]
acting against scurvy antiescorbútico [adj]
opposing or against the establishment or existence of trusts antimonopolista [adj]
effective against dandruff eficaz contra la caspa [adj]
get mislaid against other papers traspapelarse [v]
make a reconvention against reconvenir [v]
set against achuchar [v]
score a lot of goals against golear [v]
institute proceedings against enjuiciar [v]
go against oponerse [v]
bet or bid against envidar [v]
set against contraponer [v]
advise against desaconsejar [v]
abut against apoyar contra [v]
dash against batir [v]
(one's shoes) press against one's feet apretarle los pies a alguien (los zapatos) [v]
(waves) lap up against the shore softly golpear suavemente la orilla (olas) [v]
argue against alegar [v]
appeal against apelar [v]
appeal against recurrir [v]
insure against asegurar contra [v]
advise against desaconsejar [v]
take disciplinary measures against expedientar [v]
vituperate against vituperar [v]
guard against cautelar [v]
prevent against cautelar [v]
work against desfavorecer [v]
press against apoyarse [v]
press against arrimar [v]
press against reclinar [v]
fight against pelear [v]
win against vencer [v]
win against derrotar [v]
offend against ofender [v]
use a veto against vetar [v]
prejudice against someone in favour of predisponer a alguien a favor de [v]
advice against doing something aconsejar no hacer algo [v]
be biased against tener prejuicios en contra de [v]
be pitted against ser enfrentado con [v]
be prejudiced against estar predispuesto en contra de [v]
be weighted against inclinarse en contra de [v]
bear a grudge against someone guardar rencor a alguien [v]
nourish a grudge against someone guardar rencor a alguien [v]
nurse a grudge against someone guardar rencor a alguien [v]
be against something estar en contra de algo [v]
race against time correr contra el tiempo [v]
guard against guardarse de [v]
guard against precaver de [v]
guard against precaver contra [v]
hope against hope esperar desesperando [v]
protest against something protestar contra algo [v]
rise up against alzarse contra [v]
work against the clock trabajar contra el reloj [v]
beat against golpear contra [v]
join forces against unir fuerzas contra [v]
swim against the current nadar contra corriente [v]
be vaccinated against estar vacunado contra [v]
bang one's head against a brick wall darse contra las paredes [v]
vote against votar contra [v]
testify against declarar contra [v]
compete against competir [v]
look at something against sun mirar algo a contra sol [v]
wage war against someone mover una guerra contra alguien [v]
rebel against alzarse contra [v]
revolt against alzarse contra [v]
appeal against something apelar contra algo [v]
argue against argüir contra [v]
insure against/for asegurar de/en [v]
attempt against someone's life atentar contra la vida de alguien [v]
blaspheme against blasfemar contra [v]
file a lawsuit against someone poner pleito a alguien [v]
take measures against something prevenirse contra algo [v]
bring an action against someone poner pleito a alguien [v]
warn someone against prevenir a alguien contra [v]
warn against something prevenirse contra algo [v]
take measure against precaverse contra [v]
guard against precaverse contra [v]
preserve against preservar contra [v]
predispose against prevenir en contra de [v]
prevent against prevenir en contra de [v]
recline against reclinar contra [v]
warn against prevenir en contra de [v]
back up against respaldarse contra [v]
back up against respaldarse en [v]
turn against someone revolverse contra alguien [v]
feel discriminated against sentirse discriminado [v]
feel discriminated against sentirse marginado [v]
be rebellious against something ser rebelde a algo [v]
rise against something ser rebelde a algo [v]
be prejudiced against someone estar predispuesto contra alguien [v]
be prejudiced against someone tener prejuicios contra alguien [v]
have a bias against someone estar predispuesto contra alguien [v]
have a bias against someone tener prejuicios contra alguien [v]
have a prejudice against someone estar predispuesto contra alguien [v]
have a prejudice against someone tener prejuicios contra alguien [v]
be predisposed against someone estar predispuesto contra alguien [v]
commit treason against cometer una traición contra alguien [v]
bump against the door darse de narices con la puerta [v]
compete against someone competir con alguien [v]
compete against someone competir contra alguien [v]
defend oneself against defenderse contra [v]
guard oneself against defenderse contra [v]
protect oneself against defenderse contra [v]
hedge oneself against a risk cubrirse contra un riesgo [v]
guard oneself against a risk cubrirse contra un riesgo [v]
make a formal complaint against a person presentar una denuncia contra una persona [v]
fight against something luchar con algo [v]
fight against lidiar contra [v]
revolt against the government insubordinarse contra el gobierno [v]
fight against luchar contra [v]
incite one against another incitar a alguien contra otro [v]
inform against informar contra [v]
inoculate against inocular contra [v]
play against jugar contra [v]
play against someone jugar contra alguien [v]
have hatred against someone tener odio a alguien [v]
indemnify against indemnizar de [v]
go against salirle a alguien al paso [v]
argue against something argumentar en contra de algo [v]
argue against something refutar [v]
act against one's principles actuar contra los principios de uno [v]
be against favor (us) estar en contra [v]
be against favour (uk) estar en contra [v]
be against one's nature estar en contra de la naturaleza de uno [v]
be against the law estar en contra de la ley [v]
brush against rozar contra [v]
bring an accusation against somebody acusar a alguien [v]
be accused of turning people against the military ser acusado de volver a la gente en contra de los militares [v]
be against the law ser contrario a la ley [v]
be against one's nature ser contrario a la naturaleza de uno [v]
bring a prosecution against iniciar un juicio contra [v]
bring an accusation against somebody presentar una acusación contra alguien [v]
bring suit against iniciar una demanda contra [v]
bring an action against one interponer una acción contra alguien [v]
be against a wall estar contra la pared [v]
bid against each other pujar entre ellos [v]
bear against estar en contra [v]
bear up against resistirse a [v]
begin a legal process against someone iniciar un proceso legal contra alguien [v]
bear up against oponerse ante [v]
avenge oneself against vengarse contra [v]
bear false witness against someone dar falso testimonio contra alguien [v]
bet against apostar contra [v]
be up against hacer frente [v]
be up against enfrentarse a [v]
be strictly against oponerse rigurosamente [v]
act against one's principles actuar contrariamente a los principios de uno [v]
act against one's principles actuar contra la moral de uno [v]
align against nivelar contra [v]
align against alinear contra [v]
be against one's nature ir en contra de la naturaleza de algo/alguien [v]
be accused of turning people against the military ser acusado de poner a la gente en contra del ejército [v]
be against a wall estar contra una pared [v]
be against one's nature ir en contra de la voluntad propia [v]
be against one's nature ir en contra de los principios de uno [v]
be against the law ir en contra de la ley [v]
be against a wall reclinarse contra una pared [v]
argue against something sostener en contra de algo [v]
argue against something argumentar en contra de algo [v]
argue against something objetar algo [v]
against the grain a contramano [adv]
against the clock contra reloj [adv]
against the clock a contrarreloj [adv]
against the current contracorriente [adv]
against the flow contracorriente [adv]
against him en su contra [adv]
against her en su contra [adv]
against all contra todo [adv]
against document (pago) contra documentos [adv]
against him contra él [adv]
against her contra ella [adv]
against invoice contra factura [adv]
against invoice al recibir la factura [adv]
against signature contrafirma [adv]
against the gravity contra la gravedad [adv]
against the sun contra el sol [adv]
against the sun opuesto al sol [adv]
against someone's will a la fuerza [adv]
blue bead worn against the evil eye cuentas azules usadas contra el mal de ojo [f/pl]
against the light a contraluz
against the will sin el consentimiento
against the grain a contrahilo
against the will contra la voluntad
against the grain a contrapelo
against your acceptance contra su aceptación
discrimination against the elderly discriminación contra los ancianos
leaning against recostado a
crime against humanity delito de lesa humanidad
crime against humanity crimen de lesa humanidad
proof against a prueba de
safeguard against something protección contra algo
vote against voto en contra de
race against time carrera contra el tiempo
race against the clock carrera contra reloj
placing against, beside, near arrimo [m]
fault committed against a person who has a claim to service deservicio [m]
remedy against pestilence contrapeste [m]
place where the sea beats against shore or dyke batiente [m]
blow of one bowl against another bochazo [m]
partisan of isabel ii against the pretender don carlos cristino [m]
sentence against absent criminals encartamiento [m]
partisan fighting against spanish colonialism filibustero [m]
beating rain and winds against a wall hostigo [m]
fender to protect the lintel of a house against the wheels of carriages guardarruedas [m]
that which goes against the grain repelo [m]
one playing alone against several others mohíno [m]
rubbing against the grain rodapelo [m]
steadiness of a ship against wind sostén [m]
knock against an object achocadura [f]
infamous action which a man permits against his own honour cabronada [f]
stroke of one top against another when boys play at tops cachada [f]
knock with the head against something calabazada [f]
plant grown in the sierra de sevilla and used against viper bites calabazuela [f]
grudge against someone mohína [f]
partisan of isabel ii against the pretender don carlos cristina [f]
made to be placed against or joined to a thing arrimadizo [adj]
against to nature contranatural [adj]
over against fronterizo [adj]
said of the preface to a work defending itself against possible objections galeato [adj]
stand against abobarse [v]
lean against/upon arrimarse [v]
set one's back against something acularse [v]
dash one thing against another chocar [v]
strike breast against breast contrapechar [v]
set oneself against contraponerse [v]
argue against controvertir [v]
try one's strength against a rival desafiar [v]
insure oneself against loss cubrirse [v]
take precautions against loss or harm caucionar [v]
make one thing tight against another inculcar [v]
secure against loss indemnizar [v]
prejudice against indisponer [v]
rush against embestir [v]
dash against herir [v]
hit against encallar [v]
knock one's face against an object hocicar [v]
plot against insidiar [v]
rebel against authority insubordinarse [v]
have a crash against estrellarse [v]
dash against estrellarse [v]
come up against an insuperable obstacle estrellarse [v]
guard against guardarse [v]
guard (against) guardarse [v]
row against the wind/current proejar [v]
act against oponer [v]
lean (against) respaldarse [v]
make anyone marry against his or her will malcasar [v]
create prejudice against malquistar [v]
inform against someone through malice malsinar [v]
lean against recostar [v]
lean back/against recostarse [v]
strike against tropezar [v]
strike against toparse con [v]
run against topar [v]
knock against topetar [v]
dash against something golpear algo con [v]
dash one thing against another hacer chocar [v]
strike against topar contra [v]
against drugs antidroga [adj]
exclaim against clamar contra [v]
run against tropezar con [v]
fight against odds luchar contra una fuerza superior [v]
hit against dar contra [v]
hit against chocar con [v]
proceed against armar un pleito contra [v]
logo against oponerse a [v]
go against ir en contra de [v]
lean against arrimarse [v]
lean against apoyarse en [v]
lift up the heel against tratar con insolencia y desprecio [v]
lodge a complaint against dar una queja contra [v]
make head against hacer frente a [v]
trespass against infringir [v]
trespass against contravenir [v]
turn against hacerse enemigo de [v]
turn against hacer frente a [v]
be against the wall estar en apuros [v]
set one person against another irritar a uno en contra de otro [v]
set one person against another poner mal a uno con otro [v]
set against oponer [v]
set against indisponer [v]
be set against detestar [v]
be set against concebir odio contra [v]
stand against oponerse a [v]
stand against mantenerse firme contra [v]
run against chocar [v]
run against dar contra [v]
strike against chocar con [v]
strike against estrellarse contra [v]
over against en frente de [adv]
against the grain con repugnancia [adv]
against the grain a repelo [adv]
against the grain de mala gana [adv]
against the hair a contrapelo [adv]
against the stream contra la corriente [adv]
against the grain a contrapelo [adv]
against time para ganar tiempo
padded garment used against arrows escaupil [m] MX
shell used as an amulet to protect against the evil eye and poisoning alicoino [m] DO
a seat for several people that has the backrest placed against the windows (urban omnibuses) asiento de los bobos [m] UY
charm against evil eye boisico [m] DO rur.
(handball game) strong hit with the palm of the hand and with the fingers half open to send the ball against the pediment cajchazo [m] BO
incite or provoke a person or an animal against somebody azuzamiento [m] HN NI
a gambling card game played by a banker and two or more punters who bet against the banker bacará [m] CL AR UY
hit a ball against another to knock it away from the target (game of boccia) boche [m] VE
amulet to protect against the evil eye boisico [m] DO rur.
employee who acts in favor of the employer and against the other employees apatronado [m] CL
fumigation against dengue abatización [m] HN NI
(among criminals) guarding against inopportune intrusion campaneo [m] MX
clandestine establishment in which alcoholic beverages are sold and consumed against the law clan [m] CL
clandestine establishment in which alcoholic beverages are sold and consumed against the law clandestino [m] CL
hitting of one marble against another chiclazo [m] NI
rice threshing by beating it against a surface chicoteo [m] EC
popular demonstration of complaint against a public person who is accused of having committed serious crimes or acts of corruption, that is generally held in front of his or her home or in some other public place the accused must visit escrache [m] AR UY
strong blow against something hard estrellazo [m] PR
protest or disagreement by a person or group against something considered unjust estril [m] CL
children's game that consists of throwing figurines towards a wall trying to win by having one left leaning against the wall espejito [m] AR UY
poisonous chemical used against ticks garrapaticida [m] HN NI CR CU AR EC CL PY
against the wind contraviento [m] PR
creaking sound produced by a solid body when rubbing against something or breaking crujimiento [m] CL
person who is accustomed to denouncing or informing against others for convenience or out of malice corcho [m] BO
violent and sudden collision against an embankment coloncontrón [m] HN
violent and sudden collision against an embankment coloncontronazo [m] HN
young rebel from the 1960s who is characterized by an attitude of protest against the establishment, expressed by their forms of speech, dress or striking life colérico [m] BO CL disused
marbles game involving hitting a marble against others and then getting it into the hole to win the marbles that were hit hachita y cuarta [m] CL disused
insurgent against spain mambí [m] CU DO
children's game where the child throws a ball against a wall, says certain things and makes some movements before the ball bounces back to his hands oa [m] EC
children's game where the child throws a ball against a wall, says certain things and makes some movements before the ball bounces back to his hands oa [m] HN NI
children's game of throwing coins or balls against a wall until one of them bounces closer to the others pique [m] BO:C,S
children's game of throwing coins or balls against a wall until one of them bounces closer to the others pique [m] CL disused
game where coins are thrown against a wall, and the coin that lands closer to the others, wins pite [m] CO:Sw
protest against someone piteo [m] PE CL
game between two players throwing a coin against a wall, the winner getting the closest to a certain distance rechinón [m] NI
vote against party lines voto salvado [m] CR VE
hex a card or dice player against another sontín de la burra choca [m] HN
balsamic ointment against respiratory affections zepol (de zepol®) [m] NI
panamanian combatant that fought against colombia in the thousand days' war veterano [m] PA
treason accusation against another nobleman reto [m] disused
variety of thistle used as an antidote against the poisonous spider sting caucha [f] CL
strike from an object against another acometida [f] DO
stopping the heifer by putting it against the fence with the horse (in a rodeo) atajada [f] CL
a gambling card game played by a banker and two or more punters who bet against the banker baccará [f] CL AR UY
massive protests against the government bola [f] MX NI
employee who acts in favor of the employer and against the other employees apatronada [f] CL
flexible rubber sleeve that protects against dust and keeps bearings, ball joints and other moving parts greased (vehicles/machines) bota [f] HN
conspiracy against someone buruca [f] GT
a procedure for taming livestock by pressing the animal's head against the boom using a rope to a near choke ahorcada [f] VE
foul or dirty play against an opponent chanchada [f] HN
small concrete room built next to a wooden house for protection against a cyclone or hurricane ciclonera [f] DO
speak out against chilla [f] PE
indictment against someone formalización [f] CL cult
protest or disagreement by a person or group against something considered unjust estrilada [f] CL rare
lawsuit against someone formalización [f] CL cult
complaint or statement against someone cantada [f] HN
group of people who demonstrate in public against organizations or persons in front of their headquarters or domicile funa [f] CL
group of people or factual group that conspires against the one that governs or opposes him fronda [f] CL
nicaraguan political and military movement during the 1980s that fought against the sandinista national liberation front contra [f] MX GT HN NI
group of people that come together to protest against those who have organized a march contramarcha [f] EC PE
children's game in which a coin is tossed against the wall cuarta [f] GT DO PR
insurgent against spain mambisa [f] CU DO
group of people from a political party, student, trade union, or sports organization that uses violence against those who do not share their opinions mancha brava [f] HN SV NI
crash or blow from a vehicle against some object or another vehicle embarrada [f] MX
planned fight of a gang against another pegada [f] HN child
route made against the river current surcada [f] PE
individual who sets one person against another in order to generate conflicts calientaorejas [m/f] NI PA
curled up against the cold apichonado [adj] AR UY
snuggled up against the cold apichonado [adj] AR UY
pressed against others (due to lack of space) apachurrado [adj] MX PR CO VE PE CL
affectionately pressed against another amuñuñado [adj] VE
crammed and piled against each other in a small place amuñuñado [adj] VE
ceremonially prepared for use against evil spirits (weapon) curado [adj] HN
poisonous against ticks garrapaticida [adj] EC CL PY