breaking-up - Español Inglés Diccionario



Significados de "breaking-up" en diccionario español inglés : 2 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
breaking-up fraccionamiento [m]
breaking-up fracción [f]

Significados de "breaking-up" con otros términos en diccionario español inglés : 500 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
breaking reventazón [m]
breaking rompimiento [m]
breaking-off ruptura [f]
breaking rotura [f]
breaking quebrantador [adj]
breaking in [us] rodaje [m]
breaking-off rompimiento [m]
breaking embate [m]
breaking quiebre [m]
breaking ruptura [f]
breaking up disgregación [f]
breaking up dispersión [f]
breaking-in doma [f]
breaking inobservancia [f]
breaking up desarticulación [f]
breaking muda [f]
breaking-in rodaje [m]
breaking the piggy bank alcanciazo [m]
ball with masks held on the first sunday of lent and which includes the breaking of a piñata baile de piñata [m]
breaking cascamiento [m]
breaking contrafuero [m]
breaking the molecular structure craqueo [m]
breaking the head off descabezamiento [m]
neck breaking descervigamiento [m]
breaking down desconcierto [m]
breaking desencadenamiento [m]
breaking the bottom of a glass desfondamiento [m]
breaking the bottom of a glass desfonde [m]
breaking off of a tree branch desgajamiento [m]
breaking off desgajamiento [m]
breaking off of a tree branch desgaje [m]
breaking off desgaje [m]
breaking apart desgarramiento [m]
breaking down desguace [m]
breaking and entering escalamiento [m]
breaking and entering escalo [m]
breaking up fraccionamiento [m]
breaking through a crowd hendimiento [m]
pit in the ground for breaking open a beehive potro [m]
breaking quebramiento [m]
breaking quebrantamiento [m]
breaking rasgamiento [m]
breaking into smaller pieces requiebro [m]
breaking rompimiento [m]
breaking in apertura [f]
breaking of land artiga [f]
breaking cascadura [f]
breaking down degradación [f]
breaking up desconcentración [f]
breaking off of a tree branch desgajadura [f]
breaking of the habit deshabituación [f]
breaking the back deslomadura [f]
breaking one's back deslomadura [f]
breaking meshes of net/chain mail desmalladura [f]
stripping, dislocating/breaking an animal's shoulder despaldilladura [f]
breaking up disgregación [f]
breaking doma [f]
breaking domadura [f]
breaking fractura [f]
breaking news novedad [f]
breaking quebrantadura [f]
breaking reventazón [f]
breaking rompedura [f]
breaking rotura [f]
breaking down degradador [adj]
breaking down degradante [adj]
breaking meshes of net/chain mail desmallador [adj]
breaking away escapado [adj]
breaking through a crowd hendedor [adj]
back-breaking laborioso [adj]
breaking a vow of poverty propietario [adj]
breaking quebrador [adj]
breaking quebrantador [adj]
breaking into smaller pieces requebrador [adj]
breaking rompiente [adj]
breaking transgresor [adj]
breaking transgresivo [adj]
ground-breaking trasgresor [adj]
breaking traspasador [adj]
be breaking one's back deslomarse [v]
be emptied without breaking the swift desmancharse [v]
breaking off or ending a relationship liquidar [v]
breaking amortiguamiento [m]
latest (breaking) news noticia de actualidad [m]
breaking down arranque [m]
breaking wave rompiente [m]
breaking up (of a vessel) desguace [m]
breaking up desguace [m]
breaking all bounds desbordamiento [m]
breaking the tie between desempate [m]
breaking in rodaje [m]
breaking quebrantamiento [m]
breaking (of a vessel) desguace [m]
breaking something into pieces quebrar [m]
boat breaking desguazado [m]
breaking even punto de equilibrio (costes y beneficios) [m]
breaking in doma [f]
breaking transgresión [f]
breaking trasgresión [f]
breaking something into pieces ruptura [f]
breaking of fast rotura de ayuno [f]
breaking of the rope rotura de la cuerda [f]
breaking into pieces rotura en trozos [f]
breaking plant planta de ruptura [f]
foam breaking desespumante [adj]
ground-breaking rompedor [adj]
that can be be bent or flexed or twisted without breaking articulable [adj]
close to the breaking point (friendship) tirante [adj]
back-breaking matador [adj]
back-breaking extenuante [adj]
a breaking news noticias de última hora
breaking news noticias de última hora
breaking and entering allanamiento de morada
breaking of the waves el embate de las olas
breaking news noticias al instante
breaking news noticias al momento
breaking out in pimples apostillamiento [m]
breaking up a ship desguace [m]
breaking of a magic spell deshechizo [m]
breaking jaws desquijaramiento [m]
breaking of a contract desajuste [m]
breaking cascamiento [m]
breaking/cutting in pieces descuartizamiento [m]
law-breaking quebrantamiento [m]
breaking quebranto [m]
noise made by breaking glass tris [m]
noise of breaking or splitting wood traquido [m]
breaking up new land artiga [f]
switch used for breaking in young horses baqueta [f]
breaking the hack deslomadura [f]
breaking meshes of net or links of a chain desmalladura [f]
bursting/breaking asunder cascadura [f]
breaking in (horse/animals) doma [f]
breaking confracción [f]
breaking into parts fracción [f]
breaking fractura [f]
breaking quebradura [f]
instrument for pounding, crushing or breaking machacadera [f]
law-breaking transgresión [f]
nose band used in breaking mules serreta [f]
breaking quebrantamiento [f]
heart-breaking desgarrador [adj]
breaking off dirimente [adj]
breaking cascante [adj]
pit in the ground for breaking open a beehive potro [adj]
breaking saltadizo [adj]
breaking up cierre [m]
house-breaking robo de casa [m]
breaking violación [f]
breaking infracción [f]
heart-breaking congojoso [adj]
heart-breaking desolador [adj]
stone-breaking hammer combo [m] AMER
breaking of someone's neck desnuque [m] HN NI DO
breaking of the official agreement in a cock fight by one of the owners descase [m] PR
process of breaking desconchifle [m] SV
robbing of a dwelling by breaking in estruche [m] EC
breaking and entering estruche [m] EC
creaking sound produced by a solid body when rubbing against something or breaking crujimiento [m] CL
breaking of an animal's neck despescuezamiento [m] HN
philosophical and literary movement founded in medellin in 1958 by gonzalo arango (1931-1976), characterized by a strong influence of french existentialism and advocating the breaking of literary, political, and social tradition nadaísmo [m] CO
reiterated breaking rompedero [m] MX DO PE
breaking off zafonazo [m] CR
breaking-in ablande [m] BO AR UY
breaking out a fight arrancón [m] MX
breaking one's jaw desquijaramiento [m] disused
land breaking escalio [m] ES local
breaking quiebre [m] AR
breaking off quiebre [m] CL
breaking wave of a spring tide pororoca [f] AR
breaking of something despaletillada [f] CU
breaking of an object desmondingada [f] CU
breaking in an animal domada [f] MX GT HN SV CO BO
breaking in of footwear doma [f] HN
breaking machucadura [f] PR rur.
breaking paseada [f] HN SV NI
breaking quebrazón [f] MX GT HN SV NI CR CO CL
breaking of something quebradera [f] CR
breaking of something quebradura [f] CL
breaking repaseada [f] HN SV
breaking and entering violación de domicilio [f] MX CR DO CO VE EC PE BO CL AR UY
breaking soil artica [f] ES local
breaking confracción [f] disused
breaking down desafijación [f] disused
breaking apart easily pajizo [adj] HN rur.
having fun and breaking rules without worrying about the consequences sabido [adj] EC
breaking from the strike amarillo [adj] PE
endure multiple punches without weakening or breaking down (boxer) asimilar [v] US MX NI CU PR CO VE UY
yield to a strong pressure by deforming/breaking apachurrarse [v] MX PE BO
beat someone to the point of breaking bones desmambichar [v] NI
breaking violently into small pieces destasajar [v] PR
breaking violently into small pieces estasajar [v] PR
rob a dwelling by breaking in estruchar [v] EC
pit in the ground for breaking open a beehive potra [adj/f]
breaking saltadiza [adj/f]
heart-breaking desgarradora [adj/f]
heart-breaking congojosa [adj/f]
heart-breaking desoladora [adj/f]
a storm to be breaking (within one's heart) una tormenta que se está desatando (en el interior de alguien)
like breaking something unexpectedly como los novios de hornachuelos
one's nerves be stretched to breaking point tener los nervios de punta
one's nerves be stretched to breaking point tener los nervios a flor de piel
breaking and entering robo de cachetada [m] MX
breaking and entering robo de coscorrón [m] MX
robbery by breaking through a window robo de cachetada [m] MX
robbery by breaking through the roof robo de coscorrón [m] MX
be the breaking point ser la gota que colmó la copa [v] PR
be the breaking point ser la gota que derramó el vaso [v] NI
be the breaking point ser la gota que rebosó el vaso [v] DO VE EC PY UY
back-breaking work doblar la concha [v] CR
are you breaking up with me? ¿estás terminando conmigo?
are you breaking up with me? ¿estás rompiendo?
you're breaking my hand here me estás rompiendo la mano
you're breaking my heart me rompes el corazón
you're breaking up se están separando
you are breaking up se va la voz (teléfono)
you are breaking up la voz va y viene (teléfono)
i'm breaking up with you estoy rompiendo contigo
the dawn was breaking amanecía
breaking news notición [m]
strike-breaking act esquirolada [f]
breaking wind zullenco [adj]
breaking wind zullón [adj]
breaking wind zullón [adj]
it imitates the sound that produces a blow or of something breaking ¡caj! [n] BO
late-breaking news on that story las noticias de última hora de esa historia
ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it el desconocimiento de la ley no es excusa para no cumplirla
ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it la ignorancia de la ley no excusa de su cumplimiento
ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking it la ignorancia de la ley no sirve de excusa para quebrantarla
without breaking a sweat sin esfuerzo alguno
without breaking a sweat fácilmente
without breaking a sweat sin dificultad
breaking news noticia de última hora
breaking news noticias frescas
heist that consists of breaking into a taxi and forcing the passenger to withdraw money from several atms paseo millonario [m] CR CO
breaking or entering cristalazo [m] MX
breaking a yardarm despendole [m] ES
breaking story pepa [f] BO
breaking wind zullenca [adj/f]
breaking wind zullona [adj/f]
you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs nada que valga la pena se logra sin crear conflictos
you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs quien quiera peces, que moje el culo
breaking an entry palanquetazo [m]
hymen breaking desflorar
hymen breaking desgarrar el himen
hymen breaking desvirgar
hymen breaking romper el virgo
why are you breaking my balls? ¿por qué me estás rompiendo las bolas?
robbery committed by breaking in generally while the homeowners are away escruche [m] AR UY jail
breaking of a padlock caneguazo [f] SV jail
rob homes by breaking in escruchar [v] AR UY jail
oath breaking perjurio [m]
breaking quebrantamiento [m]
breaking quebranto [m]
breaking rotura [f]
breaking quebrantadura [f]
breaking quebrador [adj]
breaking point punto de ruptura
record-breaking level nivel sin precedente
breaking bulk hurto de bienes por depositario
breaking the syndicate terminación del sindicato
Work Safety Terms
breaking down suavizamiento [m]
breaking load resistencia a la ruptura
breaking of rope ruptura de cable
breaking load carga de ruptura
breaking resistance resistencia a la ruptura
breaking strength resistencia a la ruptura
breaking current corriente de ruptura
breaking of rope rotura de cuerda
breaking load carga de ruptura [f]
breaking load carga de rotura [f]
breaking load carga de ruptura
breaking load carga de fractura
breaking strength resistencia a la rotura [f]
breaking length longitud de rotura [f]
breaking strength resistencia a la rotura por tensión [f]
breaking strength resistencia a la rotura
breaking strength resistencia a la rotura por tensión
tie-breaking rule regla del empate
breaking out desagregación [f]
breaking out apertura desglose [f]
oath-breaking perjurio [m]
breaking violando [m]
breaking and entering escalamiento [m]
breaking and entry escalamiento [m]
breaking into escalamiento [m]
breaking quebrantadura [f]
breaking and entering allanamiento (ilegal)
breaking and entering violación de domicilio
breaking and entering allanamiento de morada
breaking and entering ingreso violento y sin autorización
strike breaking violación de paro
breaking and entering allanamiento de morada
strike breaking ruptura de huelga
breaking a case discusión de un caso entre jueces
breaking a close violación de propiedad
breaking bulk hurto de bienes por depositario
breaking doors forzar puertas
breaking jail fuga de la cárcel
breaking and entering violación de propiedad
breaking and entry violación de propiedad
breaking and entering allanamiento de morada
breaking copy ejemplar desmembrado
breaking capacity poder de ruptura [m]
breaking arc arco de ruptura [m]
reverse-current circuit breaking disyuntor de contracorriente [m]
breaking current corriente de ruptura [f]
breaking capacity capacidad de desconexión [f]
breaking capacity capacidad interruptora [f]
breaking capacity capacidad de ruptura [f]
breaking capacity capacidad de desconexión
breaking current corriente de corte
prospective breaking current intensidad prevista de corte
breaking capacity capacidad de ruptura
minimum breaking current corriente mínima de corte
breaking current intensidad de corte
minimum breaking current intensidad mínima de corte
breaking capacity poder de ruptura
limiting breaking capacity poder límite de corte
prospective breaking current corriente prevista de corte
breaking capacity poder de corte
breaking current corriente de ruptura
short-circuit breaking capacity poder de corte en cortocircuito
breaking length longitud de rotura
breaking capacity capacidad de ruptura [f]
breaking colapso [m]
breaking agramado [m]
breaking up desmenuzamiento [m]
breaking off abandono [m]
breaking up levantamiento [m]
breaking step desenganche [m]
breaking ground ataque [m] PE
breaking contact descontacto [m] MX
breaking stress esfuerzo de rotura [m]
breaking-in derribo [m]
breaking-in desfondamiento [m]
breaking-in rodaje [m]
breaking down rodillo desbrozador [m]
breaking point límite de rotura [m]
breaking strain carga de rotura [f]
breaking machine agramadora [f]
breaking off ruptura [f]
breaking down descomposición [f]
breaking up desintegración [f]
breaking up descomposición [f]
breaking through perforación [f]
breaking in interrupción [f]
breaking out bifurcación [f]
breaking down destrucción [f]
breaking off pausa [f]
breaking up suspensión [f]
breaking up disolución [f]
breaking off interrupción [f]
breaking irrupción [f]
breaking down fragmentación [f]
breaking up roturación [f]
breaking up fragmentación [f]
breaking bancarrota [f]
breaking interrupción [f]
breaking up desmembración [f]
breaking up demolición [f]
breaking disgregación [f]
breaking up reparación [f]
breaking disolución [f]
breaking ruptura [f]
breaking load carga de rotura [f]
breaking fractura [f]
breaking stress carga de rotura [f]
breaking up desintegración [f]
breaking strength resistencia a la rotura [f]
breaking strength resistencia a la rotura por tensión [f]
breaking load carga de ruptura [f]
breaking load carga de rotura [f]
breaking-strain tensión de rotura
breaking of joints rotura de juntas
breaking tierra roturada
breaking point punto de ruptura
oath-breaking violación de juramento
breaking stress tensión de rotura
breaking capacity capacidad de desconexión
breaking tension tensión de rotura
breaking down parada por avería
breaking point punto crítico
breaking point límite de rotura
breaking strength resistencia al pandeo
breaking stress esfuerzo de rotura
breaking-load carga de fractura
breaking test prueba de resistencia
breaking stress carga de ruptura
cross-breaking strength resistencia a la flexión
breaking strength resistencia a la rotura por tracción
cross-breaking strength módulo de rotura
breaking length longitud de rotura
viscosity breaking reducción de la viscosidad
breaking down alteración de la salud
breaking link eslabón de seguridad
breaking pressure presión de ruptura
breaking into a house allanamiento de morada
breaking strength resistencia a la ruptura
breaking strength resistencia a la fractura
breaking load carga de ruptura
breaking down arranque de mineral
ore breaking trituración del mineral
breaking temperature temperatura límite
breaking elongation alargamiento de rotura
breaking down coal arranque del carbón
breaking cortando
breaking capacity capacidad de corte
breaking capacity poder de ruptura
breaking capacity of a circuit breaker poder de ruptura de un interruptor
breaking-out point punto de ramificación
breaking the circuit abertura del circuito
breaking stress resistencia de ruptura
breaking load carga de fractura
breaking stress esfuerzo de ruptura
breaking stress fatiga de ruptura
field-breaking switch disyuntor de campo [m]
breaking capacity capacidad de desconexión
breaking capacity capacidad de ruptura
breaking capacity poder de ruptura
breaking load carga de rotura [f]
breaking fractura [f]
breaking ruptura [f]
capillarity-breaking layer capa de rotura de capitalidad [f]
breaking load carga de ruptura [f]
emulsion breaking rompimiento de emulsión
chain breaking reagent reactivo rompecadena
Marine Biology
breaking sea rompiente [f]
breaking arranque [m]
long period breaking swells oleaje de periódo largo que rompe
breaking point límite [m]
breaking ground tumbe [m]
breaking ground derribo [m]
breaking off of icebergs from glaciers velaje glaciar [m]
breaking ground arranque [m]
breaking ground abataje [m]
the act of breaking and removing ore tumbe [m]
breaking strength resistencia a la ruptura [f]
breaking stress tensión de rotura [f]
breaking desconexión [f]
breaking water rompiente [f]
breaking out erupción [f]
breaking radiation radiación de frenado
breaking recorte [m]
breaking up desmembramiento [m]
breaking up desgarramiento [m]
breaking strength carga de rotura [f]
breaking down disgregación [f]
breaking fractura [f]
breaking down disgregación [f]
breaking strength límite de rotura
breaking strength resistencia a la rotura
breaking stress esfuerzo de ruptura
breaking emulsion emulsión de penetración
Construction Machinery
breaking strength resistencia a la ruptura
breaking load carga de rotura [f]
breaking length longitud de la ruptura [f]
breaking strength resistencia a la ruptura [f]
breaking strength resistencia a la rotura por tensión
breaking temperature temperatura límite
breaking strength resistencia al fallar
breaking strength resistencia a la fractura
breaking length longitud de ruptura
breaking link eslabón de seguridad
breaking-in derribo [m]
breaking pattern modelo de rotura [m]
breaking stress esfuerzo de rotura [m]
breaking stress carga de rotura [f]
breaking load carga de rotura [f]
breaking load carga de ruptura [f]
breaking load carga de fractura
breaking stress esfuerzo de rotura
breaking load carga de ruptura
breaking test prueba de resistencia
breaking test prueba de rotura
breaking strength resistencia a la rotura
breaking up punto de inicio
breaking down rodillo desbrozador
breaking strength resistencia a la rotura por tensión
breaking point límite de rotura
stretch at breaking point alargamiento en el punto de rotura [m]
breaking load carga de rotura [f]
breaking strength tester caja de entrada de pasta [f]
breaking length longitud de rotura [f]
wet breaking length longitud de rotura en húmedo [f]
breaking load carga de rotura [f]
breaking load carga de ruptura [f]
breaking load carga de ruptura
breaking load carga de fractura
breaking length longitud de rotura
Cold Roll Terminology
breaking load carga de rotura [f]
breaking strength resistencia a la rotura
breaking quiebra [f]
breaking through penetración [f]
breaking test prueba de resistencia a la rotura
breaking capacity capacidad de ruptura
breaking strength resistencia a la rotura
breaking tension tensión de rotura
breaking stress resistencia a la rotura
breaking of coupling rotura del enganche