profitable - Español Inglés Diccionario



Significados de "profitable" en diccionario español inglés : 53 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
profitable rentable [adj]
profitable provechoso [adj]
profitable jugoso [adj]
profitable lucrativo [adj]
profitable productivo [adj]
profitable ventajoso [adj]
profitable beneficioso [adj]
profitable convenible [adj]
profitable conveniente [adj]
profitable fecundo [adj]
profitable ganancial [adj]
profitable ganancioso [adj]
profitable jugoso [adj]
profitable proficuo [adj]
profitable provechoso [adj]
profitable redituable [adj]
profitable rentable [adj]
profitable fructífero [adj]
profitable redondo [adj]
profitable pingüe [adj]
profitable aprovechable [adj]
profitable aventajado [adj]
profitable conveniente [adj]
profitable fructuoso [adj]
profitable ganancioso [adj]
profitable proficuo [adj]
profitable lucroso [adj]
profitable útil [adj]
profitable redituable [adj] SCN
profitable jugosa [adj/f]
profitable lucrativa [adj/f]
profitable productiva [adj/f]
profitable provechosa [adj/f]
profitable ventajosa [adj/f]
profitable beneficiosa [adj/f]
profitable proficua [adj/f]
profitable lucrosa [adj/f]
profitable fructuosa [adj/f]
profitable aventajada [adj/f]
profitable gananciosa [adj/f]
profitable ganancioso [adj]
profitable ventajoso [adj]
profitable beneficioso [adj]
profitable provechoso [adj]
profitable lucrativo [adj]
profitable rentable [adj]
profitable reditual [adj]
profitable redituable [adj]
profitable rentable [m]
profitable retributivo [adj]
profitable redituable [adj]
profitable reditual [adj]
profitable costeable [adj]

Significados de "profitable" con otros términos en diccionario español inglés : 47 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
make profitable rentabilizar [v]
profitable person ganancioso [m]
highly profitable rendidor [adj]
make profitable beneficiar [v]
be profitable redituar [v]
making profitable rentabilización [f]
profitable person gananciosa [f]
be profitable rentar [v]
(for a job) to turn out to be profitable ser rentable (un trabajo) [v]
be profitable redituar [v]
be profitable valer la pena [v]
be profitable salir a cuenta [v]
be profitable ser rentable [v]
in an economic or profitable way económicamente [adv]
a profitable business un negocio rentable
dealer in profitable commodities granjero [m]
dealer in profitable commodities granjera [f]
be useful/profitable aprovechar (impersonal) [v]
be made profitable utilizarse [v]
very profitable business bambazo [m] CO
very profitable business biyuyo [m] MX HN NI PA CO VE BO
very profitable business billullo [m] HN NI PA CO VE
business that is not profitable negocio de negros [m] BO:W
business that is not profitable negocio de capaperro [m] DO
no longer profitable in terms of milk production (animal) de desecho [adj] EC rur.
be profitable costear [v] MX
profitable business biyis [m/pl] HN
profitable business biyís (inglés) [m/pl] HN SV
invest time or energy in something that is not worth it or not profitable gastar pólvora en chimangos [v] PY AR UY
invest time or energy in something that is not worth it or not profitable gastar pólvora en gallinazo [v] EC PE BO
invest time or energy in something that is not worth it or not profitable gastar pólvora en gallinazos [v] PA CO EC PE BO CL
invest time or energy in something that is not worth it or not profitable gastar pólvora en infiernitos [v] MX
invest time or energy in something that is not worth it or not profitable gastar pólvora en jotes [v] CL
invest time or energy in something that is not worth it or not profitable gastar pólvora en sanates [v] GT
invest time or energy in something that is not worth it or not profitable gastar pólvora en zamuros [v] VE
invest time or energy in something that is not worth it or not profitable gastar pólvora en zanates [v] SV
invest time or energy in something that is not worth it or not profitable gastar pólvora en zopes [v] HN
invest time or energy in something that is not worth it or not profitable gastar pólvora en zopilotes [v] HN NI CR
it wasn't profitable no era rentable
it's not profitable no es rentable
profitable business mina [f]
profitable job tronchado [m] MX
If in doubt choose the option that seems most profitable ante la duda, la más tetuda
a profitable business un negocio rentable
a profitable business un negocio lucrativo
profitable investment inversión lucrativa
be profitable usufructuar [v]