neat - Inglés Sinónimo Diccionario


[1] tidy , orderly , orderly , clean , uncluttered , trim , spruce , natty , fastidious , spick and span , shipshape (and Bristol fashion) , organized , well-organized , well-ordered , systematic , (Brit) trig , (Colloq) neat as a pin , (Brit) dinky
[2] straight , unadulterated , unmixed , undiluted , uncut , unblended , pure , on the rocks
[3] unembellished , refined , tasteful , unadorned , unornamented , simple , elegant , graceful , smart , uncomplicated , regular , precise , copperplate , calligraphic
[4] deft , clean , adroit , clever , efficient , ingenious , expert , practised , skilful , dexterous
[5] fine , bang-up , bully , wonderful , marvellous , corking , cracking , great , splendid , dandy , great , excellent , exceptional , groovy , keen , capital , grand , nifty , not bad , first-class , (Colloq) cool , peachy , slap-up , smashing , keen , swell , smashing , nifty , top-notch , A1/A-1/A-one , (Brit) top-hole , (Mainly US) A-OK/A-okay , (Slang) swell , far-out , boss , (Brit) topping , (US/Canadian) spiffy
[6] straight , full-strength