catholic - Allemand Anglais Dictionnaire



Meanings of "catholic" in German English Dictionary : 20 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
catholic allgemeingültig [adj]
catholic allumfassend [adj]
catholic umfassend [adj]
catholic tolerant [adj]
catholic voruteilslos großzügig [adj]
catholic universal [adj]
catholic universell [adj]
catholic vielseitig [adj]
Catholic Katholik [m]
catholic allgemein [adj]
catholic universell [adj]
catholic katholisch [adj]
catholic christlich [adj]
catholic kirchlich [adj]
catholic tolerant [adj]
Catholic Katholik [m]
Catholic Katholikin [f]
catholic vielseitig
catholic umfassend
catholic aufgeschlossen

Meanings of "catholic" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 84 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
Roman Catholic Katholik [m]
Rota (Catholic appelate tribunal) Römische Rota [f]
catholic nun katholische Nonne [f]
catholic school katholische Schule [f]
catholic  church katholische Kirche [f]
biretta (Catholic clergy cap) Birett (katholische Priestermütze) [n]
catholic information center katholisches Informationszentrum [n]
catholic interests breit gefächerte Interessen [pl]
catholic authors katholische Schriftsteller [pl]
catholic authors katholische Autoren [pl]
catholic authors katholische Schriftstellerinnen [pl]
catholic authors katholische Autorinnen [pl]
catholic converts katholische Konvertiten [pl]
a devout Catholic ein tiefgläubiger Katholik
Catholic Church katholische Kirche
Is the Pope (a) Catholic? Was denn sonst?
Is the Pope (a) Catholic? Dreimal darfst du raten!
Where may I find a protestant/catholic church? Wo finde ich eine evangelische/katholische Kirche?
a catholic schoolteacher ein katholischer Lehrer
a catholic schoolteacher eine katholische Lehrerin
left-wing Catholic Linkskatholik [m]
pastorate (Catholic/Protestant) Pfarramt [n]
pastorate (Catholic/Protestant) Pastorat [n]
Roman Catholic theology Katholische Theologie
Catholic emancipation Katholikenemanzipation [f]
Catholic Center Party Zentrumspartei [f]
Catholic (Cath.) katholisch (kath.) [adj]
Catholic (Cath.) katholisch [adj]
Old Catholic altkatholisch [adj]
Roman Catholic römisch-katholisch [adj]
Roman Catholic altgläubig [adj]
parish garden (Catholic Church) Pfarrgarten [m]
acolyte (altar server in the Catholic Church) Akolyth [m]
Catholic Church Congress Katholikentag [m]
strict Catholic strenggläubiger Katholik [m]
nonchurchgoing Catholic nichtpraktizierender Katholik [m]
Old Catholic Altkatholik [m]
practicing Catholic praktizierender Katholik [m]
lapsed Catholic nichtpraktizierender Katholik [m]
non-church-going Catholic nichtpraktizierender Katholik [m]
practising Catholic praktizierender Katholik [m]
Feast of the Immaculate Conception (catholic) Mariä Empfängnis (Feiertag) [f]
Feast of the Immaculate Conception (catholic) Mariä Empfängnis [f]
Holy Orders (Catholic Sacrament) Weihe (katholisches Sakrament) [f]
Holy Orders (Catholic Sacrament) Weihe [f]
Last Rites (old term) (Catholic sacrament) Letzte Ölung (früherer Name) (katholisches Sakrament) [f]
Last Rites (old term) (Catholic sacrament) Letzte Ölung [f]
Last Rites (old term) (Catholic sacrament) Krankensalbung [f]
Last Rites (old term) (Catholic sacrament) Krankenölung [f]
Matrimony (Catholic Sacrament) Ehe (katholisches Sakrament) [f]
Matrimony (Catholic Sacrament) Ehe [f]
national church (Catholic) Landeskirche (katholisch) [f]
national church (Catholic) Landeskirche [f]
nuptial Mass (Catholic Church) Brautmesse [f]
nuptial Mass (Catholic Church) Trauungsmesse [f]
parochial house (Catholic Church) Pfarrei [f]
Roman Catholic Katholikin [f]
Rota (Catholic appelate tribunal) Rota [f]
Rota (Catholic appelate tribunal) Rota (katholisches Berufungsgericht) [f]
Congregation (permanent committee in the Catholic Church) Kongregation [f]
Congregation (permanent committee in the Catholic Church) Kongregation (ständiger Ausschuss in der katholischen Kirche) [f]
Catholic morality katholische Moral [f]
licence to teach as a Roman Catholic theologian kirchliche Lehrbefugnis [f]
Roman Catholic Church römisch-katholische Kirche [f]
Catholic morals katholische Morallehre [f]
Catholic Charities Caritas [f]
Old Catholic Church Altkatholische Kirche [f]
Hail Mary (Catholic prayer) Ave Maria [n]
nuptial Mass (Catholic Church) Brautamt [n]
parish priesthood (Catholic) Pastorat [n]
parish priesthood (Catholic) Pfarramt [n]
parochial house (Catholic Church) Pfarreihaus [BW] [Schw. [n]
parochial house (Catholic Church) Pfarreihaus [n]
parochial house (Catholic Church) Pfarrhaus [n]
Eastern Catholic Churches unierte Kirchen
Eastern Catholic Churches katholische Ostkirchen
Hail Mary (Catholic prayer) Gegrüßet seist du, Maria
Penance and Reconciliation (Catholic Sacrament) Buße und Versöhnung (katholisches Sakrament)
Roman-Catholic (RC) römisch-katholisch (rk., r.-k.)
the Catholic Church die katholische Kirche
Catholic Church Congress katholischer Kirchentag
Catholic Church katholische Kirche
Catholic morals katholische Morallehre
Catholic Military Ordinariate of Germany Katholische Militärseelsorge [f]