level - Anglais Synonymes Dictionnaire


[1] level off , even , smooth (out) , flatten (out)
[2] destroy , demolish , raze , lay waste , devastate , knock down , tear down , pull down , wreck , bulldoze
[3] aim , point , draw a bead , direct , train , focus
[4] level with , raze , rase , be/play fair with , be honest/straight with , dismantle , tear down , be open/frank/straightforward with , (Colloq) be upfront with , take down , pull down
[5] flush , even out , even
[6] charge , point
[7] level off
[1] degree , grade
[2] grade , tier
[3] degree , stage , point
[4] spirit level
[5] horizontal surface
[6] layer , stratum
[7] floor , storey , story
[8] plane , horizontal , elevation , height , altitude
[9] floor , storey
[10] plane , position , status , standing , rank , stage
[11] on the level , straight , straightforward , honest , direct , sincere , square , open , above-board , (Colloq) upfront , on the up and up , (US) straight-shooting
[1] even , smooth , plane , uniform , plain , flat , flush , straight , true
[2] horizontal , prone , supine
[3] uniform , constant , steady , consistent , invariable , unvarying , unalterable , unchanging , unfluctuating , very
[4] parallel , even , equal , equivalent , consistent
[5] up (on) , informed (about/on) , up to date (on/with) , au fait (with) , au courant (with)
[6] even , tied , equal , neck and neck
[7] flat , plane
[8] unwavering
[9] tied , even