middle - Espagnol Anglais Dictionnaire



Sens de "middle" dans le Dictionnaire Espagnol-Anglais : 44 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
middle medio [adj]
middle centro [m]
middle medio [m]
middle promedio [m]
middle comedio [m]
middle mitad [f]
middle yema [f]
middle mediano [adj]
middle comedio [m]
middle promedio [m]
middle mitad [f]
middle entremedio [adj]
middle medio [adj]
middle pleno [adj]
middle cintura [f]
middle central [adj]
middle del medio [adj]
middle corazón [m]
middle ombligo [m]
middle del centro [adj]
middle intermediar [adj]
middle mediados [m/pl]
middle meitad [f] disused
middle yema [f] rare
middle mediana [adj/f]
middle medianero [m]
middle medio [m]
middle mitad [f]
middle interior [adj]
middle del medio
middle capa central
middle el medio
middle intermedio [adj]
middle doblar por la mitad [v]
middle centrar [v]
middle plegar en dos [v]
middle colocar en el centro [v]
middle parte central
middle parte central [f]
middle parte central
middle radiobaliza intermedia
middle caballón [m]
middle mixto [m]
middle parte central [f]

Sens de "middle" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 500 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
in the middle of nowhere en medio de la nada
middle ages medievo [m]
middle east medio oriente [m]
middle ages medioevo [m]
middle-distance runner mediofondista [m/f]
in the middle centrado [adj]
middle eastern medio oriental [adj]
middle american mesoamericano [m/adj]
middle-class burgués [adj]
fine fabric brought from the orient in the middle ages aceituní [m]
(after the middle ages) person appointed for conservation and administration of royal estate alcaide [m]
middle class person burgués [m]
old castilian gold coin from the middle ages castellano [m]
middle finger corazón [m]
middle finger corte de manga [m]
middle finger corte de mangas [m]
middle finger dedo corazón [m]
middle finger dedo cordial [m]
middle finger dedo de en medio [m]
middle finger dedo del corazón [m]
middle iranian iranio medio [m]
middle persian iranio medio [m]
middle school liceo [m]
middle ground medianil [m]
middle ages medievo [m]
middle ages medioevo [m]
middle ages mezquino [m]
middle persian pelvi [m]
middle persian language persa medio [m]
middle iranian language persa medio [m]
late middle ages tardomedievo [m]
middle distance término [m]
middle ground medio término [m]
middle ground término medio [m]
the middle class burguesía [f]
middle rib beef aguja [f]
middle class clase media [f]
high middle ages alta edad media [f]
low middle ages baja edad media [f]
middle ages edad de hierro [f]
middle ages edad media [f]
middle school enseñanza media [f]
middle school enseñanza secundaria [f]
middle school segunda enseñanza [f]
dramatic work in the middle ages representación [f]
middle voice voz media [f]
middle eastern man/woman árabe [m/f]
of the high middle ages altomedieval [adj]
middle eastern árabe [adj]
middle eastern arabesco (italiano) [adj]
middle eastern arábigo [adj]
from the early middle ages bajomedieval [adj]
chestnut colored on the upper and middle part and the rest of the body lighter colored lombardo [adj]
middle persian pelvi [adj]
middle greek romeo [adj]
late middle ages tardomedieval [adj]
become middle class aburguesarse [v]
be in the middle of mediar [v]
get to the middle mediar [v]
put in the middle mediar [v]
be at the middle mediar [v]
reach the middle promediar [v]
middle ages siglos medios [m/pl]
middle rib beef agujas [f/pl]
legwarmers used by monks in the middle ages and later by bishops cáligas [f/pl]
middle ear oído medio [m]
middle finger dedo del corazón [m]
middle finger dedo de en medio [m]
middle name segundo nombre [m]
middle of nowhere medio de la nada [m]
middle of nowhere quinto pino [m]
middle course medio [m]
middle line crujía [f]
middle-class clase media [f]
middle ages edad media [f]
middle management administración intermedia [f]
eyebrows that meet in the middle uniceja [f]
eyebrows that meet in the middle monoceja [f]
middle man medianía [f]
middle capitalization capitalización media [f]
middle class person burguesa [f]
middle-aged de mediana edad [adj]
middle-sized de tamaño mediano [adj]
middle-sized de tamaño medio [adj]
middle-aged talludito [adj]
pertaining to the middle ages medieval [adj]
pertaining to middle age de mediana edad [adj]
pertaining to the middle class burgués [adj]
middle-class de clase media [adj]
become middle class aburguesarse [v]
be in the middle of doing something estar haciendo algo [v]
pass through the middle of a whirlwind pasar por medio de torbellino [v]
go through the middle of a whirlwind pasar por medio de torbellino [v]
be stuck in the middle of nowhere perderse en medio de la nada [v]
be stuck in the middle of nowhere estar perdido en medio de la nada [v]
in the middle a mediados [adv]
in the middle mediados [adv]
in the middle of nowhere en el quinto pino [adv]
in the middle a la mitad [adv]
to the middle a la mitad [adv]
at the middle of the month a mediados de mes [adv]
in the middle of the month a mediados de mes [adv]
middle finger (gesture used to insult someone) dedo malcriado [n] BO
middle class gente como uno [n] PE AR
person in the middle of a conflict of interest between two opposing parties jamón del sándwich [n] SV CL AR
middle child jamón del sándwich [n] PR
middle of nowhere loma de los quinotos [n] AR
middle of nowhere loma del burro [n] UY
middle of nowhere loma del carajo [n] AR
middle of nowhere loma del culo [n] AR UY
middle of nowhere loma del orto [n] AR UY
middle of nowhere loma del peludo [n] AR
man-in-the-middle hombre en medio
middle name segundo nombre
middle-sized de tamaño mediano
middle line línea media
middle line línea central
middle east oriente medio
a man of middle height un hombre de estatura mediana
a man of middle height un hombre de talla media
a man of middle height hombre de mediana estatura
middle management gestión intermedia
upper middle-class alta burguesía
middle east medio oriente
middle finger dedo medio
middle high german alto alemán medio
middle french language francés medio
middle age mediana edad
middle cornish córnico medio
middle irish irlandés medio
middle kingdom imperio medio
middle english inglés medio
bang in the middle of justo en mitad de
the middle ages la edad media
the middle east el oriente medio
right in the middle justo en el medio
plumb in the middle justo en medio
middle ear oído medio
middle east oriente próximo
middle initial inicial del segundo nombre
middle management cargos intermedios
the one in the middle el del medio
the middle one el del medio
the one in the middle la del medio
the middle one la del medio
the middle daughter la hija del medio
middle management administrativo intermedio
middle management cargos medios
middle management mando medio
middle school escuela de enseñanza media
middle-aged de mediana edad
late middle ages baja edad media
middle school taskforce grupo de trabajo de la escuela media
middle school teacher maestro de escuela media
expensive cloth from middle east used during middle age aceituní [m]
midst (the middle position or part; the center) centro [m]
wood saw-n in the middle cachado [m]
middle of a kingdom/place comedio [m]
middle-class citizen burgués [m]
middle compartment of coaches which have three interior [m]
middle state medianía [f]
middle state mediocridad [f]
islet in the middle of a river mejana [f]
middle-class citizen burguesa [f]
in the middle interciso [adj]
be in the middle intermediar [v]
be at the middle mediar [v]
come to the middle mediar [v]
be in the middle mediar [v]
two middle feathers of a hawk's tail coberteras [f/pl]
middle finger corazón [m]
middle-jib segundo foque [m]
middle-aged de edad madura [adj]
middle-sized de mediana estatura [adj]
middle-sized de mediano tamaño [adj]
in the middle of may a mediados de mayo [adv]
middle aged man having a young attitude adulto joven [m] CL
middle aged person with a young attitude adultojoven [m] CL
a channel at the side or in the middle of a road or street, for carrying off surface water baden [m] CL
cut of beef obtained from the upper middle part of the leg bolovique [m] GT
circular assembly of plants in the middle of uncultivated land/water bolsón [m] HN
member of the colombian liberal party during the middle of the 20th century cachiporro [m] CO
middle-aged person camulián [m] HN
middle class person clasemediero [m] PE
middle finger dedo del medio [m] CU
musical movement originating in the middle of the 20th century that is characterized by emotional songs played on guitar filin (inglés feeling) [m] CU
high and isolated ground in the middle of a plain cantón [m] HN NI
open round pavilion in the middle of a park gazebo [m] DO PR AR
middle of nowhere jurutungo viejo [m] PR
small forest in the middle of a clearing manchón [m] HN
piggy in the middle monito [m] PR UY
opponent in the middle in keep away children's game monito [m] PR UY
middle-aged man who is inclined to fall in love ojovivo [m] PE:S rare
middle class people mediopelo [m] EC BO CL PY derog.
pickle in the middle monito [m] PR UY
monkey in the middle monito [m] PR UY
middle eastern immigrant paisano [m] CL
middle eastern immigrant palestino [m] HN
middle school plantel [m] GT PA
european or middle eastern street clothing vendor polaco [m] CR
european or middle eastern street clothing vendor polaco [m] CU disused
person in the middle of a group hindering communication queso [m] EC
middle of nowhere quilombo [m] VE
beige poncho with a white stripe down the middle poncho vallisto [m] AR:Nw
middle of nowhere refundidero [m] CR
middle of nowhere rejondón [m] CU rur.
middle of nowhere rejundón [m] CU rur.
middle eastern person turco [m] GT HN SV NI CR CU DO CO VE EC PE BO:C,S CL AR UY PY
middle finger yucazo [m] EC
owner of a private elementary or middle school education center with subsidy from the state sostenedor [m] CL
owner of a private elementary or middle school education center with subsidy from the state sostenedor de educación [m] CL
owner of a private elementary or middle school education center with subsidy from the state sostenedora [m] CL
owner of a private elementary or middle school education center with subsidy from the state sostenedora de educación [m] CL
children's game where the child in the middle has to guess the animal selected by the children sitting in a circle around them zape mirringo [m] HN
middle finger tontiloco [m] NI
middle finger tontobellaco [m] EC child
middle eastern man arabio [m] disused
large middle pin in the game of nine-pins birlón [m] rur.
middle of nowhere jurutungo [m] PR
place in the middle of nowhere quilombo [m] VE
middle state medianidad [f] rare
middle aged woman having a young attitude adulta joven [f] CL
leaf of soft tobacco (cut from the middle of the plant) banda [f] HN
a middle-aged person camuliana [f] HN
tall boot made of thick leather that reaches the middle of the leg cutarra [f] HN
middle of nowhere casa de la pinga [f] CU
middle of nowhere casa del carajo [f] MX PA CU
middle of nowhere casa del diablo [f] PA CU DO
middle rib beef carne de aguja [f] HN PY
open round pavilion in the middle of a park glorieta [f] MX NI CU PR
middle finger guatusa [f] NI
middle finger guatuza [f] NI
middle finger hoyuda [f] CL teen
tobacco leaf that grows in the middle of the plant hoja capote [f] NI
tobacco leaf that grows in the middle of the plant hoja tripa [f] NI
blanket with an opening in the middle where the head goes mañanita [f] SV
middle eastern immigrant paisana [f] CL
middle eastern immigrant palestina [f] HN
falling feet up in the middle of the fight pámpana [f] PR
middle of nowhere quimbamba [f] PR
middle of nowhere quimbámbula [f] PR
single middle aged woman señorita quedada [f] MX DO
middle of nowhere remangalatuerca [f] CU
middle of nowhere remotidad [f] CR rare
middle of nowhere remotidad [f] GT
middle eastern person turca [f] GT HN SV NI CR CU DO CO VE EC PE BO:C,S CL AR UY PY
middle finger yuca [f] EC PE
middle of nowhere villa cariño [f] PY
muslim community in the middle ages alfama [f] disused
jewish community in the middle ages alfama [f] disused
middle eastern man arabia [f] disused
smooth tobacco leaf from the middle of the plant banda [f] HN
giving the middle finger mangonada [f] disused
middle of the night nocturnancia [f] rare
middle of nowhere remotidad [f] CR
middle man buquenque [m/f] CU disused
in certain sports, a player who plays in the middle of the field in front of the defense half (inglés) [m/f] BO:W CL disused
middle-aged man/woman mediotiempo [m/f] CU
middle child sandwich (inglés) [m/f] MX
middle aged person temba [m/f] CU
middle class person chulla (quechua) [m/f] EC
having a young attitude (for middle aged adults) adulto joven [adj] CL
middle-aged camulián [adj] HN
middle-sized bajetón [adj] CU DO PR disused
middle-sized bajete [adj] PR
who belongs to the middle class clasemediero [adj] PE
middle-class mediopelo [adj] PE
parted down the middle partido al medio [adj] UY rare
with a middle part partido al medio [adj] CL
with hair parted down the middle partido al medio [adj] CL
failing a elementary or middle school final exam pisado [adj] HN
middle eastern turco [adj] PY
middle eastern turco [adj] DO CL
middle eastern palestino [adj] HN
middle eastern arabí (árabe) [adj] disused
middle eastern arábico [adj] disused
middle eastern arabio [adj] disused
be in the middle entreyacer [v] outdated
acquire a young person's traits (for a middle-aged person) achiquillarse [v] CR
act like a young person (for a middle-aged person) achiquillarse [v] CR
put a median strip in the middle of an avenue to divide traffic acamellonar [v] MX
surprise someone in the middle of committing an illicit or wrongful act chapar [v] PE AR UY BO
go to the middle of nowhere refundirse [v] HN SV CR
go to the middle of nowhere rumbiar [v] SV
right in the middle entremedio [adv] MX
middle of nowhere a casa del carajo [adv] CU
middle of nowhere a casa del carajo [adv] CU DO
middle of nowhere a los caños [adv] AR
mockery by rubbing eyes with closed fists with the thumbs between the index and middle fingers ojos de cangrejo [m/pl] GT HN
middle of nowhere ínsulas [f/pl] PR rur.
middle school humanidades [f/pl] CL disused
middle of nowhere quimbámbaras [f/pl] PR
in the middle centrada [adj/f]
middle american mesoamericana [adj/f]
middle-class burguesa [adj/f]
in the middle intercisa [adj/f]
middle-aged camuliana [adj/f] HN
middle of nowhere el quinto infierno [m]
be piggy in the middle estar entre dos fuegos [v]
take the middle course tirar por el camino de en medio [v]
take the middle way tirar por el camino de en medio [v]
find a middle ground encontrar un término medio [v]
find a middle way encontrar un término medio [v]
change horses in the middle of the stream cambiar de caballo en medio de la correntada [v]
change horses in the middle of the stream cambiar a medio camino (de política/personal) [v]
find a middle ground encontrar un punto medio [v]
play both ends against the middle manipular a los dos extremos [v]
play both ends against the middle jugar a dos puntas [v]
play both ends against the middle aliarse con otro para vencer un tercero [v]
play both ends against the middle jugar a dos bandas [v]
steer a middle course adoptar una postura intermedia [v]
steer a middle course adoptar un camino intermedio [v]
live in the middle of nowhere estar en el quinto infierno [v]
live in the middle of nowhere estar en el quinto pino [v]
live in the middle of nowhere estar en la quinta puñeta [v]
follow the middle course/way/path echar por la calle de en medio [v]
follow the middle course/way/path echar por el camino de en medio [v]
follow the middle course/way/path tirar por el camino de en medio [v]
follow the middle course/way/path tirar por la calle de en medio [v]
take the middle course tirar por la calle de en medio [v]
take the middle course echar por la calle de en medio [v]
take the middle course echar por el camino de en medio [v]
take the middle course/way/path echar por la calle de en medio [v]
take the middle course/way/path tirar por el camino de en medio [v]
take the middle course/way/path tirar por la calle de en medio [v]
take the middle course/way/path echar por el camino de en medio [v]
steer the middle course/way/path tirar por la calle de en medio [v]
steer the middle course/way/path echar por la calle de en medio [v]
steer the middle course/way/path tirar por el camino de en medio [v]
steer the middle course/way/path echar por el camino de en medio [v]
in the middle of nowhere al fin del mundo [adv]
in the middle of in medias res (latín) [adv]
in the middle a mediados [adv]
in the middle de medio a medio [adv]
in the middle de por medio [adv]
in the middle en medio [adv]
in the middle of nowhere en las quimbambas [adv]
piggy in the middle monito (juego con pelota)
get stuck in the middle estancarse
get stuck in the middle quedar atascado en el medio
be caught in the middle quedar atrapado en el medio
knock into the middle of next week descargar un duro golpe sobre alguien
knock into the middle of next week golpear muy duro
knock someone into the middle of next week golpear muy duro a alguien
knock someone into the middle of next week pegarle muy fuerte a alguien
knock into the middle of next week pegar muy fuerte
met in the middle encontrarse en un punto intermedio
don’t change horses in the middle of the stream en tiempos de tribulación, no hacer mudanza
middle of nowhere quinto pino
in the middle of nowhere en el medio de la nada
play both ends against the middle a río revuelto, ganancia de pescadores
smack dab in the middle exactamente en el medio
smack-bang in the middle of somewhere encontrarse justo en medio de un lugar
smack-dab in the middle of somewhere encontrarse justo en medio de un lugar
something is my middle name mi característica personal
middle finger tira cocacho [f] BO:W
middle class de medio palo [adj] VE
middle class de medio pelo [adj] VE EC PE BO
give someone the middle finger dar yuca [v] EC
be in the middle of a matter estar en la candela [v] VE
part one's hair down the middle peinarse de libro abierto [v] MX
part one's hair down the middle peinarse de nalga [v] MX
get in the middle ponerse de brocha [v] HN
live in the middle of nowhere vivir por la chindada grande [v] GT HN SV NI
in the middle of nowhere hasta la fregada [adv] MX
middle of nowhere en casa del carajo [adv] MX CU DO PR
in the middle of nowhere en casa de yuca [adv] CU
in the middle of nowhere a la punta del cuerno [adv] EC
middle of nowhere por la verga [adv] HN NI
in the middle of the night sobre noche [adv] disused
in the middle of nowhere en las quimbámbaras [adv] CU DO
in the middle of nowhere en el fin del mundo
in the middle of nowhere en el quinto infierno
in the middle of damn nowhere en la maldita mitad de la nada
in the middle of nowhere en la mitad de la nada
in the middle of nowhere en medio de la nada
in the middle of nowhere en medio de ningún sitio
in the middle of nowhere en medio de ninguna parte
in the middle of nowhere en un lugar desolado
i'm in the middle of something ahora estoy tratando con algo
I'm in the middle of something ahora ando liado con algo
there's no middle ground no hay término medio
his hair is parted down the middle él usa el cabello con raya al medio
patience is my middle name! paciencia es mi segundo nombre
what were you doing in the middle of the street? ¿qué estaban haciendo ustedes en el medio de la calle?
in the middle a medio camino [adv]
in the middle of a mediados [adv]
in the middle of a mediados de [prep]
in the middle of en el medio de [prep]
in the middle of en medio de [prep]
in the middle of en mitad de
in the middle of the year a mediados del año
in the middle of en el centro de
in the middle of the year a mitad del año
in the middle of en medio de
by the middle of a mediados de
in the middle of en el medio de
in the middle of nowhere quién sabe dónde; en el quinto pino
in the middle of nowhere en medio de ninguna parte
in the middle of nowhere en el quinto infierno
in the middle of the street en medio de la calle
in the middle of nowhere en el culo del mundo
in the middle of nowhere en el quinto pino
in the middle of nowhere en medio de la nada
in the middle of nowhere donde cristo perdió el gorro
in the middle of nowhere en el medio de la nada
in the middle of the night en plena noche
in the middle of nowhere donde da la vuelta el viento
in the middle of nowhere donde el diablo perdió el poncho
in the middle of nowhere donde el diablo perdió el poncho y la diabla la chancleta
in the middle of the week a mediados de semana
right in the middle justo en medio
in the middle of winter en el medio del invierno
in the middle of the night en la mitad de la noche
in the middle of the night en el medio de la noche
in the middle of winter en la mitad del invierno
in the middle of everything en medio de todo
in the middle of the night en mitad de la noche
in the middle of winter en mitad del invierno
right in the middle of the street en plena calle
blow on the head with knuckle of middle finger capón [m]
middle of nowhere el culo del mundo [m]
in the middle of nowhere el quinto pino [m]
buxom middle-aged woman jamona [f]
white candle placed in the middle of the other yellow ones maría [f]
middle woman zurcidora de voluntades [f]
be in the middle of nowhere estar en medio de la nada [v]
be in the middle of estar en medio de [v]
be in the middle of nowhere estar en el culo del mundo [v]
in the middle of durante [prep]
middle of the night las mil y quinientas [f/pl]
in the middle of nowhere no le alcanzarán galgos [expr]
about the middle of october a mediados de octubre
around the middle alrededor de la cintura
the middle of nowhere medio de la nada
middle-of-the-road de centro (políticamente)
middle-of-the-road moderado
middle-of-the-road común y corriente
in the middle of a desert en el medio del desierto
in the middle of the street en el medio de la calle
in the middle of the night en el medio de la noche
in the middle of all that fun en medio de toda esa diversión
smack-bang in the middle justo en el corazón
smack-bang in the middle exactamente en el centro
smack-dab in the middle justo en el corazón
smack-dab in the middle exactamente en el centro
middle of nowhere carajo [m] MX CO
middle finger grandulón [m] BO
middle finger costurero [m] PE
middle-aged person hechón [m] VE
middle eastern person majito [m] CO
middle aged man nazareno [m] HN
knock on the head, with the middle finger slightly coming out of a closed fist tuque [m] PY
middle finger tiracocachos [m] BO:W
the middle of nowhere la chucha de la loma [f] CL
the middle of nowhere la chucha [f] CL
the middle of nowhere la chucha del mundo [f] CL
middle-aged person hechona [f] VE
middle eastern person majita [f] CO
middle of nowhere remanganagua [f] CU
middle age media teja [f] CR
of middle or upper social class de cuello duro [adj] BO
parted down the middle partido al medio [adj] EC CL AR BO
be in the middle of nowhere estar en el quinto pino [v] ES
knock on the head, with the middle finger slightly coming out of a closed fist tuquear [v] PY
give someone the middle finger dar alguien yuca [v] EC
give someone the middle finger hacer alguien yuca [v] EC
in the middle of nowhere donde el diablo perdió el poncho [adv] PE CL AR UY BO
middle of nowhere donde el diablo perdió la chaqueta [adv] CR
in the middle of nowhere donde el diablo dio las tres voces [adv] CU DO
middle of nowhere hasta casa del diablo [adv] MX DO
in the middle medio a medio [adv] CL
in the middle mitimiti [adv] CL
middle of nowhere al cantío de un gallo [adv] CU
middle of nowhere al cantío de un gallo [adv] CU rur.
virtue stands in the middle en el punto medio está la virtud
in the middle of nowhere a tomar por el culo [adv]
middle finger pistola [f] PA CO
live in the middle of nowhere vivir en la verga grande [v] HN
middle of nowhere en la droga [adv] HN
middle of nowhere en la mierda grande [adv] HN NI
middle of nowhere hasta la pura mierda [adv] GT
middle of nowhere en la verga grande [adv] HN NI
index and middle finger tijeras [f/pl] delinq.
middle-man intermediario [m]
middle-man intermediaria [f]
middle class clase media [f]
middle management cuadros medios [m/pl]
middle-line línea central
middle management mando intermedio
middle management administración media
small and middle-sized businesses pyme (pequeña y mediana empresa)
middle management cuadro medio
middle price precio medio
middle price cambio medio
middle-sized company empresa mediana
middle america clase media tradicional estadounidense
middle manager mando intermedio
middle management administración intermedia
middle rate tipo intermedio