second - Espagnol Anglais Dictionnaire



Sens de "second" dans le Dictionnaire Espagnol-Anglais : 60 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
second segundo [m]
second segundo [adj]
second secundar [v]
second dos [m]
second segunda [f]
second minuto [m]
second segundo [m]
second segunda [f]
second dos [adj]
second secundario [adj]
second segundo [adj]
second secundar [v]
second secundario [adj]
second apoyar [v]
second prestar [v]
second brazo derecho [m]
second auxilio [m]
second sostenedor [m]
second defensor [m]
second padrino (en un desafío) [m]
second segundo (de tiempo) [m]
second instante [m]
second ayuda [f]
second sostenedora [f]
second defensora [f]
second auxiliar [m/f]
second otro [adj]
second idéntico [adj]
second secundar una proposición [v]
second apoyar una proposición [v]
second segundar [v]
second ser segundo [v]
second asegundar [v]
second mercancías de segunda [f/pl]
second mercancías de calidad inferior [f/pl]
second segunda [adj/f]
second idéntica [adj/f]
second otra [adj/f]
second momento [m]
second sega [m]
second de segunda [adj]
second segundo [adj]
second subordinado [adj]
second apoyar [v]
second secundar [v]
second trasladar temporalmente [v]
second subordinado [adj]
second segundo [m]
second el segundo [adj]
second segunda parte
second apadrinar [v]
second dejar disponible [v]
second dejar disponible
second segunda clase
Wildlife Management
second adscribir [v]
second ayudante [m/f]
second sostener [v]
second cuidador [m]
second cuidadora [f]
second segundo(a) [adj]

Sens de "second" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 500 résultat(s)

Anglais Espagnol
second (time) segundo [m]
second hand segundero [m]
second-in-command segundo [m]
second-person singular present indicative of minar minas [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of cargar cargó [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of correr corre [v]
second-person singular formal imperative of empezar empiece [v]
second-person singular formal imperative of impacientar impaciente [v]
second-person singular negative imperative of sublimar sublimes [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present subjunctive of salar salen [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of amar ame [v]
second-person singular formal present subjunctive of vivir viva [v]
second-person singular formal imperative of vallar valle [v]
second-person singular present indicative of rentar rentas [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of sobresalir sobresalía [v]
second-person singular present indicative of secretar secretas [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of ofrecer ofreció [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of pensar piensa [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of acordar acordaba [v]
second-person singular formal imperative of romanzar romance [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of picar picó [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of servir sirve [v]
second-person singular present indicative of rotar rotas [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of ser es [v]
second-person singular present indicative of injuriar injurias [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of practicar practica [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of percibir percibe [v]
second-person preterite indicative of bendecir bendijo [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of salar sala [v]
second-person singular present indicative of encontrar encuentras [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of enrojecer enrojeció [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of sentir sentían [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of marchitar marchita [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present subj of ser sean [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of impacientar impacientes [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of bastar bastaban [v]
second-person singular negative imperative of seguir sigas [v]
second-person singular formal imperative of consumar consuma [v]
second-person singular formal conditional conditional of encontrar encontraría [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of arrastrar arrastra [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of referir refieren [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) preterit indicative of romper rompieron [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of reunir reunían [v]
compound of the informal second-person singular formal singular (tú) imperative form of decir/di and the pronoun le dile [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of anclar ancla [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) preterit indicative of anunciar anunciaron [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of acostar acostó [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of referir refería [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect subjunctive of llegar llegaran [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of hablar habló [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of convencer convenció [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of admirar admira [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of agradar agradaba [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of coincidir coincide [v]
second-person singular present indicative of vagar vagas [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of representar representaban [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of brillar brillaban [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of conquistar conquista [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of urgir urge [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of concluir concluye [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of condicionar condiciones [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of empezar empiezan [v]
second-person singular future subjunctive of solar solares [v]
second-person singular formal future indicative of ver verá [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of sujetar sujetaban [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of limitar limita [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of privar priva [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of equivocar equivoca [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperative of hacer hagan [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of tratar trate [v]
second-person plural future indicative of ser seréis [v] ES
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of sentar sientan [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of incorporar incorporó [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of interesar intereses [v]
second-person singular present indicative of soltar sueltas [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of poseer poseen [v]
second-person singular present indicative of acordar acuerdas [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of pegar pega [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of dejar deja [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of penetrar penetraban [v]
second-person singular formal imperative of poner ponga [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of palmar palma [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of gloriar gloria [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect subjunctive of hablar hablase [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of gritar gritaban [v]
second-person singualr negative imperative of ir vayas [v]
second-person singular positive imperative of ir ve [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect subjunctive of encontrar encontrase [v]
second-person plural present indicative of decir decís [v] ES
second-person singular formal present indicative of obedecer obedece [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of ejercer ejercía [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of incluir incluyen [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of tender tiende [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of volar vuela [v]
second-person singular formal imperative of aceitar aceite [v]
second-person singular present indicative of internar internas [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) preterite indicative of saber supieron [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of descolgar descolgó [v]
second-person singular present indicative of partir partes [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of balar bala [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of ayudar ayuda [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) preterite indicative of acostar acostaron [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of descender desciende [v]
second-person singular formal present subjunctive of dotar dote [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of conservar conservaban [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of preferir prefería [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of abrasar abrasa [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of montar montes [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of actuar actúa [v]
second-person singular formal present subjunctive of eclipsar eclipse [v]
second-person singular formal present subjunctive of orientar oriente [v]
second-person singular present indicative of figurar figuras [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of atender atiende [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of contar contaba [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of emplear emplean [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of conversar conversaban [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of respirar respira [v]
second-person singular negative imperative of apuntar apuntes [v]
second-person singular formal imperative of cortar corte [v]
second-person singular present indicative of dormir duermes [v]
second-person singular formal present subjunctive of azotar azote [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of herir hirió [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of evidenciar evidencia [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect subjunctive of saber supiese [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present subj of saber sepan [v]
second-person singular formal present subjunctive of creer crea [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of recordar recuerda [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of dedicar dedicó [v]
second-person singular conditional conditional of haber habrías [v]
second-person singular present indicative of torturar torturas [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of encender enciende [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of entender entienden [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of encerrar encierra [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present subjunctive of llevar lleven [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of arrugar arrugó [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of fundar funda [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of saltar salta [v]
second-person singular formal imperative of abandonar abandone [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of querer quiere [v]
second-person singular negative imperative of matizar matices [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of descargar descargó [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of permanecer permanecían [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of empeñar empeñaba [v]
second-person singular negative imperative of estacionar estaciones [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of atraer atrae [v]
second-person singular preterit indicative of dejar dejaste [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of destacar destacan [v]
second-person positive imperative of ser [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of procurar procura [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) preterite indicative of atacar atacaron [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of luchar luchaban [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of resonar resonaba [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of cerrar cierra [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of separar separan [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of reclamar reclama [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of disputar disputaban [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of establecer estableció [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of prometer promete [v]
second-person singular formal present subj of ser sea [v]
second-person plural future indicative of saber sabréis [v] ES
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of ir van [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of concluir concluía [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of situar situó [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of arrancar arrancaba [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of participar participan [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) future indicative of comprender comprenderán [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of doler dolía [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of secar secó [v]
second-person singular negative imperative of hablar hables [v]
second-person singular present indicative of hollar huellas [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of inventar inventó [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of rodar rodó [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of envidiar envidia [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of basar basa [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of superar supera [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of devolver devolvió [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of ofrecer ofrecían [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperative of poder puedan [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of repetir repite [v]
second-person plural present indicative of hablar habláis [v] ES
second-person singular present indicative of sentenciar sentencias [v]
second-person singular present indicative of mirar miras [v]
second-person singular present indicative of luchar luchas [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of poseer posee [v]
second-person singular present indicative of llenar llenas [v]
second-person plural present subj of ir vayáis [v]
second-person singular formal present subjunctive of usar use [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of definir define [v]
second-person singular formal present subjunctive of servir sirva [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of envolver envolvió [v]
second-person singular formal affirmative imperative of batir bata [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of bañar baña [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of señalar señalaba [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) affirmative imperative of matar maten [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of comunicar comunica [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of capturar captura [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of ocasionar ocasiones [v]
second-person singular formal conditional conditional of reconocer reconocería [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of considerar considera [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of rozar rozaba [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) preterite indicative of despedir despidieron [v]
second-person singular present subj of ser seas [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of llamar llaman [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) preterit indicative of llevar llevaron [v]
second-person singular formal conditional indicative of ver vería [v]
second-person plural affirmative imperative of intimidar intimidad [v] ES
second-person singular formal imperative of dormir duerma [v]
second-person singular present indicative of perder pierdes [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of esforzar esforzó [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of contener contenía [v]
second-person singular future indicative of estar estarás [v]
second-person singular future indicative of querer querrás [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of deslizar desliza [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of primar prima [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of ir fue [v]
second-person singular negative imperative of querer quieras [v]
second-person singular present subj of ver veas [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of azotar azotes [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect subjunctive of saber supiera [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of crecer crece [v]
second-person singular present indicative of debatir debates [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of reflejar reflejan [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of asombrar asombre [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of rezar reza [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of elevar eleva [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of buscar buscó [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of latir late [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of disputar disputa [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of arder ardía [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of torturar tortura [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of repugnar repugna [v]
second-person singular present indicative of palmar palmas [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of dedicar dedicaban [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect subjunctive of volver volvieran [v]
second-person singular negative imperative of cruzar cruces [v]
second-person preterite indicative of contraer contrajo [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of integrar integran [v]
second-person singular formal present subj of traer traiga [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of acomodar acomoda [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of aterrar aterra [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of chocar chocó [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of atender atendía [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of usar usa [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of caber cabían [v]
second-person singular formal conditional conditional of significar significaría [v]
second-person singular formal imperative of contrastar contraste [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of demostrar demuestra [v]
second-person singular formal imperative of leer lea [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect subjunctive of poner pusieran [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of llegar llegaban [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of sanar sana [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of haber había [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of enmudecer enmudeció [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of pintar pinta [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) preterite indicative of poner pusieron [v]
second-person singular present indicative of violentar violentas [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of regalar regala [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect subjunctive of traer trajera [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of modificar modifica [v]
second-person plural present subj of tener tengáis [v] ES
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of extrañar extrañaba [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of calzar calza [v]
second-person singular negative imperative of freír frías [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) preterit indicative of robar robaron [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of librar libra [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of culturar cultura [v]
second-person singular formal imperative of cometer cometa [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of inspirar inspira [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of afligir aflige [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of luchar lucha [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) preterite indicative of buscar buscaron [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of exigir exige [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) preterit indicative of golpear golpearon [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of recompensar recompensa [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of evolucionar evoluciones [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of justar justa [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of venir viene [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of interesar interesa [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of apartar aparta [v]
second-person singular present indicative of escuchar escuchas [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of tocar toca [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of disfrutar disfruta [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of ocultar oculta [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of secar seca [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of seguir seguía [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of tensar tensa [v]
second-person singular formal present subjunctive of haber haya [v]
second-person singular present subj of estar estés [v]
second-person singular formal conditional indicative of saber sabría [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of constituir constituye [v]
second-person singular formal imperative of merecer merezca [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of continuar continúan [v]
second-person singular present subj of decir digas [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of apoderar apodera [v]
second-person singular formal present subjunctive of lechar leche [v]
second-person plural present subj of ser seáis [v] ES
second-person plural (ustedes) preterite indicative of contar contaron [v]
second-person singular conditional indicative of tener tendrías [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of aceptar aceptan [v]
second-person singular present indicative of vendar vendas [v]
second-person singular formal imperative of botar bote [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of exigir exigen [v]
second-person singular formal imperative of finir fina [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of morir murió [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of espantar espanta [v]
second-person singular formal present subjunctive of durar dure [v]
second-person singular formal imperative of coger coja [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of acompañar acompaña [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of preguntar pregunte [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) preterite indicative of tener tuvieron [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of pausar pausa [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of tender tendía [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of soñar soñó [v]
second-person plural present indicative of saber sabéis [v] ES
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of emprender emprendió [v]
second-person singular present indicative of coronar coronas [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of apoyar apoya [v]
second-person singular formal imperative of saber sepa [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of abrasar abrasa [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of agradecer agradeció [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of tocar tocaban [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of recoger recogían [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of preguntar preguntaban [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of volver volvían [v]
second-person present indicative of volver vuelves [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of acompañar acompañan [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of reclutar recluta [v]
second-person singular negative imperative of confinar confines [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of enviar envió [v]
second-person singular formal conditional indicative of caer caería [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of confiar confía [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of proceder procede [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of arrodillar arrodilló [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) preterit indicative of retirar retiraron [v]
second-person singular negative imperative of sentir sientas [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) preterit indicative of resultar resultaron [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of invadir invadía [v]
second-person singular formal imperative of tomar tome [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of extender extiende [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of impresionar impresionaba [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of marchar marchaban [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of detallar detalles [v]
second-person singular present indicative of imaginar imaginas [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of aumentar aumenta [v]
second-person singular formal present subjunctive of cortar corte [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of responder respondían [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of colocar coloca [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperative of venir vengan [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of alzar alzaba [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of abandonar abandonaban [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of tirar tiran [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of creer creas [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) preterit indicative of celebrar celebraron [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of sugerir sugirió [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of apartar aparta [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of actuar actúa [v]
second-person singular formal imperative of clavar clave [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of batallar batalla [v]
second-person singular present indicative of penar penas [v]
second-person singular present indicative of estampar estampas [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of costar costó [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of morir morían [v]
second-person singular positive imperative of saber sabe [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of danzar danza [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of significar significa [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of oponer opone [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of freír frías [v]
second-person singular present indicative of desear deseas [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of comenzar comienza [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of obtener obtiene [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of romper rompe [v]
second-person singular formal present subjunctive of versar verse [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect subjunctive of leer leyera [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) preterit indicative of escuchar escucharon [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) preterite indicative of resonar resonaron [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of reflexionar reflexiones [v]
second-person singular formal affirmative imperative of regresar regrese [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of gozar gozaba [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of componer componían [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of cruzar cruza [v]
second-person singular formal imperative of vivir viva [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of plagar plaga [v]
second-person singular formal conditional conditional of llegar llegaría [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of provenir provenía [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of copiar copia [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of consumir consume [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of significar significa [v]
second-person singular negative imperative of igualar iguales [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) preterite indicative of alcanzar alcanzaron [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of sobrar sobraban [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of envolver envuelve [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of decidir decide [v]
second-person singular formal imperative of dotar dote [v]
second-person singular formal affirmative imperative of vetar vete [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of caber cabía [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of sedar seda [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of ver ve [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of preocupar preocupaban [v]
second-person singular formal present subj of decir diga [v]
second-person singular formal future indicative of venir vendrá [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of dominar dominaban [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of romper rompían [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of drogar droga [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) future indicative of deber deberán [v]
second-person singular present indicative of planchar planchas [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of encontrar encuentran [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of cubrir cubre [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of idear idea [v]
second-person preterite indicative of deshacer deshizo [v]
second-person singular formal present subjunctive of seguir siga [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of gozar goza [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperative of crear creen [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) preterit indicative of subir subieron [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of prender prende [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of ofrendar ofrenda [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of ambientar ambientes [v]
second-person singular present indicative of disculpar disculpas [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of crecer crecía [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of peticionar peticiones [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of impedir impide [v]
second-person singular formal present subjunctive of tomar tome [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of quemar quema [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of carecer carecían [v]
second-person singular formal imperative of mandar mande [v]
second-person singular negative imperative of interesar intereses [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of lucir luce [v]
second-person singular present indicative of haber has [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of destacar destaca [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of apartar aparte [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of arreglar arregla [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of inundar inundaba [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of triunfar triunfa [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of expresar expresan [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of usar usaban [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of rogar rogó [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) affirmative imperative of llamar llamen [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of coger cogía [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of largar larga [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of aguardar aguardaban [v]
second-person singular present indicative of idear ideas [v]
second-person singular formal imperative of portar porte [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of alcanzar alcanzaba [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of lanzar lances [v]
second-person plural present subj of decir digáis [v] ES
second-person singular present indicative of serrar sierras [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of encuestar encuesta [v]
second-person singular present indicative of concienciar conciencias [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) conditional indicative of decir dirían [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of proseguir proseguía [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of despertar despertó [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of ascender ascendía [v]
second-person singular formal affirmative imperative of postrar postre [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of creer creen [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of servir sirven [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of probar prueba [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of escuchar escucha [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of obligar obliga [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of aceptar aceptó [v]
second-person singular present subj of hacer hagas [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of mostrar mostró [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of durar dura [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present subjunctive of sentar sienten [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of morir moría [v]
second-person singular formal present subjunctive of convertir convierta [v]
second-person singular present indicative of extremar extremas [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of traer trae [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of cazar caza [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) preterit indicative of acabar acabaron [v]
second-person singular present indicative of demandar demandas [v]
second-person singular formal present subjunctive of pagar pague [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of reconocer reconoce [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of continuar continúa [v]
second-person singular present indicative of trenzar trenzas [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of mover mueve [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of colgar colgaba [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) preterite indicative of ser fueron [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) preterite indicative of temblar temblaron [v]
second-person singular formal preterite indicative of conseguir consiguió [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) preterite indicative of apagar apagaron [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of arrugar arruga [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of reír ríen [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) present indicative of hablar hablan [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of defender defiende [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect subjunctive of salir saliese [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of hacendar hacienda [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of rentar renta [v]
second-person singular present indicative of acabar acabas [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) preterit indicative of saltar saltaron [v]
second-person singular present indicative of bajar bajas [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of atreverse se atreve [v]
second-person singular formal imperfect indicative of mover movía [v]
second-person singular formal present subjunctive of chocar choque [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) conditional indicative of dejar dejarían [v]
second-person plural (ustedes) imperfect indicative of arder ardían [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of externar externa [v]
second-person singular present indicative of tirar tiras [v]
second-person singular affirmative imperative of empeñar empeña [v]
second-person singular present subjunctive of vallar valles [v]
second-person singular present indicative of prendar prendas [v]
second-person singular formal present indicative of notar nota [v]