tirar - Espagnol Anglais Dictionnaire



Sens de "tirar" dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 233 résultat(s)

Espagnol Anglais
tirar [v] throw
tirar [v] pull
tirar [v] shoot
tirar [v] throw away
tirar [v] throw out
tirar [v] drop
tirar [v] toss
tirar [v] dump
tirar [v] drop
tirar [v] throw
tirar [v] toss
tirar [v] hurl
tirar [v] throw out
tirar [v] throw away
tirar [v] dump
tirar [v] chuck
tirar [v] let off
tirar [v] set off
tirar [v] fire
tirar [v] shoot
tirar [v] launch
tirar [v] stretch
tirar [v] overthrow
tirar [v] depose
tirar [v] bring down
tirar [v] tear down
tirar [v] knock down
tirar [v] demolish
tirar [v] waste
tirar [v] squander
tirar [v] roll
tirar [v] push
tirar [v] pull
tirar [v] haul
tirar [v] attract
tirar [v] shoot photos
tirar [v] take photos
tirar [v] tend
tirar [v] tend toward
tirar [v] be inclined to
tirar [v] turn
tirar [v] go to
tirar [v] last
tirar [v] persist
tirar [v] still be standing
tirar [v] exist
tirar [v] set up
tirar [v] lay the groundwork
tirar [v] throw into the air
tirar [v] throw up in the air
tirar [v] squeeze
tirar [v] pinch
tirar [v] be too tight
tirar [v] be attractive
tirar [v] trace
tirar [v] draw
tirar [v] sketch
tirar [v] outline
tirar [v] inflict
tirar [v] handle
tirar [v] wield
tirar [v] take out
tirar [v] unsheathe
tirar [v] pull out
tirar [v] give
tirar [v] take
tirar [v] launch
tirar [v] pluck
tirar [v] snipe
tirar [v] fire
tirar [v] waste
tirar [v] squander
tirar [v] be somewhat
tirar [v] take (a photograph)
tirar [v] manage
tirar [v] lay
tirar [v] discard or dispose of
tirar [v] fire a shot
tirar [v] hurl
tirar [v] throw with force
tirar [v] discard
tirar [v] sling
tirar [v] buck
tirar [v] bung
tirar [v] chuck
tirar [v] haul
tirar [v] heave
tirar [v] cast
tirar [v] trace
tirar [v] draw
tirar [v] play
tirar [v] go
tirar [v] dart
tirar [v] fling
tirar [v] cast off
tirar [v] pitch
tirar [v] cast away
tirar [v] resemble
tirar [v] enlarge
tirar [v] extend
tirar [v] get along
tirar [v] tend
tirar [v] attract
tirar [v] bend
tirar [v] last
tirar [v] tug
tirar [v] lavish
tirar [v] thwart
tirar [v] incline
tirar [v] discharge (fire-arms)
tirar [v] aim at
tirar [v] aspire to
tirar [v] earn
tirar [v] try to
tirar [v] acquire
tirar [v] draw metal into threads
tirar [v] be tight
tirar [v] drag
tirar [v] daff
tirar [v] deliver
tirar [v] hale
tirar [v] plump
tirar [v] pop
tirar [v] slat
tirar [v] CO destroy
tirar [v] CO break
tirar [v] HN enjoy
tirar [v] CU DO move
tirar [v] CL make a random selection
tirar [v] CO pamper
tirar [v] HN NI PA CU PR VE BO slam shut
tirar [v] CL try to do something
tirar [v] CL carry out
tirar [v] CU DO drive
tirar [v] HN like
tirar [v] PR sell drugs
tirar [v] PR leave someone somewhere
tirar [v] HN NI PA CU PR VE BO shut hard
tirar [v] CO spoil
tirar [v] CU DO transport
tirar [v] PR drug deal
tirar [v] CL do something half-assed
tirar [v] PR drop someone off somewhere
tirar [v] CU CO CL drive
tirar [v] CU CO CL transport
tirar [v] CU CO CL move
tirar [v] CU CO CL lug
tirar [v] CU CO CL haul
tirar [v] CU DO VE slam shut
tirar [v] DO VE make a nasty comment
tirar [v] DO VE make a cutting remark
tirar [v] rare draw wire
tirar [v] disused remove
tirar [v] disused strip
tirar [v] disused divest
tirar [v] disused dispossess
tirar [v] disused deprive of
tirar [v] disused rob
tirar [v] disused take out
tirar [v] disused extract
tirar let down
tirar [v] knock off
tirar [v] throw about
tirar [v] pull down
tirar [v] knock over
tirar [v] knock down
tirar [v] run off
tirar [v] get by
tirar [v] push over
tirar [v] chuck away
tirar [v] cast aside
tirar [v] cast out
tirar [v] chuck out
tirar [v] push out
tirar [v] toss around
tirar [v] have sex with
tirar [v] let fly
tirar [v] AR take somebody somewhere by car
tirar [v] BO have an alcoholic drink
tirar [v] BO drink
tirar [v] CO:N give
tirar [v] BO steal
tirar [v] CL sentence
tirar [v] BO rob
tirar [v] CL condemn
tirar [v] screw
tirar [v] fuck
tirar [v] PE EC BO CL UY CO VE PR DO copulate
tirar [v] CO fuck
tirar [v] CL kiss on the mouth
tirar [v] GT NI DO PR CO VE EC PE BO CL UY maintain a sexual relationship with
tirar [v] GT NI DO PR CO VE EC PE BO CL UY have sex
tirar [v] draft
tirar [v] abort
tirar [v] pull
tirar [v] throw
tirar [v] haul
tirar [v] draw
tirar [v] strike off
tirar [v] slip
tirar [v] draw off
tirar [v] let off
tirar [v] tumble
tirar [v] run
tirar [v] make prints
tirar [v] dash
tirar [v] extract
tirar [v] blast
tirar [v] draw (stack)
tirar [v] dump
tirar [v] print
tirar [v] print sheets
tirar [v] work
tirar [v] print
tirar [v] print
tirar [v] publish
tirar [v] aim
tirar [v] send
tirar [v] pot
tirar [v] tire
tirar [v] pull
tirar [v] draw
tirar [v] dump
tirar [v] dump
tirar [v] shoot at
American Football
tirar [v] pass
British Slang
tirar [v] cob
tirar [v] hoy
tirar luzz
tirar bung
tirar [v] throw
tirar [v] pitch
tirar [v] slide

Sens de "tirar" avec d'autres termes dans le Dictionnaire Anglais-Espagnol : 500 résultat(s)

Espagnol Anglais
tirar de [v] pull
tirar de [v] draw
tirar de la manta [v] give the game away
tirar fuera [v] shoot wide
tirar la cadena [v] flush
tirar a puerta [v] shoot at goal
tirar a [v] tend toward
tirar la puerta abajo (los acreedores) [v] (creditors) beat one's door down
tirar fuerte [v] haul
tirar a la basura [v] dump
tirar a la basura [v] get rid of
tirar a la basura [v] discard
tirar abajo [v] precipitate
tirar de [v] yank
tirar de golpe [v] smack
tirar de la cadena de (baño) [v] flush
tirar de la cadena de (baño) [v] flush the toilet
tirar de [v] heave
tirar la casa por la ventana [v] go to town
tirar con dificultad [v] lug
estar ya para tirar [v] be worn-out
tirar de (cesta) [v] draw
tirar el balón [v] kick the ball
tirar a [v] incline towards
tirar a azul [v] be bluish
tirar a rojo [v] be reddish
tirar a amarillo [v] be yellowish
tirar adelante [v] go straight
tirar de [v] tear off
tirar de la palanca [v] pull the lever
tirar el arado [v] pull the plow
tirar la primera piedra [v] cast the first stone
tirar los tejos a alguien [v] make a pass at someone
tirar piedras contra [v] throw stones at
tirar piedras contra [v] throw rocks at
tirar la pelota [v] kick the ball
tirar la puerta [v] slam the door
tirar la cadena (del inodoro) [v] flush the toilet
tirar la pelota [v] pitch the ball
tirar a matar [v] shoot dead
tirar a matar [v] shoot to kill
tirar por tierra [v] ruin
tirar por tierra [v] wreck
tirar por tierra [v] destroy
tirar por tierra [v] demolish
tirar por tierra [v] knock down
tirar por tierra [v] blow down
tirar por tierra [v] shatter
tirar al monte [v] be homesick
tirar al monte [v] feel homesick
tirar de la manga a alguien [v] tug at/pull someone's sleeve
tirar una línea (sobre un papel) [v] draw a line (on a paper)
tirar algo a alguien [v] throw something at someone
tirar coces [v] attack
tirar coces [v] hit or kick out at
tirar algo por la ventana [v] throw out the window
tirar algo por la ventana [v] throw something out the window
tirar a la basura [v] throw away
tirar algo a alguien [v] toss something at someone
tirar a la izquierda [v] turn left
tirar a la derecha [v] turn right
tirar algo a la basura [v] throw something in the trash
tirar al vuelo [v] shoot the flying bird
tirar algo a la basura [v] throw something in the bin
tirar a la basura [v] throw in the trash
tirar algo por la ventana [v] throw something out of the window
tirar coces [v] lash out
tirar de la cuerda [v] play tug of war
tirar al muñeco [v] throw something (a ball) at someone
tirar abajo [v] bash in
tirar de la rienda [v] draw rein
tirar de la cuerda (soga) [v] draw rope
tirar la basura [v] drop litter
tirar de la red [v] draw the net
tirar abajo [v] bash in
tirar abajo [v] batter something down
acción de tirar basura al suelo dropping litter
tirar de [v] pull through
tirar (a la derecha/izquierda) [v] turn (in any direction)
tirar del pelo [v] pull the hair
tirar con un capirotazo [v] fillip
tirar algo por inútil [v] cast
tirar algo por dañoso [v] cast
tirar dados [v] cast
tirar (alambre) [v] fine-draw
tirar con ligereza [v] flirt
tirar al vuelo [v] shoot flying
tirar en el ciclostilo [v] cyclostyle
tirar terrones [v] clod
tirar las bolas [v] bowl
tirar una estocada [v] make a pass
tirar indirectas [v] throw out hints
tirar más que [v] outlast
tirar coces [v] kick
tirar alto [v] overreach
tirar más allá del blanco [v] overshoot
tirar con violencia [v] pull
tirar a (un color) [v] incline
tirar con pistola [v] pistol
tirar (de) [v] lug
tirar de nuevo [v] redraft
tirar de nuevo [v] redraw
tirar (de) [v] tug
tirar con esfuerzo [v] tug
tirar de la cola [v] tail
tirar bruscamente [v] twitch
tirar el cerrojo de [v] unbolt
tirar (un arma) [v] shoot off
tirar (una línea) [v] run
tirar coces [v] wince
tirar (una estocada) [v] thrust
tirar una estocada [v] thrust
tirar con violencia [v] slam
tirar tajos y reveses [v] slash
tirar un mordisco [v] snap
tirar una mordiscada [v] snap at
tirar a morder [v] snatch
a más tirar [adv] at the outside
a todo tirar [adv] at the most
acción de tirar hitch
acto de tirar lug
tirar los tejos [v] ES come on to
tirar dedo [v] PE hitchhike
tirar por la borda [v] fig. throw overboard
tirar la parada [v] VE bear the burden
tirar la parada [v] VE take the bet
tirar la parada [v] VE run the risk
tirar la casa por la ventana [v] live it up
tirar la toalla [v] throw in the towel
tirar de los moños [v] be at one other's throats
tirar el dinero por la ventana [v] pour money down the drain
tirar la casa por la ventana [v] push the boat out
tirar por el atajo [v] take the easy way out
tirar el dinero por la ventana [v] throw money down the drain
tirar por la borda [v] throw overboard
tirar las frutas frescas con las pochas [v] throw the baby out with the bathwater
tirar de la cadena [v] flush the toilet
tirar por el camino de en medio [v] take the middle course
tirar por el camino de en medio [v] take the middle way
tirar la toalla [v] throw up the sponge
tirar la toalla [v] chuck in the towel
tirar la toalla [v] drop by the wayside
tirar la toalla [v] throw one's hand in
tirar la esponja [v] give up
tirar la esponja [v] throw in the sponge
tirar la esponja [v] throw in the towel
tirar la esponja [v] throw up the sponge
tirar la toalla [v] throw up one's hands
tirar la esponja [v] throw up one's hands
tirar la esponja [v] chuck in the towel
tirar la esponja [v] chuck up the sponge
tirar la toalla [v] chuck it all in
tirar la esponja [v] chuck it all in
tirar la toalla [v] chuck it all up
tirar la esponja [v] chuck it all up
tirar la esponja [v] drop by the wayside
tirar la esponja [v] throw one's hand in
tirar la toalla [v] toss in the sponge
tirar la esponja [v] toss in the sponge
tirar la toalla [v] fall by the wayside
tirar la esponja [v] fall by the wayside
tirar la toalla [v] give up struggle
tirar la esponja [v] give up struggle
tirar la toalla [v] holler uncle
tirar la esponja [v] holler uncle
tirar la esponja [v] cry uncle
tirar la toalla [v] cry uncle
tirar la primera piedra [v] throw the first stone
tirar piedras a su propio tejado [v] cut off nose to spite face
tirar piedras al tejado propio [v] cut off one's nose to spite one's face
tirar piedras a tu propio tejado [v] cut off your nose to spite your face
tirar la toalla [v] chuck up the sponge
tirar a alguien a golpes [v] clean the floor up with someone
tirar una piedra a la ventana [v] throw a stone at the window
tirar la toalla [v] throw in the sponge
tirar el dinero a la calle [v] throw money down the drain
tirar toda su vida a la basura [v] throw one's whole life away
tirar a alguien a los cocodrilos [v] throw someone to the dogs
tirar las frutas frescas con las podridas [v] throw the baby out with the bathwater
tirar a alguien al agua [v] throw someone in the drink
tirar a alguien a los perros [v] throw someone to the dogs
tirar a alguien a los leones [v] throw someone to the lions
tirar algo por la ventana [v] throw something away
tirar algo por la ventana [v] cannot make use of it
tirar la caña [v] fish for compliments
tirar la toalla [v] give up
tirar la toalla [v] quit
tirar los tejos [v] flirt with someone
tirar los tejos [v] hit on someone
tirar balas de salva [v] fire blank
tirar nombres conocidos para impresionar [v] drop names
tirar nombres conocidos para impresionar [v] drop someone's name
tirar la toalla [v] drop the ball
tirar la idea [v] drop the idea
tirar una sugerencia [v] float an idea
tirar a embocar [v] draw a bow at a venture
tirar a ciegas y acertar [v] draw a bow at a venture
tirar la toalla [v] to quit
tirar la toalla [v] to give up
tirar piedras al propio tejado [v] cut off one's nose to spite one's face
tirar piedras contra el propio tejado [v] cut off one's nose to spite one's face
tirar piedras sobre el propio tejado [v] cut off one's nose to spite one's face
tirar piedras al propio tejado [v] shoot oneself in the foot
tirar la esponja [v] give up the fight
tirar la toalla [v] give up the fight
tirar algo por la borda [v] throw something overboard
tirar la casa por la ventana [v] spare no expense
tirar la casa por la ventana [v] go all out
tirar la casa por la ventana [v] shoot the moon
tirar de la manta [v] let the cat out of the bag
tirar el diablo de la manta [v] let the cat out of the bag
tirar balones fuera [v] run away from things
tirar balones fuera [v] dodge the issue
tirar balones fuera [v] dodge the subject
tirar por la borda [v] get rid of
tirar balones fuera [v] evade the issue
tirar balones fuera [v] avoid the subject
tirar la casa por la ventana [v] pull out all the stops
tirar de alguno hilos [v] pull some strings
tirar la pelota a otra persona [v] pass the buck
tirar de la lengua [v] yack one's head off
tirar de la lengua [v] talk a lot
tirar de la lengua [v] talk the hind legs off a donkey
tirar de la lengua a alguien [v] wind someone up
tirar de la lengua [v] talk too much
tirar de la lengua a alguien [v] make someone talk
tirar de la lengua [v] talk someone's head off
tirar de la lengua [v] run off at the mouth
no ser algo como para tirar cohetes [v] be nothing to write home about
tirar la toalla [v] be up stumps and back to the pavilion
tirar un beso a alguien [v] blow someone a kiss
tirar un beso a alguien [v] throw the kiss to someone
tirar un beso a alguien [v] blow a kiss
tirar de la cuerda a alguien [v] keep someone under control
tirar de la cuerda a alguien [v] keep someone on a short leash
tirar de la cuerda a alguien [v] keep someone on a tight leash
tirar de la cuerda a alguien [v] restrain someone
tirar de la cuerda a alguien [v] keep a close rein on someone
tirar de la cuerda a alguien [v] keep someone on a tight rein
tirar de la cuerda a alguien [v] keep a tight rein on someone
tirar de la cuerda a alguien [v] hold someone down
tirar de la cuerda para todos [v] claim equal treatment
tirar de la madeja [v] figure out
tirar de la lengua a alguien [v] draw someone out
tirar de la cuerda para ninguno [v] claim equal treatment
tirar de largo [v] go too far
tirar de la madeja [v] put two and two together
tirar del carro [v] do the donkey work (do the hard and boring part of a job)
tirar por el camino de en medio [v] follow the middle course/way/path
tirar por la calle de en medio [v] follow the middle course/way/path
tirar de largo [v] be extravagant
tirar la chancleta [v] behave or express yourself rudely and vulgarly
tirar a alguien de la capa [v] give someone a tiny or careful hint about something
tirar piedras sobre el propio tejado [v] cut off one’s nose to spite one’s face
tirar por la calle de en medio [v] take the middle course
tirar piedras al propio tejado [v] cut off one’s nose to spite one’s face
tirar una moneda al aire [v] toss a coin
tirar por el camino de en medio [v] take the middle course/way/path
tirar por la calle de en medio [v] take the middle course/way/path
tirar de la madeja [v] understand something by using the information you have
tirar una moneda al aire [v] flip/toss a coin
tirar de la madeja [v] draw a correct conclusion from the given circumstances
tirar la chancleta [v] (a woman) abandon the patterns of traditional behavior
tirar de largo [v] go over the limit
tirar con bala [v] hit with a missile
tirar piedras sobre el propio tejado [v] injure oneself in taking revenge against another
tirar piedras al propio tejado [v] injure oneself in taking revenge against another
tirar a alguien de la lengua [v] make someone speak
tirar piedras al propio tejado [v] shoot yourself in the foot
tirar de la lengua a alguien [v] make someone speak
tirar la piedra y esconder la mano [v] look as if butter wouldn't melt in one's mouth
tirar piedras sobre el propio tejado [v] shoot yourself in the foot
tirar la piedra y esconder la mano [v] pretend innocence after deliberately harming someone
tirar de la lengua a alguien [v] sound someone out
tirar por la calle de en medio [v] steer the middle course/way/path
tirar de largo [v] spend extravagantly
tirar por el camino de en medio [v] steer the middle course/way/path
tirar de largo [v] go overboard
tirar a alguien de la capa [v] suggest something indirectly to someone
tirar de largo [v] waste lavishly
tirar una moneda al aire [v] toss/flip a coin
tirar la chancleta [v] (a woman) start behaving more liberally
tirar a alguien de la capa [v] drop a hint to someone
tirar a alguien de la lengua [v] draw someone out
tirar la piedra y esconder la mano [v] hide the hand that throws the stone
tirar a pichón parado [v] get something very easily
tirar piedras sobre el propio tejado [v] cut off (one's) nose to spite (one's) face
tirar piedras sobre el propio tejado [v] cut off your nose to spite your face
tirar con bala [v] speak badly
tirar piedras al propio tejado [v] cut off (one's) nose to spite (one's) face
tirar con bala [v] use real bullet
tirar piedras al propio tejado [v] cut off your nose to spite your face
tirar con pólvora del rey [v] live on other people's means
tirar algo abajo [v] known down
tirar algo abajo [v] knock over
tirar alguien a la barra [v] workout
tirar alguien a la barra [v] do chin ups
tirar alguien a la barra [v] lift weights
tirar alguien a la barra [v] use the balance beam
tirar a alguien de los cabellos [v] have someone on a leash
tirar a alguien de los cabellos [v] have someone under one's thumb
tirar a alguien por los cabellos [v] have someone on a leash
tirar a alguien por los cabellos [v] have someone under one's thumb
tirar de la cadena [v] flush the toilet
tirar por derecho [v] proceed directly
tirar por derecho [v] confront
tirar de la espada [v] unsheathe one's sword
tirar una falta [v] take a foul shot
tirar una falta [v] shoot a foul shot
tirar del freno a alguien [v] contain someone
tirar del freno a alguien [v] stop someone
tirar del freno a alguien [v] restrain someone
tirar del freno a alguien [v] put the brakes on
tirar líneas [v] take matter into one's own hands
tirar el pego [v] fool
tirar el pego [v] cheat
tirar el pego [v] trick
tirar el pego [v] deceive
tirar la piedra y esconder la mano [v] be a grass snake
tirar la rienda [v] contain
tirar la rienda [v] reduce
tirar la rienda [v] hold
tirar la rienda [v] grab
tirar las riendas [v] contain
tirar las riendas [v] reduce
tirar las riendas [v] hold
tirar las riendas [v] grab
tirar al vuelo [v] release a bird to fly
a todo tirar [adv] at most
tirar en la cara de alguien throw something in someone's face
tirar la casa por la ventana go to town on something
tirar abajo make downhearted
tirar la casa por la ventana live it up
tirar el dinero burn through the money
tirar piedras sobre el propio tejado make a rod for one's own back
tirar los trastos make a pass
tirar los dados en contra de load the dice against
tirar de la oreja knock one's heads together
tirar la toalla get out the race
tirar de espaldas knock off one's feet
tirar como un pañuelo de usar y tirar drop somebody like a hot potato
tirar de la manta let the cat out of the bag
tirar de la manta take the lid off a scandal
tirar leña al fuego add fuel to the fire
tirar por el atajo take the easy way out
tirar el dinero throw money out the window
tirar al aro shoot hoops
tirar de la cuerda (juego) tug-of-war
tirar coces contra el aguijón kick against the pricks
tirar la chancleta [v] SCN have a whale of a time
tirar panas [v] ANS give oneself airs
tirar panas [v] ANS lord it over
tirar panas [v] ANS queen it over
tirar panas [v] ANS put on airs
tirar panas [v] ANS act superior
tirar los calzones [v] MX GT CL flirt
tirar a bagazo [v] CU pay no attention
tirar cana [v] BO:W put in jail
tirar cana [v] BO:W imprison
tirar cana [v] BO:W incarcerate
tirar a bagazo [v] CU not to pay attention
tirar a la chuña [v] CL throw something up in the air and pick it up immediately
tirar chinitas [v] GT HN NI CR taunt
tirar el chirolazo [v] CL suggest something indirectly
tirar al choque [v] CL egg someone on
tirar al choque [v] CL instigate someone to discuss/fight
tirar chinitas [v] GT HN NI CR make a snide comment
no tirar un chícharo [v] CU not work enough out of laziness
tirar la chirola [v] CL rare ask someone for money
tirar el chirolazo [v] CL insinuate something
tirar su gatazo [v] PE impress
tirar como costal de guano [v] HN rur. treat someone like dirt
tirar los guantes [v] PR give up
tirar su gatazo [v] PE act in a presumptuous way
tirar los guantes [v] PR throw in the towel
tirar gancho [v] PA try to win over
tirar gancho [v] PA try to convince
tirar bomba de humo [v] PR vanish into thin air
tirar con el rayo [v] CU reprimand
tirar con el rayo [v] CU censure
tirar con el rayo [v] CU scold
tirar con el rayo [v] CU be hard on
tirar pupila [v] HN follow
tirar la cantada [v] HN SV get ahead of the ball
tirar caña [v] PE get behind the wheel
tirar la mano [v] PA get in the ring
tirar un cinquito [v] PA get into a fist fight
tirar jato [v] PE get some shut eye
tirar pestaña [v] PE disused get some shut eye
tirar bomba de humo [v] PR ghost
tirar a mondongo [v] CU despise
tirar palos [v] CL drop hints
tirar cintura [v] PE evade responsibilities
tirar la pelota [v] EC PE CL PY UY evade responsibilities
tirar una punta [v] AR give information to
tirar con mampuesta [v] GT hint at
tirar el chirolazo [v] CL hint at
tirar más de un pelo de crica [v] PR have pull
tirar cana [v] BO:W delinq. imprison
tirar al choque [v] CL incite
tirar la onda [v] MX insinuate
tirar los calzones [v] MX GT CL insinuate
tirar onda [v] PY AR UY insinuate
tirar palos [v] CL insinuate
tirar pupila [v] HN monitor
tirar al desvío [v] PA leave behind
tirar al abandono [v] CU leave someone to their own devices
tirar el cabo [v] CU DO lend a helping hand
tirar la toalla [v] PA lend a helping hand
tirar un cable [v] US CU lend a helping hand
tirar un cabo [v] CU lend a helping hand
tirar una punta [v] AR lend a helping hand
tirar roche [v] PE pay no attention to
tirar a mondongo [v] CU look down one's nose at
tirar pele [v] BO lose
tirar paja [v] HN make fall in love
tirar cana [v] BO:W delinq. put in jail
tirar línea [v] PA CL reflect upon
tirar carrilla [v] MX ridicule
tirar perro muerto [v] PE rip-off
no tirar un chícharo [v] CU not make a dime
tirar a bagazo [v] CU have one's head in the clouds
tirar a la chuña [v] CL throw into the air
tirar a la manchancha [v] AR squander
tirar a la montonera [v] CO throw into the air
tirar a mondongo [v] CU look down on
tirar al abandono [v] CU give up on
tirar al abandono [v] CU stop helping
tirar al bombo [v] AR UY make someone fail
tirar al bombo [v] AR UY not help someone
tirar al choque [v] CL instigate
tirar al desvío [v] PA abandon
tirar al petate [v] HN NI waste an opportunity
tirar arroz [v] PE ignore
tirar bomba [v] PR drug give bad drugs to
tirar bomba [v] PR leave someone hanging
tirar cinta [v] PA teen shoot the breeze
tirar bomba [v] PR break one's promise
tirar bomba de humo [v] PR disappear
tirar buena onda [v] PY UY AR teen raise someone's spirits
tirar buenas ondas [v] PY UY AR teen raise someone's spirits
tirar cabeza [v] PE not return something lent
tirar cana [v] BO:W delinq. jail
tirar candela [v] HN rur. walk a straight line
tirar caña [v] PE drive a car
tirar cañona [v] PR drug rob to buy drugs
tirar cañona [v] PR break one's promise
tirar carrilla [v] MX make fun of
tirar chinitas [v] GT HN NI CR attack someone
tirar cinta [v] PA teen talk
tirar cintura [v] PE dance
tirar cintura [v] PE dodge obstacles
tirar como costal de guano [v] HN rur. abuse
tirar con el rayo [v] CU criticize harshly
tirar con mampuesta [v] GT insinuate
tirar con toda la caballería [v] PA flirt with
tirar contra [v] PE stop going to class
tirar corriente [v] HN SV flirt with
tirar cuadras [v] PE put one's all into
tirar de a león [v] MX not pay attention
tirar de a loca [v] MX not pay attention
tirar de a loco [v] MX not pay attention
tirar de a lucas [v] MX not pay attention
tirar de a lurias [v] MX not pay attention
tirar de la chaqueta [v] PR scold
tirar de la cobija [v] HN NI scare
tirar dedo [v] PE spill the beans
tirar dedo [v] PE hitchhike
tirar el arpa [v] MX give up on
tirar el cabo [v] CU DO help
tirar el chirolazo [v] CL insinuate
tirar el cuento [v] HN SV NI flirt with
tirar el mantel [v] CL throw in the towel
tirar el poto para las moras [v] CL give up on
tirar como costal de guano [v] HN rur. mistreat
tirar el rol [v] MX take a walk
tirar el verbo [v] HN flirt with
tirar fuerte [v] PR give a flippant answer
tirar gancho [v] PA try to convince
tirar jato [v] PE sleep
tirar la bronca [v] AR UY be angry and cause trouble
tirar la cantada [v] HN SV get ahead of the game
tirar la chancleta [v] AR UY not care about social norms
tirar la chancleta [v] AR UY suddenly not care about social norms
tirar la chirola [v] CL disused ask someone for money
tirar la esponja [v] PE CL AR UY give up
tirar la esponja [v] CL AR UY give up
tirar la manga [v] CL PY AR UY ask someone for money
tirar carrilla [v] MX mock
tirar la mano [v] PA box
tirar la onda [v] MX make a move
tirar la parada [v] VE take a risk
tirar la pelota [v] EC PE CL PY UY dodge obstacles
tirar la puerta por la ventana [v] DO PR CO UY spend money
tirar la taba [v] AR:Nw lie
tirar la toalla [v] CU PR cover up
tirar la toalla [v] PA help
tirar lampa [v] PE rur. work land with a hoe
tirar lámpara [v] EC:W boast
tirar las barajas [v] PA use cards to tell the future