finding - Almanca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "finding" in German English Dictionary : 31 result(s)

İngilizce Almanca
finding findend [adj]
finding auffindend [adj]
finding entdeckend [adj]
finding Befund [m]
finding Fund [m]
finding Befund (einer Untersuchung) [m]
finding Suche [f]
finding Feststellung [f]
finding Entdeckung [f]
finding Erkenntnis [f]
finding Suchen [n]
finding Fundstück [n]
finding Finden [n]
finding Entdecken [n]
finding Ergebnis [n]
finding findend
finding antreffend
finding vorfindend
finding auffindend
finding Feststellung [f]
finding Wahrspruch [m]
finding Befund [m]
finding Bestimmtheit [f]
finding Vorwahl [f]
finding Befundung (Automobilindustrie) [f]
finding Auffindung [f]
finding Befundung [f]
finding Aufsuchen [n]
finding Beanstandung [f]
finding Befund [m]
finding passives Absuchen [n]

Meanings of "finding" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 163 result(s)

İngilizce Almanca
fault-finding nörglerisch [adj]
fault-finding krittelig [adj]
fact-finding Erkundungs- [adj]
fault-finding nörgelnd [adj]
fault-finding fehlersuchend [adj]
incidental finding Zufallsbefund [m]
incidental finding Nebenbefund [m]
finding place Fundort [m]
finding place Fundpunkt [m]
direction finding transmitter/station Peilsender [m]
direction finding transmitter/station Peilfunksender [m]
chance finding Zufallsbefund [m]
chance finding Nebenbefund [m]
auxiliary finding Nebenbefund [m]
auxiliary finding Zufallsbefund [m]
secondary finding Zufallsbefund [m]
secondary finding Nebenbefund [m]
fault-finding Mäkelei [f]
fault-finding Nörgelei [f]
fault-finding Fehlersuche [f]
finding of facts Tatsachenfeststellung [f]
finding place Fundstelle [f]
direction finding Funkpeilung [f]
direction finding transmitter/station Ortungsstation [f]
fact-finding mission Informationsreise [f]
fault-finding Krittelei [f]
direction finding Funkortung [f]
fact-finding mission Erkundungsmission [f]
fault finding Fehlersuche [f]
finding of justice Rechtsfindung [f]
fact-finding mission Untersuchungsmission [f]
fact finding Erforschung des Sachverhalts [f]
fact finding Feststellung der Tatsachen [f]
finding meaning Sinnfindung [f]
case finding rate Fallfindungspauschale [f]
finding fault with Fehlersuche [f]
finding fault with Fehlerfindung [f]
finding fault with Störungssuche [f]
finding fault with Schadensbeurteilung [f]
finding aid Findbuch [n]
finding aid Repertorium [n]
research finding Forschungsergebnis [n]
have difficulty in finding young talent Nachwuchssorgen haben [v]
be glib in finding excuses schnell Entschuldigungen bei der Hand haben [v]
finding aids Findbücher [pl]
finding aids Repertorien [pl]
finding places Fundorte [pl]
finding places Fundstellen [pl]
direction finding transmitter/stations Peilfunksender [pl]
direction finding transmitter/stations Peilsender [pl]
finding a new lease on life wieder auflebend
finding accommodation unterkommend
finding again wiederfindend
finding of the facts Feststellung des Sachverhalts
finding one's way sich zurechtfindend
finding one's way back zurückfindend
finding out hörend
finding out lernend
finding out erfahrend
finding out eruierend
finding out entlarvend
finding out ermittelnd
finding out feststellend
finding out herausfindend
finding out auf die Spur/Schliche kommend
finding out about herausfindend
finding out about herauskriegend
finding out about hinter kommend
finding out about herausbekommend
fact finding Untersuchung [f]
are you finding this job stressful? findest du diese Arbeit stressig?
are you finding this job stressful? ist dir diese Arbeit zu stressig?
fact-finding Untersuchungs- [adj]
finding of capital Kapitalbeschaffung [f]
fact-finding Untersuchung [f]
fact-finding Tatsachenfeststellung [f]
fact finding Tatsachenfeststellung [f]
finding of means Mittelbeschaffung [f]
finding of facts Erfassung der Fakten
fact finding Erforschung des Sachverhalts
fact-finding Tatsachenfeststellung
Business Correspondence
successful in finding erfolgreich beim Finden
Quality Management
audit finding Auditfeststellung [f]
acquisition of title/ownership by finding Eigentumserwerb des Finders
fact-finding committee Ermittlungsausschuss [m]
fact-finding mission Erkundungsbesuch [m]
fact-finding mission Erkundungsreise [f]
fact-finding committees Ermittlungsausschüsse [pl]
fact-finding missions Erkundungsreisen [pl]
fact-finding missions Erkundungsbesuche [pl]
EU Terms
fact-finding mission Untersuchungskommission [f]
pick finding Schusssuchen
finding arrangement Sucheinrichtung
station finding receiver Suchlaufempfänger
pick-finding arrangement Schusssucheinrichtung
fault finding Fehlersuche
fact-finding detektivisch [adj]
fact-finding Ermittlungs... [adj]
fact-finding kriminalistisch [adj]
fact-finding Untersuchungs... [adj]
fact-finding Tatsachenfeststellung [f]
fact-finding body Untersuchungsgremium [n]
direction finding aerial Peilantenne [f]
direction finding Peilung [f]
position finding Ortung [f]
direction finding Ortung [f]
coastal direction finding station Küstenpeilstation [f]
fact-finding Befundaufnahme [f]
coastal direction finding stations Küstenpeilstationen [pl]
radio direction finding (rdf) Radiogoniometrie [f]
direction finding Richtungspeilung [f]
finding-place Fundort [m]
medical finding Befund [m]
previous finding Vorbefund [m]
dose-finding study Dosisfindungsstudie [f]
goal finding Zielanalyse [f]
fault finding Fehlersuche [f]
airborne direction finding equipment Flugbordpeiler [m]
direction finding Peilung [f]
radio direction finding station Funkpeilstelle [f]
radio direction finding (rdf) Funkpeilung [f]
direction finding radar Ortungsradar [n]
direction finding Peilen [n]
direction finding Peilwesen [n]
automatic direction finding automatisches Peilen
car position finding Standortbestimmung von Fahrzeugen
radio direction finding antenna Funkpeilantenne [f]
radio direction finding station Funkpeilstelle [f]
radio direction finding (rdf) Funkpeilung [f]
radio direction finding (rdf) Radiogoniometrie [f]
finding your location... Ihr Standort wird ermittelt...
Electrical Engineering
radio direction-finding Funkpeilung [f]
fault finding Fehlersuche [f]
radio direction finding Peilfunk [m]
airborne direction finding equipment Flugbordpeiler [m]
direction-finding receiver Peilempfänger [m]
station finding (broadcast) Sendersuchlauf [m]
station finding Suchlauf [m]
quadrantal error (radio direction finding) Viertelkreisfehler [m]
auditory direction finding Hörpeilung [f]
hyperbolic position finding Hyperbelfunkortung [f]
impulse direction finding Impulspeilung [f]
dual-carrier visual direction finding Zweikanalsichtfunkpeilung [f]
radio direction finding Funkpeilung [f]
hyperbolic radio position finding Hyperbelfunkortung [f]
radio direction finding antenna Funkpeilantenne [f]
radio direction finding station Funkpeilstelle [f]
direction finding Funkpeilung [f]
direction finding Peilung [f]
radio direction finding (rdf) Funkpeilung [f]
pulse direction finding Impulspeilung [f]
radio direction finding (rdf) Radiogoniometrie [f]
high-frequency direction finding system Kurzwellenpeilsystem [n]
car position finding Standortbestimmung von Fahrzeugen
car position finding Standortbestimmung von Fahrzeugen
fact finding Erforschung des Sachverhalts
direction-finding receiver Peilempfänger [m]
radio direction finding antenna Funkpeilantenne [f]
radio direction finding station Funkpeilstelle [f]
radio direction finding (rdf) Funkpeilung [f]
global position finding system globales Positionsbestimmungssystem [n]
range finding Entfernungsmessung [f]
Mechanical Engineering
fault-finding table Fehlersuchtabelle [f]