industry - Almanca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "industry" in German English Dictionary : 31 result(s)

İngilizce Almanca
industry Industrie [f]
industry Branche [f]
industry Fleiß [m]
industry Wirtschaft [f]
industry Eifrigkeit [f]
industry Emsigkeit [f]
industry Arbeitsamkeit [f]
industry Gewerbe [n]
industry Industriezweig [m]
industry Industrie [f]
industry gewerbliche Wirtschaft (Gesamtheit der Wirtschaftsbetriebe) [f]
industry gewerbliche Wirtschaft [f]
industry Gewerbe [n]
industry gewerbliche Wirtschaft
industry produzierende Gewerbe
industry Industrie
industry Industriezweig
industry Industriezweig [m]
industry Industrie [f]
industry produzierende Gewerbe
industry gewerbliche Wirtschaft
industry Industrie [f]
industry Gewerbe [n]
industry Industrie (Ind.)
Building Technology
industry Gewerbe [n]
industry Industrie [f]
industry Gewerbe [n]
industry Industrie [f]
industry Gewerbe [n]
industry Wirtschaftsbereich [m]
industry Produzierendes Gewerbe

Meanings of "industry" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 500 result(s)

İngilizce Almanca
industry-oriented industrieorientiert [adj]
industry-oriented industrienah [adj]
cross-industry branchenübergreifend [adj]
electrical industry service Elektroindustrieservice [m]
ratings queen (media industry) Quotenkönig [m]
mogul of the film industry Filmmogul [m]
industry sector Industriezweig [m]
branch of industry Wirtschaftszweig [m]
secretary of state for trade and industry Wirtschaftsminister [m]
electric power industry Stromversorgungssektor [m]
service industry Dienstleistungsbetrieb [m]
shipbuilding industry Schiffbau [m]
mining industry Bergbau [m]
branch of industry-economic activity Industrie-und Wirtschaftszweig [m]
branch of industry-economic activity Gewerbezweig der Industrie und Wirtschaft [m]
financial services industry Bankensektor [m]
financial services industry Finanzsektor [m]
fishery industry Fischereisektor [m]
pivit-industry Schlüsselindustrie [f]
lumber industry holzverarbeitende Industrie [f]
lumber industry Holzindustrie [f]
haulage industry/business Transportbranche [f]
haulage industry/business Speditionsbranche [f]
cottage industry Manufaktur [f]
auto industry suppliers Kfz-Zulieferindustrie [f]
average industry margin Branchenspanne [f]
timber industry Holzindustrie [f]
timber industry holzverarbeitende Industrie [f]
quest for ratings (media industry) Quotenjagd (Medienbranche) [f]
ratings queen (media industry) Quotenkönigin (Medienbranche) [f]
key industry Schlüsselindustrie [f]
nuclear industry Atomwirtschaft [f]
luxury goods industry Luxusgüterindustrie [f]
finishing industry Veredelungsindustrie [f]
oil industry Erdölindustrie [f]
medical industry Medizinbranche [f]
residential trade and industry Wohnungswirtschaft [f]
petroleum industry Petroleumindustrie [f]
construction industry Baubranche [f]
tourist industry Tourismusindustrie [f]
abrasives industry Schleifmittelindustrie [f]
telecommunications industry Telekommunikationsbranche [f]
tourism industry Tourismusbranche [f]
abrasives industry Schmirgelmittelindustrie [f]
steel industry Stahlindustrie [f]
space industry Raumfahrtindustrie [f]
gun industry Waffenindustrie [f]
music industry Musikindustrie [f]
communications industry Kommunikationsindustrie [f]
newspaper industry Zeitungsindustrie [f]
tourist industry Tourismuswirtschaft [f]
auto industry Autobranche [f]
woodworking industry holzverarbeitende Industrie [f]
power industry Energiewirtschaft [f]
pulp industry Zellstoffindustrie [f]
consumer packaged goods industry Verbrauchsgüterindustrie [f]
aerospace industry Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie [f]
structure of the banking industry Bankenstruktur [f]
primary industry Grundstoffindustrie [f]
banking industry Bankenbranche [f]
consumer goods industry Konsumgüterindustrie [f]
growth industry Wachstumsbranche [f]
chemical industry chemische Industrie [f]
infant industry junge Industrie [f]
woodworking industry Holzindustrie [f]
tobacco industry Zigarettenindustrie [f]
armaments industry Rüstungsindustrie [f]
leather industry Lederindustrie [f]
fiber industry Faserstoffindustrie [f]
nuclear industry Atomindustrie [f]
foundry industry Gießereiindustrie [f]
health industry Gesundheitsindustrie [f]
movie industry Filmindustrie [f]
construction industry Bauindustrie [f]
building industry crisis Baukrise [f]
defense industry Verteidigungsgüterindustrie [f]
heavy industry Schwerindustrie [f]
private industry Privatwirtschaft [f]
ad industry Werbeindustrie [f]
defence industry Verteidigungsgüterindustrie [f]
tourist industry Tourismusbranche [f]
leisure industry Freizeitindustrie [f]
electric power industry Elektrizitätsversorgungswirtschaft [f]
construction industry Bauwirtschaft [f]
automotive industry Automobilwirtschaft [f]
hearing aid industry Hörgeräteindustrie [f]
entertainment industry Unterhaltungsindustrie [f]
advertising industry Werbeindustrie [f]
electric power industry Elektrizitätswirtschaft [f]
drug industry Arzneimittelindustrie [f]
hardware industry Eisenwarenindustrie [f]
fashion industry Modeindustrie [f]
dairy industry Milchindustrie [f]
tourist industry Fremdenverkehrswirtschaft [f]
media industry Medienbranche [f]
defence industry Verteidigungsindustrie [f]
building industry Bauwirtschaft [f]
plastic industry Kunststoffindustrie [f]
housing industry Immobilienwirtschaft [f]
tourism industry Tourismusindustrie [f]
chemical industry Chemieindustrie [f]
news industry Nachrichtenindustrie [f]
electric power industry Stromversorgungsbranche [f]
feed industry Futtermittelindustrie [f]
tourist industry Fremdenverkehrsindustrie [f]
drinks industry Getränkewirtschaft [f]
cottage industry Heimindustrie [f]
housing industry Wohnungswirtschaft [f]
healthcare industry Gesundheitsbranche [f]
news industry Nachrichtenbranche [f]
iron and steel industry Eisen- und Stahlindustrie [f]
supply industry Zulieferindustrie [f]
cell phone industry Handybranche [f]
aroma industry Aromenindustrie [f]
sweets industry Süßwarenindustrie [f]
poultry industry Geflügelindustrie [f]
automotive industry Automobilindustrie [f]
defense industry Verteidigungsindustrie [f]
consumer industry Verbrauchsgüterindustrie [f]
recreation industry Freizeitindustrie [f]
garment industry Bekleidungsindustrie [f]
auto industry Autoindustrie [f]
motor industry Autoindustrie [f]
food industry Nahrungsmittelindustrie [f]
utility industry Versorgungsindustrie [f]
food processing industry Nahrungsmittelindustrie [f]
printing industry Druckindustrie [f]
oil industry Ölindustrie [f]
chemical industry Chemiebranche [f]
tobacco industry Tabakindustrie [f]
real estate industry Immobilienwirtschaft [f]
music industry Musikbranche [f]
financial industry Finanzindustrie [f]
drinks industry Getränkeindustrie [f]
rubber industry Kautschukindustrie [f]
plastics processing industry Kunststoffverarbeitung [f]
furniture industry Möbelindustrie [f]
electronics industry Elektronikindustrie [f]
pharmaceutical industry Pharmaindustrie [f]
machining industry Schlosserei [f]
ceramics industry Keramikindustrie [f]
nuclear power industry Atomwirtschaft [f]
cement industry Zementindustrie [f]
sugar industry Zuckerindustrie [f]
beverage industry Getränkeindustrie [f]
wood industry Holzindustrie [f]
textile industry Textilindustrie [f]
shoe industry Schuhindustrie [f]
packaging industry Verpackungsindustrie [f]
machine-tool industry Werkzeugmaschinenindustrie [f]
paper industry Papierindustrie [f]
brewing industry Brauerei [f]
cigarette industry Zigarettenindustrie [f]
tyre industry Reifenindustrie [f]
photographic industry Fotoindustrie [f]
glass industry Glasindustrie [f]
fishing industry Fischerei [f]
sports industry Sportindustrie [f]
clothing industry Bekleidungsindustrie [f]
waste-disposal industry Abfallwirtschaft [f]
hardware industry Hardwareindustrie [f]
space-systems industry Raumfahrt [f]
software industry Softwareindustrie [f]
electrical industry Elektroindustrie [f]
semiconductor industry Halbleiterindustrie [f]
agricultural chemicals industry Agrochemikalienindustrie [f]
agricultural chemicals industry Industrie der landwirtschaftlichen Chemikalien [f]
aircraft supplies industry Luftfahrtzulieferindustrie [f]
animal industry Tierindustrie [f]
animal industry Viehwirtschaft [f]
aquaculture industry Wasserkulturindustrie [f]
assembly industry Fertigungsindustrie [f]
assembly industry Montageindustrie [f]
auto manufacturing industry Autofertigungsindustrie [f]
audio and telecommunication industry Audio- und Telekommunikationsindustrie [f]
biscuit industry Keksindustrie [f]
biscuit industry Backwarenindustrie [f]
biscuit industry Kleingebäckindustrie [f]
boiler-making industry Heizkesselindustrie [f]
boiler-making industry Kesselbauindustrie [f]
cadmium industry Cadmium-Industrie [f]
canned foods industry Konservenindurstrie [f]
cellulose industry Zellstoffindustrie [f]
cereals product industry Getreideprodukteindustrie [f]
chamber of industry and trade Industrie- und Handelskammer [f]
chromium industry Chromindustrie [f]
cinema industry Filmindustrie [f]
cinema industry Kinoindustrie [f]
cinema industry Kinobranche [f]
citrus fruit industry Zitrusfruchtindustrie [f]
consciousness industry Bewusstseinindustrie [f]
cornstarch industry Maisstärkenindustrie [f]
cosmetic industry Kosmetikbranche [f]
cosmetic industry Kosmetikindustrie [f]
cosmetic industry kosmetische Industrie [f]
dyeing industry Farbindustrie [f]
electric machinery industry elektrische Maschinenindustrie [f]
electrical household appliances industry elektrische Haushaltsgeräteindustrie [f]
ethnic food industry ethnische Lebensmittelindustrie [f]
factoring services industry Factoring-Dienstleistungenindustrie [f]
fertilizer industry Düngemittelindustrie [f]
fertilizer industry Düngemittelbranche [f]
fertilizer industry Düngerindustrie [f]
financial services industry Finanzindustrie [f]
fishery industry Fischereiwirtschaft [f]
flour industry Mehlindustrie [f]
frozen foods industry Tiefkühlindustrie [f]
hazardous waste management industry Sonderabfallwirtschaft [f]
house building industry Hausbauindustrie [f]
household linens industry Industrie für Haushaltswäsche [f]
household linens industry Industrie für Heimtextilien [f]
haulage industry/business Transportwesen [n]
haulage industry/business Speditionswesen [n]
haulage industry/business Transportgewerbe [n]
haulage industry/business Speditionsgewerbe [n]
ratings mentality (media industry) Quotendenken (Medienbranche) [n]
air cargo industry Luftfrachttransportgewerbe [n]
publishing industry Verlagswesen [n]
building and construction industry Bauwesen [n]
hotel industry Hotelgewerbe [n]
publishing industry Verlagsgewerbe [n]
construction industry Baugewerbe [n]
cottage industry bäuerliches Gewerbe [n]
catering industry Gaststättengewerbe [n]
tourism industry Tourismusgeschäft [n]
dairy industry Molkereigewerbe [n]
tourist industry Fremdenverkehrsgewerbe [n]
news industry Nachrichtengewerbe [n]
music industry Musikgeschäft [n]
automobile industry and trade Automobilgewerbe [n]
automotive service industry association Automobil-Dienstleistungsgewerbe [n]
canned foods industry Dosenfuttergewerbe [n]
department of industry Ministerium für Industrie [n]
dry cleaning industry Reinigungsgewerbe [n]
financial services industry Finanzdienstleistungsgewerbe [n]
house building industry Hausbaugewerbe [n]
rebuild the industry of an area die Industrie eines Gebiets wieder aufbauen [v]
spread a safety net (for/beyond/under an industry etc.) einen Schutzschirm (über eine Branche etc.) spannen [v]
incentives in industry Antriebe in der Industrie [pl]
food industry and trade Lebensmittelindustrie und -handel [f/m]
furniture industry and trade Möbelindustrie und -handel [f/m]
processing industry Verarbeitendes Gewerbe
manufacturing industry Produzierendes Gewerbe
chemical industry Chemische Industrie
record industry executive Manager in der Musikbranche
securities industry Wertpapierbranche
securities industry -gewerbe
meat processing industry fleischverarbeitende Industrie
securities industry Wertpapiersparte
building industry Baugewerbe
copper industry and trade die Kupferindustrie und der Handel
in/for the entire industry branchenweit [adv]
not usual in the industry branchenunüblich
spread a safety net (for/beyond/under an industry etc.) einen Schutzschirm (über eine Branche etc.) spannen [übertragen] [v]
usual in the industry branchenüblich [adj]
industry-wide branchenweit [adj]
customary within an industry branchenüblich [adj]
mining industry Bergbau [m]
boat building industry Bootsbau [m]
branch of industry Betriebszweig [m]
branch of industry Wirtschaftszweig [m]
branch of industry Industriezweig [m]
castings for the automotive industry Autoteile-Guss [m]
industry leader Branchenprimus [m]
tertiary industry Dienstleistungssektor [m]
travel retail industry Reiseeinzelhandel [m]
industry expert Branchenkenner [m]
captain of industry Industriekapitän [m]
industry leader Industrieführer [m]
industry spokesman Branchensprecher [m]
line of industry Industriezweig [m]
branch of industry Gewerbezweig [m]
aerospace industry Luftfahrtindustrie [f]
automobile industry Autoindustrie [f]
car industry Autoindustrie [f]
chemical industry Chemieindustrie [f]
family industry Familienindustrie [f]
hotel industry Hotelindustrie [f]
home industry Inlandsindustrie [f]
housing industry Wohnungsbauindustrie [f]
key industry Schlüsselindustrie [f]
plastics industry Plastikindustrie [f]
petroleum industry Ölindustrie [f]
pharmaceutical industry Pharmazieindustrie [f]
service industry Dienstleistungsindustrie [f]
tertiary industry Dienstleistungsindustrie [f]
textile industry Textilindustrie [f]
steel industry Stahlindustrie [f]
industry show Industrieausstellung [f]
user industry Anwenderindustrie [f]
big industry Großindustrie [f]
industry structure Industriestruktur [f]
private industry Privatindustrie [f]
packaging industry Verpackungsindustrie [f]
Aviation industry Luftfahrtindustrie [f]
industry analysis Branchenanalyse [f]
export industry Exportindustrie [f]
service industry Dienstleistungsbranche [f]
line of industry Branche [f]
steel and iron industry Eisenindustrie [f]
sunrise industry Zukunftsbranche [f]
supplying industry Zuliefererindustrie [f]
supplying industry Zulieferindustrie [f]
watch and clock making industry Uhrenbranche [f]
watch and clock making industry Uhrenindustrie [f]
web material industry Bahnwarenindustrie [f]
wind power industry Windkraftbranche [f]
wind power industry Windkraftindustrie [f]
wood industry Holzindustrie [f]
wood industry holzverarbeitende Industrie [f]
ad industry Werbeindustrie [f]
ad industry Werbebranche [f]
ad industry Werbewirtschaft [f]
advertising industry Werbebranche [f]
advertising industry Werbewirtschaft [f]
advertising industry Werbeindustrie [f]
aerospace industry Luft- und Raumfahrtindustry [f]
aerospace industry Luft- und Raumfahrtindustrie [f]
agriculture trade industry Agrargewerbewirtschaft [f]
aluminum industry Aluminiumindustrie [f]
ancillary industry Zuliefererindustrie [f]
ancillary industry Zulieferindustrie [f]
apparatus engineering industry Apparatebauindustrie [f]
appliance industry Haushaltsgeräteindustrie [f]
armaments industry Rüstungsindustrie [f]
armature industry Armaturenindustrie [f]
aroma industry Aromenindustrie [f]
auto industry Automobilindustrie [f]
auto industry Autoindustrie [f]
automation industry Automatisierungsindustrie [f]
automation industry Automatisierungsbranche [f]
baking industry Backindustrie [f]
baking industry Backwarenindustrie [f]
battery industry Akkuindustrie [f]
beverage industry Getränkeindustrie [f]
branch of industry Branche [f]
branch of industry Industriebranche [f]
bread industry Brotindustrie [f]
brewing industry Brauereiindustrie [f]
camping industry Campingindustrie [f]
capital goods industry Investitionsgüterindustrie [f]
Chamber of Industry and Commerce Wirtschaftskammer [Ös.] [f]
chemical industry chemische Industrie [f]
coal and steel industry Montanindustrie [f]
coal industry Kohleindustrie [f]
commerce and industry gewerbliche Wirtschaft (Gesamtheit der Wirtschaftsbetriebe) [f]
commerce and industry Wirtschaft [f]
commerce and industry gewerbliche Wirtschaft [f]
computer industry Computerbranche [f]
computer industry Computerindustrie [f]
concrete products industry Betonwarenindustrie [f]
concrete block industry Betonsteinindustrie [f]
construction machine industry Baumaschinenbranche [f]
consumer goods industry Konsumgüterindustrie [f]
container industry Containerindustrie [f]
cotton industry Baumwollindustrie [f]
diamond industry Diamantindustrie [f]
electricity installation industry Elektroinstallationsindustrie [f]
electrical industry Elektroindustrie [f]
electric motor industry Elektromotorenindustrie [f]
electron industry Elektronindustrie [f]
electronic industry Elektronikindustrie [f]
energy industry Energieindustrie [f]
energy industry Energiewirtschaft [f]
energy production industry Energieerzeugungsindustrie [f]
finishing industry Veredelungsindustrie [f]
fish processing industry fischverarbeitende Industrie [f]
flour-milling industry Mühlenbranche [f]
food industry Lebensmittelindustrie [f]
food processing industry nahrungsmittelverarbeitende Industrie [f]
food-service industry Gastronomie [f]
garment industry Konfektion [f]
games industry Spielebranche [f]
gift industry Geschenkartikelbranche [f]
growth industry Wachstumsbranche [f]
growth industry Wachstumsindustrie [f]
hardware industry Eisenwarenindustrie [f]
heavy industry Schwerindustrie [f]
housing industry Wohnungswirtschaft [f]
industry focus Branchenausrichtung [f]
iron and steel industry Eisenindustrie [f]
iron industry Eisenindustrie [f]
knitwear industry Strickindustrie [f]
large scale industry Großindustrie [f]
leisure industry Freizeitwirtschaft [f]
leisure industry Freizeitindustrie [f]
leisure industry Freizeitbranche [f]
light industry Leichtindustrie [f]
luxury food industry Genussmittelindustrie [f]
media industry Medienbranche [f]
meat industry Fleischwarenindustrie [f]
metal industry Metallbranche [f]
metal industry Metallindustrie [f]
mining industry Montanindustrie [f]
mining industry Bergbauindustrie [f]
motor vehicle industry Kraftfahrzeugindustrie [f]
nuclear energy industry Atomindustrie [f]
nuclear energy industry Nuklearindustrie [f]
nuclear energy industry Atomwirtschaft [f]
nuclear industry Atomindustrie [f]
nuclear industry Atomwirtschaft [f]
nuclear industry Nuklearindustrie [f]
oil industry Erdölindustrie [f]
packaging industry Verpackungsbranche [f]
pharmaceutical industry Pharmaindustrie [f]
pharmaceutical industry pharmazeutische Industrie [f]
pharmaceutical industry Arzneimittelindustrie [f]
power supply industry Energiewirtschaft [f]
primary industry Grundstoffindustrie [f]
printing industry Druckgewerbe [f]
printing industry Druckindustrie [f]
private industry Privatwirtschaft [f]
recreation industry Freizeitbranche [f]
recreation industry Freizeitindustrie [f]
recreation industry Freizeitwirtschaft [f]
refrigeration industry Kälteindustrie [f]
residential trade and industry Wohnungswirtschaft [f]
rubber industry Kautschukindustrie [f]
telco industry Telekommunikationsbranche [f]
tobacco processing industry tabakverarbeitende Industrie [f]
toy industry Spielwarenindustrie [f]
trade and industry gewerbliche Wirtschaft [f]
Trade and Industry Act Gewerbeordnung [f]
trade and industry Wirtschaft [f]
trade and industry gewerbliche Wirtschaft (Gesamtheit der Wirtschaftsbetriebe) [f]
travel industry Reisebranche [f]
semiconductor industry Halbleiterindustrie [f]
showcase industry Vorzeigebranche [f]
construction industry Bauwirtschaft [f]
aeronautics industry Luftfahrt [f]
building industry Bauwirtschaft [f]
insurance industry Versicherungswirtschaft [f]
basic industry Grundstoffindustrie [f]
establishment of industry Industrieansiedlung [f]
consumer industry Verbrauchsgüterindustrie [f]
banking industry Kreditwirtschaft [f]
basic industry Schlüsselindustrie [f]
relocation of industry Industrieverlagerung [f]
car component industry Autozulieferindustrie [f]
home industry Heimindustrie [f]
aerospace industry Raumfahrtindustrie [f]
manufacturing industry Fertigungsindustrie [f]
extractive industry Rohstoffindustrie [f]
building industry Baubranche [f]
aircraft industry Luftfahrtindustrie [f]
construction industry Bauindustrie [f]
industry level Wirtschaftszweigebene [f]
machine tool industry Werkzeugmaschinenindustrie [f]
capital industry Produktionsgüterindustrie [f]
mass industry Massengüterindustrie [f]
consumer industry Konsumgüterindustrie [f]
automobile industry Kraftfahrzeugindustrie [f]
motor industry Automobilindustrie [f]
apparel industry Bekleidungsindustrie [f]
small-scale industry Kleinindustrie [f]
building industry Bauindustrie [f]
industry level Industrieebene [f]
health care industry Gesundheitswesen [n]
age of industry Industriezeitalter [n]
air cargo industry Luftfrachttransportgewerbe [n]
food-service industry Gaststättengewerbe [n]
hospitality industry Gastgewerbe [n]
printing industry grafisches Gewerbe [n]
tertiary industry Dienstleistungsgewerbe [n]
small-scale industry Gewerbe [n]
transport industry Verkehrsgewerbe [n]
service industry Dienstleistungsgewerbe [n]
insurance industry Versicherungsgewerbe [n]
service industry Dienstleistungsunternehmen [n]
building industry Baugewerbe [n]
center of industry Industriezentrum [n]
catering industry Gaststättengewerbe [n]
loans to industry Industriedarlehen [n]
department of trade and industry Wirtschaftsministerium [n]
insurance industry Versicherungswesen [n]
branches of industry Industriebranchen [pl]
branches of industry Industriezweige [pl]
branches of industry Betriebszweige [pl]
raw materials for the building industry Baurohstoffe [pl]
export-oriented industry exportorientierte Industrie
infant industry junge Industrie
localization of industry Ansammlung der Industrie
location of industry Standort der Industrie
optical goods industry optische Industrie
regional industry regionale Industrie
training within industry Ausbildung am Arbeitsplatz
building industry Baugewerbe
industry wide auf Industrieebene
Chamber of Industry and Commerce Industrie- und Handelskammer
industry wide auf Wirtschaftszweigebene
captain of industry führender Industrieller
inter-industry mobility sektorale Mobilität
domestic industry heimische Industrie
metalworking industry metallverarbeitende Industrie
manufacturing industry verarbeitende Industrie
national industry heimische Industrie
metalworking industry metallverarbeitendes Gewerbe
national industry heimische Wirtschaft
with representatives of industry mit Vertretern der Industrie
of commerce and industry des Handels und der Industrie