inflammation - Almanca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "inflammation" in German English Dictionary : 12 result(s)

İngilizce Almanca
inflammation Entzündung [f]
inflammation Aufstachelung [f]
inflammation Entflammung [f]
inflammation Aufstacheln [n]
inflammation Entfachen [n]
Work Safety
inflammation Zündung [f]
inflammation Entzündung [f]
inflammation Entzündung [f]
inflammation Entflammen [n]
inflammation Aufflammen [n]
inflammation Entzündung [f]
inflammation Inflammatio

Meanings of "inflammation" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 122 result(s)

İngilizce Almanca
chronic inflammation of the middle ear chronische Mittelohrentzündung [f]
vascular inflammation Gefäßentzündung [f]
kidney inflammation Nierenentzündung [f]
colonic inflammation Dickdarmentzündung [f]
colonic inflammation Colitis [f]
kidney inflammation Nephritis [f]
inflammation point Entzündungspunkt [m]
inflammation temperature Flammpunkt [m]
inflammation point Flammpunkt [m]
inflammation temperature Entzündungstemperatur [f]
inflammation temperature Entzündungstemperatur [f]
inflammation of the bladder Blasenkatarrh [m]
inflammation of the parotid gland Ziegenpeter [Norddt.][Mitteldt.] [m]
inflammation of the parotid gland Mumps [m]
inflammation of the parotid gland Ziegenpeter [m]
inflammation of the urinary bladder Blasenkatarrh [m]
phlegm (secretion in the airway during inflammation) Schleim (Absonderung bei Entzündung der Atemwege) [m]
phlegm (secretion in the airway during inflammation) Schleim [m]
focus of inflammation Entzündungsherd [m]
ear inflammation Ohrentzündung [f]
ear inflammation Otitis [f]
eye inflammation Bindehautentzündung [f]
eye inflammation Konjunktivitis [f]
eyelid inflammation Augenlidentzündung [f]
eyelid inflammation Blepharitis [f]
gall bladder inflammation Cholezystitis [f]
gall bladder inflammation Gallenblasenentzündung [f]
gland inflammation Drüsenentzündung [f]
gland inflammation Adenitis [f]
gullet inflammation Ösophagitis [f]
inflammation of a muscle Muskelentzündung [f]
inflammation of a muscle Myositis [f]
inflammation of kidney pelvis Pyelitis [f]
inflammation of kidney pelvis Nierenbeckenentzündung [f]
inflammation of the bladder Harnblasenentzündung [f]
inflammation of the bladder Blasenentzündung [f]
inflammation of the bladder Zystitis [f]
inflammation of the brain and the spinal cord Myelenzephalitis [f]
inflammation of the endometrium Endometritis [f]
inflammation of the clitoris Klitorisentzündung [f]
inflammation of the ciliary body Strahlenkörperentzündung [f]
inflammation of the fallopian tubes Salpingitis [f]
inflammation of the fallopian tubes Eileiterentzündung [f]
inflammation of the knee joint Gonarthritis [f]
inflammation of the jejunum Leerdarmentzündung [f]
inflammation of the hip joint Hüftgelenk(s)arthritis [f]
inflammation of the liver Hepatitis [f]
inflammation of the knee joint Entzündung [f]
inflammation of the liver Leberentzündung [f]
inflammation of the pancreas Pankreatitis [f]
inflammation of the pancreas Bauchspeicheldrüsenentzündung [f]
inflammation of the optic nerve Sehnervenentzündung [f]
inflammation of the middle ear Mittelohrentzündung [f]
inflammation of the parotid gland Parotitis [f]
inflammation of the parotid gland Ohrspeicheldrüsenentzündung [f]
inflammation of the periodontium Zahnbettentzündung [f]
inflammation of the periodontium Parodontitis [f]
inflammation of the pleura Rippenfellentzündung [f]
inflammation of the pulp Pulpitis [f]
inflammation of the pleura Pleuritis [f]
inflammation of the tarsal bone Fußwurzelentzündung [f]
inflammation of the tarsal bone Tarsitis [f]
inflammation of the pulp Zahnpulpaentzündung [f]
inflammation of the pulp Zahnmarkentzündung [f]
inflammation of the urinary bladder Blasenentzündung [f]
inflammation of the tarsus of the eyelid Tarsitis [f]
inflammation of the urinary bladder Harnblasenentzündung [f]
inflammation of the tarsus of the eyelid Lidknorpelentzündung [f]
inflammation of the urinary bladder Zystitis [f]
inflammation temperature Entzündungstemperatur [f]
intestine inflammation Enteritis [f]
intestine inflammation Enterokolitis [f]
kidney inflammation Nephritis [f]
kidney inflammation Nierenentzündung [f]
lymphatic vessel inflammation Lymphgefäßentzündung [f]
lymphatic vessel inflammation Lymphangitis [f]
ovary inflammation Unterleibsentzündung [f]
prostate inflammation Prostatitis [f]
testicle inflammation Hodenentzündung [f]
testicle inflammation Orchitis [f]
tonsillar inflammation Amygdalitis [f]
tonsillar inflammation Mandelentzündung [f]
tonsillar inflammation Tonsillitis [f]
vagina inflammation Vulvovaginitis [f]
vagina inflammation Scheidenentzündung [f]
vagina inflammation Kolpitis [f]
vein inflammation Venenentzündung [f]
vein inflammation Phlebitis [f]
adventitial inflammation Adventitiaentzündung [f]
bile duct inflammation Cholangitis [f]
brain inflammation Enzephalitis [f]
brain inflammation Gehirnentzündung [f]
valvular inflammation Herzklappenentzündung [f]
chronic inflammation chronische Entzündung [f]
epidural inflammation Epiduritis [f]
acute gallbladder inflammation akute Galle [f]
heart sac inflammation Herzbeutelentzündung [f]
glandular inflammation Drüsenentzündung [f]
bursa inflammation Schleimbeutelentzündung [f]
chronic inflammation of the middle ear Otitis media chronica [f]
low-grade inflammation niedriggradige Entzündung [f]
fatty liver inflammation Fettleberentzündung [f]
colonic inflammation Kolitis [f]
pelvic inflammation Unterleibsentzündung [f]
inflammation mediator Prostaglandin [n]
gullet inflammation Entzündung der Speiseröhre
inflammation of a muscle Entzündung des Bindegewebes im Muskel
inflammation of the endometrium Endometritis {f} Entzündung der Gebärmutterschleimhaut
inflammation of the hip joint Hüftgelenk(s)entzündung
inflammation of the knee joint Entzündung {f} des Kniegelenks
inflammation of the pancreas Entzündung der Bauchspeicheldrüse
intestine inflammation Schleimhautentzündung des Darms
intestine inflammation Entzündung der Darmwand
prostate inflammation Entzündung der Prostata
bile duct inflammation Entzündung der Gallengänge
purulent inflammation purulente Entzündung
reactive inflammation reaktive Entzündung
exudative inflammation exsudative Entzündung
ovary inflammation Adnexitis [f]
pericardial inflammation Herzbeutelentzündung [f]
inflammation point Entzündungstemperatur [f]
inflammation temperature Entzündungstemperatur [f]