offence - Almanca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "offence" in German English Dictionary : 11 result(s)

İngilizce Almanca
offence Anstoß [m]
offence Beleidigung [f]
offence Straftat [f]
offence Übertretung [f]
offence Tat [f]
offence Kränkung [f]
offence Vergehen [n]
offence Delikt [n]
offence Vergehen [n]
EU Terms
offence strafbare Handlung
offence Regelwidrigkeit [f]

Meanings of "offence" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 283 result(s)

İngilizce Almanca
undetected offence ungeklärte Straftat [adj]
inciter (of a criminal offence) Anstifter (zu einer Straftat) [m]
the circumstances of the offence Tathergang [m]
trafficking in prostitution (criminal offence) Prostitutionshandel (Straftatbestand) [m]
rule offence Regelverstoß [m]
indictable offence schwere Straftat [f]
protection racketeering (criminal offence) Schutzgelderpressung (Straftatbestand) [f]
sexual offence Sexualstraftat [f]
rule offence Regelverletzung [f]
sexual offence Unzucht [f]
rule offence Regelzuwiderhandlung [f]
commission of criminal offence Verübung von einer Straftat [f]
capital offence Kapitalverbrechen [n]
motoring offence Verkehrsdelikt [n]
petty offence Bagatelldelikt [n]
petty offence Vergehen [n]
property offence Eigentumsdelikt [n]
sexual offence Sexualdelikt [n]
incite someone to a criminal offence/to commit an offence jemanden zu einer Straftat anstiften [v]
make something a punishable offence etwas unter Strafe stellen [v]
order an offence eine Straftat in Auftrag geben [v]
prosecute a person/offence eine Person/ein Delikt strafrechtlich verfolgen [v]
prosecute someone for an offence jemanden wegen einer Straftat belangen [v]
report an offence to the police Strafanzeige erstatten (wegen etwas) [v]
commission an offence eine Straftat in Auftrag geben [v]
commit a hit-and-run offence Fahrerflucht begehen [v]
create a new offence of 'abetting suicide' einen neuen Straftatbestand 'Suizidbeihilfe' schaffen [v]
have been previously convicted (for a similar offence) einschlägig vorbestraft sein [v]
abet (the commission of) a criminal offence eine Straftat begünstigen [v]
abet (the commission of) a criminal offence einer Straftat Vorschub leisten [v]
abet (the commission of) a criminal offence eine Straftat fördern [v]
aid and abet a criminal offence an einer Straftat mitwirken [v]
aid and abet a criminal offence zu einer Straftat Beihilfe leisten [v]
be committing a criminal offence sich strafbar machen [v]
cause/give offence Anstoß erregen [v]
cause/give offence jemanden beleidigen [v]
charge someone with an offence/crime someone eine Straftat/ein Delikt zur Last legen [v]
take offence at something sich an etwas stoßen [v]
take offence at something etwas übel nehmen [v]
take offence at something an etwas Anstoß nehmen [v]
take offence at Anstoß nehmen an [v]
to take offence at Anstoß nehmen an [v]
forgive somebody's offence seine Straftat verzeihen [v]
give offence ärgern [v]
give offence kränken [v]
give offence beleidigen [v]
give offence verletzen [v]
give offence verärgern [v]
administrative offence/offenses Ordnungswidrigkeiten [pl]
administrative offence/offenses Verwaltungsübertretungen [pl]
repetitions of an offence Rückfälle [pl]
arms of offence Angriffswaffen [pl]
physical elements of the offence objektiver Tatbestand
offence against international law völkerrechtliches Delikt/Unrecht
extraditable offence auslieferungsfähige Straftat
the expected penalty (for an offence) die zu erwartende Strafe (für eine Straftat)
the severity of an offence die Schwere einer Straftat
punishable offence strafbare Handlung
punishable offence mit Strafe bedrohte Handlung
cause offence Anstoß erregen
penal offence strafbare Handlung
penal offence Straftat
apt to take offence leicht beleidigt
commit an offence sich strafbar machen
cause offence Ärgernis erregen
mortal offence tödliche Beleidigung
no offence! nichts für ungut!
no offence! Nichts für ungut!
no offence meant! Nichts für ungut!
No offence meant. Es war nicht böse gemeint.
Under French law, this is no criminal offence. Nach französischem Recht ist das kein Straftatbestand.
at the time of the offence zum Tatzeitpunkt
in (the) furtherance of the offence/crime zur Verwirklichung des Tatbestands
in the commission of the offence bei der Tatbegehung
at the time of the offence zur Tatzeit
administrative offence Ordnungswidrigkeit [f]
bankruptcy offence Konkursvergehen [n]
motoring offence Verkehrsdelikt [n]
accomplished offence vollendete Tat
civil offence unerlaubte Handlung
criminal offence strafbare Handlung
offence against Vergehen gegen
employer of an offence Auftraggeber {m} einer Straftat
fiscal offence fiskalisch strafbare Handlung [f]
fiscal offence Finanzdelikt [n]
tax offence Steuerstraftat [f]
criminal offence Straftat [f]
abetter (of a criminal offence) Beitragstäter [m]
abetter (of a criminal offence) Beitragstäter (bei einer Straftat) [Ös.] [m]
abetter (of a criminal offence) Gehilfe [m]
abetter (of a criminal offence) Gehilfe [Dt.] [m]
abetter (of a criminal offence) Helfer [m]
abetter (of a criminal offence) Helfershelfer [m]
abuse of official position (criminal offence) Amtsmissbrauch [m]
abuse of official position (criminal offence) Amtsmißbrauch [alt] [m]
abuse of official position (criminal offence) Missbrauch [m]
affray (criminal offence) Raufhandel [m]
benefit fraud (criminal offence) Sozialbetrug [m]
benefit fraud (criminal offence) Sozialbetrug (Straftatbestand) [m]
computer fraud (criminal offence) Computerbetrug (Straftatbestand) [m]
computer fraud (criminal offence) Computerbetrug [m]
false imprisonment (criminal offence) Freiheitsentzug [m]
fraud (criminal offence) Betrug (Straftatbestand) [m]
fraud (criminal offence) Betrug [m]
inciter (of a criminal offence) Bestimmungstäter [Ös.] [m]
inciter (of a criminal offence) Anstifter [m]
inciter (of a criminal offence) Bestimmungstäter [m]
kidnapping (criminal offence) Menschenraub [m]
kidnapping (criminal offence) Menschenraub (Straftatbestand) [m]
larceny (criminal offence) Diebstahl [m]
larceny (criminal offence) Diebstahl (Straftatbestand) [m]
non-payment of a fuel bill (criminal offence) Tankdiebstahl [m]
non-payment of a fuel bill (criminal offence) Tankbetrug [m]
offence area Deliktbereich [m]
offence area Deliktsbereich [m]
repetition of an offence Rückfall [m]
robbery (criminal offence) Raub (Straftatbestand) [m]
robbery (criminal offence) Raub [m]
trafficking in persons/human beings (criminal offence) Menschenhandel [m]
subsequent offence Rückfall [m]
unlawful entry (criminal offence) Hausfriedensbruch [m]
usurious dealings (criminal offence) Sachwucher [m]
usurious dealings (criminal offence) Sachwucher (Straftatbestand) [m]
post-offence drinking Nachtrunk [m]
abetment (of/to a criminal offence/to committing an offence) Begünstigung [f]
abetment (of/to a criminal offence/to committing an offence) Förderung [f]
acceptance of an advantage (criminal offence) Vorteilsannahme [f]
acceptance of an advantage (criminal offence) Vorteilsnahme [f]
acceptance of an advantage (criminal offence) Vorteilsnahme (Straftatbestand) [f]
affray (criminal offence) Schlägerei (Straftatbestand) [f]
affray (criminal offence) Schlägerei [f]
aiding and abetting (a criminal offence) Beihilfe (zu einer Straftat) [f]
aiding and abetting (a criminal offence) Mitwirkung (an einer Straftat) [f]
assault (criminal offence) Körperverletzung (Straftatbestand) [f]
assault (criminal offence) Körperverletzung [f]
administrative offence Ordnungswidrigkeit [Dt.][Schw.] [f]
administrative offence Verwaltungsübertretung [Ös.] [f]
battery (criminal offence) körperliche Gewaltanwendung [f]
breach of fiduciary duty (criminal offence) Untreue [f]
breach of fuduciary duty (criminal offence) Untreue (Straftatbestand) [f]
bribery (criminal offence) Bestechung [f]
bribery (criminal offence) Bestechung (Straftatbestand) [f]
criminal coercion (criminal offence) Nötigung (Straftatbestand) [f]
criminal coercion (criminal offence) Nötigung [f]
criminal offence Straftat [f]
criminal offence strafbare Handlung [f]
data falsification (criminal offence) Datenfälschung (Straftatbestand) [f]
disorderly conduct (criminal offence) Erregung [f]
disturbing the peace of the dead (criminal offence) Störung [f]
entrapment (inducing someone to commit an offence) Tatprovokation (Verleitung zu einer Straftat) [f]
entrapment (inducing someone to commit an offence) Tatprovokation [f]
extortion (criminal offence) Erpressung (Straftatbestand) [f]
extortion (criminal offence) Erpressung [f]
false imprisonment (criminal offence) Freiheitsentziehung (Straftatbestand) [f]
false imprisonment (criminal offence) Freiheitsberaubung [f]
false imprisonment (criminal offence) Freiheitsentziehung [f]
fraudulent bankruptcy (criminal offence) betrügerische Krida [f]
fraudulent bankruptcy (criminal offence) betrügerische Krida (Straftatbestand) [Ös.] [f]
handling of goods on which tax or duty has been evaded (criminal offence) Abgabenhehlerei [f]
handling of goods on which tax or duty has been evaded (criminal offence) Steuerhehlerei [f]
hit-and-run offence Fahrerflucht [f]
impersonating a public servant (criminal offence) Amtsanmaßung [f]
incitement to a criminal offence/to commit an offence (criminal offence) Anstiftung [f]
indecent assault (criminal offence) geschlechtlich Nötigung [f]
indecent assault (criminal offence) geschlechtlich Nötigung (Straftatbestand) [Ös.] [f]
indecent assault (criminal offence) sexuelle Nötigung [f]
kidnapping (criminal offence) erpresserische Entführung [f]
levying of excessive taxes/taxation/charges (criminal offence) Abgabenüberhebung [f]
malicious damage (criminal offence) (mutwillige) Sachbeschädigung [f]
malicious mischief (criminal offence) (mutwillige) Sachbeschädigung [f]
minor nature of the offence/crime (criminal law) Geringfügigkeit [f]
misappropriation (of something) (criminal offence) Veruntreuung [f]
money laundering (criminal offence) Geldwäsche (Straftatbestand) [f]
money laundering (criminal offence) Geldwäsche [f]
non-indictable offence Übertretung [f]
non-indictable offence leichte Straftat [f]
obstruction of justice (criminal offence) Behinderung [f]
passive bribery (criminal offence) Bestechlichkeit [f]
passive bribery (criminal offence) Bestechlichkeit (Straftatbestand) [f]
perverting the course of justice (criminal offence) Rechtsbeugung [f]
poncing (criminal offence) Zuhälterei (Straftatbestand) [f]
poncing (criminal offence) Zuhälterei [f]
predicate offence (money laundering) Grundtat [f]
predicate offence (money laundering) Grundtat (Geldwäsche) [Dt.] [f]
predicate offence (money laundering) Vortat [f]
prohibited intervention (criminal offence) verbotene Intervention (Straftatbestand) [f]
prohibited intervention (criminal offence) verbotene Intervention [f]
promotion of Nazi ideology (criminal offence) NS-Wiederbetätigung [f]
promotion of Nazi ideology (criminal offence) Wiederbetätigung (Straftatbestand) [Ös.] [f]
public endangerment (criminal offence) Gemeingefährdung [f]
public endangerment (criminal offence) Gemeingefährdung (Straftatbestand) [f]
quackery (criminal offence) Kurpfuscherei (Straftatbestand) [f]
quackery (criminal offence) Kurpfuscherei [f]
sexual offence Sexualstraftat [f]
subornation of a criminal act (esp. of false testimony) (criminal offence) Anstiftung/Verleitung [f]
suppression of documents (criminal offence) Urkundenunterdrückung (Straftatbestand) [f]
suppression of documents (criminal offence) Urkundenunterdrückung [f]
unlawful entry (criminal offence) Besitzstörung [f]
administrative offence Ordnungswidrigkeit [f]
economic offence Wirtschaftsstraftat [f]
(road) traffic offence Verkehrsdelikt [n]
basic offence Grunddelikt [n]
capital offence Kapitalverbrechen [n]
crime/offence against property Eigentumsdelikt [n]
criminal proceedings involving a fiscal offence Finanzstrafverfahren [n]
customs offence Zolldelikt [n]
element of an offence Tatbestandsmerkmal [n]
hooliganism (criminal offence) Rowdytum (Straftatbestand) [n]
hooliganism (criminal offence) Rowdytum [n]
indictable offence Verbrechen [n]
listed offence (for a European Warrant of Arrest) Listendelikt (für einen europäischen Haftbefehl) [n]
listed offence (for a European Warrant of Arrest) Listendelikt [n]
non-indictable offence Vergehen [n]
offence of low reportability Kontrolldelikt [n]
offence prosecutable upon complaint Antragsdelikt [n]
offence prosecutable upon complaint Ermächtigungsdelikt [n]
offence prosecuted ex officio Offizialdelikt [n]
offence prosecutable upon complaint Ermächtigungsdelikt [Ös.] [n]
property crime/offence Eigentumsdelikt [n]
tax offence Steuerdelikt [n]
sexual offence Sittlichkeitsverbrechen (veraltend) [n]
sexual offence Sexualdelikt [n]
sexual offence legislation Sexualstrafrecht [n]
stalking (criminal offence) Stalking (Straftatbestand) [n]
stalking (criminal offence) Stalking [n]
bailable offence bürgschaftsfähiges Vergehen [n]
sexual offence Sexualverbrechen [n]
offence against property Eigentumsdelikt [n]
sexual offence Sittlichkeitsdelikt [n]
criminal offence Delikt [n]
to be guilty of an offence sich strafbar machen [v]
battery (criminal offence) körperliche Übergriffe [pl]
battery (criminal offence) Tätlichkeiten [pl]
battery (criminal offence) Tätlichkeiten (Straftatbestand) [pl]
offence areas Deliktbereiche [pl]
offence areas Deliktsbereiche [pl]
abetted (the commission of) a criminal offence eine Straftat begünstigt
abetted (the commission of) a criminal offence eine Straftat gefördert
abetted (the commission of) a criminal offence einer Straftat Vorschub geleistet
abetting (the commission of) a criminal offence eine Straftat begünstigend
abetting (the commission of) a criminal offence eine Straftat fördernd
abetting (the commission of) a criminal offence einer Straftat Vorschub leistend
abuse of official position (criminal offence) Missbrauch {m} der Amtsgewalt (Straftatbestand)
attempted extortion (offence) versuchte Erpressung (Straftat)
contempt (criminal offence) Missachtung des Gerichts (Straftatbestand)
criminal non-support (criminal offence) Verletzung der Unterhaltspflicht (Straftatbestand)
disorderly conduct (criminal offence) Erregung {f} öffentlichen Ärgernisses (Straftatbestand)
falsification of probative evidence (criminal offence) Fälschung beweiserheblicher Daten (Straftatbestand)
fraudulent bankruptcy (criminal offence) betrügerischer Bankrott
obstructing police (criminal offence) Widerstand gegen die Staatsgewalt (Straftatbestand)
offence of minor nature geringfügiges Delikt
representation liable to give offence Ärgernis erregende Darstellung
serious threat of violence (criminal offence) gefährliche Drohung (Straftatbestand)
stalking (criminal offence) beharrliches Verfolgen und Belästigen einer Person
unlawful entry (criminal offence) unbefugtes Betreten (Straftatbestand)
use of another person's identity documents (criminal offence) Gebrauch fremder Ausweise (Straftatbestand)
terrorism financing (criminal offence) Terrorismusfinanzierung (Straftatbestand) [f]
terrorism financing (criminal offence) Terrorfinanzierung [f]
EU Terms
economic offence Wirtschaftsstraftat [f]
tax offence Steuerstraftat [f]
environmental offence Umweltdelikt [n]
sexual offence Sexualdelikt [n]
traffic offence Verstoß gegen die Straßenverkehrsordnung
Swiss Law
punishable offence strafbare Handlung [f]
offence report Strafanzeige [f]
notice of intended prosecution (NIP)(following a road traffic offence) Lenkererhebung [f]
notice of intended prosecution (NIP)(following a road traffic offence) Lenkerauskunft [f]
reporting of an offence Strafanzeige [f]
time and place/location of offence Tatort und Tatzeit
minor offence/crime minderschwere Straftat
rock of offence Stein des Anstoßes
trivial offence Kavaliersdelikt [n]
administrative offence Ordnungswidrigkeit [f]
Administrative Offence Act Gesetz über Ordnungswidrigkeiten
environmental offence Umweltdelikt [n]
offence against the environment Umweltdelikt [n]
offence against forest laws Holzfrevel [m]
offence against forest-law Waldfrevel [m]
motoring offence Verkehrsvergehen [n]
data falsification (criminal offence) Datenfälschung [f]
motoring offence Verkehrsdelikt [n]
person charged with an offence Beschuldigter [m]
drug offence Drogenstraftat [f]