coloured - Fransızca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "coloured" in French English Dictionary : 7 result(s)

İngilizce Fransızca
coloured couleur [adj]
coloured de couleur [adj]
coloured orangé [adj]
coloured coloré [adj]
coloured varie [v.p./der.]
coloured coloré [adj]
coloured coloré [adj]

Meanings of "coloured" with other terms in English French Dictionary : 196 result(s)

İngilizce Fransızca
chocolate-coloured chocolat [adj]
high-coloured haut en couleur [adv]
coloured cotton kerchief foulard coloré [m]
coloured marker marqueur de couleur [m]
coloured pen stylo de couleur [m]
light-coloured clair [adj]
fawn-coloured fauve [adj]
orange-coloured orangé [adj]
snuff-coloured tabac [adj]
orange-coloured orange [adj]
rose-coloured rose [adj]
two-coloured bicolore [adj]
dark (coloured) foncé [adj]
gaily-coloured bigarré [adj]
rose-coloured rosé [adj]
gaily-coloured bariolé [adj]
three-coloured tricolore [adj]
amber-coloured ambré [adj]
brick-coloured briqueté [adj]
ash-coloured cendré [adj]
buff-coloured chamois [adj]
shot-coloured chatoyant [adj]
flesh-coloured incarnat [adj]
many-coloured polychrome [adj]
brightly-coloured de couleur vive [adj]
chickpea coloured de couleur de pois chiche [adj]
clay-coloured de couleur argile [adj]
copper coloured de couleur cuivre [adj]
dark-coloured de couleur sombre [adj]
dark-coloured de couleur foncée [adj]
fawn coloured de couleur fauve [adj]
flame-coloured hair cheveux rouges [pl/m]
to see everything through rose coloured glasses voir la vie en rose
to see everything through rose coloured glasses être peu réaliste
State Law
to be coated with coloured lacquer être recouvert d'une laque colorée
coloured bean haricot coloré
coloured fuel carburant coloré
Governmental Terms
coloured fuel carburant coloré
coloured clothing vêtements de couleur
Social Sciences
cape coloured eskiden güney afrika'da karışık etnik kökenli insanlar için yapılan ırkçı sınıflandırma n.
cape coloured eskiden güney afrika'da karışık etnik kökenli insanlar için yapılan ırkçı sınıflandırma n.
hand coloured coloriée à la main [adj]
Nature Science
rose-coloured starling etourneau roselin
parti-coloured bat sérotine bicolore
cream-coloured courser courvite isabelle
rose-coloured starling martin roselin
coloured rings anneaux colorés
cream-coloured courser courvite isabelle
three-coloured parrot finch diamant tricolore
many-coloured rush tyrant tyran d'azara
mouse-coloured tapaculo tapaculo des bambous
many-coloured bush-shrike gladiateur multicolore
bran-coloured flycatcher moucherolle fascié
rose-coloured starling martin roselin
slate-coloured boubou gonolek ardoisé
ash-coloured tapaculo tapaculo à flancs cendrés
blood-coloured woodpecker pic rougâtre
seven-coloured tanager tangara de paradis
mouse-coloured antshrike fourmilier pie-gièche souris
smoke-coloured pewee pewee fuligineux
sand-coloured nighthawk engoulevent sable
mouse-coloured thistletail synallaxe souris
plain-coloured sunbird soui-manga morne
mouse-coloured tyrannulet moucherolle souris
many-coloured barbet barbu bigarré
many-coloured bush shrike pie-grièche variée
slate-coloured hawk buse ardoisee
coloured finch nonne colorée
many-coloured fruit dove ptilope bariolé
many-coloured chaco finch bruant du chaco
cream-coloured woodpecker pic jaune
slate-coloured seedeater sporophile ardoisé
fawn-coloured lark alouette fauve
ash-coloured cuckoo coulicou cendré
plain-coloured seedeater cataménie terre
ash-coloured tapaculo mérulaxe cendré
mouse-coloured antshrike batara souris
plain-coloured laughing thrush garrulaxe modeste
slate-coloured hawk buse ardoisée
mouse-coloured sunbird soui-manga souris
smoke-coloured pewee moucherolle bistré
plain-coloured tanager tangara terne
clay-coloured sparrow pinson des plaines
tawn-coloured lark alouette fauve
five-coloured barbet cabézon à cinq couleurs
many-coloured rush-tyrant tyranneau omnicolore
slate-coloured solitaire solitaire ardoisé
mouse-coloured thistletail fournier gris souris
flame-coloured tanager piranga flammé
rose-coloured starling étourneau roselin
slate-coloured grosbeak gros-bec ardoisé
five-coloured munia capucin coloré
mouse-coloured tyrannulet tyranneau souris
five-coloured barbet barbu multicolore
slate-coloured antbird fourmilier ardoisé
chestnut-coloured longspur bruant à ventre noir
mouse-coloured tit rémiz souris
bran-coloured flycatcher tyran fascié
rosy-coloured starling etourneau roselin
clay-coloured thrush merle fauve
four-coloured bush shrike pie-grièche quadricolore
mouse-coloured tapaculo mérulaxe souris
mouse-coloured penduline-tit rémiz souris
chestnut-coloured woodpecker pic roux
mouse-coloured sunbird souimanga murin
one-coloured becard bécarde unicolore
dull-coloured seedeater sporophile triste
blood-coloured woodpecker pic rougeâtre
many-coloured fruit-dove ptilope de la pérouse
slate-coloured antbird alapi ardoisé
rose-coloured piha cotinga à collier rouge
clay-coloured thrush grive fauve
cream-coloured pratincole glareole grise
rust coloured rubigineux [adj]
bi-coloured bicolore [adj]
coloured glass sheet dalle de colleur (glace)
coloured concrete béton coloré
coloured concrete béton colore
coloured mortar mortier coloré
coloured bulb ampoule colorée
single-coloured uni [adj]
natural-coloured écru [adj]
coloured pencil crayon de couleur
coloured paint peinture de couleur [f]
coloured sketch croquis en couleurs
coloured persons personnes de couleur
coloured light feu de couleur
coloured light lampe de couleur
coloured stone pierre de couleur
coloured glass verre de couleur
Book Terms
hand-coloured colorié [v.p./der.]
Paper and Printing
coloured paper papier couleur
coloured mine mine d'argile
coloured ink encre de couleur
coloured drawing paper papier à dessin couleur
coloured pencil crayon de couleur
coloured paper papier de couleur
hand coloured colorié à la main [adj]
body-coloured bumper bouclier ton caisse
coloured boot top flottaison de couleur
leather-coloured couleur de cuir
Wild Species
two-coloured sedge carex bicolore
straw-coloured flatsedge souchet hispide
coloured rock shrimp boucot bariole
self-coloured pitar pitar unicolore
coloured lagoon cockle coque de lagune colorée
cream-coloured vetchling gesse jaunâtre
olive-coloured southern naiad naïade olivâtre
two-coloured lupine lupin bicolore
two-coloured bush-clover lespédèze bicolor
two-coloured sedge carex bicolore
straw-coloured flatsedge souchet hispide
three-coloured mannikin jacobin [m]
cream-coloured giant squirrel ratufe dorée
multi-coloured asian lady beetle coccinelle asiatique
straw-coloured bat roussette paillée
coloured bat phyllostome coloré
cream-coloured giant squirrel écureuil de raffles
slate-coloured junco junco ardoise
cream-coloured courser courvite isabelle
cream-coloured giant squirrel écureuil géant commun
glass coloured throughout the mass verre coloré dans la masse [m]
glass coloured all through verre coloré dans la masse [m]
multi-coloured en couleurs ad [v]
coloured endpapers gardes couleur [f]
coloured edges tranches colorées
coloured pencils crayons de couleur
coloured glass [us] du verre coloré
coloured distemper badigeon [m]
wine-coloured lie-de-vin [adj]
straw-coloured yellow jaune paille
mouse coloured souris [adj]
small coloured omelets petites omelettes colorées
dove-coloured colombin [m]
glass coloured throughout the mass verre coloré dans la masse [m]
glass coloured all through verre coloré dans la masse [m]
dealer in coloured papers dominotier [m]
coloured crayon pastel [m]
water-coloured aquarellé [adj]
brick-coloured rouge-brique [adj]
fawn-coloured fauve [adj]
madder-coloured garance [adj]
flax-coloured gris de lin [adj]
parti-coloured mi-parti [adj]
party-coloured mi-parti [adj]
coloured print planche en couleurs [f]
plum-coloured couleur prune [f]
flax-coloured gris de lin [m/adj]
brick-coloured rouge-brique [m/adj]
puce-coloured couleur puce [f/adj]
plum-coloured couleur prune [f/adj]
rust-coloured couleur rouille [f/adj]
orange-coloured jaune orangé
lilac coloured couleur lilas
coloured pencil crayon de couleur [m]
coloured pencil crayon de coleur [m]