host: - Deutsch Englisch Wörterbuch



Meanings of "host:" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 232 result(s)

Englisch Deutsch
host Gastgeber [m]
host Transplantatempfänger [m]
host Unterkunftgeber [m]
host Wirtsorganismus [m]
host Schwarm [m]
host Quartiergeber [m]
host Hauptcomputer [m]
chat show host Talkmaster [m]
talk show host Talkmaster [m]
host computer Verarbeitungsrechner [m]
co-host Mitausrichter [m]
host father Gastvater [m]
host Moderator [m]
host Zeremonienmeister [m]
casual host Gelegenheitswirt [m]
co-host Ko-Moderator [m]
host Wirt [m]
host Datenbankanbieter [m]
host Hausherr [m]
host computer zentraler Rechner [m]
host computer Wirtsrechner [m]
transfer host Hilfswirt [m]
host Host [m]
host Ausrichter [m]
host or hostess der Gastgeber oder die Gastgeberin [m/f]
host Hostie [f]
host Menge [f]
host Heerschar [f]
host family Gastfamilie [f]
host Ansammlung [f]
host mother Leihmutter [f]
host Unzahl [f]
host plant Wirtspflanze [f]
fulminant graft-versus-host disease akute Graft-versus-Host-Krankheit [f]
host große Anzahl [f]
graft-versus-host reaction Graft-versus-Host-Reaktion [f]
host-parasite relationship Wirt-Parasit-Beziehung [f]
host Masse [f]
host Gastgeberin [f]
host community Gastgemeinde [f]
host community Aufnahmegesellschaft [f]
host Heer [n]
host country Gastland [n]
host country Gastgeberland [n]
host country Aufnahmeland [n]
host animal Wirtstier [n]
host location Wirtslokal [n]
host beherbergen [v]
host ausrichten [v]
host bewirten [v]
host unterbringen [v]
host a competition einen Wettbewerb austragen [v]
host Gastgeber sein [v]
host something etwas moderieren (TV-Sendung) [v]
to host zu Gast haben [v]
to host veranstalten [v]
to host something etwas veranstalten [v]
to co-host something etwas gemeinsam ausrichten [v]
host aufnehmen [v]
host a fair eine Messe organisieren [v]
host a fast-breaking meal eine Essen zum Fastenbrechen organisieren [v]
host a reception einen Empfang geben [v]
host a reception einen Empfang veranstalten [v]
host a tv show eine TV-Sendung moderieren [v]
host an overnight guest einen Übernachtungsgast beherbergen [v]
host an overnight guest einen Gast zum Übernachten haben [v]
host for dinner ein Essen veranstalten [v]
host gladly gerne veranstalten [v]
host gladly gerne organisieren [v]
host the olympic games die Olympischen Spiele ausrichten [v]
host countries Gastgeberländer [pl]
host countries Gastländer [pl]
host States Gastgeberstaaten [pl]
host nations Gastgeberstaaten [pl]
host parents Gasteltern [pl]
heavenly host himmlische Heerscharen [pl]
host crater übergreifender Krater
chat show host Moderator einer Talkshow
a host of sehr viele
a host of eine Unzahl
a whole host of problems eine Fülle von Problemen
talk show host Moderator einer Talkshow
host Gastgeber sein
host ausrichten
host veranstalten
host bewirten
host moderieren
he had reckoned without his host Er hat die Rechnung ohne den Wirt gemacht
Who will host the programme? Wer wird moderieren?
host Leitrechner [m]
host Hostrechner [m]
host Wirtsrechner [m]
host Hauptrechner [m]
host Gastgeber [m]
host Veranstalter [m]
host country Aufnahmestaat [m]
host country Aufnahmeland [n]
host country Gastland [n]
host veranstalten [v]
host contract Basisvertrag [m]
host country Aufnahmeland [n]
host country Gastland [n]
host nation Gastgeberstaat [m]
host State Gastgeberstaat [m]
host crystal Grundkristall [m]
host crystal Wirtkristall [m]
host Unzahl [f]
host große Menge [f]
host Unmenge [f]
host Wirtpflanze [f]
host lattice Trägergitter [n]
host lattice Wirtsgitter [n]
host rock Wirtgestein [n]
host-guest complex Wirt-Gast-Komplex [m]
host-guest complex formation Wirt-Gast-Komplexbildung [f]
host-guest chemistry Wirt-Gast-Chemie [f]
host molecule Wirtsmolekül [n]
host-guest complex Wirt-Gast-Komplex
host-guest chemistry Wirt-Gast-Chemie
host-specific wirtsspezifisch [adj]
host-mediated wirtsvermittelt [adj]
host organism Wirt [m]
host organism Wirtsorganismus [m]
host Wirt [m]
intermediate host Zwischenwirt [m]
alternate host Zwischenwirt [m]
main host Hauptwirt [m]
host animal Wirt [m]
host tropism Wirtstropismus [m]
aberrant host aberranter Wirt [m]
host species Wirtsart [f]
host defense Wirtsabwehr [f]
host size Wirtsgröße [f]
host specificity Wirtsspezifität [f]
host-parasite relationship Gast-Wirt-Wechselbeziehung [f]
host choice Wirtswahl [f]
host specialization Wirtsspezialisierung [f]
host Wirtstier [n]
host genome Wirtsgenom [n]
host organisms Wirtsorganismen [pl]
host organisms Wirten [pl]
host taxa Wirtstaxa [pl]
host cell Wirtszelle [f]
host Herr [m]
host Herr {m} des Hauses
host institution Gasthochschule [f]
host of horsemen Reiterheer [n]
host of knights on horseback Ritterheer [n]
cult of the host Hostienkult [m]
desecration of the host Hostienfrevel [m]
host Oblate (Kirche) [f]
wafer (host) Oblate [f]
elevation of the host Elevation der Hostie [f]
host Hostie [f]
host Abendmahlsbrot [n]
elevation of the host Hochheben der Hostie [n]
host of heaven himmlische Heerscharen [pl]
host eucharistisches Brot
host Empfänger [m]
transplant host Empfänger [m]
transplant host Transplantatempfänger [m]
definitive host Endwirt [m]
intermediate host Zwischenwirt [m]
dead-end host Fehlwirt [m]
graft versus host reaction GVH-Reaktion [f]
graft-versus-host disease Transplantat-gegen-Empfänger-Reaktion [f]
graft-versus-host reaction Transplantat-gegen-Empfänger-Reaktion [f]
graft-versus-host disease Transplantat-gegen-Wirt-Krankheit [f]
graft-versus-host disease Graft-versus-host-Krankheit [f]
fulminant graft-versus-host disease fulminante GvHD [f]
graft-versus-host reaction Transplantat-gegen-Wirt-Reaktion [f]
host ubiquitous protease Wirtszell-Protease
graft-versus-host disease Graft-versus-Host-Reaktion
host organism Wirtsorganismus [m]
host plant Wirtspflanze [f]
host mineral Wirtsmineral [n]
host vehicle Trägerfahrzeug [n]
host tree Wirtsbaum [m]
host Wirt [m]
host plant Wirtsbaum [m]
host plant Wirtspflanze [f]
database host Datenbankanbieter [m]
host Dienstleistungsrechner [m]
host computer Wirtsrechner [m]
host computer Dienstleistungsrechner [m]
host computer Hauptrechner [m]
host processor Wirtsrechner [m]
host computer Datenbankrechner [m]
host computer Hostrechner [m]
host Host [m]
host computer Hostcomputer [m]
remote host ferner Host [m]
host Leitrechner [m]
host Gastgeber [m]
gateway host Gateway-Host [m]
host computer Leitrechner [m]
host language Wirts-Programmsprache [f]
host integration Host-Integration [f]
host operating system Host-Betriebssystem [n]
host system Hostsystem [n]
host verwalten [v]
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DHCP
host Großrechner [m]
bastion host Bastion Host
dynamic host configuration protocol (dhcp) Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
SAP Terms
host printer Systemdrucker [m]
host emulation board Host-Emulationskarte
chat show host Talkshow-Moderator [m]
talk show host Talkshow-Moderator [m]
chat-show host Talkmaster [m]
radio host Radiomoderator [m]
host exchange Hauptamt [n]
host Wirtspflanze [f]
host plant Wirtspflanze [f]
host plant Nahrungspflanze [f]
host plant Futterpflanze [f]
host plants Wirtspflanzen [pl]
host plant Futterpflanze
host plant Nahrungspflanze
butterfly larval host plant Futterpflanze der Raupen
host animal Wirtstier [n]
host animals Wirtstiere [pl]
host animal Wirtstier
primary host Hauptwirt [m]
winter host Winterwirt [m]
secondary host Nebenwirt [m]
summer host Sommerwirt [m]
host/host country Gastgeber [m] / Gastgeberland [n] [n]
host austragen [v]
host (tv) Moderator (TV)
host specificity Wirtsspezifität [f]
host range Wirtsspektrum [n]

Meanings of "host:" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 14 result(s)

Deutsch Englisch
Host [m] host
Co-Host [m] co-moderator
Graft-versus-Host-Reaktion [f] graft-versus-host reaction
akute Graft-versus-Host-Krankheit [f] fulminant graft-versus-host disease
Graft-versus-host-Krankheit [f] graft-versus-host disease
Graft-versus-Host-Reaktion graft-versus-host disease
Host [m] host
ferner Host [m] remote host
Gateway-Host [m] gateway host
Host-Integration [f] host integration
Host-Betriebssystem [n] host operating system
Bastion Host bastion host
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) dynamic host configuration protocol (dhcp)
SAP Terms
Host-Emulationskarte host emulation board