wild - Englisch Synonyme Wörterbuch


[1] natural state , state of nature
[2] wilderness
[3] wilds , wasteland , wilderness , desert , vastness , emptiness , (Colloq) sticks , middle of nowhere , back of beyond
[1] rampantly
[1] undomesticated , untamed , unbroken , savage , feral
[2] uncultivated , uninhabited , waste , desert , desolate , virgin , unpopulated , empty , trackless , barren , lifeless , deserted
[3] savage , uncivilized , barbarous , primitive , rude , uncultured , uncultivated , brutish , barbaric , fierce , ferocious
[4] uncontrolled , untamed , unrestricted , unrestrained , untrammelled , unbridled , unfettered , unshackled , free , unchecked , lively , impetuous , unconventional , undisciplined , disobedient , insubordinate , self-willed , wayward , mutinous , rowdy(ish) , boisterous , unruly , tumultuous , turbulent , tempestuous , uproarious , uncontrollable , unmanageable , ungovernable , intractable , unrestrainable
[5] mad , maniac(al) , crazed , crazy , irrational , distracted , frenzied , frantic , distraught , hysterical , raving , raging , unhinged , demented , delirious , berserk , run amok/amuck
[6] exciting , excited , vehement , passionate , romantic , turbulent , chaotic , tempestuous , reckless , madcap
[7] absurd , violent , irrational , unreasonable , extravagant , fantastic , imprudent , foolish , foolhardy , impractical , impracticable , unpractical , unworkable , ridiculous , reckless , silly , giddy , flighty , madcap , outrageous , preposterous , bizarre , strange , odd , peculiar , (Colloq) offbeat
[8] tousled , baseless , groundless , wind-blown , unkempt , idle , unfounded , dishevelled , untidy , unwarranted , disordered , disorderly , messed-up , (Colloq) mussed-up
[9] enthusiastic , raving mad , avid , eager , agog , (Colloq) crazy , mad , daft , dotty , (Brit) potty , (Slang) nutty , nuts
[10] hazardous , risky
[11] fantastic
[12] godforsaken , waste
[13] crazy , dotty , gaga
[14] barbarian , barbaric , savage , uncivilized , uncivilised
[15] angry , furious , raging , tempestuous