troubled - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "troubled" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 38 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
troubled conflictivo [adj]
troubled levantisco [adj]
troubled turbulento [adj]
troubled cuitado [adj]
troubled acucioso [adj]
troubled azaroso [adj]
troubled conflictivo [adj]
troubled conflictual [adj]
troubled confuso [adj]
troubled cortado [adj]
troubled disgustado [adj]
troubled perturbado [adj]
troubled soliviantado [adj]
troubled apesadumbrado [adj]
troubled empachado [adj]
troubled accidentado [adj]
troubled alborotado [adj]
troubled preocupado [adj]
troubled agitado [adj]
troubled turbio [adj]
troubled turbado [adj]
troubled inquieto [adj]
troubled atormentado [adj]
troubled accidentada [adj/f]
troubled alborotada [adj/f]
troubled conflictiva [adj/f]
troubled levantisca [adj/f]
troubled turbulenta [adj/f]
troubled cuitada [adj/f]
troubled preocupada [adj/f]
troubled agitada [adj/f]
troubled turbia [adj/f]
troubled turbada [adj/f]
troubled inquieta [adj/f]
troubled atormentada [adj/f]
troubled cariacontecido [adj]
troubled turbulento [adj]
troubled confuso [adj]

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "troubled" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 57 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
be troubled achararse (caló) [v]
be troubled azorarse [v]
become troubled perderse [v]
be troubled turbarse [v]
be troubled inquietarse [v]
be troubled estar preocupado [v]
be troubled preocuparse [v]
be troubled about estar preocupado sobre algo [v]
be troubled with estar preocupado con [v]
troubled life vida accidentada
person troubled with diarrhoea cagona [f]
be troubled desesperar [v]
be troubled enfoscarse [v]
be extremely troubled at the failure of something matarse [v]
fish in troubled waters pescar en río revuelto [v]
dangerous or troubled person (male) cucheco [m] GT
dangerous or troubled person (female) cucheca [f] GT
who is dangerous or troubled (person) cucheco [adj] GT
be troubled azarearse [v] SV PA EC BO:E
be troubled flipearse (flip out) [v] PR
become troubled enfuscarse [v] PR
be troubled puspusear [v] HN SV
be troubled achuncharse [v] PE BO CL
become troubled asarearse [v] NI
fish in troubled waters pescar en agua turbia [v]
fish in troubled waters aprovechar las debilidades de los demás [v]
fish in troubled waters sacar ventaja de una situación confusa [v]
fish in troubled waters beneficiarse de alguien que cae [v]
fish in troubled waters pescar en aguas turbulentas [v]
pour oil on troubled water apaciguar las emociones [v]
pour oil on troubled waters apaciguar la tormenta [v]
pour oil on troubled waters apaciguar los enfrentamientos [v]
pour oil on troubled waters apaciguar los ánimos [v]
pour oil on troubled water calmar algo [v]
fish in troubled waters pescar al candil [v]
fish in troubled waters pescar en aguas turbias [v]
pour oil on troubled waters templar gaitas [v]
pour oil on troubled water templar gaitas [v]
fish in troubled waters pescar alguien en río revuelto [v]
in troubled waters a río revuelto [adv]
in troubled waters a río revuelto
being troubled hecho una noche [adj] PE
be troubled ponerse chiquito [v] PA EC
be troubled volverse una mogolla [v] PR
be troubled azogarse [v]
troubled rock star estrella conflictiva de rocanrol
become troubled abatatarse [v] PA BO AR UY
it is good fishing in troubled waters a río revuelto ganancia de pescadores
it’s good fishing in troubled waters a río revuelto, ganancia de pescadores
person troubled with diarrhoea cagón [m]
wholesale renegotiation of troubled loans renegociación en masa de los préstamos con problemas
troubled assets activos problemáticos
troubled assets relief program programa de alivio de activos problemàticos
troubled assets activos emproblemados
troubled assets activos en problemas
troubled debt restructuring reestructuración de deuda en mora
International Law
attention to troubled youth project in argentina atención a niños y adolescentes en riesgo en argentina