stocks - French English Dictionary



Meanings of "stocks" in French English Dictionary : 16 result(s)

English French
stocks stockage [m]
stocks les stocks
stocks stocks [m]
Social Security
stocks actions [pl/f]
stocks stocks [m]
stocks inventaire [m]
stocks actions [pl/f]
stocks titres [pl/m]
stocks inventaires [pl/m]
UN Terms
stocks stocks [m]
stocks chantier de construction
stocks stocks existants
stocks stocks [m]
stocks marchandises [pl/f]
stocks stock [m]
Arts Administration
stocks magasin [m]

Meanings of "stocks" in English French Dictionary : 11 result(s)

French English
stocks [m] inventory
stocks [m] stocks
stocks [m] inventory
stocks [m] inventories
stocks [m] stocks
stocks [m] merchandise
stocks [m] inventory
Governmental Terms
stocks [m] stock-in-trade
UN Terms
stocks [m] stocks
stocks [m] stocks
stocks [m] inventory

Meanings of "stocks" with other terms in English French Dictionary : 73 result(s)

English French
quoted stocks [us] valeur cotée en bourse
register of circulation of stocks and shares registre des mouvements de titres
stocks ans shares valeurs mobilières
exhaustion of stocks épuisement des stocks
dollar stocks actions en dollars
depletion of stocks épuisement des stocks
run down stocks faire baisser les stocks
dip into the stocks puiser dans les stocks
stocks and shares valeurs mobilières
to build up stocks constituer des stocks
to clear the stocks liquider les stocks
pledging stocks as security dépôt de titres en nantissement
debt stocks endettement [m]
breeding stocks animaux de reproduction
financial stocks stocks financiers
change in stocks variation des stocks
acquisition of common stocks achat de titres
strategic stocks stocks stratégiques
emergency stocks stocks d'urgence
stocks and flows stocks et flux
excluding stocks hors stocks
increase in stocks variation des stocks
finished goods stocks stocks de produits finis
increase in stocks accroissement des stocks
long-term investments in stocks participations en capital
long term investments in common stocks ımmobilisations financières
dollar stocks valeurs en dollars
active stocks valeurs actives
weighted average common stocks méthode du coût moyen pondéré
debt stocks, debt flows and the balance of payments encours de la dette, flux et balance de paiements
stocks and flows stocks et flux
netting of flows and stocks enregistrement net des flux et encours
stocks and flows encours et flux
changes in stocks variations des stocks
building up (of stocks) gonflement [m]
building up (of stocks) accumulation [f]
building up (of stocks) formation [f]
stocks held by government capital détenu par l'etat
reserves of strategic deployment stocks stocks de matériel stratégique
buffer stocks stocks régulateurs
investments in stocks investissements consacrés aux stocks
reserve for strategic deployment stocks réserve pour les stocks de matériel stratégique
sales from overseas stocks vente à partir de stocks à l'étranger
State Law
fish stocks ressources halieutiques
to affect the public market price of stocks influer sur la cote publique des stocks
Governmental Terms
penny stocks actions cotées en cents
sale of stocks and shares vente mobilière
stocks and shares valeurs mobilières
movement of stocks mouvement des valeurs
UN Terms
overexploited stocks stocks surexploités
existing stocks of nuclear weapons stocks d'armes nucléaires existants
EU Terms
conservation of fish stocks conservation des pêches
pillory (stocks) pilori [m]
ship on the stocks navire en construction
ship on the stocks navire sur cales
a ship on the stocks vaisseau sur le chantier
shared stocks stocks partagés
convention for the conservation of anadromous stocks in the north pacific ocean convention pour la conservation des stocks de poissons anadromes de l'océan pacifique nord
biological ınvestigation of marine antarctic systems and stocks étude biologique des systèmes et stocks marins de l'antarctique
expert consultation on stocks of large pelagic fishes in the mediterranean sea consultation d'experts sur les stocks des grands poissons pélagiques en méditerranée
buffer stocks stock tampon
straddling stocks and highly migratory species stocks chevauchants et grands migrateurs
discrete fish stocks stocks distincts de poissons
convention on the conservation and management of straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks on the high seas convention sur la conservation et la gestion des stocks chevauchants et des stocks de poissons grands migrateurs en haute mer
earmarking of stocks désignation de stocks
basic stocks stocks initiaux
command controlled stocks stocks contrôlés par un commandement
military and law enforcement stocks arsenaux militaires et des forces de l'ordre
sustaining stocks stocks d'entretien
operational stocks stocks opérationnels
theatre operational stocks stocks opérationnels du théâtre
highly migratory fish stocks stocks de poissons grands migrateurs
straddling fish stocks stocks chevauchants