axis - German English Dictionary



Meanings of "axis" in German English Dictionary : 28 result(s)

English German
axis Achse [f]
axis Drehachse [f]
axis Hauptlinie [f]
axis Mittellinie [f]
axis Mittenachse [f]
axis Achse [f]
axis Achse [f]
axis Achse [f]
axis Achse [f]
axis Achse [f]
axis Achse
axis Axis [m]
axis Achse [f]
axis Achse
axis Mittellinie [f]
Gliding Terms
axis Drehachse [f]
axis Achse [f]
axis Achse [f]
axis Achse [f]
axis Achse [f]
axis Achse [f]
axis Achse [f]
Timber Engineering
axis Achse [f]
axis Achse [f]
axis Kameraachse [f]
axis Achse
axis Kameraachse
axis Achse [f]

Meanings of "axis" in English German Dictionary : 1 result(s)

German English
Axis [m] axis

Meanings of "axis" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 500 result(s)

English German
off-axis angle Winkel zur Achse [m]
neutral axis Nulllinie [f]
neutral axis Nullinie [alt] [f]
lateral axis Querachse [f]
half-axis Halbachse [f]
view axis (freie) Sichtachse [f]
symmetry axis Mittelachse [f]
symmetry axis Symmetrieachse [f]
twin-axis Zwillingsachse [f]
twinning axis Zwillingsachse [f]
saddle axis Gewölbeachse [f]
principal stress axis Hauptspannungsachse [f]
pelvic axis Beckenachse [f]
optical axis optische Achse [f]
actual axis Istachse [f]
reference axis Bezugsachse [f]
pelvic axis pelvine Achse [f]
cardiac axis Herzachse [f]
central axis Mittelachse [f]
rotational axis Rotationsachse [f]
reference axis Referenzachse [f]
civic axis Stadtachse [f]
axis of gravity Schwerpunktachse [f]
optical axis Binormale [f]
crystal axis Kristallachse [f]
axis of equator Äquatorachse [f]
evil axis Achse des Bösen [f]
axis cylinder Axon [n]
pitch (turn about a lateral axis) nicken [v]
pitch (turn about a lateral axis) nicken (um die Querachse schwingen) [v]
revolve (around a point/an axis) sich (um einen Punkt/eine Achse) drehen [v]
turn on its own axis sich um die eigene Achse drehen [v]
parallel axis theorem Satz von Steiner
off-axis angle Winkel zur Achse
dorsoventral axis dorsoventrale Achse
axis of optic symmetry optische Symmetrieachse
axis of evil Achse des Bösen
parallel to the axis achsparallel
on axis axial [adj]
on axis Achsen...
Work Safety
axis of tilt Kippachse [f]
axis of tilt Kippkante [f]
tilting axis Kippachse [f]
tilting axis Kippkante [f]
axis of evil (countries disliked by American neoconservatives) Achse des Bösen [f]
axis of evil Achse des Bösen [f]
axis powers Achsenmächte [pl]
parallel axis parallele Achse
having cutters rotating about a horizontal axis mit um waagerechte Achse umlaufenden Schneidwerkze
axis of the roller not perpendicular to the axis o Walzenachse nicht senkrecht zur Walzgutachse
winding from strips vertically to the axis of the Wickeln aus Streifenmaterial senkrecht zur Wickeld
pump with conical rotary bowl with vertical axis Schleuderer
machine or pump of other than internal-axis type nicht-innenachsige Maschine
machine or pump of internal-axis type innenachsige Maschine
blades pivoted on a single axis Schermaschine
from strips vertically to the axis of the winding aus Streifenmaterial senkrecht zur Wickeldorn-Achs
misalignment of axis nichtfluchtende Achse
pivoted on a single axis schwenkbar um eine gemeinsame Achse
having cutters rotating about a vertical axis mit um eine senkrechte Achse umlaufenden Schneidwe
axis of orientation Orientierungsachse
winding vertically to the axis of the winding mand Wickeln senkrecht zur Wickeldorn-Achse
triple-axis dreiaxial [adj]
dual-axis zweiaxial [adj]
three-axis-stabilized satellite dreiachsenstabilisierter Satellit [m]
instantaneous axis of rotation Drehvektor [m]
optic axis angle Achsenwinkel [m]
optical axis Sehachse [m]
visual axis Sehachse [m]
axis angle Achswinkel [m]
axis drive Achsantrieb [m]
quadrature-axis current Querstrom [m]
direct-axis current Längsstrom [m]
direct-axis component of current Längsstrom [m]
ordinate axis Y-Achse [f]
abscissa axis X-Achse [f]
time axis Zeitachse [f]
Z-axis Z-Achse [f]
Y-axis Y-Achse [f]
X-axis X-Achse [f]
pitch axis Nickachse [f]
optic axis optische Achse [f]
roll axis Rollachse [f]
yaw axis Gierachse [f]
benching axis Biegeachse [f]
longitudinal axis of bridge Brückenlängsachse [f]
mass centroid axis Hauptträgheitsachse [f]
optical axis Binormale [f]
rod axis Regelstange [f]
roll axis Wankachse [f]
rotational axis Drehachse [f]
transverse axis Querachse [f]
spin axis Rotationsachse [f]
swivelling axis Drehachse [f]
swivelling axis Schwenkachse [f]
visual axis Binormale [f]
axis of displacement Verfahrachse [f]
rotational axis Hauptachse [f]
movement axis Bewegungsachse [f]
traversing axis Verfahrachse [f]
adjusting axis Stellachse [f]
bearing axis Tragachse [f]
steering axis Schwenkachse [f]
steering axis Lenkwelle [f]
principal axis of inertia Hauptträgheitsachse [f]
minor axis Nebenachse [f]
twin axis Doppelachse [f]
Z-axis Z- Achse [f]
crystallographic axis Kristallachse [f]
reference axis Bezugsachse [f]
semi-major axis große Halbachse [f]
gyro axis Kreiselachse [f]
axis of rotation Drehachse [f]
torsional axis Drillachse [f]
steering axis Lenkachse [f]
focal axis Brennachse [f]
swivel axis Schwenkachse [f]
electric axis elektrische Achse [f]
minor axis kurze Achse [f]
instantaneous axis Schraubachse [f]
Y-axis Ordinatenachse [f]
spin axis Drallachse [f]
optical axis optische Achse [f]
feed axis Zustellachse [f]
instantaneous axis Wälzachse [f]
neutral axis Nullachse [f]
lateral axis Querachse [f]
spin axis Drehachse [f]
rotary axis Drehachse [f]
rotation axis Drehachse [f]
Z-axis Applikatenachse [f]
steering axis Lenkdrehachse [f]
inversion axis Inversionsdrehachse [f]
spin axis Hauptachse [f]
elevation axis Querachse [f]
longitudinal axis Längsachse [f]
principal axis Hauptachse [f]
twin axis Zwillingsachse [f]
lateral axis Nebenachse [f]
normal axis Z-Achse [f]
zero axis Nullachse [f]
neutral axis Neutralachse [f]
infeed axis Zustellachse [f]
robot axis Roboterachse [f]
easy axis Vorzugsachse [f]
zone axis Zonenachse [f]
main axis of inertia Hauptträgheitsachse [f]
rotational axis Umdrehungsachse [f]
bearing axis Lagerachse [f]
shaft axis Wellenmittellinie [f]
girder axis Trägerachse [f]
optical axis Sehachse [f]
free axis freie Achse [f]
principal inertia axis Hauptträgheitsachse [f]
screw axis Schraubenachse [f]
rotation axis Umdrehungsachse [f]
fixed axis feststehende Achse [f]
major axis Hauptachse [f]
neutral axis Schwerpunktachse [f]
crystal axis Kristallachse [f]
horizontal axis wind turbine Horizontalachsenwindturbine [f]
spin axis Laufachse [f]
minor axis Halbachse [f]
neutral axis neutrale Faser [f]
crystalline axis Kristallachse [f]
earth axis Erdachse [f]
shaft axis Wellenachse [f]
fiber axis Faserachse [f]
axis of symmetry Symmetrieachse [f]
lengthwise axis Längsachse [f]
direct-axis component of voltage Längsspannung [f]
centroid axis Schwerpunktachse [f]
axis of revolution Rotationsachse [f]
axis of motion Bewegungsachse [f]
axis correction Achskorrektur [f]
turbine axis Turbinenachse [f]
actual axis Istachse [f]
machine axis Maschinenachse [f]
pitch of the axis Achseneinfallen [n]
axis dragging Achsmitziehen [n]
axis drag Achsmitziehen
magnetic axis magnetische Achse
fixed point by axis A Festpunkt bei Achse A
optic axis optische Achse
optic axis of symmetry optische Symmetrieachse
pitching axis eintauchende Achse
on-axis axial
parallel to the axis achsparallel
parallel to axis achsparallel
multi-axis Mehrachsen-
centering axis Zentrierachse [f]
transverse axis Querachse [f]
reference axis Referenzachse [f]
drive axis Antriebsachse [f]
slewing axis Schwenkachse [f]
declination axis Deklinationsachse [f]
pendulum axis Pendelachse [f]
tilting axis Kippachse [f]
feed axis Vorschubachse [f]
displacement axis Verstellachse [f]
spindle axis Spindelachse [f]
probe axis Tasterachse [f]
shaft axis Wellenachse [f]
bar axis Stabachse [f]
tension axis Zugachse [f]
axis position Achsenlage [f]
rotation axis Rotationsachse [f]
principal axis of inertia Hauptträgheitsachse [f]
linear axis Linearachse [f]
workpiece axis Werkstückachse [f]
cylinder axis Zylinderachse [f]
function axis Funktionsachse [f]
axis control Achsensteuerung [f]
guiding axis Führungsachse [f]
rotary axis Drehachse [f]
pin axis Bolzenachse [f]
bore axis Bohrungsachse [f]
measurement axis Messachse [f]
axis positioning Achsenpositionierung [f]
azimuth axis Azimutachse [f]
traversing axis Verfahrachse [f]
datum axis Bezugsachse [f]
roller axis Rollenachse [f]
bearing axis Lagerachse [f]
multi axis control Mehrachsensteuerung [f]
rotary table axis Drehtischachse [f]
elevation axis Elevationsachse [f]
X-axis X-Achse
A-axis A-Achse
B-axis B-Achse
Z-axis Z-Achse
Q-axis Q-Achse
Y-axis Y-Achse
C-axis C-Achse
axis of rotation Drehachse [f]
swivel axis Drehachse [f]
axis of a wheel Radachse [f]
axis of oscillation Schwingungsachse [f]
balance axis Trägheitsachse [f]
axis of revolution Drehachse [f]
axis of inertia Trägheitsachse [f]
axis of rotation Rotationsachse [f]
center axis Mittelachse [f]
axis of rotation Drehachse [f]
centre axis Mittelachse [f]
axis of rotation Drehachse
center axis Mittelachse
axis control board Achssteuerkarte [f]
tensile axis Zugachse [f]
principal axis of inertia Hauptträgheitsachse [f]
output axis Ausgangsachse [f]
rotation axis Rotationsachse [f]
axis position Achsenposition [f]
gripper axis Greiferachse [f]
movement axis Bewegungsachse [f]
abscissa axis Abszissenachse [f]
axis of inertia Trägheitsachse [f]
swiveling axis Schwenkachse [f]
principal axis Hauptachse [f]
horizontal axis horizontale Achse
vertical axis vertikale Achse
optical axis optische Achse
axis of spin Drehimpulsachse [f]
axis of the earth Erdachse [f]
axis of symmetry Symmetrieachse [f]
axis of symmetry Mittelachse [f]
centre of gravity axis Schwerpunktsachse [f]
focal axis Brennachse [f]
rotation axis Rotationsachse [f]
rotational axis Rotationsachse [f]
torsional axis Drillachse [f]
y-axis Y-Achse [f]
axis of a wheel Radachse [f]
axis of oscillation Schwingungsachse [f]
principal axis Hauptachse [f]
balance axis Trägheitsachse [f]
axis of inertia Trägheitsachse [f]
axis of revolution Drehachse [f]
vertical axis vertikale Axe [f]
optic axis optische Achse [f]
axis of rotation Rotationsachse [f]
parallel axis theorem Parallelachsen-Theorem [n]
centres of gravity axis Schwerpunktsachsen [pl]
ortho axis Orthoachse [f]
y-axis Y-Achse
x-axis X-Achse
revolution (around an axis/another celestial body) Umlauf [m]
revolution (around an axis/another celestial body) Kreislauf [m]
three-axis gyro unit Dreiachsenkreisel [m]
revolution (around an axis/another celestial body) Umdrehung [f]
pitch axis Nickachse [f]
yaw axis Gierungsachse [f]
semimajor axis große Bahnhalbachse [f]
three-axis indicator Dreiachsenanzeige [f]
three-axis stabilization Dreiachsenstabilisierung [f]
pitch axis (spaceship) Nickachse [f]
magnetic axis Magnetachse [f]
spin axis Spinachse [f]
roll axis Rollachse [f]
thrust axis Schubachse [f]
three-axis Dreiachs...
axis angle Achsenwinkel [m]
cylinder axis Zylinderachse [f]
fibre axis [uk] Faserachse [f]
principal axis Hauptachse [f]
fiber axis [us] Faserachse [f]
axis of refraction Brechungsachse [f]
optical axis optische Achse [f]
neutral axis Nullinie [f]
neutral axis Nulllinie [f]
y-axis Y-Achse
x-axis X-Achse
Axis Powers Achsenmächte [pl]
left axis deviation Linkslagetyp [m]
right axis deviation Rechtslagetyp [m]
axis cylinder Achsenzylinder [m]
axis-cylinder Achsenzylinder [m]
axis fracture Axisfraktur [f]
gut-brain axis Darm-Hirn-Achse [f]
dens axis fracture Dens-axis-Fraktur [f]
optical axis Sehachse [f]
sagittal axis Sagittalebene [f]
cerebrospinal axis Zerebrospinalachse [f]
visual axis Gesichtslinie [f]
optical axis optische Achse
axis I psychiatric disorder Achse-I-Störung [f]
axis II psychiatric disorder Achse-II-Störung [f]
condylar axis Kondylenachse [f]
dens axis Dens axis [m]
axis epistropheus Dreher [m]
axis of the pelvis Beckenführungslinie [f]
pelvic axis Führungslinie des Beckens [f]
left axis deviation überdrehter Linkslagetyp
left axis deviation überdrehter Linkstyp (üLLT)
symmetrical about an axis achsensymmetrisch [adj]
centroidal axis Schwerachse [f]
neutral axis Nullinie [f]
reference axis Bezugsachse [f]
principal axis Hauptachse [f]
axis of rotation Drehachse [f]
neutral axis Nulllinie [f]
transverse axis Querachse [f]
horizontal axis Horizontalachse [f]
x-axis X-Achse [f]
y-axis Y-Achse [f]
horizontal axis Kippachse [f]
neutral axis neutrale Achse [f]
neutral axis Nullachse [f]
room axis Raumachsen [pl]
neutral axis neutrale Achse
y- axis Y-Achse
x- axis X-Achse
x-axis X-Achse
y-axis Y-Achse
axis of vision Blickachse [f]
sight axis (freie) Sichtachse [f]
sight axis Blickachse [f]
view axis Blickachse [f]
axis of symmetry Symmetrieachse [f]
anticlinal axis Gewölbeachse [f]
fold axis Faltenachse [f]
equatorial axis parallaktische Achse
plunging axis eintauchende Achse
axis parallel achsenparallel [adj]
axis drive motor (numerical control) Vorschubmotor (numerische Steuerung) [m]
axis feed Achsvorschub [m]
axis of spin Drehimpulsachse [f]
axis of the ordinates Y-Achse [f]
axis of revolution Hauptachse [f]
axis of inertia Trägheitsachse [f]
axis of symmetry Spiegelachse [f]
axis of rotation Hauptachse [f]
axis of rotation Drehachse [f]
axis culmination Achsenkulmination [f]
axis depression Achsendepression [f]
axis elevation Achsenkulmination [f]
axis of vision (freie) Sichtachse [f]
axis symmetry Achsensymmetrie [f]
rotary axis Drehachse [f]
servo axis Servoachse [f]
principal axis Hauptachse [f]
machine axis Bewegungsachse [f]
axis position Achsenposition [f]
axis of abscissae Abszissenachse [f]
rotation axis Drehachse [f]
shift axis Shiftachse [f]
linear axis Linearachse [f]
path axis Bahnachse [f]
basic axis Basisachse [f]
axis of ordinate Ordinatenachse [f]
axis control Achsensteuerung [f]
axis of motion Bewegungsachse [f]
axis calibration Achsenkalibrierung [f]
positioning axis Positionierachse [f]
coordinate axis Koordinatenachse [f]
axis ratio Achsenverhältnis [n]
principal axis theorem Hauptachsentheorem [n]
armature quadrative-axis field Ankerquerfeld [n]
axis controls Achsensteuerungen [pl]
axis drive motors Vorschubmotoren [pl]
axis positions Achsenpositionen [pl]
axis ratios Achsenverhältnisse [pl]
machine axis Maschinenachsen [pl]
x-axis X-Achse
hydraulic axis hydraulische Achse
axis of threefold symmetry dreizählige Symmetrieachse
angular three-axis rate sensor Dreiachs-Winkeldrehsensor [m]
angular acceleration about the yaw axis Gierwinkel- und Querbeschleunigung [f]
yaw axis Vertikalachse [f]
yaw axis Hochachse [f]
gyro axis Kreiselachse [f]
transverse axis Querachse [f]
vertical axis Hochachse [f]
roll axis Längsachse [f]
fuselage longitudinal axis Rumpflängsachse [f]
normal axis Hochachse [f]
drag axis Widerstandsachse [f]
folding axis Klappachse [f]
aircraft axis Flugzeugachse [f]
longitudinal axis Längsachse [f]
yaw axis Gierachse [f]
lateral axis Querachse [f]
roll axis Rollachse [f]
lateral axis Nickachse [f]
pitch axis Nickachse [f]
pitch axis Querachse [f]
flight-path axis system Flugbahn-Achsenkreuz [n]
off-axis angle Winkel zur Achse
blade span axis Spannweitenachse des Luftschraubenblattes
Gliding Terms
normal axis Hochachse [f]
longitudinal axis Längsachse [f]
lateral axis Querachse [f]
axis feed Achsvorschub [m]
steering axis inclination Lenkzapfensturz [m]
sensing axis Sensierachse [f]
roll axis Querstabilitätsachse [f]
instantaneous axis Momentanachse [f]
steering axis Lenkdrehachse [f]
neutral axis Nulllinie [f]
yaw axis Gierachse [f]
axis of rotation Schraubachse [f]
nozzle axis Düsenachse [f]
vehicle vertical axis Fahrzeughochachse [f]
axis symmetry Achsensymmetrie [f]
co-ordinate axis Koordinatenachse [f]
x-axis Zeitachse [f]
transverse axis Querachse [f]
lateral axis Querachse [f]
longitudinal axis Längsachse [f]
axis control Achsensteuerung [f]
axis calibration Achsenkalibrierung [f]
yaw axis Hochachse [f]
roll axis Wankachse [f]
vertical axis Hochachse [f]
axis position Achsenposition [f]
steering axis inclination Spreizung [f]
reference axis Bezugslinie [f]
steering axis inclination Achsschenkelbolzenspreizung [f]
roll axis Wankzentrum [n]
thread axis Gewindeachse [n]
vehicle axis system Achssystem [n]
vehicle axis system Achssystem des Fahrzeugs [n]
z-axis Z-Achse
x-axis x-Achse
vehicle axis system Achssystem {n} des Fahrzeugs
fifth-wheel kingpin axis Achse des Zugsattelzapfens
Model Railroading
track axis Gleisachse [f]
y-axis Y-Achse
Wheel Making
rotation axis Umdrehungsachse [f]
SAP Terms
object axis representation Objektachsendarstellung [f]
time axis Zeitachse [f]
value axis representation Wertachsendarstellung [f]
Electrical Engineering
direct-axis component of current Längsstrom [m]
quadrature-axis component of current Querstrom [m]
quadrature-axis component Queranteil [m]
magnetic axis magnetische Achse [f]
quadrature-axis transient voltage Transient-Querspannung [f]
direct-axis transient voltage Transient-Längsspannung [f]
quadrature-axis transient reactance Transient-Querreaktanz [f]
quadrature-axis sub-transient voltage Subtransient-Querspannung [f]
direct-axis sub-transient reactance Subtransient-Längsreaktanz [f]
quadrature-axis sub-transient reactance Subtransient-Querreaktanz [f]
direct-axis synchronous reactance Synchron-Längsreaktanz [f]
direct-axis component of voltage Längsspannung [f]
direct-axis sub-transient voltage Subtransient-Längsspannung [f]
direct-axis transient reactance Transient-Längsreaktanz [f]
quadrature-axis synchronous reactance Synchron-Querreaktanz [f]
quadrature-axis component of voltage Querspannung [f]
time axis Zeitachse [f]
quadrature-axis component Querkomponente [f]
axis of commutation Kommutierungsachse [f]
armature quadrative-axis field Ankerquerfeld [n]
axis intersection Fadenkreuz [n]
quadrature-axis components Queranteile [pl]
quadrature-axis components Querkomponenten [pl]
horizontal axis wind turbine Horizontalachs-Windturbine [f]
vertical axis wind turbine Vertikalachs-Windturbine [f]
Wind Energy
horizontal axis wind turbine (hawt) Horizontalachser [m]
vertical axis wind turbine (vawt) Vertikalläufer [m]
vertical axis wind turbine (vawt) Vertikalachser [m]
vertical axis wind turbine (vawt) Vertikalläufer