'false - Spanish English Dictionary


Meanings of "'false" in Spanish English Dictionary : 2 result(s)

English Spanish
'false ilusivo [adj]
'false mentiroso [adj]

Meanings of "'false" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 500 result(s)

English Spanish
false falso [adj]
false edge contrafilo [m]
false note gallo [m]
false ilegítimo [adj]
false inauténtico [adj]
false erróneo [adj]
false falaz [adj]
false fingido [adj]
false desinformador [adj]
false desinformativo [adj]
make a false move dar un paso en falso [v]
bear false witness levantar falso testimonio [v]
take a false step dar un paso en falso [v]
false edge contrafilo [m]
giving false hope encalabrinamiento [m]
giving false hope engaño [m]
false story infundio [m]
false rumor infundio [m]
false ceiling plafón [m]
false prophet revelandero [m]
false witness testimoniero [m]
false testimony falso testimonio [m]
false witness testimoñero [m]
false rib costilla falsa [f]
false staircase escalera de desahogo [f]
false staircase escalera excusada [f]
false staircase escalera escusada [f]
false staircase escalera falsa [f]
false key llave falsa [f]
superficial or false morality moralina [f]
false stone piedra falsa [f]
false pepper pimienta [f]
false modesty pudibundez [f]
false psychic saga [f]
false camelístico [adj]
false capcioso [adj]
giving false hope engañador [adj]
false engañoso [adj]
false espurio [adj]
false falso [adj]
false hechizo [adj]
false inauténtico [adj]
bearing false witness testimoniero [adj]
false witness testimoñero [adj]
prove something wrong/false desmentir [v]
give false hope encalabrinar [v]
give false hope engañar [v]
under false pretenses solapadamente [adv]
false front aireas [m/pl]
fabricated or false story rollo [m]
false banana plátano [m]
false friend falso amigo [m]
falsity (something false; a lie or deception) mentira [f]
false chrysolite moldavita [f]
false imputation imposición [f]
making false falsificación [f]
false statement declaración falsa [f]
false belief superchería [f]
false argument argucia [f]
false prophet revelandera [f]
false witness testimoniera [f]
false witness testimoñera [f]
FALSE falaz [adj]
FALSE simulado [adj]
false postizo [adj]
false equivocado [adj]
false artificial [adj]
be false mentir [v]
give a false representation desmentir [v]
give a false representation representar mal [v]
give a false representation malrepresentar [v]
lull someone into a false sense of security infundir una sensación de falsa seguridad a alguien [v]
make one false move dar un paso en falso [v]
bear false witness against someone dar falso testimonio contra alguien [v]
put on false hair cabellarse [v]
in a false way falsamente [adv]
false pride comedera de mierda [n] CU
false pride comeduría de mierda [n] CU
false hair postizo
a false impression una impresión falsa
false friend falso amigo
false punishment castigación inautorizado
false drop documento recuperado no pertinente
false alarm falsa alarma
false teeth dentadura postiza
false teeth dentaduras postizas
false step paso en falso
false lead pista falsa
false modesty modestia falsa
false alarm falso aviso
false testimony falso testimonio
false note desentono [m]
false hair or wig worn by women to embellish their head-dress cairel [m]
false deduction contrasentido [m]
false step desliz [m]
false report cuento [m]
false praise congraciamento [m]
false coin chanflón [m]
false appearance fingimiento [m]
false swearing perjurio [m]
false reasoning paralogismo [m]
false saint santón [m]
false report chinchorrería [f]
false tune desentonación [f]
false boast bernardina [f]
false key ganzúa [f]
false devoutness gazmoñada [f]
false imputation/charge impostura [f]
false keel zapata [f]
false devoutness gazmoñería [f]
false aparente [adj]
false-hearted falso [adj]
false (of weights) falso [adj]
false fementido [adj]
false espurio [adj]
false engañoso [adj]
false ilusivo [adj]
false incierto [adj]
false mendoso [adj]
somewhat false/deceitful mentirosito [adj]
false refalsado [adj]
false traidor [adj]
false trapacero [adj]
false hipócrita [adj]
false mentiroso [adj]
false cavadizo [adj]
bearing false witness testimoniero [adj]
false desleal [adj]
false equívoco [adj]
play false prevaricar [v]
spread false reports mezclar [v]
hide under false pretenses solapar [v]
obtain money by false pretenses trampear [v]
make someone swallow false information embocar [v]
give (false) hopes to ilusionar [v]
false seudo [pref]
false hair pelo postizo [m]
false-heartedness falsedad [f]
false-heartedness perfidia [f]
false keel zapata de quilla [f]
false imprisonment prisión ilegal [f]
false contrahecho [adj]
false incorrecto [adj]
false infundado [adj]
false contrario a la verdad [adj]
false mentido [adj]
false pérfido [adj]
false mendaz [adj]
false aleve [adj]
false irregular [adj]
false infiel [adj]
false ilegal [adj]
false falseador [adj]
false-hearted traidor [adj]
false-faced hipócrita [adj]
false-hearted aleve [adj]
false-hearted pérfido [adj]
play false engañar [v]
false falsamente [adv]
false traidoramente [adv]
false show color [m] fig.
false witness jurero [m] CL EC
false happiness alegrón de pobre [m] HN
false happiness alegronazo de burro [m] CR rare
false news to discredit someone aldabonazo [m] MX HN rare
exaggerated or false account of a fact bolazo [m] PY AR UY
indiscreet or false information about someone/something bolazo [m] NI AR UY
exaggerated or false account of a fact boleto [m] AR UY
false sign amague [m] MX BO PY AR UY
false news (generally sensationalist or scandalous) borrego [m] MX DO
man who swindles, cheats, or deceives by means of tales or false stories cuentisto [m] DO PE BO
scam or deception carried out using a false story cuento del tío [m] PE BO CL AR UY
false promises cubo [m] DO
false story cusuca (del maya) [m] HN
false bottom to a dresser, chest, or box falso [m] VE
false name or name of someone who died on an institution's payroll to receive fraudulent payments fantasma [m] BO PY
false accusation falso [m] CR EC rare
false accusation falso [m] MX NI VE
false story falso [m] MX HN NI CR
false story caramona [m] GT
false story carburo [m] HN NI teen
group of people who spread true or false news about other people's lives cotarrillo [m] PR
spreading of false, uncertain, or exaggerated news copucheo [m] CL
false auction bidder gurupí [m] AR UY
false auction bidder grupí [m] AR UY
false auction bidder grupín [m] AR
false accusation levante [m] HN SV NI rare
false accusation levante [m] PR
person who gives false testimony under oath in litigation falso juramentero [m] BO derog.
false story enfundio [m] EC rare
false story enfundio [m] DO PR
false rumor enfundio [m] EC rare
false rumor enfundio [m] DO PR
false accusation enfundio [m] EC rare
false accusation enfundio [m] DO PR
person who makes false promises pájaro nalgón [m] MX
person who strictly practices their catholic religion with false piousness pechoño [m] BO CL derog.
wad of false bills paquetazo [m] HN SV
false information pescado podrido [m] AR
false story perno [m] HN
false rumor perno [m] HN
true or false news intended to criticize or discredit soplo [m] EC
false front aire [m] rare
false ceiling quísame [m] PH
false testament testamento de la zorra [m] disused
false witness jurera [f] CL EC
false happiness alegría de pobre [f] HN NI
false happiness alegría de tísico [f] VE
false happiness alegría de tusa [f] HN
display a quality of false bravado balacada [f] AR disused
display a quality of false bravado balaqueada [f] EC BO AR UY
an ulcerated bulge in the mouth of equines caused by a hit or as a false callus with a bone fracture that is defectively consolidated babilla [f] MX NI
false saying apangada [f] HN SV NI
false report bolaterapia [f] PY
false fact apangada [f] HN SV NI
false rumor bolada [f] PE AR
news or rumor (generally false) bomba [f] GT HN NI
incoherent or false saying brutada [f] HN NI PR
woman who swindles, cheats, or deceives by means of tales or false stories cuentista [f] DO PE BO
false tooth chaqueta [f] CO
false story casaca [f] GT HN SV
false story casandra [f] HN SV teen
false pride comemierdería [f] CU PR derog.
person who gives false testimony under oath in litigation falsa juramentera [f] BO derog.
person who strictly practices their catholic religion with false piousness pechoña [f] BO CL derog.
group of people who practice their catholic religion with false piousness pechoñería [f] BO CL derog.
false rumor pluma [f] GT SV
false story perra [f] HN
false rumor perra [f] HN
false story pluma [f] GT SV
false teeth placa [f] GT HN EC BO
false teeth placa postiza [f] BO CL
false key serrucha [f] HN delinq.
false hair cabellera [f] disused
false teeth chapa [f] NI PA
false rib costilla fornacina [f] disused
lying person who tends to tell false stories or malicious lies fichista [m/f] SV
false paja [adj] CO VE CAM
with false stories (document) argüendero [adj] MX
devoid of value (because it is false) balín [adj] MX
convincing others with a false kindness or tricks ayantoso [adj] DO
deceived under false pretenses cuenteado [adj] HN SV CR
false chaflan [adj] DO
false chueco [adj] EC
false fulero [adj] BO CL
false inefectivo [adj] PY
false julero [adj] CL
false kalé [adj] PY derog.
false apostizo [adj] disused
false brujo [adj] CL
false deceptorio [adj] disused
false engañoso [adj] ES local
false fatulo [adj] PR
false fementido [adj] cult
put on false hair cabellar [v] outdated
give (false) hopes to embullar [v] CU HN NI DO
adulterate a product and sell it with false pretenses bambear [v] PE
remove the plaster sustaining the false spurs on a rooster desligar [v] PR
deceive under false pretenses cuentear [v] MX GT HN SV NI CR PA CO EC PE BO CL AR
spread false news or exaggerations copuchar [v] BO
put on false hair cabellar [v] disused
spread false news copuchar [v] CL
spread false news copuchear [v] CL
false allegations alegatos [m/pl] DO PR
false rumors fichas [f/pl] SV
false stories fichas [f/pl] SV
false arguments abogaderas [f/pl] PE
false ilegítima [adj/f]
false inauténtica [adj/f]
false pegadiza [adj/f]
false supuesta [adj/f]
false errónea [adj/f]
false postiza [adj/f]
false fingida [adj/f]
false desinformadora [adj/f]
false desinformativa [adj/f]
false falsa [adj/f]
false ilusiva [adj/f]
false incierta [adj/f]
false refalsada [adj/f]
false espuria [adj/f]
false-hearted falsa [adj/f]
false (of weights) falsa [adj/f]
false mendosa [adj/f]
somewhat false/deceitful mentirosita [adj/f]
false fementida [adj/f]
bearing false witness testimoniera [adj/f]
false traidora [adj/f]
false trapacera [adj/f]
false cavadiza [adj/f]
false engañosa [adj/f]
false mentirosa [adj/f]
false equívoca [adj/f]
false farsante [adj/f]
false hechiza [adj/f]
false bruja [adj/f]
false contrahecha [adj/f]
false incorrecta [adj/f]
false mentida [adj/f]
false infundada [adj/f]
false pérfida [adj/f]
false-hearted traidora [adj/f]
false-hearted pérfida [adj/f]
convincing others with a false kindness or tricks ayantosa [adj/f] DO
give a false colour to dar información falsa/exagerada sobre [v]
give a false colour to mostrar algo de manera engañosa [v]
give a false colour to embellecer algo para que parezca creíble o plausible [v]
give false hope dar falsas expectativas [v]
give false hope dar falsas esperanzas [v]
give somebody a false sense of security darle a alguien una falsa sensación de seguridad [v]
sail under false colors ser hipócrita [v]
sail under false colors defraudar [v]
sail under false colours defraudar [v]
ring false sonar a falso [v]
ring false parecer falso [v]
shed false tears llorar con un ojo [v]
prevent the spreading of false or compromised news pinchar el globo [v]
be false ser un sepulcro blanqueado [v]
strike a false note ser como guitarra en un entierro [v]
be false ser como un judas [v]
sing a false note soltar un gallo [v]
sing a false note hacer un gallo [v]
show to be false dar el mentís a algo [v]
make a false choice equivocar el camino [v]
raise a false alarm venir con el mismo cuento [v]
provide false testimony repartir orejas [v]
false de falso [adv]
false en falso [adv]
a false economy una mala inversión
a false economy falsos ahorros
a false alarm un falso positivo
a false alarm una falsa alarma
play false traicionar a uno
under false colors mediante el engaño
under false colors bajo falsa identidad
under false colors mediante la mentira
under false colours mediante el engaño
under false colours bajo falsa identidad
under false colours mediante la mentira
under false pretences mediante el engaño
under false pretences mediante el embuste
under false pretences mediante la mentira
under false pretences mediante el fraude
false laughter risa de conejo
false laughter risita de conejo
false laugh risa de conejo
false laugh risita de conejo
false sepulcro blanqueado
wad of false bills paquete chileno [m] VE
false bidder palo blanco [m] BO cult
false bidder palo blanco [m] CL
give the runaround with false pretenses dar atolillo con el dedo [v] CR
trick into false promises dar atol con el dedo [v] GT HN SV NI
trick into false promises dar atole con el dedo [v] MX HN
deceive someone with false promises dar atol con el dedo [v] GT HN SV NI
deceive someone with false promises dar atolillo con el dedo [v] CR
deceive someone with false promises dar atole con el dedo [v] MX HN
spread false news soltar un borrego [v] MX
trick with false promises dar atol con el dedo [v] GT HN SV NI
trick with false promises dar atole con el dedo [v] MX HN
stall something by offering false promises to the interested parties dar atolillo con el dedo [v] CR
deceive with false promises dar atol con el dedo [v] GT HN SV NI
deceive with false promises dar atole con el dedo [v] MX HN
be false and very similar to the imitated dar el gatazo [v] MX
trick someone into believing what is false hacer de chivo los tamales [v] MX GT HN SV
false como renguera de perro [adv] AR
which of the following is false about tony? ¿qué de lo siguiente es falso acerca de tony?
under false pretenses con engaños
under false pretenses con falsos pretextos
under false pretenses con falsas pretensiones
false pretext tapujo [m]
false angel ángel patudo [m]
false accusation ladrido [m]
false de bote [adj]
create a false impressions crear la impresión contraria [v]
create a false impressions despertar una falsa impresión [v]
create a false impressions dar una impresión equivocada [v]
create a false impressions crear una falsa impresión [v]
create a false impressions dar una imagen equivocada [v]
beguile with false hopes pavonear [v]
make someone swallow false information emborrar [v]
spread false news colar [v]
become false enzainarse [v]
a false dawn falso amanecer
a false start un mal comienzo
false move movimiento en falso
give a false impressions crear la impresión contraria
give a false impressions crear una falsa impresión
give a false impressions dar la impresión equivocada
give a false impressions dar una impresión equivocada
give a false impressions despertar la impresión falsa
false de mentira
one false move un movimiento en falso
painting a false picture distorsionando la realidad
false gossip botaneo [m] LAM
sensationalized or false news batatazo [m] PA
true or false news to criticize or discredit someone chambre [m] GT HN SV NI
spreading of false news or exaggerations copuchenteo [m] CL
false paternity cují [m] PA
false oat grass tortero [m] ES local
(false) pretence chiva [f] CL
false story carreta [f] CO
false promise pajarita [f] HN
false teeth plancha [f] CR VE CL
false accusation pluma [f] SV
false bamba [adj] PE
making false threats aguajero [adj] DO PR
false espúreo [adj] HN NI CR EC
making false threats aguajera [adj/f] DO PR
warning against false rumors bala que zumba no da DO
better an open enemy than a false friend más daño hacen amigos necios que enemigos descubiertos
false advertisement anuncio engañoso [m]
false claim declaración fraudulenta [f]
false statement declaración falsa [f]
false representation declaración falsa [f]
false representation declaración falsa [f]
false statement declaración falsa [f]
false tax return declaración falsa [f]
false claim declaración falsa [f]
false declaration declaración falsa [f]
false falso [adj]
false engañoso [adj]
false pretences medios fraudulentos
false weight peso escaso
false advertising publicidad engañosa
false and fraudulent falso y fraudulento
false claim reclamación fraudulenta
false check cheque sin fondos
false check cheque falso
false entry asiento falsificado
false document documento falsificado
false document documento falso
false fact hecho falso
false representation representación falsa
false instrument instrumento falsificado
false fact hecho falso
false advertising propaganda engañosa
false advertising publicidad engañosa
false information información falsa
false instrument instrumento falsificado
false representation representación falsa
false document documento falsificado
false statement estado falsificado
false statement mala declaración
false pretenses medios fraudulentos
false entry asiento falsificado
false document documento falso
false economy economía falsa
false name nombre falso
false claim reclamación falsa
false representation falsa representación
false and fraudulent falso y fraudulento
false accounting contabilidad falsa
false entry asiento falso
false invoice factura falsa
false money dinero falso
false return planilla contributiva falsa
false token documento falso
false weights balanzas erróneas
false tax return planilla contributiva falsa
false tax return planilla falsa
false bottom fondo doble
false floor piso falso
false plain falso liso [m]
false plain falso liso
false return declaración impositiva con información falsa [f]
false accounting contabilidad fraudulenta
false instrument documento falsificado
false/incomplete balance balance falso/incompleto
false financial statements informes contables falsos
false entry asiento encubridor
false entry asiento falsificado
false arrest arresto ilegal [m]
false witness testimoniero [m]
false witness testimoñero [m]
false arrest arresto ilegal [m]
false oath perjurio [m]
false testimony perjurio [m]
false arrest arresto ilegal [m]
false accusation calumnia [f]
false statement declaración errónea [f]
false claim declaración falsa [f]
false declaration declaración falsa [f]
false statement declaración falsa [f]
false tax return declaración falsa de la renta [f]
false tax return declaración falsa de ingresos [f]
false accusation denuncia falsa [f]
FALSE desleal [adj]
false falsificado [adj]
false apócrifo [adj]
present in a false light difamar [v]
bear false witness perjurar [v]
bear false witness mentir [v]
give a false testimony declarar en falso [v]
make a false statement declarar en falso [v]
false imprisonment privación ilegítima de la libertad
false imprisonment encarcelamiento ilegal
false imprisonment aprisionamiento indebido
false arrest arresto ilegal
false fact hecho falso