suitable - Spanish English Dictionary



Meanings of "suitable" in Spanish English Dictionary : 68 result(s)

English Spanish
suitable adecuado [adj]
suitable conveniente [adj]
suitable apropiado [adj]
suitable indicado [adj]
suitable hábil [adj]
suitable proporcionado [adj]
suitable oportuno [adj]
suitable a propósito [adj]
suitable idóneo [adj]
suitable congruo [adj]
suitable convenible [adj]
suitable apto [adj]
suitable aparejado [adj]
suitable acomodable [adj]
suitable acomodado [adj]
suitable adecuado a [adj]
suitable adecuado para [adj]
suitable ad hoc (latín) [adj]
suitable crítico [adj]
suitable honroso [adj]
suitable idóneo [adj]
suitable propio [adj]
suitable proporcionado [adj]
suitable suficiente [adj]
suitable tolerado [adj]
suitable calificado [adj]
suitable procedente [adj]
suitable satisfactorio [adj]
suitable puntual [adj]
suitable acomodado [adj]
suitable apañado [adj]
suitable congruente [adj]
suitable propio [adj]
suitable aplicable [adj]
suitable adaptable [adj]
suitable amigable [adj]
suitable correspondiente [adj]
suitable digno [adj]
suitable compatible [adj]
suitable condigno [adj]
suitable cumplidero [adj]
suitable conforme [adj]
suitable aceptable [adj]
suitable capaz [adj] fig.
suitable posible [adj]
suitable aderezado [adj] disused
suitable honoroso [adj] disused
suitable correcto [adj]
suitable idónea [adj/f]
suitable aderezada [adj/f]
suitable indicada [adj/f]
suitable aparejada [adj/f]
suitable apropiada [adj/f]
suitable apta [adj/f]
suitable congrua [adj/f]
suitable propia [adj/f]
suitable digna [adj/f]
suitable condigna [adj/f]
suitable apañada [adj/f]
suitable cumplidera [adj/f]
suitable acomodada [adj/f]
suitable a propósito [adj]
suitable adecuado [adj]
suitable proporcionado [adj]
suitable idóneo [adj]
suitable indicado [adj]
suitable acorde [adj]
suitable valedero [adj]

Meanings of "suitable" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 88 result(s)

English Spanish
suitable for apropiado para [adj]
suitable to apto para [adj]
suitable for apto para [adj]
be suitable convenir [v]
be suitable convenirse [v]
be suitable for encajar [v]
someone that finds suitable marriage partners casamentero [m]
someone that finds suitable marriage partners casamentera [f]
device that is used to maintain environmental conditions suitable for the hatching of eggs incubadora [f]
device that is used to maintain environmental conditions suitable for a newborn baby incubadora [f]
the quality of being suitable conveniencia [f]
perfectly suitable ideal [adj]
suitable for building construible [adj]
suitable for a choir coreable [adj]
suitable in time vigente [adj]
in a suitable environment como pez en el agua [adj]
in a suitable environment como en casa [adj]
make suitable adaptar [v]
make suitable ajustar [v]
be suitable for ser idóneo para [v]
be suitable for ser idónea para [v]
be suitable tener lugar [v]
be suitable tener cabida [v]
be suitable for ser apto para [v]
be suitable adecuar [v]
be suitable for military service ser apto para el servicio [v]
become suitable llegar a ser apropiado [v]
be suitable for the purpose of ser adecuado a los efectos de [v]
be suitable for the purpose of ser apropiado a efectos de [v]
be suitable for the purpose of ser adecuado a los fines de [v]
in a suitable way apropiadamente [adv]
in an apt or suitable way acertadamente [adv]
at the most suitable time en el momento más idóneo [adv]
a suitable time un plazo adecuado
a suitable time un momento adecuado
a suitable time un momento conveniente
a suitable time un momento apropiado
the most suitable person la persona más indicada
suitable place lugar adecuado
suitable place for casting fishing-nets caladero [m]
suitable position nicho [m]
corral in which young bulls suitable for fighting are tried out and selected tentadero [m]
suitable as fodder (agua) cibera [adj]
suitable for lambs (pasture land) borreguero [adj]
suitable as seasoning condimenticio [adj]
be suitable acomodar [v]
render suitable adecuar [v]
pat (suitable; fitting) propio [adj]
a clay and pasture land, not suitable for cattle breeding campo [m] AR:Nw rur.
place/construction suitable for lighting a fire and barbecuing (usually open air) churrasquero [m] BO AR UY
temperature and degree of humidity suitable for the tobacco leaf to maintain its smoothness blandura [f] CU
place/construction suitable for lighting a fire and barbecuing (usually open air) churrasquera [f] BO AR UY
lot suitable for semi-detached, duplex housing bifamiliar [adj] DO VE
suitable for running in a classic horse race (horse) clasiquero [adj] CL
used inside the house or in private due to its being in bad condition or not being suitable for use in public de entrecasa [adj] MX VE PE PY AR UY
become bent or inclined, falling out of a suitable position chanflearse [v] CU AR UY
be suitable abondar [v] disused
suitable for apropiada para [adj/f]
suitable to apta para [adj/f]
suitable for apta para [adj/f]
suitable as seasoning condimenticia [adj/f]
suitable for lambs (pasture land) borreguera [adj/f]
be on the lookout for a suitable opportunity estar a la que salta [v]
do or say something that is not suitable for a particular occasion ser como guitarra en un entierro [v]
suitable and convenient mandado a hacer [adj] SV NI PA DO VE EC PE BO CL AR UY
is it suitable for you? ¿es adecuado para ti?
at a suitable time en un momento oportuno
at a suitable time en el momento adecuado
in suitable cases cuando proceda
at a more suitable time en un momento más oportuno
fill in the blanks with suitable words complete los espacios con palabras adecuadas
perfectly suitable pintiparado [adj]
go where there is a thing suitable to one's purpose acudir al reclamo [v]
very suitable ni hecho de encargo
suitable and convenient que ni mandado a hacer [adj] MX CU
Employment Law
suitable work trabajo apropiado
suitable and gainful work trabajo apropiado y remunerativo
suitable to be leased arrendable [adj]
be suitable servir [v]
suitable environment ambiente adecuado
clay suitable for adobe bricks cangagua [f]
suitable environment ambiente adecuado
builders' timber wood suitable for building madera para construcción [f]
timber suitable for conversion into market forms madera convertible en elementos de dimensiones comerciales [f]
buoy anchored in a suitable place in a bay or port, to which ships are moored to remagnetize compass needles muerto de las agujas [m]
low islet suitable for anchoring columbrete [m]
suitable for compensation compensable [adj]
big pot suitable for boiling chumales chumalera [f] EC:S rare