already... - Español Inglés Diccionario



Significados de "already..." en diccionario español inglés : 1 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
already... desde antes...

Significados de "already..." con otros términos en diccionario español inglés : 152 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
already ya [adv]
already stated dicho [adj]
ninth part of fruits already tithed rediezmo [m]
collect the ninth part of fruits already tithed rediezmar [v]
already now ya ahora [adv]
already ya [adv]
already siquiera [conj]
certain time that has already happened pasado [m]
person who marries one person while already legally married to another bígamo [m]
have already left haberse ido ya [v]
already know saber de antemano [v]
as already implied tal como se ha dicho [adv]
as already implied como ya ha sido especificado [adv]
already now desde ahora [adv]
as already implied tal y como ya se ha insinuado [adv]
as you already know cómo sabes [expr] BO
already known consabido [adj]
already antes de ahora [adv]
already todavía [adv]
a set of small particles of the bagasse already burnt, spread in the air during grinding bagacillo [m] CU
plaster made of gypsum fragment already used in building bizcocho [m] disused
gathering and burning remaining trunks and branches in a field already grazed acoivarada [f] AR:Ne
race or test where the end result is already known carrera corrida [f] CL
young child who can already walk pirinola [f] MX
first vat of already fermented aguamiel honey water extracted from the maguey cactus in pulque production punta [f] MX
already stated dicho [adj]
gather and burn remaining trunks and branches in a field already grazed acoivarar [v] AR:Ne
back out of a bet that has already been made on a cock fight descasar [v] PR
already hasta ahora [adv]
already known consabida [adj/f]
have already seen it all estar de vuelta de todo [v]
cause further misfortune to someone who is already in a difficult situation hacer leña del árbol caído [v]
attack someone when they are already in a weak position hacer leña del árbol caído [v]
transplant a stem or branch that has already taken roots plantar de barbado [v]
wait for someone who's already arrived esperar alguien al mesías [v]
already de una vez [adv]
as if it weren't already enough eso faltaba [expr]
as if it weren't already enough no faltaba más [expr]
as if it weren't already enough eso faltaría [expr]
the die has already been cast la suerte está echada
the arrow has already left the bow ya salió la flecha
the arrow is already off the bow ya comenzó la actividad
go after or maintain relations with somebody already taken pedalear la bicicleta [v] MX
seduce or have an affair with someone who is already with another pedalear la bicicleta [v] MX
tell a young person about something they already understand abrirle los abiertos [v] NI
tell a young person about something they already understand abrirle los sentidos [v] NI
make a problem worse than it already is hacer olitas [v] CL
court or have loving relationships with someone who is already engaged pedalear su bicicleta [v] MX
give someone something they already have echar agua en el mar [v] rare
give someone something they already have echar agua en la mar [v] rare
you already found it a la primera azadonada [adv] rare
you already know, don't you? ya sabes, ¿tú?
enough already! ¡ya está bien!
don't tell me what i already know no me digas lo que ya sé
you already said that eso ya lo has dicho ES
you already said that ya dijiste eso
you're already dead ya estás muerto
enough already ya alcanzó
enough already ya fue suficiente
enough already ya tuvimos suficiente
i already know his weak point ya sé su punto débil
i already know the answer ya me sé la respuesta
i already missed you ya te extraño
i'm already alone ya estoy solo
i'm already late ya llegué tarde
i'm already late ya llego tarde
enough already! ¡ya basta!
all right already! ¡es suficiente!
with the time that he's already served con el tiempo que ha pasado dentro (cárcel)
with the time that he's already served con el tiempo que ya ha cumplido
all right already! ¡ya basta!
heading home already? ¿vas a casa ya?
i miss you already ya te echo de menos ES
i've already told you ya te he dicho
i've already told you ya te lo había dicho
already a success ya es un éxito
she has already gone ella ya se ha ido
she's already gone ella ya se ha ido
you were already here ya estabas aquí
I already have it ya la tengo
we've already met ya nos hemos conocido
we already know each other ya nos conocemos
I already know what I want ya sé lo que quiero
are you leaving (already)? ¿ya te vas?
I already have one ya tengo uno
I already have one ya tengo una
I already told you ya se lo dije
we know that already eso ya lo sabemos
i miss her already ya la echo de menos ES
i miss her already ya la extraño
i miss him already ya lo extraño AMER
i miss them already ya los extraño AMER
i miss them already ya los echo de menos ES
I miss you already ya te extraño AMER
I miss you already ya te echo de menos ES
I miss you already ya lo extraño AMER
I miss you already ya lo echo de menos ES
we've already talked about this ya hemos hablado de esto
we've actually already met en realidad ya nos conocíamos
i feel better already ya me siento mejor
I have already made the beds ya hice las camas AMER
I have already made the beds ya he hecho las camas ES
i know that already ya lo sabía
i like it already ya me gusta
already be here ya estar aquí [v]
enough already! ¡ya está bien!
if you haven't already done so si no lo ha hecho todavía
if you haven't already done so si todavía no lo has hecho
taking into account the time he has already spent in jail teniendo en cuenta el tiempo que ya ha pasado en la cárcel
taking into account the time he has already spent in prison teniendo presente el tiempo que ya ha pasado en prisión
we/I know that already que si la abuela fuma
already know what's coming tener largas narices [v]
already de una vez [adv]
enough already zurra, que es tarde [expr]
enough already! ¡cruz y raya!
all right already! ¡cruz y raya!
one's body's already decompose el cuerpo en descomposición
we know that already! ¡nos ha jodido mayo con sus flores!
we know that already! ¡nos ha jodido mayo (con sus flores)!
green coffee bean already pulped café oro [m] GT NI HN
dry coffee bean already pulped café pergamino [m] GT NI CR PR HN
fraud involving using expired or already exchanged tickets (performance or transportation) carrusel [m] PE
break into a couple already dancing pedir una palomita [v] CO VE
enough already! diay [expr] HN CR
I already know you te conozco mascarita [expr] MX HN CU VE BO PY AR UY
I already know this song and dance te conozco mascarita [expr] MX HN CU VE BO PY AR UY
you already agreed to it ¡ya rugiste! [expr] MX
many seek to better themselves or make themselves rich but end by losing what they already have ir por lana y salir trasquilado
many seek to better themselves or make themselves rich but end by losing what they already have ir por lana y volver trasquilado
we've already discussed this si me va a pegar no me regañe CO VE
we've already discussed this si me vas a pegar no me regañes CO VE
having had enough already hasta la madre [adj] MX NI DO
objection to meeting a bill because it has already been paid contraprotesto [m]
recognition of trade receivables already recorded reconocimiento sobre créditos ya contabilizados
already mentioned ya mencionado
credit for time already spent in jail abono del tiempo de prisión
a key with the same name already exists. ya existe una clave con el mismo nombre.
socket is already connected zócalo ya conectado
a folder with that name already exists. ya existe una carpeta con este nombre.
this server is already added to the list. este servidor ya se ha agregado a la lista.
slot or token is already logged in. el canal o la señal ya están conectados.
a mailing list with this name already exists. ya existe una lista de distribución con este nombre.
address already in use dirección ya existente
a certificate with the same name already exists. ya existe un certificado con el mismo nombre.
already issued ya publicado
fruit of the corn plant in which the already formed grains begin to develop chilote [m] NI CR
fruit of the corn plant in which the already formed grains begin to develop shilote [m] GT
fruit of the corn plant in which the already formed grains begin to develop xilote [m] GT
fruit of the corn plant in which the already formed grains begin to develop xitotl [m] GT
fruit of the corn plant in which the already formed grains begin to develop jilote [m] MX GT HN SV NI CR:Nw
put more dirt on already planted land segundar [v] MX rur.
set of bushes, shrubs, and weeds covering a plot of land that has already been cultivated huatal [m] MX:Se GT HN SV NI