crystal - Allemand Anglais Dictionnaire



Meanings of "crystal" in German English Dictionary : 18 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
crystal Kristall ... [adj]
crystal Kristall [m]
crystal Quarz [m]
crystal Kristall (Material) [n]
crystal Uhrglas [n]
crystal Glas [n]
crystal Kristall [m]
crystal Kristall [m]
crystal Kristall [m]
crystal Kristall [m]
crystal Kristall [m]
crystal Quarz [m]
crystal Kristall [m]
crystal Quarz [m]
crystal Quarz [m]
crystal Kristall [m]
crystal Kristall [m]
crystal Kristall [m]

Meanings of "crystal" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 500 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
crystal-clear kristallklar [adj]
crystal-controlled quarzgesteuert [adj]
(made of) crystal kristallen [adj]
sessile (crystal) sessil (Kristall) [adj]
liquid-crystal Flüssigkristall- [adj]
clear as crystal kristallklar [adj]
crystal-like kristallartig [adj]
crystal clear kristallklar [adj]
crystal clear glasklar [adj]
orthopinacoid (crystal) Schwalbenschwanzzwilling [m]
lattice (crystal) unbesetzter Gitterplatz [m]
ice crystal Eiskristall [m]
interfacial angle (crystal) Grenzflächenwinkel (Kristall) [m]
crystal groove (timepiece) Glasfalz (Uhr) [m]
Crystal oscillator Schwingquarz [m]
crystal/lattice defect Gitterfehler [m]
crystal/lattice defect Kristallfehler [m]
crystal/lattice defect Gitterbaufehler [m]
crystal/lattice defect Gitter-Ausleger [m]
crystal/lattice defect Kristallbaufehler [m]
crystal/lattice defect Kristalldefekt (Kristall) [m]
(crystal) tab Kartenreiter [m]
arborescent crystal Dendrit [m]
zinc single crystal Zinkeinkristall [m]
crystal diode Richtleiter [m]
quartz crystal Schwingquarz [m]
twin crystal Zwillingskristall [m]
quartz crystal Quarzkristall [m]
co-crystal Cokristall [m]
single crystal Einkristall [m]
crystal growth Kristallwachstum [m]
allochromatic crystal allochromatischer Kristall [m]
crystal cup Kristallpokal [m]
crystal palace Kristallpalast [m]
crystal pick up Kristalltonabnehmer [m]
crystal sugar Kristallzucker [m]
crystal-clear fact kristallklarer Fakt [m]
fundamental crystal Grundschwingungsquarz [m]
lattice (crystal) Gitterleerstelle [f]
lattice (crystal) Gitterfehlstelle [f]
lattice (crystal) Gitterlücke [f]
liquid crystal display (LCD) Flüssigkristallanzeige [f]
elementary crystal cell Elementarzelle [f]
crystal ball (occultism) Glaskugel (Okkultismus) [f]
crystal growing Kristallzüchtung [f]
crystal night Reichspogromnacht [f]
crystal optics Kristalloptik [f]
crystal pulling Kristallzüchtung [f]
crystal/lattice defect Störstelle [f]
crystal/lattice defect Gitterstörung [f]
crystal/lattice defect Gitterstörstelle [f]
defect structure (crystal) Defektstruktur (Kristall) [f]
centre of disturbation (crystal) Störstelle (Kristall) [f]
centre of disturbation (crystal) Lockerungsstelle [f]
basal pinacoid (crystal) Schiefendfläche [f]
slippage (crystal) Gleitung (Kristall) [f]
crystal ball Glaskugel [f]
crystal bowl Kristallschale [f]
crystal carafe Kristallkaraffe [f]
crystal analysis Kristallstrukturuntersuchung [f]
crystal structure Kristallstruktur [f]
crystal salt lamp Kristallsalzlampe [f]
crystal ball Kristallkugel [f]
crystal morphology Kristallmorphologie [f]
crystal structure analysis Kristallstrukturanalyse [f]
crystal modification Kristallmodifikation [f]
crystal axis Kristallachse [f]
crystal cave Kristallhöhle [f]
crystal-clear fact glasklare Tatsache [f]
orthopinacoid (crystal) Orthopinakoid (Kristall) [n]
crystal glass Kristallglas [n]
crystal violet Kristallviolett [n]
crystal violet Gentianaviolett [n]
crystal lattice Kristallgitter [n]
liquid crystal Flüssigkristall [n]
crystal-sheet glass Kristallglas [n]
cut crystal Kristall schleifen [v]
crystal axes Kristallachsen [pl]
crystal balls Glaskugeln [pl]
crystal faces Kristallflächen [pl]
crystal bowls Kristallschalen [pl]
crystal classes Kristallklassen [pl]
crystal forms Kristallformen [pl]
crystal modifications Kristallmodifikationen [pl]
crystal systems Kristallsysteme [pl]
crystal/lattice defects Gitterfehler [pl]
crystal/lattice defects Kristallfehler [pl]
crystal/lattice defects Störstellen [pl]
crystal/lattice defects Gitterstörungen [pl]
crystal/lattice defects Gitterbaufehler [pl]
crystal/lattice defects Gitterstörstellen [pl]
crystal/lattice defects Gitter-Ausleger [pl]
crystal/lattice defects Kristallbaufehler [pl]
crystal/lattice defects Kristalldefekte [pl]
crystal lattices Kristallgitter [pl]
crystal glasses Gläser aus Kristall
crystal with skew facets schiefflächiger Kristall
crystal/lattice defect Baufehler {m} im Kristall
crystal/lattice defects Baufehler {pl} im Kristall
liquid crystal display Flüssigkristalldisplay
liquid crystal display Flüssigkristallanzeige
as clear as crystal gestochen scharf
as clear as crystal glasklar
as clear as crystal klar und deutlich
as clear as crystal kristallklar
as clear as crystal so klar wie Kristall
be crystal (clear) sonnenklar
be crystal (clear) glasklar
be crystal (clear) klar wie Kloßbrühe sein
be crystal (clear) kristallklar
luminous crystal Leuchtresonator
silicon single-crystal Siliciumeinkristall
liquid crystal Flüssigkristall
crystal growth Kristallzüchtung
molybdate single-crystal Molybdateinkristall
crystal section Kristallquerschnitt
crystal oscillator Quarzoszillator
as single crystal als Einkristall
single-crystal doping Einkristalldotierung
quartz single-crystal Quarzeinkristall
oscillator crystal Schwingquarz
tungstate single-crystal Wolframateinkristall
crystal holder Quarzhalterung
crystal structure Kristallaufbau
single-crystal Einkristall
germanate single-crystal Germanateinkristall
crystal structure analysis Kristallstrukturanalyse
liquid crystal layer Flüssigkristallschicht
oscillating crystal Schwingkristall
liquid-crystal device Flüssigkristallvorrichtung
germanium single-crystal Germaniumeinkristall
crystal imperfection Kristallgitterfehler
crystal tuning fork resonator Kristallstimmgabelresonator
crystal rotating pulling method Dreh-Zieh-Verfahren
tantalate single-crystal Tantalateinkristall
crystal purification Kristallreinigung
single-crystal growth Einkristallwachstum
liquid crystal molecule Flüssigkristallmolekül
piezo-electric crystal Schwingkristall
niobate single-crystal Niobateinkristall
crystal demodulator Quarzdemodulator
titanate single-crystal Titanateinkristall
crystal form control Kristallformregelung
piezo crystal Piezokristall
crystal filter Kristallfilter
piezo-crystal primer Piezokristallzündelement
scintillation crystal Szintillationskristall
seed crystal Impfkristall
vanadate single-crystal Vanadateinkristall
crystal oscillator Kristalloszillator
crystal drive Schwingerantrieb
liquid crystal printer Flüssigkristalldrucker
liquid crystal composition Flüssigkristall-Zusammensetzung
quartz crystal Quarzkristall
liquid crystal display key Liquid Crystal Display-Taste
single crystal growth Erzeugen von Einkristallen
liquid crystal compositions Flüssigkristall-Zusammensetzungen
crystal-controlled quarzgesteuert [adj]
crystal oriented kristallorientiert [adj]
crystal-like kristallartig [adj]
crystal cutter head piezoelektrischer Schneidkopf [m]
liquid crystal (LC) Flüssigkristall [m]
oscillating crystal (x-ray analysis) Schwenkkristall (Röntgenanalyse) [m]
single crystal Monokristall [m]
single crystal Einkristall [m]
crystal defect Gitterfehler [m]
molecular crystal Molekülkristall [m]
crystal nucleus Keimkristall [m]
crystal habit Kristallhabitus [m]
salt crystal Salzkristall [m]
ice crystal Eiskristall [m]
crystal cut Kristallschnitt [m]
crystal structure Kristallbau [m]
smectic-liquid crystal smektischer Flüssigkristall [m]
crystal nucleus Kristallkeim [m]
seed crystal Keimkristall [m]
crystal lattice spacing Kristallgitterabstand [m]
compound crystal Verbindungskristall [m]
imperfect crystal Realkristall [m]
real crystal Realkristall [m]
quartz crystal Quarzkristall [m]
real crystal realer Kristall [m]
tree crystal Dendrit [m]
imperfect crystal gestörter Kristall [m]
mix-crystal Mischkristall [m]
host crystal Grundkristall [m]
host crystal Wirtkristall [m]
crystal defect Kristallbaufehler [m]
ideal crystal Idealkristall [m]
mixed crystal Mischkristall [m]
crystal imperfection Kristallbaufehler [m]
crystal structure defect Kristallbaufehler [m]
nematic liquid crystal nematischer Flüssigkristall [m]
seed crystal Impfkristall [m]
liquid crystal (L.C.) Flüssigkristall [m]
crystal angle Kristallwinkel [m]
twin crystal Zwillingskristall [m]
biaxial crystal zweiachsiger Kristall [m]
imperfect crystal realer Kristall [m]
piezoelectric crystal Piezokristall [m]
crystal structure analysis Kristallstrukturanalyse [f]
liquid-crystal display Flüssigkristallanzeige [f]
rotating crystal method Drehkristallmethode [f]
crystal boundary Kristallgrenze [f]
crystal geometry Kristallgeometrie [f]
crystal morphology Kristallmorphologie [f]
crystal face Kristallfläche [f]
X-ray crystal-structure analysis Röntgenkristallstrukturanalyse [f]
crystal clock Quarzuhr [f]
crystal surface Kristalloberfläche [f]
crystal lattice structure Kristallgitterstruktur [f]
crystal symmetry Kristallsymmetrie [f]
liquid crystal (L.C.) anisotrope Flüssigkeit [f]
crystal wafer Wafer [f]
crystal orientation Kristallorientierung [f]
crystal class Kristallklasse [f]
crystal plane Kristallfläche [f]
crystal watch Quarzuhr [f]
crystal edge Kristallkante [f]
crystal dislocation Kristallversetzung [f]
crystal lattice plane Netzebene [f]
liquid crystal (L.C.) Mesophase [f]
crystal axis Kristallachse [f]
crystal spectroscopy Kristallspektroskopie [f]
crystal boundary Korngrenze [f]
crystal anisotropy Kristallanisotropie [f]
crystal chemistry Kristallchemie [f]
crystal structure Kristallstruktur [f]
crystal texture Kristalltextur [f]
crystal analysis Kristallstrukturanalyse [f]
liquid crystal display (LCD) Flüssigkristallanzeige [f]
leaded crystal Bleikristall [n]
lead crystal glass Bleikristallglas [n]
growth of crystal Kristallwachstum [n]
body-centered cubic crystal lattice kubisch raumzentriertes Kristallgitter [n]
crystal grating Kristallgitter [n]
crystal growth Kristallwachstum [n]
crystal system Kristallsystem [n]
rhombic crystal system rhombisches Kristallsystem [n]
crystal lattice Kristallgitter [n]
crystal physics Kristallphysik [f/pl]
liquid crystal polymers flüssigkristalline Polymere [pl]
dislocation in crystal gratings Versetzung/Verschiebung in Kristallgittern
interplanar (crystal) spacing Abstand der Kristallebenen
interplanar crystal spacing Abstand der Kristallebenen
ultrasonic crystal Ultraschallschwinger [m]
idiomorphic crystal idiomorpher Kristall [m]
columnar crystal Stengelkristall [m]
metal crystal Metallkrystall [m]
compound crystal Verbindungskristall [m]
needle-shaped crystal nadelförmiger Kristall [m]
perfect crystal vollkommener Kristall [m]
crystal plasticity Kristallplastizität [f]
crystal structure Kristallstruktur [f]
crystal growth Kristallwachstum [n]
columnar crystal Stabkristall [n]
crystal structure Kristallstruktur [f]
lattice (crystal) Gitterdefekt (Kristall) [m]
lattice (crystal) Gitterdefekt [m]
lattice distortion (crystal) Kristallfehler [m]
lattice distortion (crystal) Gitterfehler [m]
lattice distortion (crystal) Gitter-Ausleger [m]
lattice distortion (crystal) Gitterbaufehler [m]
lattice distortion (crystal) Kristallbaufehler [m]
lattice distortion (crystal) Kristalldefekt (Kristall) [m]
ionic crystal Ionenkristall [m]
crystal oscillator Kristalloszillator [m]
ruby crystal laser Rubinlaser [m]
crystal oscillator Quarzschwinger [m]
quartz crystal oscillator Schwingquarz [m]
lattice dislocation (crystal) Gitterversetzung (Kristall) [f]
lattice distortion (crystal) Störstelle [f]
lattice distortion (crystal) Gitterstörung [f]
lattice distortion (crystal) Gitterstörstelle [f]
vacancy migration (crystal) Fehlstellenwanderung [f]
vacancy migration (crystal) Fehlstellenwanderung (Kristall) [f]
vacancy migration (crystal) Leerstellenwanderung [f]
crystal analysis Feinstrukturuntersuchung [f]
imperfection of a crystal lattice Gitterstörstelle [f]
crystal field theory Kristallfeldtheorie [f]
rotating crystal method Drehkristallmethode [f]
oscillating crystal method Schwingkristallmethode [f]
crystal filter Quarzfilter [n]
crystal filter Kristallfilter [n]
crystal spectrometer Kristallspektrometer [n]
lattice distortion (crystal) Baufehler {m} im Kristall
sugar crystal Zuckerkristall [m]
rock crystal Bergkristall [m]
co-crystal Cokristall [m]
molecular crystal Molekülkristall [m]
crystal symmetry Kristallsymmetrie [f]
seed crystal Impfkristall [n]
crystal salt Kristallsalz [n]
liquid crystal polymer Flüssigkristallpolymer [n]
crystal field splitting pattern Kristallfeld-Aufspaltungsmuster [n]
ionic crystal Ionengitter [n]
crystal field Kristallfeld [n]
crystal lattice Raumgitter [n]
molecular crystal Molekülgitter [n]
crystal lattice Kristallgitter [n]
imperfect crystal Realkristall [m]
ice crystal Eiskristall [m]
mixed crystal Mischkristall [m]
real crystal Realkristall [m]
crystal boundary Korngrenze [f]
crystal structure Kristallstruktur [f]
crystal lattice Kristallgitter [n]
crystal violet Kristallviolett [n]
crystal violet Enzian Violett
crystal night Kristallnacht [f]
crystal night Kristallnacht' (Novemberpogrome 1938) [f]
scintillation crystal Szintillationskristall [m]
crystal skin children Schmetterlingskinder [pl]
co-crystal Co-Kristall [m]
crystal glass Kristallglas [n]
crystal sheet glass [us] Kristalltafelglas [n]
lead crystal glass Bleikristallglas [n]
crystal sheet glass [us] Dicktafelglas [n]
rotating crystal method Drehkristallaufnahme [f]
rock crystal deposit Bergkristallvorkommen
rock crystal deposit Bergkristalllagerstätte
berg crystal Bergkristall [m]
compound crystal Zwillingskristall [m]
crystal seeker Strahler [Schw.] [m]
crystal seeker Strahlner [Schw.] [m]
crystal seeker Steinsucher [m]
crystal seeker Strahlner [m]
crystal seeker Steinsucher [Ös.] [m]
crystal seeker Strahler [m]
crystal seeker Kristallsucher [m]
geminate crystal Zwillingskristall [m]
Iceland crystal isländischer Doppelspat [m]
Iceland crystal Islandspat [m]
mix crystal Mischkristall [m]
mixed crystal Mischkristall [m]
mountain crystal Bergkristall [m]
quartz crystal Quarzkristall [m]
rock crystal Bergkristall [m]
twin crystal Zwillingskristall [m]
rock crystal mining Bergkristallabbau [m]
base (of a crystal) Endfläche [f]
composition surface (crystal) Verwachsungsfläche (Kristall) [f]
composition surface (crystal) Verwachsungsfläche [f]
crystal form Kristallform [f]
crystal chemistry Kristallchemie [f]
crystal face Kristallfläche [f]
crystal physics Kristallphysik [f]
crystal structure analysis Kristallstrukturanalyse [f]
crystal structure Kristallstruktur [f]
elementary crystal cell Einheitszelle [f]
reflection plane (of a crystal) Spiegelebene [f]
tracht of crystal Kristalltracht [f]
tracht of crystal Trache [f]
crystal class Kristallklasse [f]
crystal structure Gefügeausbildung [f]
basal pinacoid (crystal) basisches Pinakoid [n]
basal pinacoid (crystal) Basispinakoid [n]
basal pinacoid (crystal) Basispinakoid (Kristall) [n]
crystal aggregate Kristallaggregat [n]
crystal grating Kristallgitter [n]
crystal lattice Kristallgitter [n]
crystal system Kristallsystem [n]
diploid (crystal) Disdodekaeder (Kristall) [n]
diploid (crystal) Disdodekaeder [n]
crystal seekers Kristallsucher [pl]
crystal seekers Steinsucher [pl]
crystal seekers Strahlner [pl]
crystal seekers Strahler [pl]
crystal structure analyses Kristallstrukturanalysen [pl]
crystal structures Kristallstrukturen [pl]
berg crystal Bergkristall [m]
stellar crystal Stern [m]
snow crystal Schneekristall [m]
crystal controlled quarzgesteuert [adj]
liquid crystal Flüssigkristall [m]
crystal defect Kristallfehler [m]
liquid crystal display Flüssigkristallanzeige [f]
crystal lattice Kristallgitter [n]
Food Engineering
crystal gum Karayagummi [n]
crystal control Quarzsteuerung [f]
liquid crystal display Flüssigkristallanzeige [f]
crystal growth Kristallwachstum [n]
liquid crystal display LCD
crystal controlled quarzgesteuert [adj]
Liquid Crystal Display LCD
liquid crystal (lc) Flüssigkristall [m]
liquid crystal display Flachbildschirm [m]
quartz crystal Quarzkristall [m]
liquid crystal display (lcd) Flüssigkristallanzeige [f]
Electrical Engineering
ideal crystal Idealkristall [m]
voltage controlled crystal oscillator spannungsgesteuerter Quarzoszillator [m]
synthetic quartz crystal synthetischer Quarzkristall [m]
crystal mixer Diodenmischer [m]
lumbered synthetic quartz crystal vorbearbeiteter synthetischer Quarzkristall [m]
oven controlled crystal oscillator temperaturstabilisierter Quarzoszillator [m]
simple packaged crystal oscillator einfacher Quarzoszillator [m]
Reinartz crystal oscillator Reinartzschwinger [m]
control crystal Steuerquarz [m]
crystal recitifier Kristallgleichrichter [m]
temperature compensated crystal oscillator temperaturkompensierter Quarzoszillator [m]
overtone crystal Oberschwingungsquarz [m]
oven-controlled crystal oscillator ofengesteuerter Quarzoszillator [m]
piezoelectric crystal piezoelektrischer Kristall [m]
ferroelectric crystal ferroelektrischer Kristall [m]
synthetic quartz crystal batch Charge synthetischer Quarzkristalle [f]
crystal diode Kristalldiode [f]
piezoelectric crystal element piezoelektrisches Quarzelement [n]
crystal controlled oscillator Quarzoszillators
single crystal films Einkristallschichten
crystal anisotropy Kristallanisotropie
liquid crystal display Flüssigkristallanzeige [f]
crystal calibrator Quarzeichoszillator [m]
crystal oven Quarzthermostat [m]
variable crystal oscillator variabler Quarzoszillator [m]
crystal frequency Quarzfrequenz [f]
crystal frequency drift Quarzfrequenzauswanderung [f]
crystal filter Quarzfilter [n]
liquid crystal (lc) Flüssigkristall [m]
crystal frequency Quarzfrequenz [f]
crystal frequency drift Quarzfrequenzauswanderung [f]
liquid crystal display (lcd) Flüssigkristallanzeige [f]
crystal filter Quarzfilter [n]
liquid crystal display Flachbildschirm [m]
crystal frequency Quarzfrequenz [f]
liquid crystal display (lcd) Flüssigkristallanzeige [f]
crystal goby Kristallgrundel [f]
crystal krill Eiskrill [m]
crystal snail gemeine Kristallschnecke
crystal krill Eiskrill
liquid crystal display (lcd) Flüssigkristallanzeige (LCD)
liquid crystal display Flüssigkristallanzeige [f]
Rock Crystal' (by Stifter/work title) Bergkristall' (von Stifter/Werktitel)
Rock Crystal' (Stifter) Bergkristall' (Stifter)
liquid crystal display Flüssig-Kristall-Anzeige
crystal healing Steinheilkunde [f]
crystal healing Heilen mit Steinen [n]
Nuclear Physics
rotating crystal time-of-flight spectrometer Drehkristall-Flugzeitspektrometer [n]
Paper Terms
crystal clear glasklar [adj]
crystal structure Kristallstruktur [f]
liquid crystal display Flüssigkristallanzeige [f]
crystal water Kristallwasser [n]
small crystal Kriställchen [n]
liquid crystal (lc) Flüssigkristall [m]
crystal oscillator Schwingquarz [m]
quartz crystal Quarzkristall [m]
crystal oscillator Quarzoszillator [m]
quarz crystal resonator Schwingquarz [m]
liquid crystal display (lcd) Flüssigkristallanzeige [f]
quartz crystal clock Quarztaktsteuerung [f]
crystal controlled oscillator Quarzoszillators
crystal anisotropy Kristallanisotropie [f]
single crystal films Einkristallschichten [pl]
piezoelectric crystal pick-up piezoelektrischer Kristalltonabnehmer [m]
crystal-controlled quarzgesteuert [adj]
harmonic mode crystal Oberwellenquarz [m]
oscillator crystal Oszillatorquarz [m]
single crystal Einkristall [m]
single-crystal semiconductor Einkristallhalbleiter [m]
receive crystal Empfangsquarz [m]
crystal holder Quarzhalter [m]
simple-packaged crystal oscillator Kompakt-Quarzoszillator [m]
filter crystal Filterquarz [m]
crystal holder Kristallhalter [m]
crystal laser Kristall-Laser [m]
liquid crystal (lc) Flüssigkristall [m]
free-air crystal oscillator Freiluftquarzoszillator [m]
liquid crystal display Flachbildschirm [m]
oscillator crystal Steuerquarz [m]
crystal (circuits) Quarz [m]
semiconductor single crystal Halbleitereinkristall [m]
semiconductor crystal Halbleiterkristall [m]
solid-state crystal Halbleiterkristall [m]
crystal oscillator Schwingquarz [m]
crystal oscillator Quarzoszillator [m]
silicon crystal Siliziumkristall [m]
silicon crystal mixer Siliziumkristallmischer [m]
mother crystal Mutterkristall [m]
nematic liquid crystal nematischer Flüssigkristall [m]
temperature-controlled crystal temperaturgeregelter Quarzoszillator [m]
quarz crystal resonator Schwingquarz [m]
single-crystal growth Einkristallzüchtung [f]
crystal frequency Quarzfrequenz [f]
crystal frequency drift Quarzfrequenzauswanderung [f]
crystal diode Kristalldiode [f]
plastic-sealing liquid crystal display kunststoffummantelte Flüssigkristallanzeige [f]
liquid crystal display (lcd) Flüssigkristallanzeige [f]
crystal time base Quarzzeitbasis [f]
crystal filter Quarzfilter [n]
crystal lattice filter Kristallgitter-Filter [n]
quartz crystal filter Schwingquarzfilter [n]
temperature-compensated crystal oscillator Quarzoszillator mit Temperaturkompensation
temperature-controlled crystal oscillator Quarzoszillator mit Temperaturregelung
liquid crystal display (lcd) Flüssigkristallanzeige [f]
Nuclear Technology
liquid crystal (lc) Flüssigkristall [m]
allotriomorphic (crystal) allotriomorph [adj]
seed crystal Impfkristall [m]
seed crystal Kristallkeim [m]
fir tree crystal Tannenbaumkristall [m]
fir tree crystal Dendrit [m]
pine crystal Dendrit [m]