atomic - Almanca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "atomic" in German English Dictionary : 6 result(s)

İngilizce Almanca
atomic atomar [adj]
atomic atomar [adj]
atomic Atom...
atomic atomar [adj]
atomic Atom [n]
atomic atomar [adj]

Meanings of "atomic" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 500 result(s)

İngilizce Almanca
atomic scientist Atomforscher [m]
atomic/radioactive decay Atomzerfall [m]
atomic/radioactive decay radioaktiver Zerfall [m]
atomic bomb shelter atombombensicherer Bunker [m]
atomic kernel Atomrumpf [m]
inter-atomic distance Atomabstand [m]
atomic decay Atomzerfall [m]
caesium (atomic) beam clock Cäsium-Atomuhr [f]
caesium atomic clock Cäsium-Atomuhr [f]
atomic scientist Atomforscherin [f]
atomic physics Atomphysik [f]
use of atomic energy Kernenergienutzung [f]
atomic explosion atomare Explosion [f]
atomic fragmentation atomare Zertrümmerung [f]
cesium atomic clock Cäsium-Atomuhr [f]
atomic plane Gitterebene [f]
atomic diffusion atomare Diffusion [f]
cesium atomic clock Cäsiumatomuhr [f]
atomic bomb Atombombe [f]
atomic force microscopy Kraftmikroskopie [f]
atomic fragmentation Atomzertrümmerung [f]
atomic warfare atomare Kriegsführung [f]
atomic clock Atomuhr [f]
atomic power Atomkraft [f]
use of atomic energy Atomenergienutzung [f]
atomic warfare Atomkriegsführung [f]
atomic energy authority Atomenergiebehörde [f]
atomic mass unit atomare Masseneinheit [f]
atomic weapon Atomwaffe [f]
atomic bomb risk Atombombengefahr [f]
atomic football nukleare Waffe [f]
atomic splitting Atomzerspaltung [f]
atomic splitting Atomkernspaltung [f]
atomic power station/plant Kernkraftwerk [n]
atomic power station/plant Atomkraftwerk [n]
atomic chess Atomschach [n]
atomic force microscope Kraftmikroskop [n]
atomic weight Atomgewicht [n]
atomic scientist Atomforscher [pl]
atomic scientist Atomforscherinnen [pl]
atomic numbers Kernladungszahlen [pl]
atomic bomb victims in motion pictures Atombombenopfer im Kino [pl]
atomic energy industries atomische Energieindustrien [pl]
atomic-powered mit Kernkraft betrieben
atomic-powered mit Atomkraft betrieben
atomic reactor Kernreaktor
atomic reactor Atomreaktor
atomic boobs Atombusen [m]
Work Safety
atomic absorption spectrometry Atomabsorptionsspektrometrie [f]
atomic capability Atomstreitmacht [f]
atomic force Atomstreitmacht [f]
atomic energy commission Atomenergiekommission [f]
European Atomic Energy Community Euratom [n]
atomic forces Atomstreitmächte [pl]
European Atomic Energy Community EAG
European Atomic Energy Community Europäische Atomgemeinschaft
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Internationale Atomenergieorganisation (IAEO)
United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) Wissenschaftlicher Ausschuß der Vereinten Nationen zur Untersuchung der Auswirkungen atomarer Strahlung (UNSCEAR)
EU Terms
European Atomic Energy Society Europäische Atomenergiegesellschaft
International Atomic Energy Agency Internationale Atomenergie-Organisation
atomic absorption spectrometry Atomabsorptionsspektrometrie
atomic resonator Atomresonator
atomic frequency standard Atomfrequenznormal
atomic bomb alarm Atombombenalarm
European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) Europäische Atomgemeinschaft (Euratom) [f]
atomic spacing Atomzwischenraum [m]
departure from nuclear boiling (DNB/ (atomic pile) Siedekrisis [f]
entombment (of an atomic pile) (nuclear engineering) Einsargung (eines Atommeilers) (Kerntechnik) [f]
entombment (of an atomic pile) (nuclear engineering) Einsargung [f]
rubidium atomic clock Rubidium-Atomuhr [f]
rubidium (atomic) beam clock Rubidium-Atomuhr [f]
thallium (atomic) beam clock Thallium-Atomuhr [f]
effective atomic number effektive Kernladungszahl [f]
relative atomic mass relative Atommasse [f]
International Atomic Energy Agency Internationale Atomenergie-Agentur [f]
atomic number Ordnungszahl [f]
atomic absorption spectrometry Atomabsorptionsspektrometrie [f]
atomic energy Atomenergie [f]
atomic shell Atomhülle [f]
atomic weight Atomgewicht [n]
atomic power plant Atomkraftwerk [n]
Atomic Energy Act Atomgesetz [n]
atomic percent Atomprozent [n]
atomic displacement Atomverschiebung [f]
atomic shuffling Atomumordnen [n]
atomic pile Kernreaktor [m]
atomic energy Kernenergie [f]
atomic number Atomzahl [f]
atomic weight Atomgewicht [n]
atomic flash Atomblitz [m]
atomic nucleus Atomkern [m]
atomic physicist Atomphysiker [m]
atomic pile Atommeiler [m]
atomic pile Kernreaktor [m]
atomic pile Meiler [m]
atomic pile Atomreaktor [m]
atomic spacing Atomzwischenraum [m]
atomic/radioactive decay Atomzerfall [m]
atomic/radioactive disintegration radioaktiver Zerfall [m]
atomic/radioactive disintegration Atomzerfall [m]
atomic/radioactive decay radioaktiver Zerfall [m]
atomic cross-section atomarer Wirkungsquerschnitt [m]
atomic cross-section atomarer Querschnitt [m]
atomic interspace atomarer Zwischenraum [m]
atomic core Atomkern [m]
atomic radius Atomradius [m]
atomic beam Atomstrahl [m]
(atomic) mass number Nukleonenzahl (Kerntechnik) [f]
(atomic) mass number Massenzahl [f]
atomic absorption Atomabsorption [f]
atomic absoption Atomabsorption [f]
atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) Atomabsorptionsspektroskopie [f]
atomic arrangement Atomanordnung [f]
atomic bond Elektronenpaarbindung [f]
atomic bond Atombindung [f]
atomic bond kovalente Bindung [f]
atomic bond homöopolare Bindung [f]
atomic bond Kovalenzbindung [f]
atomic bond unpolare/apolare Bindung [f]
atomic energy Kernenergie [f]
atomic electron shell Elektronenhülle [f]
atomic energy Atomenergie [f]
atomic explosion Atomexplosion [f]
Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) Atomenergiekommission [f]
atomic fission Kernspaltung [f]
atomic fission Atomspaltung [f]
atomic fission Fission [f]
atomic mass Atommasse [f]
atomic physicist Atomphysikerin [f]
atomic plane Gitterebene [f]
atomic plane Netzebene (Kristallografie) [f]
atomic shell Atomhülle [f]
atomic power Atomkraft [f]
atomic power Kernkraft [f]
hydrogen atomic clock Wasserstoff-Atomuhr [f]
flame atomic emission spectrophotometry Flammenatomemissionsspektrometrie [f]
atomic diffusion Atomdiffusion [f]
atomic mass unit Atommasseneinheit [f]
atomic plane Netzebene [f]
flame atomic emission spectrophotometry Flammen-Atomemissionsspektrometrie [f]
antibonding atomic orbital Antibindungsbahn [f]
atomic research Kernforschung [f]
atomic number Kernladungszahl [f]
atomic absorption spectroscopy Atomabsorptions-Spektroskopie [f]
atomic absorption analysis atomare Absorptionsanalyse [f]
atomic orbital atomare Elektronenumlaufbahn [f]
atomic fluorescence analysis atomare Fluoreszenzanalyse [f]
atomic polarization atomare Polarisation [f]
atomic radiation atomare Strahlung [f]
atomic scattering atomare Streuung [f]
atomic heat capacity atomare Wärmekapazität [f]
atomic electron shell Atomhülle [f]
atomic physics Atomphysik [f]
atomic spectroscopy Atomspektroskopie [f]
atomic clock Atomuhr [f]
atomic heat capacity Atomwärme [f]
atomic physics Kernphysik [f]
atomic structure Atomstruktur [f]
energization (atomic nucleus) Anregung [f]
atomic number Ordnungszahl [f]
relative atomic mass relative Atommasse [f]
atomic weight relative Atommasse [f]
Atomic Energy Act Atomgesetz [n]
atomic space lattice Atomgitter [n]
atomic particle Atomteilchen [n]
atomic volume Äquivalentvolumen [n]
atomic weight Atomgewicht [n]
atomic absorption spectrophotometer atomares Absorptions-Spektrophotometer [n]
atomic energy level atomares Energieniveau [n]
atomic spectrum Atomspektrum [n]
atomic volume Atomvolumen [n]
atomic mass Atomgewicht [n]
total atomic stopping power gesamtes atomares Bremsvermögen [n]
atomic explosions Atomexplosionen [pl]
atomic flashs Atomblitze [pl]
atomic nuclei Atomkerne [pl]
atomic numbers Kernladungszahlen [pl]
atomic numbers Ordnungszahlen [pl]
atomic physicists Atomphysiker [pl]
atomic physicists Atomphysikerinnen [pl]
atomic piles Atommeiler [pl]
atomic piles Atomreaktoren [pl]
atomic piles Kernreaktoren [pl]
atomic piles Meiler [pl]
atomic planes Gitterebenen [pl]
atomic planes Netzebenen [pl]
atomic shells Atomhüllen [pl]
atomic spacings Atomzwischenräume [pl]
atomic radii Atomradien [pl]
atomic electron shell Elektronenhülle {f} des Atoms
atomic mass unit Einheit der Atommasse
absolute atomic mass absolute Atommasse
atomic state Energiezustand eines Atoms
atomic beam diffraction Beugung von Atomstrahlen
atomic mass value Atommassewert [m]
atomic nucleus Atomkern [m]
atomic structure Atombau [m]
atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) Atomabsorptionsspektroskopie [f]
atomic emission spectrometry Atomemissionsspektrometrie [f]
graphite furnace atomic absorption Graphitrohrtechnik [f]
atomic absorption spectrometry Atomabsorptionsspektrometrie [f]
atomic energy Atomkernenergie [f]
flame atomic absorption spectrometry Flammen-Atomabsorptionsspektrometrie [f]
cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry Hydridtechnik [f]
atomic bonding structure atomare Bindungsstruktur [f]
atomic bond Elektronenpaarbindung [f]
atomic layer deposition Atomlagenabscheidung [f]
atomic theory Atomlehre [f]
atomic bond Atombindung [f]
atomic number Atomzahl [f]
atomic shell Atomhülle [f]
atomic number Atomnummer [f]
atomic number Kernladungszahl [f]
atomic mass Atommasse [f]
atomic bonding Atombindung [f]
atomic number Ordnungszahl [f]
atomic theory Atomtheorie [f]
atomic weight Atomgewicht [n]
atomic model Atommodell [n]
bohr's atomic model Bohrsches Atommodell
atomic weight relative Atommasse
relative atomic mass relative Atommasse
atomic absorption spectrometry Atomabsorptionsspektroskopie [f]
atomic emission spectrometry Atomemissionsspektrometrie [f]
atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) Atomabsorptionsspektrometrie [f]
atomic radius Atomradius [m]
atomic nucleus Atomkern [m]
atomic number Ordnungszahl [f]
atomic number Kernladungszahl [f]
atomic number Protonenzahl [f]
atomic mass Atommasse [f]
atomic absorption spectrometry Atomabsorptionsspektrometrie [f]
atomic envelope Atomhülle [f]
Atomic Model Atommodell [n]
relative atomic mass Atomgewicht [n]
atomic volume Atomvolumen [n]
atomic weight Atomgewicht [n]
atomic emission detector (AED) Atomemissionsdetektor (AED)
relative atomic mass relative Atommasse
atomic weight relative Atommasse
atomic emission spectrometry Atomemissions-Spektrometrie
atomic rocket Atomrakete [f]
atomic physics (EU) Atomphysik [f]
atomic age Atomzeitalter [n]
atomic sentence atomarer Satz [m]
atomic expression atomarer Ausdruck [m]
atomic philosophy Atomphilosophie [f]
atomic facts atomare Tatsachen [pl]
atomic weight Atommasse [f]
inter-atomic distance Atomabstand [m]
Atomic Energy Act Atomgesetz [n]
atomic waste nuklearer Abfall [m]
atomic waste Atommüll [m]
atomic absorption spectrometry Atomabsorptionsspektroskopie [f]
atomic emission spectrometry Atomemissionsspektrometrie [f]
atomic energy law Atomgesetz [n]
atomic energy legislation Atomrecht [n]
atomic power plant permission atomrechtliche Genehmigung
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) internationale Atomenergie-Organisation
atomic mass Atommasse [f]
atomic fuel Kernbrennstoff [m]
atomic hydrogen atomarer Wasserstoff [m]
atomic spin Atomspin [m]
atomic union Atomverband [m]
atomic kernel Atomkern [m]
atomic kernel Atomrumpf [m]
atomic core Atomkern [m]
atomic nucleus Atomkern [m]
atomic pile Kernreaktor [m]
atomic oxygen atomarer Sauerstoff [m]
atomic interspace atomarer Zwischenraum [m]
atomic state atomarer Zustand [m]
atomic trunk Atomrumpf [m]
atomic propulsion Atomantrieb [m]
atomic beam Atomstrahl [m]
atomic cross section atomarer Wirkungsquerschnitt [m]
atomic reactor Atommeiler [m]
atomic disintegration Atomzerfall [m]
atomic state Atomzustand [m]
atomic core Atomrumpf [m]
atomic structure Atomaufbau [m]
atomic ray Atomstrahl [m]
atomic pile Atommeiler [m]
atomic distance Atomabstand [m]
atomic diameter Atomdurchmesser [m]
atomic form factor Atomformfaktor [m]
atomic structure Atombau [m]
atomic radius Atomradius [m]
atomic emission detection Atomemissionsdetektion [f]
atomic charge Elementarladung [f]
atomic group Atom-Gruppe [f]
atomic heat Molwärme [f]
atomic displacement Atomverschiebung [f]
atomic bonding kovalente Bindung [f]
atomic chain Atomkette [f]
atomic bond homöopolare Bindung [f]
atomic unit atomare Einheit [f]
atomic valence Atomwertigkeit [f]
atomic frequency Atomfrequenz [f]
atomic bonding Elektronenpaarbindung [f]
atomic motion Atombewegung [f]
atomic size Atomgröße [f]
atomic arrangement atomare Anordnung [f]
atomic susceptibility Atomsuszeptibilität [f]
atomic charge Kernladungszahl [f]
atomic weight relative Atommasse [f]
atomic polarization Atompolarisation [f]
atomic density Atomdichte [f]
atomic shell Atomschale [f]
atomic bond Atombindung [f]
atomic bond Elektronenpaarbindung [f]
atomic charge Ordnungszahl [f]
atomic envelope Atomhülle [f]
atomic plane Netzebene [f]
atomic fluorescence Atomfluoreszenz [f]
atomic excitation Atomanregung [f]
atomic charge Atomladung [f]
atomic order atomare Größenordnung [f]
atomic plane Gitterebene [f]
atomic heat Atomwärme [f]
atomic configuration Atomkonfiguration [f]
atomic radiation Atomstrahlung [f]
atomic mass atomare Masse [f]
atomic force Atomkraft [f]
atomic energy Bindungsenergie [f]
atomic spectroscopy Atomspektroskopie [f]
atomic arrangement Atomanordnung [f]
atomic research Kernforschung [f]
atomic bond kovalente Bindung [f]
atomic number Atomnummer [f]
atomic structure Atomstruktur [f]
atomic number Atomzahl [f]
atomic mass unit atomare Masseneinheit [f]
atomic theory Atomtheorie [f]
atomic number Kernladungszahl [f]
atomic energy Kernenergie [f]
atomic mass Atommasse [f]
atomic energy Atomkernenergie [f]
atomic battery Atombatterie [f]
atomic clock Atomuhr [f]
atomic layer deposition Atomlagenabscheidung [f]
atomic research Atomforschung [f]
atomic time Atomzeit [f]
atomic spectrometry Atomspektrometrie [f]
atomic timing device Atomuhr [f]
atomic physics Atomphysik [f]
atomic electron shell Atomhülle [f]
atomic ratio atomares Verhältnis [n]
atomic lattice Atomgitter [n]
atomic percentage Atom % [n]
atomic orbital Atomorbital [n]
atomic energy plant Kernkraftwerk [n]
atomic percentage Atomprozent [n]
atomic weight Atomgewicht [n]
atomic space lattice Atomgitter [n]
atomic percentage Atomverhältnis [n]
atomic level Atomniveau [n]
atomic particle Atomteilchen [n]
atomic ratio Atomverhältnis [n]
atomic structure Raumgitter [n]
atomic power plant Kernkraftwerk [n]
atomic power station Kernkraftwerk [n]
atomic energy level Atomniveau [n]
atomic absorption spectrometers Atomabsorptionsspektrometer [n]
atomic power station/plant Atomkraftwerk [n]
atomic power station/plant Kernkraftwerk [n]
atomic research center Atomforschungszentrum [n]
atomic research centre Atomforschungszentrum [n]
atomic volume Atomvolumen [n]
atomic species Atomarten [pl]
atomic batteries Atombatterien [pl]
atomic capabilities Atomstreitmächte [pl]
atomic clocks Atomuhren [pl]
atomic power stations/plants Atomkraftwerke [pl]
atomic power stations/plants Kernkraftwerke [pl]
atomic timing devices Atomuhren [pl]
atomic energy level Energieniveau des Atoms
atomic power station Atomkraftwerk (AKW)
atomic fluorescence spectroscopy Atomfluoreszenzspektroskopie (AFS)
atomic number Ordnungszahl der Atome
atomic power plant Atomkraftwerk (AKW)
atomic absorption spectroscopy Atomabsorptionsspektroskopie (AAS)
Atomic Energy Commission Atomenergiekommission (AEC)
atomic emission spectrometry Atomemissionsspektrometrie (AES)
atomic mass unit atomare Masseneinheit
atomic mass absolute Atommasse
atomic weight relative Atommasse
international atomic time Internationale Atomzeit
atomic number Ordnungszahl [f]
international atomic energy agency internationale Atomenergiebehörde
Electrical Engineering
atomic nucleus Kern [m]
atomic nucleus Atomkern [m]
atomic number Protonenzahl [f]
atomic number Ordnungszahl [f]
atomic number Kernladungszahl [f]
atomic force microscopy Rasterkraftmikroskopie
Nuclear Energy
atomic nucleus Atomkern [m]
unified atomic mass unit vereinheitlichte atomare Masseneinheit [f]
effective atomic number effektive Ordnungszahl [f]
atomic clock Atomuhr [f]
atomic frequency standard Atomfrequenznormal [n]
atomic bomb dropping Atombombenabwurf [m]
atomic bombing Atombombenabwurf [m]
atomic bomb release Atombombenabwurf [m]
atomic warhead atomarer Gefechtskopf [m]
atomic warhead Atomsprengkopf [m]
atomic warhead Nuklearsprengkopf [m]
atomic weapon Atomsprengkörper [m]
atomic warfare Atomkrieg [m]
atomic artillery Atomartillerie [f]
atomic bomb A-Bombe [f]
atomic bomb Atombombe [f]
atomic bomb Nuklearbombe [f]
atomic bomb burst Atombombenexplosion [f]
atomic weapon A-Waffe [f]
atomic weapon Kernwaffe [f]
atomic weapon Nuklearwaffe [f]
atomic warfare atomare Kriegführung [f]
atomic weapon Atomwaffe [f]
atomic bomb bursts Atombombenexplosionen [pl]
atomic warheads atomare Gefechtsköpfe [pl]
atomic warheads Atomsprengköpfe [pl]
atomic warheads Nuklearsprengköpfe [pl]
atomic weapons Atomsprengkörper [pl]
atomic weapons Atomwaffen [pl]
atomic weapons A-Waffen [pl]
atomic weapons Kernwaffen [pl]
atomic weapons Nuklearwaffen [pl]
atomic demolition munition atomare Bodensprengkörper [pl]
Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission Kommission für die Opfer von Atombomben
Nuclear Physics
atomic scientist Atomwissenschaftler [m]
atomic fusion Kernfusion [f]
atomic energy Atomenergie [f]
atomic and nuclear physics Atom- und Kernphysik [f]
atomic power plant Atomkraftwerk [n]
European Atomic Energy Community Europäische Atomgemeinschaft
atomic emission detector Atomemissionsdetektor [m]
atomic force microscopy Rasterkraftmikroskopie [f]
atomic bond Atombindung [f]
atomic power Atomkraft [f]
atomic power Atomenergie [f]
atomic energy Atomenergie [f]
atomic energy Atomkraft [f]
atomic number Atomzahl [f]
atomic weight Atomgewicht [n]
atomic absorption spectrometer Atomabsorptions-Spektrometer [n]
atomic absorption spectroscopy Atom-Absorptionsspektroskopie
atomic emission spectroscopy Atom-Emissionsspektroskopie
atomic force microscopy Rasterkraftmikroskopie [f]
atomic hydrogen maser atomarer Wasserstoffmaser [m]
atomic gas laser Atom-Gas-Laser [m]
Mechanical Engineering
atomic weight Atomgewicht [n]
Nuclear Technology
excited (atomic nucleus) angeregt [adj]
atomic uranium vapour [uk] atomarer Urandampf [m]
atomic cross-section atomarer Querschnitt [m]
atomic uranium vapor [us] atomarer Urandampf [m]
atomic interspace atomarer Zwischenraum [m]
atomic core Atomkern [m]
atomic radius Atomradius [m]
atomic beam Atomstrahl [m]
atomic pile Kernreaktor [m]
atomic nucleus Atomkern [m]
atomic research Kernforschung [f]
atomic number Kernladungszahl [f]
atomic absorption spectroscopy Atomabsorptions-Spektroskopie [f]
atomic absorption analysis atomare Absorptionsanalyse [f]
atomic orbital atomare Elektronenumlaufbahn [f]
atomic fluorescence analysis atomare Fluoreszenzanalyse [f]
atomic mass unit (amu) atomare Masseneinheit [f]
atomic polarization atomare Polarisation [f]
atomic safety line (asl) atomare Sicherheitslinie [f]
atomic radiation atomare Strahlung [f]
atomic scattering atomare Streuung [f]
atomic heat capacity atomare Wärmekapazität [f]
atomic research Atomforschung [f]
atomic weight unit Atomgewichtseinheit [f]
atomic electron shell Atomhülle [f]
atomic mass (ma) Atommasse [f]
atomic weight unit (awu) Atommasseneinheit [f]
unified atomic mass constant (mu) Atommassenkonstante [f]
atomic rocket Atomrakete [f]
atomic spectroscopy Atomspektroskopie [f]
atomic structure Atomstruktur [f]
atomic clock Atomuhr [f]
atomic heat capacity Atomwärme [f]
atomic number Atomzahl [f]
atomic number Ordnungszahl [f]
chemical atomic mass unit chemisch-atomare Masseneinheit [f]
atomic vapor method [us] Verdampfungsmethode [f]
atomic weight relative Atommasse [f]
atomic vapour method [uk] Verdampfungsmethode [f]
atomic mass constant Atommassenkonstante [f]
atomic volume Äquivalentvolumen [n]
atomic absorption spectrophotometer atomares Absorptions-Spektrophotometer [n]
atomic energy level atomares Energieniveau [n]
atomic weight Atomgewicht [n]
atomic spectrum Atomspektrum [n]
atomic volume Atomvolumen [n]
atomic trunk Rumpfatom [n]
cluster model (atomic nucleus) Clustermodell [n]