comply - Fransızca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "comply" in French English Dictionary : 26 result(s)

İngilizce Fransızca
comply conformer [v]
comply exécuter [v]
comply proportionner [v]
comply ajuster [v]
comply conformer [v]
comply acquiescer [v]
comply s'exécuter [v]
comply complaire [v]
comply obéir [v]
comply accomplir [v]
comply céder [v]
comply satisfaire [v]
comply adapter [v]
comply complaisons [v.p./der.]
comply complaisent [v.p./der.]
comply complais [v.p./der.]
comply complaisez [v.p./der.]
comply obtempérer [v]
comply accepter [v]
comply s'exécuter [v]
comply être conforme
comply exécuter [v]
comply respecter [v]
comply conformer [v]
comply se plier à la réglementation
comply être conforme a

Meanings of "comply" with other terms in English French Dictionary : 128 result(s)

İngilizce Fransızca
comply with… respecter [v]
comply with… observer [v]
comply with a signal to stop se conformer à un signal de s'arrêter [v]
comply with instruction se conformer aux instructions [v]
comply with something respecter [v]
comply with something se conformer [v]
comply with the criteria respecter les critères [v]
comply with the instructions se conformer aux instructions [v]
comply with the plan respecter le plan [v]
comply with the principles se conformer aux principes [v]
comply with the regulations se conformer aux règlements [v]
comply with the request se conformer à la demande [v]
comply with the standards se conformer aux normes [v]
comply with the technology être conforme avec la technologie [v]
comply with the terms and conditions être conforme aux conditions générales [v]
fail to comply ne pas respecter [v]
fail to comply with the technical specifications ne pas respecter les spécifications techniques [v]
fail to comply ne pas se conformer [v]
to comply with… se conformer à…
refusal to comply refus d'obtempérer
comply with respecter [v]
comply with se conformer à [v]
comply with observer [v]
comply with legislation observer [v]
comply with se conformer à (un règlement) [v]
comply with observer [v]
comply with respecter [v]
comply with suivre (des directives) [v]
comply with the rules observer les règles
to comply with administrative regulations accomplir les formalités
to comply with être conforme à
to comply with se conformer à
comply with respecter les règles
to comply with formalities remplir les formalités
to comply with the rules observer les règles
to comply with an administrative formality remplir une formalité
Social Security
comply with observer [v]
failure to comply défaut de se conformer
comply or explain approach se conformer ou expliquer
to comply with se conformer à
failing to comply qui n'observe pas
comply with observer [v]
comply with respecter [v]
fail to comply with a direction of a police officer omettre de se conformer à un ordre d'un agent de police [v]
fail to comply with a condition of the permit omettre de se conformer à une condition du permis [v]
failure to comply non-respect [m]
refusal to comply with a demand refus d'obtempérer à un ordre [m]
failure to comply with méconnaissance [f]
failure to comply inobservation [f]
failure to comply with demand omission d'obtempérer à un ordre [f]
comply with se conformer à
commitment to comply engagement de conformité
fail to comply with a formality être défaillant
comply with obtempérer à
failure to comply with the rules of procedure irrégularité de forme
comply with a formality remplir une formalité
comply with a direction déférer à une instruction
failure of comply with conditions non-respect des conditions
failure to comply with a demand omission d'obtempérer à un ordre
failure to comply with a probation order défaut de se conformer à une ordonnance de probation
failure to comply with conditions non-respect des conditions
refusal to comply with a demand refus d'obtempérer à un ordre
failing to comply with the demand défaut d'obtempérer à l'ordre
failure to comply with conditions infraction aux conditions
failure to comply with a probation order défaut de se conformer à une ordonnance de probation
failure to comply omission d'obtempérer
failure to comply with probation order défaut de se conformer à une ordonnance de probation
failure to comply with sentence or disposition défaut de se conformer à une décision
State Law
contravene or fail to comply with enfreindre [v]
failure to comply with inobservation [f]
failure to comply with a lease inobservation d'un bail
to fail or omit to comply with omettre de se conformer
to comply with other terms se conformer aux autres conditions
to substantially comply répondre pour l'essentiel
failure or refusal to comply with a demand refus ou défaut d'obtempérer à un ordre
to comply with the requirements remplir les conditions
to fail to comply ne pas se conformer
to wilfully fail to comply with omettre sciemment de se conformer
to comply with an order se conformer à une ordonnance
refusal or failure to comply refus ou défaut d'obtempérer
to comply with a law observer une règle de droit
to comply with an order obtempérer à une ordonnance
to fail to comply négliger de se conformer
to fail or neglect to comply with omettre ou négliger de se conformer
to fail to comply with any reasonable requirement manquer aux exigences valablement formulées
to fail to comply with a time requirement ne pas respecter un délai
to fail to comply with a section ne pas observer les dispositions d'un article
to comply with a code of ethics se conformer à un code de déontologie
to contravene or fail to comply with ne pas se conformer
Governmental Terms
repeated failures to comply inobservation répétée
Human Rights
comply with respecter [v]
comply with observer [v]
comply with se conformer à
comply with satisfaire à
comply with répondre à
comply with the memorandum of understanding se conformer au protocole [v]
comply with the residency obligation se conformer à l'obligation de résidence [v]
voluntarily comply with a removal order se conformer volontairement à la mesure de renvoi [v]
be inadmissible for failing to comply with this act emporter interdiction de territoire pour manquement à la présente loi [v]
inadmissible under the immigration and refugee protection act for failing to comply with that act interdit de territoire pour manquement à la loi sur l’immigration et la protection des réfugiés sous le régime de cette loi [v]
comply with the residency obligation remplir l'obligation de résidence [v]
failing to comply with manquement à l'obligation de
inadmissible solely on the grounds that they have failed to comply with the residency obligation interdit de territoire pour le seul motif qu'il n'a pas respecté l'obligation de résidence
comply with official language requirements respecter les exigences des langues officielles [v]
Health Economy
comply with respecter qqch [v]
comply with respecter [v]
comply with respecter [v]
comply with observer [v]
comply with se conformer à ...
fly and comply respecter les règlements en volant
to comply with regulations se plier à la réglementation
unable to comply incapable d'exécuter
comply with respecter [v]
to comply with formalities remplir les formalités
comply with undertakings se conformer à des engagements [v]
failure to comply inobservation des règles
failing to comply with the demand défaut d'obtempérer à l'ordre
refusal to comply refus d'obtempérer
failure to comply omission d'obtempérer
Business Law
comply with se conformer à [v]
failure to comply non-respect [m]
failure to comply manquement [m]
failure to comply non-respect [m]
failure to comply inobservation [f]
failure to comply non-conformité [f]
failure to comply non-observation [f]
failure to comply défaut de se conformer
failure to comply non-observation