compound - Fransızca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "compound" in French English Dictionary : 52 result(s)

İngilizce Fransızca
compound composé [m]
compound combiné [m]
compound enceinte [f]
compound coupler [v]
compound aggraver [v]
compound combiner [v]
compound unir [v]
compound mixtionner [v]
compound lier [v]
compound accoupler [v]
compound englober [v]
compound joindre [v]
compound composer [v]
compound mêler [v]
compound confondre [v]
compound assortir [v]
compound allier [v]
compound connecter [v]
compound raccorder [v]
compound déposer [v]
compound mélanger [v]
compound relier [v]
compound plier [v]
compound compliquer [v]
compound composé [m]
compound enclos [m]
compound mélange [m]
compound amalgame [m]
compound (intérêt) composé [adj]
compound (phrase) complexe [adj]
compound (intérêt) composée [adj]
compound combinaison [f]
compound composition [f]
compound mixture [f]
compound transiger [v]
State Law
compound enclos [m]
Governmental Terms
compound composer [v]
compound composé [m]
compound composer [v]
compound mélanger [v]
compound composé [m]
compound composée [v.p./f]
compound combiné [m]
compound composé [m]
compound mélanger [v]
compound composé [m]
compound composé [adj]
compound protection anti-corrosion
compound composer [v]
compound composé [m]
compound centre [m]
Arts Administration
compound complexe [m]

Meanings of "compound" in English French Dictionary : 1 result(s)

Fransızca İngilizce
compound [m] compound wound

Meanings of "compound" with other terms in English French Dictionary : 349 result(s)

İngilizce Fransızca
have (auxiliary verb to form compound past tenses of most verbs) avoir [v]
compound by se composer de [v]
compound the felony aggraver le délit [v]
compound data type type de données composées [m]
compound fruit fruit composé [m]
compound noun nom composé [m]
compound verb verbe composé [m]
diazo compound composé diazo [m]
explosive compound composé explosif [m]
compound fracture fracture ouverte [f]
compound base base composée [f]
compound sentence phrase composé [f]
compound interest intérêt composé
compound interest intérêts composés
compound interest intérêts composes
compound interest intérêt composé [n]
Work Safety
nitro compound composé nitré
antidrumming compound matière antisonore
antidrumming compound enduit antisonore
antifogging compound agent anti-buée
azo-compound composé azoïque
antifogging compound produit anti-buée
antifogging compound pâte anti-buée
Material Safety
non-volatile organic compound (nvocs) composés organiques non volatiles
compound interest intérêts composés
compound yield rendement global [n]
compound interest intérêt composé [n]
compound interest bond obligation à intérêts composés [n]
compound annual rate taux annuel composé [n][uk]
compound rate of growth taux de croissance cumulé
compound interest intérêts capitalisés
compound interest bond obligation à intérêt composé
compound interest rate taux d'intérêt composé
compound rate taux d'intérêt composé
compound rate taux composé
compound interest rate taux composé
compound frequency distribution distribution des fréquences composées
compound event événement composé
compound interest intérêt composé [n]
compound interest anatocisme [m]
State Law
to secure or compound garantir ou effectuer un concordat
compound interest intérêts composés
chemical compound composé chimique
volatile compound composé volatil
compound protection works travaux pour protéger le complexe
Governmental Terms
compound interest intérêt composé
UN Terms
thermitic compound thermite [f]
thermitic compound composés thermiques
volatile organic compound composé organo-volatil
volatile organic compound composé organique volatil
ozone depleting compound substance menaçant l'ozone
ionic compound composé ionique
ozone depleting compound substance appauvrissant la couche d'ozone
ozone depleting compound substance nocive pour l'ozone
ozone depleting compound agent de raréfaction de l'ozone
ozone depleting compound agent destructeur d'ozone
EU Terms
mineral compound composé minéral
chemical compound composé chimique
Human Rights
drywall compound composé à joints [m]
rebel fighting compound base de combat rebelle [f]
drywall compound pâte à jointoyer [f]
compound centrifugal force force d'inertie de coriolis [f]
compound word mot composé
Computer Science
compound attack attaque composée
compound signal signal composé
compound switching commutation mixte
compound semiconductor semiconducteur composé [m]
lid sealing compound matériau d'étanchéité [m]
compound wound compound [m]
compound excited à excitation composée
temperature range of the compound plage de température d'un composé
compound catenary equipment suspension caténaire composée
compound excited à excitation compound
tandem-compound set groupe tandem-compound
compound wound motor moteur compound
laves phase compound superconductor supraconducteur de type phases de laves
distance through casting compound distance d'isolement dans un composé de moulage
auto-compound current transformer transformateur de courant autocompoundé
chevrel phase compound superconductor supraconducteur de type phases de chevrel
fullerene compound superconductor supraconducteur de type fullerène
cross-compound set groupe cross-compound
compound motor moteur compound
compound superconductor composé supraconducteur
compound-wound current transformer transformateur de courant compoundé
potting compound composé d'empottage
Resource Description and Access
compound surname nom de famille composé
drywall compound ciment à joints [m]
compound structure structure composée [f]
compound arithmetic effect effet opérations complexes
compound blur effect effet flou composite
compound document document composite
ternately compound triternatiséqué
ternately compound triséqué
pinnately compound composé penné
ternately compound ternatisequé
Genetic Biology
compound heterozygote hétérozygote composite
isomeric compound isomère [m]
alicyclic compound cycloalcane [m]
waterproof compound composé hydrofuge
amphiphilic compound composé amphiphile
dextro compound composé dextrogyre
metallic compound composé métallique
racemic compound composé racémique
ionic compound combinaison ionique
peroxo compound composé peroxo
racemic compound composé racémique
heterocyclic compound composé hétérocyclique
azoxy compound composé azoxique
parent compound composé -mère
isotopic compound composé isotopique
meso-compound composé méso
insoluble compound composé insoluble
complex compound composé complexe
organic compound composé organique
synthetic compound composé synthétique
organosilicon compound composé organosilicique
metastable compound composé métastable
binary compound composé binaire
addition compound composé d'addition
organo-sulfur compound composé organique contenant du soufre
intermediate compound composé intermédiaire
organo-nitrogen compound composé organique contenant de l'azote
endothermic compound composé endothermique
organic nitrate compound composé organique nitré
physical compound composé physique
ring compound composé à noyau
labeled compound composé marqué
aliphatic compound composé aliphatique
compound system système total
berthollide compound composé berthollide
aromatic compound composé aromatique
non-cyclic compound composé acyclique
compound nucleus noyau composé
resonance compound composé mésomère
amino compound composé aminé
hydrogen compound composé hydrogéné
azo compound composé azoïque
nitrogen compound composé azoté
parent compound composé-mère
organometallic compound composé organo-métallique
compound monolayer monocouche recomposée
multinuclear compound composé polynucléaire
unsymmetrical compound composé asymétrique
amphoteric compound composé amphotère
co-amphiphilic compound composé semi-amphiphile
carbon compound composé du carbone
symmetrical compound composé symétrique
unsaturated compound composé insaturé
metal compound composé métallique
polar compound composé polaire
cyclic compound composé cyclique
nitro compound nitro (groupe)
chromium oxide compound pâte d'oxyde de chrome
colouring compound pâte aviver
finishing compound composition polir
finishing compound pâte polir
lapping compound pâte roder
liquid buffing compound émulsion polir
valve grinding compound pâte roder les soupapes
buffing compound composition polir
buffing compound pâte polir
diamond compound pâte diamantée
butting compound composition polir
butting compound pâte polir
compound interest ıntérêts composés [m]
compound event évènement composé [m]
compound period période de calcul de l'intérêt [f]
compound interest intérêt composé
compound event événement composé
inorganic compound composé inorganique
compound chromosome chromosome composé
lead compound composé candidat
compound action potential potentiel d'action composé
lead-arsenic compound composé plomb-arsenic
heterocyclic organic compound composé organique hétérocyclique
nitrogen heterocyclic compound composé hétérocyclique azoté
phenolic compound composé phénolique
compound anchorage ancrage complexe
compound cavity cavité composée
compound odontoma odontome composé
compound impression empreiente en plusieurs temps
dental compound cement ciment dentaire composé
mastic compound mastic [m]
surface waterproofing compound hydrofuge [adj]
waterproofing compound hydrofuge de masse
caulking compound ciment à mater
compound sheet tôle compound
compound curve cour bé composée
jointing compound mastic pour joints
curing compound produit de cure
jointing compound mastic pâteux
jointing compound produit pâteux pour joint
sealing compound masse de scellement
transformer compound plateforme des transformateurs
non-setting compound mastic pâteux
pouring compound produit de garnissage
jointing compound produit de scellement
volatile organic compound composés organo volatils
jointing compound masse de scellement
compound bending flexion composée
joint sealing compound garniture de joint
compound beam poutre composée
compound wall mur mixte [m]
compound riposte riposte composée
compound parry parade composée
compound attack attaque composée
compound pillar pilier fasciculé [m]
compound pier pilier cantonné [m]
compound pillar colonne fasciculée [f]
compound needle aiguille compound [f]
compound needle aiguille à coulisse [f]
compound needle aiguille compound
filling compound matière de remplissage
compound bow flèche de face complète
compound spring flèche de rive complexe
Cold Rolling
anti rust compound antirouille [m]
anti rust compound antirouille [m]
compound gauge mano-vacuomètre [m]
compound wound dynamo dynamo compound
compound motion mouvement composé
compound crystal cristal maclé
caulking compound produit de calfatage
compound screw vis différentielle
compound dynamo dynamo compound
compound excitation excitation compound
compound pendulum pendule composé
compound table table croisée
slumping compound mastic de remplissage
phenolic compound composé phénolique
filling compound mastic de remplissage
grinding compound pâte abrasive
rubbing compound pâte à polir
compound lens objectif composé
compound wound motor moteur compound
compound girder poutre composée
compound beam poutre composée
anti-corrosive compound enduit anti-corrosion
corrosive-resistant compound enduit anti-corrosion
phenolic compound composition phénolique
compound winding enroulement compound
compound engine machine compound
compound lever levier composé
compound locomotive locomotive compound
filling compound enduit de remplissage
ternary compound composé ternaire
rust arresting compound composé antirouille
compound motor moteur compound
chemical compound agent chimique
compound interest intérêt composé
toxic compound composé toxique
organic compound composé organique
polishing compound pâte à polir
compound centrifugal force force de coriolis [f]
compound motor moteur à excitation compound [m]
compound center electrode électrode centrale composite [f]
compound electrode électrode composite [f]
sealing compound masse d'enrobage [f]
whirl-sintered compound masse frittée [f]
locking compound liquide de blocage/produit-frein
sheet moulding compound mat imprégné de résine
chemical compound composition chimique
compound table table croisée
locking compound liquide de blocage
toxic compound composant toxique
sheet moulding compound mélange à mouler en feuille
jointing compound mastic d'étanchéité
sealing compound matériau d'étanchéité
intermetallic compound composé intermétallique
cable compound brai [m]
foam compound émulseur [m]
compound gauge mano-vacuomètre [m]
compound aircraft girodyne [m]
viton compound viton [m]
high gum compound caoutchouc riche en gomme
compound engine moteur compound
waterproofing compound produit hydrofuge
hardening inhibitor compound graisse de stockage
interfay compound produit adhésif pour metal sur metal
helicopter-autogyro compound combine hélicoptère-autogire
polishing compound pate à polir
grinding compound pate à roder
lapping compound pate à roder
chemical compound agent chimique
retaining compound compose de freinage
rust arresting compound compose anti-rouille
compound sweep flèche evolutive
propeller compound helicopter combine à hélice propulsive
compound main rotor rotor principal combine
rubbing compound pate à polir
slowed rotor compound helicopter hélicoptère combine à rotor ralenti
compound rotorcraft hélicoptère combine
compound curve virage composite
caulking compound produit de calfatage
foam-compound émulseur de mousse
sealant compound pate à joint
compound turbine engine turbomachine à plusieurs corps
anti-fretting compound produit antigrippant
compound motor moteur combine
anti-seize compound compose antigrippage
water proofing compound produit hydrofuge
compound levers système de leviers
organometallic compound compose organométallique
compound winding enroulement compound
lever compound système de leviers
filling compound mastic de remplissage
corrosive-resistant compound enduit anti-corrosion
volatile organic compound composé organique volatil [m]
sealing compound mastic d'étanchéité
organic compound composé biologique
inorganic compound composé inorganique
compound eye oeil composé
compound feed aliment composé
Animal Breeding
compound feed aliments composés
Animal Breeding
compound feed aliment composé
chemical compound composé chimique
compound hydrograph hydrogramme complexe
formula compound formule composée
compound atoll atoll composite
constraint compound contrainte composite
compound fertilizer fertilisant multiaction
Forest Engineering
compound bow flèche de face complète
unilaterally compound pitting ponctuations unilatéralement groupées
compound middle lamella lamelle moyenne
compound spring flèche de rive complexe
compound eye oeil composé
organic compound composé organique [m]
volatile organic compound composé organique volatil [m]
caulking compound produit de calfeutrage
chlorinated organic compound composé organochloré
volatile organic compound composé organique volatil
parent compound substance parente
lipid-encapsulated compound formulation liposomale
prisoner of a war compound bloc de prisonniers de guerre
insulating compound matière isolante
compound helicopter hélicoptère hybride
compound helicopter hélicoptère combiné
sealing compound mastic d'étanchéité
compound chords accords combines
compound interval ıntervalle redouble
compound chords accords en intervalles mixtes
non-setting glazing compound mastic plastique
silicone compound joint silicone
non-setting compound matériel d´étanchéité élastique
tread stopping compound dissolution [f]
competitors' compound quartier des coureurs
competitors' compound enceinte réservée aux coureurs
Bicycle Racing
competitors compound quartier des coureurs
compound bow arc à poulies
compound bow arc compound