first aid - İspanyolca İngilizce Sözlük

first aid


Meanings of "first aid" in Spanish English Dictionary : 29 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
first aid socorrismo [m]
first aid asistencia de urgencia [f]
first aid socorro de urgencia
first aid primeros socorros
first aid primera cura
first aid primeros auxilios
first aid primeros auxilios
Work Safety Terms
first aid primeros auxilios
first aid primeros auxilios
first aid primeros auxilios
first aid primer auxilio
first aid primera curación
first aid primer auxilio [m]
first aid primeros auxilios [m/pl]
General Medicine
first aid primeros auxilios
first aid primos auxilios [m]
first aid cura de primera intención [f]
first aid atención primaria [f]
first aid primera curación
first aid primeros auxilios
first aid primer auxilio
first aid primeros auxilios
first aid primeros auxilios [m]
first aid primeros auxilios
first aid primera ayuda
first aid primeros auxilios
first aid cura de urgencia
first aid primeros auxilios
first aid primeros auxilios

Meanings of "first aid" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 95 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
first-aid kit botiquín [m]
first-aid station botiquín [m]
first-aid post casa de socorro [f]
first-aid building casa de socorro [f]
first-aid hospital casa de socorro [f]
first-aid station casa de socorro [f]
first aid kit triaquera [f]
first-aid post botiquín [m]
first aid box botiquín [m]
first aid kit botiquín [m]
do first aid hacer primeros auxilios [v]
do first aid practicar primeros auxilios [v]
basic first aid primeros auxilios básicos [m/pl]
first aid kit botiquín de primeros auxilios
first-aid kit botiquín de primeros auxilios
first-aid kit el botiquín de primeros auxilios
first-aid kit equipo de primeros auxilios
first-aid post casa de socorro [f]
social service where first-aid assistance is provided to injured or sick people who need urgent attention asistencia [f] NI EC PE BO CL
first aid station posta [f] CU PE BO CL
first-aid post asistencia [f] NI PE BO CL
first-aid post asistencia pública [f] PE BO CL
first aid kits botiquines [m/pl]
first-aid personnel personal de primeros auxilios [m]
first-aid kit botiquín de primeros auxilios [m]
first-aid post puesto de primeros auxilios [m]
first-aid box botiquín de primeros auxilios [m]
approved first aid certificate certificado aprobado de primeros auxilios [m]
first-aid treatment room enfermería de primeros auxilios [f]
first-aid class clase de primeros auxilios [f]
first-aid worker socorrista [m/f]
first-aid cabinet [us] gabinete de primeros auxilios
first-aid post puesto de primeros auxilios
first-aid personnel personal de primeros auxilios
first-aid class clase de primeros auxilios
first-aid box botiquín de primeros auxilios
first-aid kit botiquín de primeros auxilios
Work Safety Terms
first-aid attendant socorrista [m/f]
first-aid centre puesto de primeros auxilios
first-aid kit botiquín de primeros auxilios
first-aid post puesto de socorro
first-aid post puesto de primeros auxilios
first-aid centre puesto de socorro
first-aid kit botiquín del socorrista
first-aid course curso de socorrismo
medical first aid guide for use in accidents involving dangerous goods guía de primeros auxilios para marinos
first-aid room sala de primeros auxilios
first-aid kit botiquín de primeros auxilios
first aid bag bolsa-botiquín [f]
first aid kit botiquín de primeros auxilios
first-aid station botiquín de urgencia
first-aid-kit botiquín de emergencia
first-aid kit botiquín de urgencia
General Medicine
first aid kit botiquín de urgencia
first aid diver buceador socorrista [m]
first-aid room enfermería [f]
first aid helper socorrista [m/f]
offer first aid curar de primera intención [v]
give first aid curar de primera intención [v]
first aid kit botiquín de primeros auxilios
first-aid kit botiquín de primeros auxilios
first aid bag bolsa primeros auxilios
first aid kit botiquín de primeros auxilios
first aid packet paquete de cura individual
first aid firefighting equipment equipo de contra incendios de primer auxilio
first aid bandage vendaje de primera cura
first aid bandage vendaje provisional
first aid station puesto de socorro
first aid outfit botiquín de urgencia
first aid kit botiquín de urgencia
first-aid post puesto de primeros auxilios
first aid kit botiquín de urgencia
first aid kit botiquín de urgencia
first-aid post puesto de primeros auxilios [m]
first aid box el botiquín
first-aid station botiquín de urgencia
first-aid primeros auxilios
first-aid kit botiquín de primera cura
first-aid kit botiquín de urgencia
Industrial Hygiene
first-aid course curso de socorrismo
first aid post puesto de socorro [m]
first aid post enfermería [f]
give first aid prestar los primeros auxilios [v]
first aid station puesto de socorro
first aid post puesto de primeros auxilios
first aid post puesto de socorro
first aid kit botiquín de primeros auxilios
give first aid prestar los primeros auxilios
Naval Forces
first aid kit botiquín de primeros auxilios
first aid plant penca sábila [f] CO EC BO
first aid plant zábila [f] US MX GT HN SV NI CR PA CU DO PR VE EC PE BO CO
first aid plant sábila [f] MX GT HN SV NI CR PA CU DO PR VE EC PE BO CO
first aid plant sávila [f] MX HN SV CO EC PE BO
first aid plant závila [f] HN PY
bullfighting ring first aid hule [m]