grey - İspanyolca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "grey" in Spanish English Dictionary : 32 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
grey gris [adj]
grey plomo [m]
grey rucio [m]
grey rucio [adj]
grey plomizo [adj]
grey gris (color) [adj]
grey cano [adj]
grey canoso [adj]
grey mezclilla [f]
grey pardo [adj]
grey tordo [adj]
grey agrisado [adj]
grey color gris [m]
grey encanecido [adj]
grey volverse gris/cano [v]
grey encanecer [v]
grey poner cano [v]
grey animal gris
grey cari [adj] AR:Nw rur.
grey rucia [adj/f]
grey cana [adj/f]
grey canosa [adj/f]
grey plomiza [adj/f]
grey agrisada [adj/f]
grey parda [adj/f]
grey torda [adj/f]
grey encanecida [adj/f]
grey panza de burra [adj]
grey gray [m]
grey [uk] gris pardo
grey [uk] tela en crudo
grey [uk] color acromático

Meanings of "grey" in English Spanish Dictionary : 13 result(s)

İspanyolca İngilizce
grey [f] flock
grey [f] congregation
grey [f] herd of small cattle
grey [f] great cattle
grey [f] congregation
grey [f] race
grey [f] race
grey [f] herd
grey [f] congregation of the faithful people
grey [f] nation
grey [f] SV CO:C orange
grey [f] disused herd
grey [f] disused flock

Meanings of "grey" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 500 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
grey [uk] gris [m]
grey mullet mújol [m]
grey-haired rucio [adj]
grey-haired canoso [adj]
grey-brown pardo (color) [adj]
brownish-grey pardo (color) [adj]
grey-haired pelicano [adj]
going grey entrecano [adj]
dapple-grey tordillo [adj]
dapple-grey tordo [adj]
grey-bearded barbicano [adj]
go grey encanecerse [v]
grey amber ámbar gris [m]
grey amber ámbar pardillo [m]
reddish-grey barcino [adj]
grey friar franciscano [m]
grey mullet mugil [m]
grey gurnard perlón [m]
dove grey gris perla [m]
earl grey té earl grey [m]
earl grey tipo de té procedente de china [m]
grey zorro chilla [f]
go grey ponerse gris [v]
go grey [uk] encanecer [v]
go grey [uk] echar canas [v]
become grey volverse canoso [v]
become grey envejecerse [v]
grey matter entendederas [f/pl]
grey heron garza real
grey matter sustancia gris
grey matter materia gris
grey partridge perdiz pardilla
grey bird with white breast and red feet arandillo [m]
rich grey silver ore tacana [m]
grey hair cana [f]
grey-coloured agrisetado [adj]
grey/white-bearded barbiblanco [adj]
grey-bearded barbirrucio [adj]
very grey/white (hair) canísimo [adj]
having grey hair in the tail colicano [adj]
yellowish-grey and reddish colour blavo [adj]
dark grey pardusco [adj]
silver-grey (horses) rucio [adj]
colour grey agrisar [v]
grow grey-haired encanecer [v]
grow grey pardear [v]
get grey pardear [v]
grey beard barba cana [f]
grey kingbird pitirre [m] CU PR
grey beard anciano [m] fig.
grey poncho with fringe poncho pampa [m] AR
red, black, and grey fighter cock sirgado [m] PR
dark grey or black and white (fabric) barchilo [adj] AR:Nw rur.
ash-grey barroso [adj] NI CU EC rur.
related to the piece of clothing, specially knickers, made of a checkered white and grey fabric bataraz [adj] AR UY rur.
reddish-grey barcino [adj] MX GT HN SV NI CR VE BO PY AR UY
reddish-grey barsino [adj] HN
reddish-grey baicino [adj] DO
with dark grey and white feathers moro [adj] VE
grey-haired rucia [adj/f]
grey-haired cana [adj/f]
grey-haired canosa [adj/f]
grey-brown parda (color) [adj/f]
brownish-grey parda (color) [adj/f]
grey-haired pelicana [adj/f]
going grey entrecana [adj/f]
dapple-grey tordilla [adj/f]
dapple-grey torda [adj/f]
grey-bearded barbicana [adj/f]
reddish-grey barcina [adj/f]
very grey/white (hair) canísima [adj/f]
grey-coloured agrisetada [adj/f]
having grey hair in the tail colicana [adj/f]
silver-grey (horses) rucia [adj/f]
grey/white-bearded barbiblanca [adj/f]
grey-bearded barbirrucia [adj/f]
dark grey pardusca [adj/f]
yellowish-grey and reddish colour blava [adj/f]
ash-grey barrosa [adj/f] NI CU EC rur.
related to the piece of clothing, specially knickers, made of a checkered white and grey fabric bataraza [adj/f] AR UY rur.
dark grey or black and white (fabric) barchila [adj/f] AR:Nw rur.
give someone grey hair darle a alguien quebraderos de cabeza [v]
grey area zona gris/indefinida
grey matter materia gris (cerebro)
the men in grey suits los hombres de traje gris/influyentes en la política y negocios
grey sky la panza de burra
person with grey hair cabeza de ajo [m] CL
intense brownish grey terremoto [adj] CL
intense brownish grey-colored terremoto [adj] CL
at night all cats are grey de noche los gatos todos son pardos [old-fashioned]
all cats are grey in the dark por la noche todos los gatos son pardos
all cats are grey in the dark a la luz de la vela, no hay mujer fea
all cats are grey in the dark de noche todos los gatos son pardos
grey hairs are honorable a canas honradas no hay puertas cerradas
grey bar hotel cárcel [f]
grey bar hotel prisión
grey goose therapy transportar presos de una prisión a otra con el fin de eliminar la conexión entre ellos (grey glose/bus que transporta los presos)
grey market mercado gris
grey market goods mercancías del mercado gris
in the grey [uk] en crudo [adj]
grey area measure medida de zona gris
not illegal but in a grey area paralegal [adj]
grey market mercado gris
grey market goods productos del mercado gris
reddish grey pardo [adj]
lead grey carí [m]
grey literature literatura gris
vertical grey-scale chart mira de escala de grises vertical
grey scale distortion distorsión de la escala de gris
grey scale escala de gris
grey body radiador gris
grey level nivel gris
grey scale tracking reglaje del gris
grey scale escala de gris
grey cobalt ore cobalto arsenical [m]
bluey-grey glauco [m]
dapple-grey tordo [m]
grey fox zorro [m]
grey antimony estibina [f]
grey mould botritis [f]
grey cast iron [uk] fundición gris [f]
grey-iron pipe [uk] cañería de hierro gris [f]
dark grey marengo [adj]
turn grey encanecer [v]
grey metal pizarra grisácea
grey cotton cloth tejido de algodón crudo
grey body cuerpo gris
dull grey gris mate
grey warp urdimbre en crudo
grey poplar álamo gris
grey amber ámbar gris
grey scale niveles de gris
grey pig iron fundición gris
grey pea guisante forrajero
grey market mercado gris
grey iron fundición gris
grey warp urdimbre cruda
grey card escala de grises
grey lacquer lacado gris
grey matter materia gris
grey scale gama de grises
grey alder aliso blanco
grey list lista gris
grey-back capa antihalo
grey area área subdesarrollada
grey scale escala de grises
grey card carta de grises
grey labor economía sumergida
test-pattern grey scale escala de grises de la mira
grey absorber absorbente gris
grey hammer finish acabado gris martelé
grey cast iron fundición gris
grey lacquer finish acabado gris lacado
grey lacquer finish acabado de lacado gris
grey scale image imagen de escala de grises
grey scale capability capacidad de escala de grises
grey-scale value [uk] valor en la escala de grises [m]
grey scale escala de grises [f]
grey scale [uk] escala de grises [f]
grey heath brezo nazareno [m]
grey plover chorlo artico [m]
great grey owl cárabo lapón [m]
grey whale ballena gris [f]
grey heath argaña [f]
grey santolina santonila [f]
goose grey argentina [f]
grey mullet lisa [f]
grey long-eared bat orejudo meridional
grey-headed gull gaviota cabecigrís
grey heron garza real
grey plover chorlito gris
grey-tailed tattler archibebe gris
grey-faced woodpecker pito cano
grey wagtail lavandera cascadeña
grey-necked bunting escribano cabecigrís
grey-tailed tattler palyero siberiano
grey parrot loro yaco
grey-backed finch-lark gurrio-alondra dorsigrís
grey catbird pájaro gato
grey seal foca gris
grey triggerfish pez ballesta
grey phalarope falaropo picogrueso
grey reef shark tiburón de arrecifes
periaqueductal grey matter substancia gris periacueductal
periaqueductal grey matter sustancia gris periacueductal
Marine Biology
grey sharpnose shark cazón picudo gris [m]
grey mannock abadejo [m] CU
giant grey weed alacanto [m] PE
grey weed alacanto [m] PE
flathead grey mullet (mugil cephalus) cabezudo [m]
flathead grey mullet (mugil cephalus) capitón [m]
flathead grey mullet dardo [m]
grey mullet dardo [m]
flathead grey mullet (mugil cephalus) muble [m] ES local
flathead grey mullet (mugil cephalus) múgil [m]
flathead grey mullet (mugil cephalus) mugle [m] ES local
flathead grey mullet (mugil cephalus) mújol [m]
flathead grey mullet (mugil cephalus) mule [m] ES local
grey triggerfish (balistes carolinensis) tambor [m] CU
grey snapper curvina [f] VE
flathead grey mullet (mugil cephalus) liza [f] SV PE
flathead grey mullet (mugil cephalus) lisa de playa [f] HN SV
flathead grey mullet (mugil cephalus) lisa macho [f] PR
grey mullet lisa de playa [f] HN SV
grey mullet lisa macho [f] PR
grey mullet liza [f] SV PE
flathead grey mullet (mugil cephalus) lisa [f] HN SV NI PA CO:N EC
flathead grey mullet lisa de playa [f] HN SV
flathead grey mullet lisa macho [f] PR
flathead grey mullet liza [f] SV PE
grey mullet breca (árabe) [f]
flathead grey mullet (mugil cephalus) lisa [f]
flathead grey mullet (mugil cephalus) liza [f]
grey stingfish pez piedra gris
grey seal foca de gris
grey heron garza real
grey rough shell pechina blanca
grey large-eye bream emperador gris
grey smooth-hound musola gris de california
grey triggerfish pejepuerco blanco
grey petrel pardela gris
grey bambooshark bamboa gris
grey tilefish blanquillo lucio
grey rockcod trama gris
grey reef shark tiburón de arrecifes
grey snapper pargo prieto
grey-headed albatross albatros de cabeza gris [m]
lesser grey shrike alcaudón chico [m]
chinese grey shrike alcaudón chino [m]
grey-crowned mannikin capuchino coronigrís [m]
grey-cheeked liocichla charlatán del omei [m]
grey-bellied goshawk azor ventrigrís [m]
great grey shrike alcaudón real [m]
grey-headed silverbill capuchino cabecigrís [m]
grey-headed albatross albatros de cabeza gris [m]
grey-backed shrike alcaudón tibetano [m]
great grey shrike alcaudón norteño [m]
grey-sided laughingthrush charlatán flanquigrís [m]
grey kestrel cernícalo pizarroso [m]
grey-headed albatross albatros cabecigris [m]
great grey owl cárabo lapón [m]
grey-headed bullfinch camachuelo cabecigrís [m]
grey-banded mannikin capuchino de las arfak [m]
southern grey shrike alcaudón real [m]
grey-backed fiscal alcaudón dorsigrís [m]
grey tit carbonero gris [m]
grey-headed chickadee carbonero lapón [m]
grey-headed mannikin capuchino canoso [m]
grey-backed tern charrán lunado [m]
lesser grey shrike alcaudón chico [m]
grey-headed kingfisher alción cabeciblanco [m]
grey-crested tit carbonero crestgrís [m]
grey laughingthrush charlatán de maës [m]
grey jay arrendajo canadiense [m]
grey-headed albatross albatros cabecigrís [m]
grey-hooded attila atila encapuchado [m]
grey-breasted woodpecker carpintero pechigrís [m]
grey goshawk azor variable [m]
great grey shrike alcaudón real [m]
grey-bellied flowerpiercer pinchaflor carbonero [m]
grey-bellied hawk azor ventrigrís [m]
grey-crowned woodpecker carpintero cabecigrís [m]
great grey shrike alcaudón real [m]
grey-headed kingfisher alción cabeciblanco [m]
grey potoo cacuí [m] AR
grey potoo cacuy [m] AR
grey-lined hawk cuije [m] MX GT HN SV NI
grey-necked wood rail (aramides cajanea) popoxcal [m] MX
grey-necked wood rail (aramides cajanea) chiricote [m] PY AR UY
grey-necked wood rail (aramides cajanea) crespo [m] UY
grey-necked wood rail (aramides cajanea) chiricoé [m] PY
grey-necked wood rail (aramides cajanea) taracoé [m] BO:E
grey potoo cacuy [m] AR
grey potoo chochí [m] AR
grey potoo urutaú [m] BO PY AR:Ne UY
grey potoo cacuí [m] AR
grey potoo kakuy [m] AR
grey potoo cocuy [m] AR
grey potoo piojito [m] AR
grey potoo crispín [m] AR
grey potoo pacuí [m] AR
grey-cowled wood rail chiricoé [m] PY
grey-cowled wood rail popoxcal [m] MX
grey-cowled wood rail chiricote [m] PY AR UY
grey-cowled wood rail taracoé [m] BO:E
grey-cowled wood rail crespo [m] UY
grey-necked wood rail chiricoé [m] PY
grey-necked wood rail chiricote [m] PY AR UY
grey-necked wood rail popoxcal [m] MX
grey-necked wood rail taracoé [m] BO:E
grey-necked wood rail crespo [m] UY
grey cormorant lile [m] CL
grey kingbird guatíbere [m] DO PR
grey kingbird guatívere [m] PR
grey kingbird guatívere [m] PR
grey kingbird pestigre [m] DO
grey kingbird petigre [m] DO
grey kingbird pitirre [m] DO PR
grey potoo guajojó [m] BO
grey tinamou macuco azul [m] BO
grey-breasted seedsnipe (thinocorus orbignyanus) cojón [m] CL
grey-breasted seedsnipe (thinocorus orbignyanus) cojón corralero [m] CL
grey-hooded sierra-finch (phrygilus gayi) comesebo andino [m] AR
grey-cheeked parakeet macareño [m] PE:Nw
grey-cheeked parakeet perico macareño [m] PE:Nw
grey-cheeked parakeet pihuicho de mejillas grises [m] PE:Nw
grey seedeater (sporophila intermedia) mochuelo [m] PA CO
grey catbird (dumetella carolinensis) pájaro gato [m] MX
blue-grey gnatcatcher (polioptila caerulea) pitiflor [m] MX
blue-grey tanager sui [m] PE:N,E
blue-grey tanager suisui [m] PE:N,E
grey heron (ardea cinerea) airón [m]
grey tinamou (tinamus tao) camao [m] CU
grey-necked wood rail (aramides cajaneus) chiricote (guaraní) [m] AR
great grey shrike (lanius excubitor) picapuerco [m]
grey kingbird pitirre [m] AN
grey rhea suri [m] BO AR
grey teal cerceta australiana [f]
grey-headed lapwing avefría ceniza [f]
grey-headed chachalaca chachalaca cabecigrís [f]
grey-cheeked parakeet catita macareña [f]
grey teal cerceta gris [f]
grey-hooded parakeet catita aimará [f]
grey-sided scimitar-babbler cimitarra flanquigrís [f]
grey-sided scimitar babbler cimitarra flanquigrís [f]
grey-capped warbler eminia [f]
grey-headed quail-dove azulona [f] CU DO PR
grey-headed chachalaca (ortalis cinereiceps) chachalaca [f] MX GT HN NI CR
grey-necked wood rail (aramides cajanea) chachapoya [f] AR:Nw
grey-necked wood rail (aramides cajanea) cochapolla [f] AR:Nw
grey-headed chachalaca (ortalis cinereiceps) paisana [f] PA:W
grey-cowled wood rail cochapolla [f] AR:Nw
grey-cowled wood rail chachapoya [f] AR:Nw
grey-necked wood rail chachapoya [f] AR:Nw
grey-necked wood rail cochapolla [f] AR:Nw
grey cormorant chuita [f] PE
grey gull (larus modestus) garuma [f] CL
grey gull (larus modestus) gaviota garuma [f] CL
grey tinamou gallina azul [f] VE
grey-breasted seedsnipe (thinocorus orbignyanus) perdicita cojón [f] CL
grey silky-flycatcher (ptilogonys cinereus) jaripa [f] MX
blue-grey gnatcatcher (polioptila caerulea) pispirria [f] MX
grey tinamou (tinamus tao) azulona [f]
grey potoo bruja [f]
grey potoo lechuza [f]
lesser grey shrike (lanius minor) pega reborda [f]
grey partridge perdiz pardilla [f]
grey-legged partridge perdiz pardilla [f]
great grey shrike (lanius excubitor) picaza [f]
grey nightjar chotacabras jotaka [m/f]
lesser grey shrike (lanius minor) gaudón [adj] ES local
grey-headed canary-flycatcher papamoscas cabecigrís
grey francolin francolín gris
grey flycatcher mosquero gris
grey-headed fish eagle pigarguillo común
grey-backed sparrow-lark terrera dorsigrís
grey seedeater semillero intermedio
grey-eared honeyeater mielero orejigrís
grey-capped pygmy woodpecker pico crestigrís
javan grey-throated white-eye anteojitos de java
grey-necked bunting escribano cabecigrís
grey-hooded sunbird suimanga de hachisuka
grey-headed bristlebill bulbul hormiguero
grey-breasted partridge arborófila de sumatra
grey-crowned yellowthroat mascarita coronigrís
mascarene grey parakeet loro gris de mauricio
indian grey hornbill cálao gris indio
sri lanka grey hornbill cálao gris cingalés
grey-and-buff woodpecker pito colicorto
grey-eyed bulbul bulbul ojigrís
grey gerygone gerigón maorí
grey-headed babbler timalí cabecigrís
grey-rumped swift vencejo ceniciento
grey-necked imperial-pigeon dúcula de carlota
grey-chinned minivet minivet gorgigrís
grey-eared brush finch atlapetes carinegro
grey-headed tanager tangara cabecigrís
grey-necked picathartes picatartes cuelligrís
grey gull gaviota garuma
grey-breasted spiderhunter arañero modesto
grey-crowned babbler gárrulo coronigrís
grey-headed warbler reinita cabecigrís
grey-fronted honeyeater mielero de plumón
grey-capped greenfinch verderón chino
grey-headed bush-shrike gladiador cabecigrís
grey emutail yerbera malgache
grey-backed hawk busardo dorsigrís
grey imperial pigeon dúcula gris
grey kingbird tirano dominicano
grey-backed cisticola cistícola dorsigrís
grey friarbird filemón de la kisar
grey-capped flycatcher bienteveo cabecigrís
grey-hooded bush tanager tangara capuchigrís
grey-collared oriole oropéndola de seram
western grey plantain-eater turaco gris occidental
grey wren cucarachero gris
grey-headed parrotbill picoloro cabecigrís
grey-rumped swallow golondrina culigrís
little grey woodpecker pito saheliano
grey-headed parakeet cotorra de finsch
grey catbird pájaro gato
grey-sided flowerpecker picaflores de célebes
grey-headed cuckooshrike oruguero cabecigrís
eastern grey plantain-eater turaco gris oriental
malabar grey hornbill cálao gris malabar
grey-headed fruit-dove tilopo cabecigrís
grey-throated leaftosser tirahojas gorgigrís
grey pratincole canastera gris
grey petrel pardela gris
grey-flanked cinclodes remolinera chica
grey-fronted quail-dove paloma-perdiz camao
grey-cheeked bulbul bulbul bres
grey crowned crane grulla coronada cuelligrís
grey-breasted babbler tordina pechigrís
black-throated grey warbler reinita gris
grey-headed robin petroica cabecigrís
grey-crested cachalote cacholote crestigrís
grey hawk busardo gris
grey-capped woodpecker pico crestigrís
grey-winged robin-chat cosifa aligrís
grey-capped cuckoo cuclillo cabecigrís
grey-headed wagtail lavandera boyera escandinava
grey-headed imperial-pigeon dúcula colibarrada
grey monjita monjita gris
grey-breasted francolin francolín del victoria
grey-headed imperial pigeon dúcula colibarrada
grey-winged cotinga cotinga aligrís
grey waxbill estrilda colinegra
grey-headed woodpecker pito cano
african grey flycatcher papamoscas piquicorto
grey whistler silbador simple
grey-headed bushshrike gladiador cabecigrís
grey-throated chat reinita yucateca
southern grey-headed sparrow gorrión sudafricano
grey-necked rockfowl picatartes cuelligrís
grey catbird pájaro-gato gris
grey-headed quail-dove paloma-perdiz camao
grey-chested jungle flycatcher papamoscas pechigrís
grey-capped hemispingus hemispingo coronigrís
grey-hooded bush-tanager tangara capuchigrís
grey-throated barbet barbudo gorgigrís
sri lankan grey hornbill cálao gris cingalés
grey-winged inca finch incaspiza aligrís
grey-browed brush-finch cerquero picofino
grey-headed woodpecker pito gris oriental
grey noddy tiñosa gris
grey penduline-tit pájaro-moscón africano
little grey greenbul bulbul grácil
grey go-away-bird turaco unicolor
grey-necked wood rail cotara chiricote
grey-crowned tanager cuatro-ojos coronigrís
grey-throated white-eye anteojitos gorjigrís
grey-bellied wren-babbler ratina ventrigrís
grey sunbird suimanga ratonil
grey parrot loro yaco
grey-hooded sierra finch yal cabecigrís
grey-chinned hermit ermitaño barbigrís
grey-headed batis batis oriental
grey-winged akalat cosifa aligrís
grey currawong verdugo cenizo
grey-tailed tattler playero siberiano
grey-bellied spinetail pijuí ceniciento
grey treepie urraca gris
grey-crowned warbler mosquitero coronigrís
grey-headed sunbird suimanga cabecigrís
grey-headed honeyeater mielero cabecigrís
grey-crowned flatbill picoplano cabecigrís
grey-throated warbling finch monterita de cabanis
grey-barred wren cucarachero serrano
grey-fronted dove paloma montaraz frentiblanca
grey-crowned tetraka bulbul coronigrís
grey-striped francolin francolín angoleño
eastern grey woodpecker pito gris oriental
grey-backed camaroptera camaróptera baladora
grey-tailed mountaingem colibrí coligrís
grey longbill picolargo gris
grey-headed tody-flycatcher titirijí cabecigrís
grey-bellied comet colibrí ventrigrís
grey-cheeked green pigeon vinago carigrís
grey-bellied tesia tesia cejiamarilla
reunion grey white-eye anteojitos de las mascareñas
grey antwren hormiguerito gris
grey-headed kite milano cabecigrís
grey honeyeater mielero de white
grey-hooded sierra-finch yal cabecigrís
grey cuckooshrike oruguero gris
grey-chested babbler tordina de kakamega
grey-bellied antbird hormiguero ventrigrís
grey-cheeked hornbill cálao carigrís
grey-breasted crake polluela pechigrís
grey-backed thrush zorzal dorsigrís
african grey woodpecker pito gris occidental
grey-chested kakamega tordina de kakamega
blue-grey tanager tangara azuleja
grey vireo vireo gris
grey trembler cocobino gris
grey-backed storm petrel paíño dorsigrís
grey warbler-finch pinzón de darwin gris
grey-sided thrush zorzal de fea
grey-headed woodpecker pito cano