pertaining - İspanyolca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "pertaining" in Spanish English Dictionary : 4 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
pertaining perteneciente [adj]
pertaining perteneciente [adj]
pertaining correspondiente [adj]
pertaining pertinente [adj]

Meanings of "pertaining" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 500 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
pertaining to agnosticism agnóstico [adj]
polish (pertaining to poland) polaco [m]
polish (pertaining to poland) polaca [f]
feminine of or pertaining to women femenino [adj]
pertaining to the police policial [adj]
pertaining to telephones telefónico [adj]
pertaining to a budget presupuesto [adj]
pertaining to con respecto a [prep]
pertaining to lobbying cabildero [m]
pertaining to scheming to get ahead cabildero [m]
pertaining to a double-bed camero [m]
italic languages pertaining to the italian peninsula itálico [m]
pertaining to a brothel lupanario [m]
pertaining to marseille, france marsellés [m]
pertaining to tucupita, venezuela or inhabitants tucupitano [m]
pertaining to yacuiba, bolivia or inhabitants yacuibeño [m]
pertaining to lobbying cabildera [f]
pertaining to scheming to get ahead cabildera [f]
pertaining to abbots abacial [adj]
pertaining to abbeys abacial [adj]
pertaining to the abbotship or the abbey, abbatial lands or goods abadengo [adj]
pertaining to defeatism abandonista [adj]
pertaining to surrender abandonista [adj]
pertaining to resignation abandonista [adj]
pertaining to abancay or abanquinos abanquino [adj]
pertaining to the abbasids or their dynasty abasí (árabe) [adj]
pertaining to abdera, adra, or the balastrans abderitano [adj]
pertaining to resignation or abdication abdicativo [adj]
pertaining to the abipones abipón [adj]
pertaining to the abipon language abipón [adj]
pertaining to abyssinia or the abyssinians abisinio [adj]
pertaining to the abyss abismal [adj]
pertaining to abyssinia or the abyssinians abismático [adj]
pertaining to ablation ablativo [adj]
pertaining to extirpation ablativo [adj]
pertaining to abolitionism abolicionista [adj]
pertaining to an abrasion abrasivo [adj]
pertaining to abruzzo or the abruzzians abruzo [adj]
pertaining to absenteeism absentista [adj]
pertaining to absolutism absolutista [adj]
pertaining to abstentionism abstencionista [adj]
pertaining or relative to abu dhabi or emiratis abudabí [adj]
pertaining to avila or people from avila abulense [adj]
pertaining to the heretical bishop acacio acaciano [adj]
pertaining to academicism academicista [adj]
pertaining to akkadians acadio [adj]
pertaining to akkadian language acadio [adj]
pertaining to the acapanecans acapaneca (náhuatl) [adj]
pertaining to acapulco or the acapulcans acapulqueño [adj]
pertaining to the acatecans acateca [adj]
pertaining to the acatecan language acateca [adj]
pertaining to company shares or stocks accionarial [adj]
pertaining to company shares or stocks accionario [adj]
pertaining to acci or guadix accitano [adj]
pertaining to oil aceitero [adj]
pertaining to mules and muleteers acemilar [adj]
pertaining to achacachi, locality of la paz, in bolivia achacacheño [adj]
pertaining to the achi achí [adj]
pertaining to the achi language achí [adj]
pertaining to acid house acid (inglés) [adj]
pertaining to acobamba or acobambans acobambino [adj]
pertaining or relative to acomayo or the acomayo people acomayino [adj]
pertaining to aconcagua or aconcaguans aconcagüino [adj]
pertaining to acracy acrático [adj]
pertaining to acrobatics or acrobats acrobático [adj]
pertaining to the acromion acromiano [adj]
pertaining to attitude actitudinal [adj]
pertaining to watercolor acuarelístico [adj]
pertaining to acupuncture acupuntor [adj]
pertaining to adam adámico [adj]
pertaining to adam adánico [adj]
pertaining to the aeta aeta [adj]
pertaining to the aeta language aeta [adj]
pertaining to the month of august agosteño [adj]
pertaining to a lineage from the baztán valley in navarra, spain agote [adj]
pertaining to aguadilla, city and municipality in puerto rico aguadillano [adj]
pertaining to aguascalientes, mexican city and state aguascalentense [adj]
pertaining to augustinianism and augustinians agustiniano [adj]
pertaining to augustinianism and augustinians agustino [adj]
pertaining to saint augustine agustino [adj]
pertaining to ahuachapán or its inhabitants ahuachapaneco [adj]
pertaining to the city or inhabitants of aiquile, in the cochabamba department, bolivia aiquileño [adj]
pertaining to the aisén province, chile or its inhabitants aisenino [adj]
pertaining to chess ajedrecístico [adj]
pertaining to alajuela province and city in costa rica and inhabitants alajuelense [adj]
pertaining to the alama alama [adj]
pertaining to the alans alano [adj]
pertaining to spanish authors juan ruiz de alarcón or pedro antonio or their works alarconiano [adj]
pertaining or relative to alausí, ecuador or its inhabitants alauseño [adj]
pertaining to álava province, spain or its inhabitants alavense [adj]
pertaining to álava province, spain or its inhabitants alavés [adj]
pertaining to albacete, city and province in spain or its inhabitants albacetense [adj]
pertaining to albacete, city and province in spain or its inhabitants albaceteño [adj]
pertaining to alba longa, former capital of lazio, italy albano [adj]
pertaining to albay albayano [adj]
pertaining to albelda albeldense [adj]
pertaining to catharism albigense [adj]
pertaining to excise tax alcabalatorio [adj]
pertaining to the artichoke plant alcachofero [adj]
pertaining to alcalá del júcar alcalaeño [adj]
pertaining to alcalá de henares, alcalá de los gazules or alcalá la real alcalaíno [adj]
pertaining to alcalá de guadaíra, alcalá del río or alcalá del valle alcalareño [adj]
pertaining to alcantara alcantarino [adj]
pertaining to religious order of alcantara alcantarino [adj]
pertaining to alcañizo, in toledo, spain alcañizano [adj]
pertaining to alcaraz alcaraceño [adj]
pertaining to alcarria in guadalajara, spain alcarreño [adj]
pertaining to alcazar alcazareño [adj]
pertaining to rise in stock alcista [adj]
pertaining to the production and selling of alcohol alcoholero [adj]
pertaining to the quran alcoránico [adj]
pertaining to cork oak alcornoqueño [adj]
pertaining to alcoi alcoyano [adj]
pertaining to alexandria alejandrino [adj]
pertaining to alexnder the great alejandrino [adj]
pertaining to germany alemánico [adj]
pertaining to the aleutians aleutiano [adj]
pertaining to the alphabet alfabético [adj]
pertaining to the alphabet alfabetizador [adj]
pertaining to alfaro, city of la rioja in spain alfareño [adj]
pertaining to pottery alfarero [adj]
pertaining to alfonso the tenth alfonsí [adj]
pertaining to a spanish king called alfonso alfonsino [adj]
pertaining to knapsacks alforjero [adj]
pertaining to algaba, seville, spain and inhabitants algabeño [adj]
pertaining to algebra algebraico [adj]
pertaining or relative to algebra algébrico [adj]
pertaining to algeciras, cádiz, spain algecireño [adj]
pertaining to cotton algodonero [adj]
pertaining to the algonquians algonquino [adj]
pertaining to algorithms algorítmico [adj]
pertaining to the bailiff alguacilesco [adj]
pertaining to the sheriff alguacilesco [adj]
pertaining to garlic aliáceo [adj]
pertaining to wwi allies aliadófilo [adj]
pertaining to alicante, spain alicantino [adj]
pertaining to country house alijariego [adj]
pertaining to campo o tierra de aliste, zamora province, spain alistano [adj]
pertaining to alcañices, zamora province, spain alistano [adj]
pertaining to a seedbed almaciguero [adj]
pertaining to almagro, ciudad real province, spain and inhabitants almagreño [adj]
pertaining to almería, city and province in spain and inhabitants almeriense [adj]
pertaining to almodóvar del campo, ciudad real province, spain and inhabitants almodovareño [adj]
pertaining or relative to followers of aben tumart almohade [adj]
pertaining to allobrogians alóbroge [adj]
pertaining to savoy alobrógico [adj]
pertaining to aloe aloético [adj]
pertaining to from alpujarras, andalusia, spain alpujarreño [adj]
pertaining to alchemy alquímico [adj]
pertaining to alchemy alquimista [adj]
pertaining to el alto, bolivia and inhabitants alteño [adj]
pertaining to the high plateau altiplánico [adj]
pertaining to amambay amambaiense [adj]
pertaining to angol, city in chile angolino [adj]
pertaining to animals animal [adj]
pertaining to ansó, valley of aragon, spain and inhabitants ansotano [adj]
pertaining to antártica province, chile and inhabitants antártico [adj]
pertaining to antequera, málaga province, spain and inhabitants antequerano [adj]
pertaining to anticaria, city in bética, today known as antequera and inhabitants anticariense [adj]
pertaining to antichresis anticrético [adj]
pertaining to antigua and barbuda and inhabitants antiguano [adj]
pertaining to antigua, sacatepéquez department, guatemala and inhabitants antigüeño [adj]
pertaining to the antilles and inhabitants antillano [adj]
pertaining to antioch, syria and inhabitants antioqueno [adj]
pertaining to antioquia, colombia and inhabitants antioqueño [adj]
pertaining to antofagasta, chile and inhabitants antofagastino [adj]
pertaining to the order of san antonio abad antoniano [adj]
pertaining to antonomasia antonomástico [adj]
pertaining to antwerp, belgium and inhabitants antuerpiense [adj]
pertaining to anzoátegui, venezuela and inhabitants anzoateguiense [adj]
pertaining to anzoátegui, venezuela and inhabitants anzoatiguense [adj]
pertaining to apolo, la paz, bolivia and inhabitants apoleño [adj]
pertaining to apure, venezuela and inhabitants apureño [adj]
pertaining to apurímac, peru and inhabitants apurimeño [adj]
pertaining to a northerly wind aquilonal [adj]
pertaining to cerro largo, uruguay and inhabitants arachán [adj]
pertaining to aragua, venezuela and inhabitants aragüeño [adj]
pertaining to aranda de duero, burgos, spain and inhabitants arandino [adj]
pertaining to arani, cochabamba, bolivia and inhabitants araneño [adj]
pertaining to aristophanes aristofanesco [adj]
pertaining to aristophanes aristofánico [adj]
pertaining to guadalajara, spain or inhabitants arriacense [adj]
pertaining to artois, france or inhabitants artesiano [adj]
pertaining to artigas, uruguay or inhabitants artiguense [adj]
pertaining to arunda, ronda, or inhabitants arundense [adj]
pertaining to the archbishop arzobispal [adj]
pertaining to ashkelon, palestine or inhabitants ascalonita [adj]
pertaining to askra, beotia or inhabitants ascreo [adj]
pertaining to arunda, ronda, or inhabitants asidonense [adj]
pertaining toe astigi or inhabitants astigitano [adj]
pertaining to astorga or inhabitants astorgano [adj]
pertaining to asunción, paraguay or inhabitants asunceno [adj]
pertaining to asunción, paraguay or inhabitants asunceño [adj]
pertaining to asunción, paraguay or inhabitants asuntino [adj]
pertaining to atañedero [adj]
pertaining to atinente [adj]
pertaining to atingente [adj]
pertaining to atlántico, colombia or inhabitants atlanticense [adj]
pertaining to atlántida, honduras or inhabitants atlantidense [adj]
pertaining to atlántida, honduras or inhabitants atlantideño [adj]
pertaining to atlántico, colombia or inhabitants atlantiquense [adj]
pertaining to squalls aturbonado [adj]
pertaining to the golden age áureo [adj]
pertaining to aurgi, hispania tarraconensis or inhabitants aurgitano [adj]
pertaining to auria or aregia, hispania tarraconensis or inhabitants auriense [adj]
pertaining to ausa, hispania tarraconensis or inhabitants ausetano [adj]
pertaining to ausonia or inhabitants ausonio [adj]
pertaining to poultry avícola [adj]
pertaining to poultry avicultor [adj]
pertaining to avifauna avifáunico [adj]
pertaining to ciego de ávila or inhabitants avileño [adj]
pertaining to ávila, spain or inhabitants avilés [adj]
pertaining to aviles, spain or inhabitants avilesino [adj]
pertaining to puerto ayacucho, venezuela or inhabitants ayacuchano [adj]
pertaining to puerto ayacucho, venezuela or inhabitants ayacuchense [adj]
pertaining to ayala or inhabitants ayalés [adj]
pertaining to ayopaya or inhabitants ayopayeño [adj]
pertaining to azángaro or inhabitants azangarino [adj]
pertaining to azogues, ecuador or inhabitants azogueño [adj]
pertaining to the writer azorín azoriniano [adj]
pertaining to azua or inhabitants azuano [adj]
pertaining to azuay or inhabitants azuayo [adj]
pertaining to sugar azucarero [adj]
pertaining to the sulfur industry azufrero [adj]
pertaining to the barcelona football club azulgrana [adj]
pertaining to babahoyo or inhabitants babahoyense [adj]
pertaining or related to babia, spain or inhabitants babiano [adj]
pertaining to the cod industry bacaladero [adj]
pertaining to badajoz or inhabitants badajocense [adj]
pertaining to badalona or inhabitants badalonés [adj]
pertaining to baena or inhabitants baenense [adj]
pertaining to baeza or inhabitants baezano [adj]
pertaining to baghdad or inhabitants bagdadí [adj]
pertaining to baha'i bahaí [adj]
pertaining to san antonio de caraquez or inhabitants bahiano [adj]
pertaining to san antonio de caraquez or inhabitants bahiense [adj]
pertaining to baní or inhabitants banilejo [adj]
pertaining to bañeza, spain or inhabitants bañezano [adj]
pertaining to baracaldo, spain or inhabitants baracaldés [adj]
pertaining to barahona, dominican republic or inhabitants barahonero [adj]
pertaining to barbastro or inhabitants barbastrino [adj]
pertaining to barcelona or inhabitants barcelonés [adj]
pertaining to bargas, spain or inhabitants bargueño [adj]
pertaining to barinas, venezuela or in habitants barinés [adj]
pertaining to barquisimeto, venezuela or inhabitants barquisimetano [adj]
pertaining to barranquilla, colombia or inhabitants barranquillero [adj]
pertaining to basel, switzerland or inhabitants basiliense [adj]
pertaining to baza, spain or inhabitants bastetano [adj]
pertaining to baza, spain or inhabitants bastitano [adj]
pertaining to batuecas, spain or inhabitants batueco [adj]
pertaining to bayamo or inhabitants bayamés [adj]
pertaining to bayamón or inhabitants bayamonés [adj]
pertaining to baiae, italy or inhabitants bayano [adj]
pertaining to bayona or inhabitants bayonés [adj]
pertaining to gustavo adolfo bécquer becqueriano [adj]
pertaining to ludwig van beethoven beethoveniano [adj]
pertaining to begastro, spain or inhabitants begastrense [adj]
pertaining to beirut, lebanon or inhabitants beirutí [adj]
pertaining to béjar or inhabitants bejarano [adj]
pertaining to bel canto belcantista [adj]
pertaining to andrés bello bellista [adj]
pertaining to benalmádena or inhabitants benalmadense [adj]
pertaining to jacinto benavente benaventino [adj]
pertaining to beni or inhabitants beniano [adj]
pertaining to bierzo or inhabitants berciano [adj]
pertaining to berga or inhabitants bergadán [adj]
pertaining to bergamo, italy or inhabitants bergamasco [adj]
pertaining to berytus or inhabitants beritense [adj]
pertaining to bermejo or inhabitants bermejeño [adj]
pertaining to the order of brothers of our lady of bethlehem in guatemala or members betlemita [adj]
pertaining to bethlehem betlemítico [adj]
pertaining to biarritz or inhabitants biarrota [adj]
pertaining to library science bibliotecológico [adj]
pertaining to bilbao, spain or inhabitants bilbaíno [adj]
pertaining to augusta bilbilis, calatayud or inhabitants bilbilitano [adj]
pertaining to biotypology biotipológico [adj]
pertaining to bipartisanship bipartidista [adj]
pertaining to zweibrücken or inhabitants bipontino [adj]
pertaining to blanes, spain or inhabitants blandense [adj]
pertaining to bluefields, nicaragua or inhabitants blufileño [adj]
pertaining to boaco, nicaragua or inhabitants boaqueño [adj]
pertaining to bocas del toro, panama or inhabitants bocatoreño [adj]
pertaining to bolaños, spain or inhabitants bolañego [adj]
pertaining to bolivarianism bolivarense [adj]
pertaining to simon bolivar bolivariano [adj]
pertaining to bonao, dominican republic or inhabitants bonaense [adj]
pertaining to buenos aires, argentina or inhabitants bonaerense [adj]
pertaining to boquerón, paraguay or inhabitants boqueronense [adj]
pertaining to bordeaux, france bordelés [adj]
pertaining to burgundy, france or inhabitants borgoñón [adj]
pertaining to sheep borreguero [adj]
pertaining to the boruca boruca [adj]
pertaining to borunda, spain or inhabitants borundés [adj]
pertaining to livestock boyal [adj]
pertaining to braga, portugal or inhabitants bracarense [adj]
pertaining to la coruña, spain or inhabitants brigantino [adj]
pertaining to brihuega or inhabitants briocense [adj]
pertaining to the uk or inhabitants británico [adj]
pertaining to the britannia or inhabitants británico [adj]
pertaining to food science bromatológico [adj]
pertaining to bucaramanga, colombia or inhabitants bumangués [adj]
pertaining to bureba, spain or inhabitants burebano [adj]
pertaining to burgos, spain or inhabitants burgalés [adj]
pertaining to a medieval hamlet burgués [adj]
pertaining to caacupé, paraguay or inhabitants caacupeño [adj]
pertaining to caaguazú, paraguay or inhabitants caaguaceño [adj]
pertaining to caazapá, paraguay or inhabitants caazapeño [adj]
pertaining to cabana, peru or inhabitants cabanista [adj]
pertaining to cabañas, el salvador or inhabitants cabañense [adj]
pertaining to a shepherd's hut cabañil [adj]
pertaining to lobbying cabildero [adj]
pertaining to scheming to get ahead cabildero [adj]
pertaining to cape verde or inhabitants caboverdiano [adj]
pertaining to goat kids cabrituno [adj]
pertaining to cáceres, spain or inhabitants cacereño [adj]
pertaining to cachapoal, chile or inhabitants cachapoalino [adj]
pertaining to a chief or general caciquil [adj]
pertaining to coffee cafetero [adj]
pertaining to growing coffee caficultor [adj]
pertaining to caguas, puerto rico or inhabitants cagüeño [adj]
pertaining to cajamba, peru or inhabitants cajabambino [adj]
pertaining to cajamarca, peru or inhabitants cajamarquino [adj]
pertaining to cajatambo province, peru or inhabitants cajatambino [adj]
pertaining to calagurris, calahorra or inhabitants calagurritano [adj]
pertaining to calahorra or inhabitants calahorrano [adj]
pertaining to calahorra or inhabitants calahorreño [adj]
pertaining or related to qala marka, bolivia or inhabitants calamarqueño [adj]
pertaining to calaña, spain or inhabitants calañés [adj]
pertaining to the order of poor clerics regular of the mother of god of the pious schools calasancio [adj]
pertaining to calatrava calatraveño [adj]
pertaining to santo domingo de la calzada or inhabitants calceatense [adj]
pertaining to the guaraní tribe from calchin, argentina or its inhabitants calchín [adj]
pertaining to calcium cálcico [adj]
pertaining to caldas, colombia or inhabitants caldense [adj]
pertaining to cali, colombia or inhabitants caleño [adj]
pertaining to a caliphate califal [adj]
pertaining to calligraphy caligráfico [adj]
pertaining to kalipedia calipédico [adj]
pertaining to the streets callejero [adj]
pertaining to calca, peru calqueño [adj]
pertaining to camagüey, cuba camagüeyano [adj]
pertaining to camaná, peru camanejo [adj]
pertaining to camargo, bolivia camargueño [adj]
pertaining to bill of exchange or exchange rate cambiario [adj]
pertaining to cameros, spain camerano [adj]
pertaining to chamber music camerístico [adj]
pertaining to the road caminero [adj]
pertaining to camiri, bolivia camireño [adj]
pertaining to a shirt camisero [adj]
pertaining to campeche, mexico campechano [adj]
pertaining to the countryside campero [adj]
pertaining to the countryside campesino [adj]
pertaining to tierra de campos, spain campesino [adj]
pertaining to villacarrillo, spain campiñés [adj]
pertaining to camporrobles, spain camporruteño [adj]
pertaining to villalcampo, spain camposino [adj]
pertaining to campoo, spain campurriano [adj]
pertaining to raising and breeding canaries canaricultor [adj]
pertaining to the canary islands canario [adj]
pertaining to canelones, uruguay canario [adj]
pertaining to cancun, mexico cancunense [adj]
pertaining to candeleda, spain candeledano [adj]
pertaining to the kingdom of candia candiota [adj]
pertaining to canjáyar, spain canjilón [adj]
pertaining to canta, peru or inhabitants canteño [adj]
pertaining to cañar, ecuador or inhabitants cañarense [adj]
pertaining to san vicente de cañete, peru or inhabitants cañetano [adj]
pertaining to sugarcane farming cañicultor [adj]
pertaining to capinota, bolivia or inhabitants capinoteño [adj]
pertaining to santo domingo, dominican republic or inhabitants capitaleño [adj]
pertaining to caquetá, colombia or inhabitants caquetense [adj]
pertaining to carabobo, venezuela or inhabitants carabobeño [adj]
pertaining to caranavi, bolivia or inhabitants caranaveño [adj]
pertaining to bahía de caracas, ecuador or inhabitants caraquense [adj]
pertaining to caracas, ecuador or inhabitants caraqueño [adj]
pertaining to caravelí, peru or inhabitants caravelino [adj]
pertaining to carchi, ecuador or inhabitants carchense [adj]
pertaining to carhuaz, peru carhuacino [adj]
pertaining to río de janeiro, brazil carioca [adj]
pertaining to carolina,puerto rico carolinense [adj]
pertaining to carolingian dynasty carolingio [adj]
pertaining to the caroline islands carolino [adj]
pertaining to charles v carolino [adj]
pertaining to carora,venezuela caroreño [adj]
pertaining to carpió, spain carpeño [adj]
pertaining to carpentry or carpenters carpinteril [adj]
pertaining to alcarrás, spain carracero [adj]
pertaining to villacarriedo, spain carredano [adj]
pertaining to carts carreteril [adj]
pertaining to carts carretil [adj]
pertaining to car bodies carrocero [adj]
pertaining to cartagena, colombia cartagenero [adj]
pertaining to cartago, costa rica cartaginés [adj]
pertaining to cardboard cartonero [adj]
pertaining to carúpano, venezuela carupanero [adj]
pertaining to casanare, colombia casanarense [adj]
pertaining to casanare, colombia casanareño [adj]
pertaining to villalmanzo, spain cascajuelo [adj]
pertaining to casma, peru casmeño [adj]
pertaining to the shahdom of hyrcania caspio [adj]
pertaining to caspe, spain caspolino [adj]
pertaining to castile, spain castellano [adj]
pertaining to castile and león, spain castellanoleonés [adj]
pertaining to castile-la mancha, spain castellanomanchego [adj]
pertaining to castellón de la plana, spain castellonense [adj]
pertaining to castrojeriz, castrogeriz, castro urdiales, or castro del rio, spain castreño [adj]
pertaining to castro, chile castrino [adj]
pertaining to fondness of things catalan or catalonian catalanista [adj]
pertaining to the catalaunian plains cataláunico [adj]
pertaining to catamarca, argentina catamarqueño [adj]
pertaining to qatar catarí [adj]
pertaining to cato catoniano [adj]
pertaining to cauca, colombia caucano [adj]
pertaining to caucasus or caucasia caucasiano [adj]
pertaining to caucasus or caucasia caucásico [adj]
pertaining to coca, spain caucense [adj]
pertaining to latex cauchero [adj]
pertaining to caudal fin caudal [adj]
pertaining to cauquenes, chile cauquenino [adj]
pertaining to coria, spain cauriense [adj]
pertaining to cayey, puerto rico or inhabitants cayeyano [adj]
pertaining to cazalla de la sierra, spain or inhabitants cazadero [adj]
pertaining to la ceiba or inhabitants ceibeño [adj]
pertaining to celendín, peru or inhabitants celendino [adj]
pertaining to cenia, spain or inhabitants cenicense [adj]
pertaining to cenicero, spain or inhabitants cenicerense [adj]
pertaining to the central department, paraguay or inhabitants centralense [adj]
pertaining to cerrato, spain or inhabitants cerrateño [adj]
pertaining to cerro de pasco, peru or inhabitants cerreño [adj]
pertaining to beer cervecero [adj]
pertaining to the ancient city of augustus caesar, today zaragoza, spain cesaraugustano [adj]
pertaining to cesar, colombia cesarense [adj]
pertaining to falconry cetrero [adj]
pertaining to a shanty chabolista [adj]
pertaining to puerto chacabuco, chile chacabucano [adj]
pertaining to chachapoyas, peru chachapoyano [adj]
pertaining to chaitén, chile chaitenino [adj]
pertaining to callao, peru chalaco [adj]
pertaining to chalatenango, el salvador chalateco [adj]
pertaining to challapata, bolivia challapateño [adj]
pertaining to shamanism chamánico [adj]
pertaining to shamanism chamanístico [adj]
pertaining to scorched wood chamicero [adj]
pertaining to the mariana islands chamorro [adj]
pertaining to chanchamayo, peru chanchamayino [adj]
pertaining to the chané indigenous people chané [adj]
pertaining to the chango indigenous people of northern chile chango [adj]
pertaining to chapare, bolivia chapareño [adj]
pertaining to the gran chaco province, bolivia chaqueño [adj]
pertaining to charaña, bolivia charañeño [adj]
pertaining to upper peru, today bolivia charquino [adj]
pertaining to salamanca, spain charro [adj]
pertaining to chepén, peru chepenano [adj]
pertaining to echo, spain cheso [adj]
pertaining to chetumal, mexico chetumalense [adj]
pertaining to chiapas, mexico chiapaneco [adj]
pertaining to the indigenous regions of west and north mexico chichimeca (náhuatl) [adj]
pertaining to chiclana, spain chiclanero [adj]
pertaining to chiclayo, peru chiclayano [adj]
pertaining to chiloé island, chile chilote [adj]
pertaining to chilpancingo, mexico chilpancingueño [adj]
pertaining to chimaltenango, guatemala chimalteco [adj]
pertaining to indigenous people from the bolivar province chimbo [adj]
pertaining to chimborazo, ecuador chimboracense [adj]
pertaining to the indigenous south american chimú people chimú [adj]
pertaining to chinandega, nicaragua chinandegano [adj]
pertaining to chincha, peru chinchano [adj]
pertaining to chiquimula, guatemala chiquimulteco [adj]
pertaining to chiquitania, bolivia chiquitano [adj]
pertaining to chiquitos, bolivia chiquitano [adj]
pertaining to chiriquí, panama chiricano [adj]
pertaining to the chiriguano people of the chaco salteño chiriguana (quechua) [adj]
pertaining to choapa, chile or inhabitants choapino [adj]
pertaining to cholula, mexico or inhabitants cholulteco [adj]
pertaining to choluteca, honduras or inhabitants cholutecano [adj]
pertaining to chontales, nicaragua or inhabitants chontaleño [adj]
pertaining to chota, peru or inhabitants chotano [adj]
pertaining to chucuito, peru or inhabitants chucuiteño [adj]
pertaining to chulumani, bolívia or inhabitants chulumaneño [adj]
pertaining to chumbivilcas or inhabitants chumbivilcano [adj]
pertaining to chupaca, peru or inhabitants chupaquino [adj]
pertaining to chuquisaca, bolivia or inhabitants chuquisaqueño [adj]
pertaining to cibao, dominican republic or inhabitants cibaeño [adj]
pertaining to the cid cidiano [adj]
pertaining to cienfuegos, cuba or inhabitants cienfueguero [adj]
pertaining to hunting cinegético [adj]
pertaining to cintruénigo, spain cintroniguero [adj]
pertaining to cisneros, spain cisneriense [adj]
pertaining to ciudad real, spain ciudadrealeño [adj]
pertaining to cliza, bolivia cliceño [adj]
pertaining to sewage cloacal [adj]
pertaining to the cluniac reforms within medieval monasticism cluniacense [adj]
pertaining to clunia, spain cluniense [adj]
pertaining to coahuila, mexico coahuilense [adj]
pertaining to coban, guatemala cobanero [adj]
pertaining to cobija, bolivia cobijeño [adj]
pertaining to collections cobrable [adj]
pertaining to collections cobratorio [adj]
pertaining to cocaine addiction cocainómano [adj]
pertaining to the cocama indigenous people cocama [adj]