piercing - İspanyolca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "piercing" in Spanish English Dictionary : 41 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
piercing penetrante [adj]
piercing piercing [m]
piercing perforación [f]
piercing taladrante [adj]
piercing lancinante (formal) [adj]
piercing terebrante [adj]
piercing desgarrador [adj]
piercing punzante [adj]
piercing picado [m]
piercing taladrado [m]
piercing horadación [f]
piercing picadura [f]
piercing sesgadura [f]
piercing agudo [adj]
piercing atravesador [adj]
piercing lancinante [adj]
piercing penetrante [adj]
piercing punzante [adj]
piercing taladrador [adj]
piercing desgarrado [m]
piercing traspaso [m]
piercing pirsin [m]
piercing punción [f]
piercing agudo [adj]
piercing lacerante [adj]
piercing cortante [adj]
piercing agujereamiento [m]
piercing horadación [f]
piercing agujereador [adj]
piercing picante [adj]
piercing abertura [f]
piercing acuto [adj] disused
piercing desgarradora [adj/f]
piercing agujereadora [adj/f]
piercing venteo [m]
piercing agujero [m]
piercing agujero [m]
piercing penetración [f]
piercing taladrador [adj]
piercing terebrante [adj]
piercing punzonado [m]

Meanings of "piercing" in English Spanish Dictionary : 1 result(s)

İspanyolca İngilizce
piercing [m] piercing

Meanings of "piercing" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 81 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
piercing the hull desfondamiento [m]
piercing pain pinchazo [m]
nose ring piercing chaguala [f]
ear-piercing piercing en la oreja [m]
ear-piercing perforación de la oreja [f]
piercing gun pistola perforadora [f]
shrill (high-pitched and piercing in tone or sound) agudo [adj]
armour piercing anti-blindaje [adj]
ear-piercing ensordecedor [adj]
ear-piercing que rompe el tímpano [adj]
ear-piercing que taladra el oído [adj]
anti piercing anti piercing [adj]
anti-piercing antipiercing [adj]
armour piercing perforador [adj]
be acute or piercing penetrar [v]
piercing sound (as of a clarion) tintirintín [m]
drill for piercing metals brócula [f]
piercing (pain) terebrante [adj]
piercing (pain) agudo [adj]
person with a piercing voice who talks a lot chirimía [f] GT
cattle ear piercing needle yauri [f] PE:C,N rur.
with piercing eyes puyudo [adj] VE
be an earsplitting/ear-piercing voice ser un ruido que taladra los oídos [v]
a piercing scream un grito desgarrador
an earsplitting/ear-piercing voice un ruido que taladra los oídos
a piercing scream un grito potente
person's loud and piercing voice corneta [f] AR UY
piercing the corporate veil descorrer el velo corporativo
piercing the corporate veil desestimación de la personalidad jurídica
piercing the corporate veil desestimación de la personalidad societaria
Work Safety Terms
armor piercing perforante [m]
piercing injury herida punzante
piercing injury herida por perforación
Un Social Studies
body piercing perforación cutánea/piercing
insulation piercing connection conexión por perforación del aislante
insulation piercing connection conexión por perforación de aislamiento
insulation piercing connector conector de perforación de aislamiento
insulation piercing zone zona de perforación del aislante
insulation piercing termination contacto de perforación del aislante
armor piercing shell granada perforante
armor-piercing ammunition munición perforante
piercing power poder perforante
hot piercing perforación en caliente
piercing point punto de intersección
armor piercing projectile proyectil perforante
piercing point punto de penetración
piercing saw sierra de contornear
piercing point punto de encuentro
insulation piercing horadación aislante
piercing die matriz perforadora
jet piercing barrenado por chorro de fueloil con oxigeno [m]
armor piercing (ap) perforante [m]
piercing-die estampa perforadora [f]
armor piercing shell granada perforante
armor piercing ammunition munición perforante
armor piercing perforante de blindaje
armor piercing cap punta perforante
armor piercing incendiary (api) perforante incendiaria
armor piercing projectile proyectil perforante
semiarmor piercing shell granada semiperforante
armor piercing incendiary perforante incendiaria
armor piercing capped tracer cartridge proyectil trazador con punta perforante
high velocity armor piercing projectile proyectil perforante de gran velocidad inicial
concrete piercing fuze espoleta perforante de hormigón
piercing points puntos de coincidencia
piercing saw segueta [f]
piercing points puntos de coincidencia
armour-piercing bullet [uk] bala perforante [f]
armor-piercing bullet [us] bala perforante [f]
armour-piercing bullet [uk] bala perforante
armor-piercing shell granada perforante
semi-armor piercing shell granada semiperforante
shaped-charge armor-piercing shell proyectil perforante de carga hueca
armor-piercing projectile proyectil perforante
armor-piercing discarding sabot shell proyectil perforante de núcleo duro
high-explosive armor-piercing incendiary shell proyectil perforante explosivo incendiario
high-explosive armor-piercing shell proyectil perforante explosivo trazador
self-destructing high-explosive armor-piercing projectile proyectil perforante explosivo trazador (con) autodestrucción
armor-piercing shell-tracer proyectil perforante-trazador
armor-piercing incendiary shell proyectil perforante incendiario
thrilling (piercing) agudo [adj]