spirit - Español Inglés Diccionario



Significados de "spirit" en diccionario español inglés : 72 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
spirit ánimo [m]
spirit temple [m]
spirit genio [m]
spirit fogosidad [f]
spirit brío [m]
spirit brío [m]
spirit aire [m]
spirit aliento [m]
spirit duende [m]
spirit empuje [m]
spirit esfuerzo [m]
spirit espíritu [m]
spirit genio [m]
spirit ímpetu [m]
spirit nervio [m]
spirit acometividad [f]
spirit alma [f]
spirit braveza [f]
spirit fortaleza [f]
spirit impetuosidad [f]
spirit inteligencia [f]
spirit redaños [m/pl]
spirit alas del corazón [f/pl]
spirit esfuerzo [m]
spirit alcohol [m]
spirit arrogancia [f]
spirit alma [f]
spirit bebida espirituosa [f]
spirit acero [m]
spirit arresto [m]
spirit corazón [m]
spirit valor [m]
spirit inteligencia [f]
spirit sombra [f]
spirit denuedo [m]
spirit aparecido [m]
spirit espectro [m]
spirit fantasma [m]
spirit humor [m]
spirit carácter [m]
spirit talento [m]
spirit ingenio [m]
spirit motivo [m]
spirit móvil [m]
spirit verdadero sentido [m]
spirit espíritu de vino [m]
spirit extracto [m]
spirit ánima [f]
spirit energía [f]
spirit agudeza [f]
spirit fortaleza [f]
spirit grandeza de alma [f]
spirit quinta esencia [f]
spirit llevarse [v]
spirit arrebatar [v]
spirit enfortalecimiento [m] disused
spirit nahual [m] MX GT HN SV
spirit lena [f] rare
spirit pecho [m]
spirit temperamento [m]
spirit alcohol [m]
spirit tintura alcohólica
spirit espíritu [m]
spirit vocación [f]
spirit gasolina [f]
spirit esencia [f]
spirit nervio [m]
spirit espíritu [m]
spirit animar [v]
spirit alentar [v]
spirit incitar [v]
spirit dar espíritu [v]

Significados de "spirit" con otros términos en diccionario español inglés : 352 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
spirit level (tool) nivel [m]
fighting spirit combatividad [f]
strength (of spirit) fortaleza [f]
aniseed spirit from the town of chinchón chinchón [m]
team spirit compañerismo [m]
person possessed by an evil spirit energúmeno [m]
spirit stove cocinilla [f]
fighting spirit combatividad [f]
elevation of spirit grandeza [f]
freedom of the spirit libertad del espíritu [f]
exaltation of the spirit locura [f]
spirit of turpentine miera [f]
pastoral spirit pastoral [f]
become a spirit animizarse [v]
possess someone with an evil spirit espiritar [v]
be possessed with an evil spirit espiritarse [v]
with spirit briosamente [adv]
team spirit espíritu de equipo [m]
spirit level nivel de burbuja [m]
spirit of 1968 sesentayochismo [m]
acquisitive spirit espíritu adquisitivo [m]
domestic spirit espíritu nacional [m]
acquisitive spirit espíritu adquisitivo [m]
cane spirit cachaza [f]
type of alcoholic spirit cazalla [f]
meanness of spirit pobreza [f]
team spirit camaradería [f]
female house spirit kikimora [f]
the body, esp. as distinguished from the spirit or soul carne [f]
person possessed by an evil spirit energúmena [f]
full of spirit of life vital [adj]
feed one's spirit or mind apacentar [v]
enter into the spirit of empaparse [v]
be poor in spirit ser pobre de espíritu [v]
break one's spirit desalentar a alguien [v]
break one's spirit quitarle la autoestima a alguien [v]
be struck by an evil spirit ser atacado por un espíritu maligno [v]
with spirit animosamente [adv]
the holy spirit el espíritu santo
surgical spirit alcohol de 90°
spirit level nivel de burbuja de aire
white spirit especie de aguarrás
evil spirit espíritu maligno
the spirit of contradiction el espíritu de la contradicción
spirit of wine alcohol [m]
diversion (the spirit/mind) desenfado [m]
evil spirit demonio [m]
cantonal spirit cantonalismo [m]
familiar spirit familiar [m]
little spirit espiritillo [m]
person possessed by an evil spirit energúmeno [m]
military spirit militarismo [m]
fine appearance and spirit of the fighting-bull trapío [m]
camping-stove for paraffin/methylated spirit cocinita [m]
spirit-flask aguardentera [f]
camping-stove for paraffin/methylated spirit cocinilla [f]
lowness of spirit pobreza [f]
integrity of spirit virtud [f]
person possessed by an evil spirit energúmena [f]
possessed of an evil spirit poseído [adj]
possessed of an evil spirit poseso [adj]
drive out an evil spirit desendemoniar [v]
enter into the spirit of empañar [v]
enter into the spirit of empapar [v]
infuse a divine spirit in espirar [v]
appear (of a spirit) visitar [v]
drive out an evil spirit desendiablar [v]
with spirit bizarramente [adv]
without spirit insípidamente [adv]
broken spirit espíritu amilanado [m]
heart (courage or spirit; bravery) valor [m]
wood spirit éter piroleñoso [m]
wood spirit alcohol metílico [m]
spirit-level nivel de aire [m]
stomach (courage; spirit) valor [m]
spirit-lamp lámpara de alcohol [f]
team-spirit colaboración [f]
pertaining to the spirit or the soul espiritual [adj]
bloodless (lacking vivacity or spirit) muerto [adj]
show spirit mostrar buen ánimo [v]
show spirit mostrarse resuelto [v]
have a high spirit tener el alma grande [v]
have a high spirit ser altivo [v]
spirit off llevarse [v]
spirit off arrebatar [v]
spirit away llevarse [v]
spirit away arrebatar [v]
spirit stove reverbero [m] AR CU EC HN
tutelary spirit of a community apu (del quechua) [m] PE
(according to popular belief) an evil spirit that possesses people babujal [m] CU
(in voodooism) a malignant spirit that goes around and protects the belongings of its owner under the appearance of an animal bacá [m] DO
spirit distilled of the binguí (drink made from fermented sap of the maguey) bingarrote [m] MX derog.
(in voodooism) a malignant spirit that protects the belongings of its owner under the appearance of an animal baká [m] DO
alarm or fright caused by the appearance of a spirit, ghost, or mythical animal espeluzno [m] HN rur.
feast in honor or the holy spirit espíritu [m] BO
among indigenous, spirit of the dead gentil [m] PE CL:N rur.
protective ritual or spirit in afro-cuban religion guardiero [m] CU
nervous disorder attributed to an evil spirit malviento [m] EC
guardian spirit luá [m] DO
nervous disorder popularly attributed to an evil spirit malaire [m] EC
protective spirit in the form of an animal nahual [m] MX GT HN SV NI
belief in the power to turn into a spirit animal and be able to harm an enemy nahual [m] HN SV
spirit animal nahual [m] MX GT HN SV NI
partisan action or spirit partidarismo [m] CR EC PE
ancestral spirit who watches over his descendants pillán [m] CL:C,S
spirit in purgatory penitente [m] PR
evil spirit quitifón [m] AR rur.
spirit of subterranean waters in popular belief pugio [m] AR:Nw
ideological movement aiming to recover the leftist spirit of the 1960s sesentismo [m] CL AR UY
grape spirit obtained through a double distillation process singani [m] BO
spirit responding to prays of witch doctors for healings tata espíritu [m] BO:S rur.
guardian spirit achachila [m] BO
evil spirit gualicho [m] CL rare
river spirit jigüe [m] CU
protective spirit nagual [m] MX GT HN NI
ancestral spirit who watches over his descendants pillán [m] CL
entrepreneurial spirit agresividad [f] PA DO PR BO
according to popular belief, a spirit that appears to people that looks like a franciscan friar barchila [f] BO:E
physical illness caused by a spirit causa espiritual [f] PR rur.
offering made to the spirit inhabiting a mine to show gratitude for the wealth extracted paga [f] BO:W
spirit, penal penadura [f] CL
without spirit agachón [adj] MX
sick, fatigued and without spirit apalastrado [adj] DO
spirit of the dead gentil [adj] PE
lose the spirit or the desire to do something achicopalarse [v] MX GT CR CO NI rare
make someone lose the spirit achicopalar [v] MX CR CO
for a spirit to appear to someone aparatar [v] HN SV
appear to someone (spirit or soul in mourning) espantar [v] HN
(for a spirit or soul in pain) to appear espeluznarse [v] HN
with fighting spirit al brinco [adv] MX
possessed of an evil spirit poseída [adj/f]
possessed of an evil spirit posesa [adj/f]
bloodless (lacking vivacity or spirit) muerta [adj/f]
kindred spirit alma gemela [f]
get into the spirit of something captar el sentido de algo [v]
carry the spirit of entrañar el espíritu de [v]
enter into the spirit of ambientarse en [v]
enter into the spirit of llegar a la esencia de [v]
enter into the spirit of entrar en el ambiente de [v]
enter into the spirit of fundirse con el espíritu de [v]
enter into the spirit of something compenetrarse con el espíritu de algo [v]
enter into the spirit of compenetrarse con el espíritu de [v]
give someody spirit reavivar el espíritu de alguien [v]
give someody spirit infundir coraje a alguien [v]
give someody spirit dar ánimo a alguien [v]
have a never-ending fighting spirit tener más moral que el alcoyano [v]
the moving spirit el alma
a common spirit of comradeship espíritu de equipo
lower someone's spirit desmoralizar a alguien
a common spirit of comradeship espíritu de unidad
lower someone's spirit desalentar a alguien
a common spirit of comradeship espíritu de camaradería
kindred spirit espíritu afín
when the spirit moves you cuando te dejas llevar por la inspiración
when the spirit moves you cuando te sientes inspirado
get into the spirit of something socializarse
as the spirit moves you déjate llevar
as the spirit moves you siente la inspiración
lift someone's spirit levantar el ánimo de alguien
lift someone's spirit darle ánimos a alguien
lift someone's spirit animar a alguien
a guiding spirit una fuente de inspiración
a guiding spirit estrella polar
a guiding spirit un faro
in a serious spirit muy en serio
in a serious spirit con seriedad
the moving spirit la fuerza motriz
the moving spirit la fuerza impulsora
that's the spirit! ¡así se habla!
evil spirit pájaro malo [m] DO
break someone's spirit hacer de goma [v] AR
touch the spirit of someone to drive them crazy or take their soul jugar el diablo [v] SV
when the spirit moves you cuando te dejas llevar por el espíritu
spirit away raptar [v]
spirit away llevarse sin ser detectado (algo/a alguien) [v]
spirit away tomar a escondidas (algo) [v]
spirit away hacer desaparecer (algo) [v]
spirit off llevarse en secreto (algo/a alguien) [v]
spirit off tomar a escondidas (algo) [v]
spirit off hacer desaparecer (algo) [v]
spirit someone away (somewhere) llevarse a alguien en secreto (a alguna parte) [v]
spirit away secuestrar [v]
spirit off secuestrar [v]
spirit off llevarse a escondidas (algo) [v]
in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy spirit en el nombre del padre, del hijo y del espíritu santo
I baptize you in the name of the father, and of the son and of the holy spirit lo bautizo en el nombre del padre, del hijo y del espíritu santo
by the power of the holy spirit por obra y gracia del espíritu santo
evil spirit mandinga [m]
a tall, ill-shaped man, without spirit gambalúa [m]
kindred spirit alma gemela [f]
be filled with the spirit estar lleno del espíritu [v]
undertake with spirit apechugar [v]
as/when the spirit moves him/her cuando le viene en gana
noble spirit alma noble
leading spirit tuáutem [m] rare
evil spirit barzoque [m] rare
evil spirit berzoque [m] rare
evil spirit cuijen [m] CR
according to popular belief, evil spirit that can cause illness ñanca [m] BO:W
spirit animal semejante [m] HN:W
according to popular belief, spirit or force a child is born with tune [m] SV
spirit that inhabits mines in popular belief ukako [m] AR:Nw rur.
spirit represented by an elderly man or a child that scares people urdimal [m] BO:S
regained their spirit entonado [adj] PE
recover one's spirit entonarse [v] PE
make an offering to the spirit inhabiting a mine to show gratitude for the wealth extracted pagar [v] BO:W
the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak el espíritu está presto,mas la carne enferma
kindred spirit almas gemelas
team spirit espíritu de equipo
entrepreneurial spirit espíritu empresarial
party spirit partidismo [m]
spirit varnish barniz de alcohol [m]
gum spirit aceite de trementina [m]
spirit varnish barniz de alcohol [m]
rosin spirit trementina [f]
motor spirit autonafta [f]
spirit level nivel de burbuja de aire
white spirit trementina mineral
wood spirit alcohol metílico
industrial spirit alcohol industrial
beetroot spirit alcohol de remolacha
mineral spirit alcohol mineral
motor spirit gasolina para motores
white spirit aguarrás mineral
distilled spirit alcohol destilado
grape spirit distillery destilería vinícola
spirit blue azul de anilina
white spirit aguarrás sintético
spirit level nivel de burbuja
solid spirit alcohol solidificado
aviation spirit gasolina para aviación
spirit lamp lámpara de alcohol
spirit level nivel de aire
spirit level nivel de burbuja
wood spirit metanol [m]
methylated spirit alcohol metilado [m]
methylated spirit alcohol desnaturalizado [m]
neutral spirit alcohol neutro [m]
methylated spirit mediación [f]
spirit of turpentine esencia de trementina [f]
methylated spirit alcohol metílico
spirit of turpentine esencia de trementina
methylated spirit alcohol metilado
rectified spirit alcohol rectificado
white spirit white spirit
crude spirit alcohol en bruto
methylated spirit alcohol desnaturalizado
Food Engineering
methylated spirit alcohol metilado [m]
spirit poise poise de alcohol [m]
methylated spirit alcohol desnaturalizado [m]
spirit gauge indicador de alcohol [m]
methylated spirit alcohol metilado
methylated spirit alcohol desnaturalizado
rectified spirit alcohol rectificado
spirit level nivel de burbuja de aire [m]
spirit level nivel de burbuja de aire
spirit level nivel de burbuja [m]
spirit level nivel [m]
spirit level nivel de burbuja
distress of the human spirit sufrimiento del espíritu
spirit thermometer termómetro de alcohol
spirit lamp lámpara de alcohol
spirit lamp lámpara de alcohol
industrial methylated spirit espíritu metilado industrial
methylated spirit espíritu metilado
proof spirit espíritu de prueba
pyroligneous spirit espíritu piroleñoso
pyroligneous spirit espíritu piroxílico
pyroxylic spirit espíritu piroleñoso
pyroxylic spirit espíritu piroxílico
rectified spirit espíritu rectificado
wine spirit espíritu de vino
wood spirit espíritu de madera
spirit thermometer termómetro de alcohol
turpentine spirit espíritu de trementina
communal spirit espíritu comunal
community spirit espíritu comunitario
spirit lamp lámpara de alcohol [f]
spirit lamp lámpara de alcohol
spirit level nivel de burbuja [m]
spirit level nivel de aire [m]
spirit lacquer laca al alcohol [f]
spirit level nivel de aire
spirit varnish barniz de alcohol [m]
spirit lacquer laca de alcohol [f]
Construction Machinery
mineral spirit-type solvents solventes destilados de petróleo
spirit varnish barniz de alcohol [m]
methylated spirit alcohol metilado
methylated spirit alcohol desnaturalizado
spirit stain tinte al alcohol
killed spirit agua de soldar
spirit duplicator copy paper papel para hectografía [m]
neutral spirit alcohol neutro
white spirit trementina mineral
spirit level nivel de burbuja
industrial spirit alcohol industrial
team spirit espíritu de cooperación
spirit level nivel de burbuja de aire
columbian spirit alcohol metílico desodorizado
aviation spirit gasolina para aviación
high octane aviation spirit gasolina de aviación de gran octanaje
spirit-topsail contracebadera [f]
motor spirit gasolina para motores [f] ES
petroleum spirit alcohol de petróleo
motor spirit gasolina para motores
petroleum spirit espíritu de petróleo
white spirit aguarrás mineral
petroleum spirit destilado ralo de petróleo
spirit level nivel de burbuja
spirit level axis eje de nivel
spirit levelling nivelación geométrica
spirit level axis eje de nivel de burbuja
spirit bubble nivel de burbuja
spirit compass compás líquido
spirit bubble nivel esférico
sensitivity of spirit level sensibilidad del nivel de burbuja
smells like teen spirit nirvana nevermind albümümün açiliş ve ikinci hit parçasi
spirit level nivel de aire [m]
American Football
fighting spirit espíritu de lucha
holy spirit espíritu santo [m]
holy spirit and joseph as co-spouses of virgin mary coesposo [f]
the holy spirit espíritu santo
holy spirit espíritu santo
caribbean spirit weed (aegiphila martinicensis) capaíllo [m] PR
caribbean spirit weed (aegiphila martinicensis) capacillo [m] PR
flower of the holy spirit espíritu santo [m] CO
flower of the holy spirit espiritusanto [m] MX CO
flower of the holy spirit espíritu santo [m] CO
flower of the holy spirit flor del espíritu santo [f] PA
flower of the holy spirit flor del espíritu santo [f] PA
evil spirit in the form of a black cat that steals the souls of children lari-lari [m] BO:W
mountain spirit pachatata [m] BO:W
methylated spirit alcohol metilado [m]
methylated spirit alcohol desnaturalizado [m]
spirit lacquer laca de alcohol [f]
ritual through which a spirit is transported to the afterlife (popular religion) despacho [m] DO
popular musical composition for guitar and singing, with an evocative character and melancholic spirit estilo [m] AR UY
protective spirit in the form of an animal nagual [m] MX GT HN SV NI
belief in the power to turn into a spirit animal and be able to harm an enemy nagual [m] HN SV
spirit animal nagual [m] MX GT HN SV NI
friendly or antagonistic spirit pombero [m] PY AR:Ne
evil spirit represented by a large doll with a black hand that scared children who don't want to sleep yana-maqui [m] BO:W,C
evil spirit in the aymara culture ñanquia [f] BO:W
spirit of turpentine esencia de trementina [f]
spirit off animar [v]
spirit off alentar [v]
spirit off dar espíritu [v]
spirit off incitar [v]
spirit away alentar [v]
spirit away incitar [v]
spirit away animar [v]
spirit away dar espíritu [v]