shortage - Allemand Anglais Dictionnaire



Meanings of "shortage" in German English Dictionary : 25 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
shortage Mangel [m]
shortage Engpass [m]
shortage Knappheit [f]
shortage Fehlbetrag [m]
shortage Fehlbestand [m]
shortage Mangel [m]
shortage Verknappung [f]
shortage Knappheit [f]
shortage Verknappung
shortage Unterdeckung (an etwas) [f]
shortage Unterdeckung [f]
shortage Mangel [m]
shortage Knappheit [f]
shortage Fehlbestand [m]
shortage Mangel [m]
shortage Knappheit [f]
shortage Mindermenge [f]
shortage Knappheit [f]
shortage Mangel [m]
shortage Mangel [m]
shortage Knappheit [f]
shortage Fehlbetrag [m]
shortage Fehlbestand [m]
SAP Terms
shortage Unterdeckung [f]
shortage Unterdeckungsmenge [f]

Meanings of "shortage" with other terms in English German Dictionary : 195 result(s)

Anglais Allemand
manpower shortage Personalmangel [m]
manpower shortage Personalengpass [m]
housing shortage Wohnraummangel [m]
housing shortage Wohnungsmangel [m]
fuel shortage Kraftstoffmangel [m]
bread shortage Brotmangel [m]
water shortage Wassermangel [m]
shortage (of something) Mangel (an etwas) [m]
shortage of labour Mangel an Arbeitskräften [m]
food shortage Nahrungsmangel [m]
food shortage Nahrungsmittelengpass [m]
food shortage Futtermangel [m]
staff shortage Personalmangel [m]
labour shortage Mangel an Arbeitskräften [m]
manpower shortage Mangelan Arbeitskräften [m]
manpower shortage Arbeitskräftemangel [m]
food shortage Ernährungsengpass [m]
labour shortage Arbeitskräftemangel [m]
staff shortage personeller Engpass [m]
gas shortage Gasmangel [m]
gas shortage Benzinmangel [m]
gas shortage Mangel an Erdgas [m]
manpower shortage Personalknappheit [f]
housing shortage Wohnungsknappheit [f]
housing shortage Wohnungsnot [f]
fuel shortage Brennstoffknappheit [f]
drinking water shortage Trinkwasserknappheit [f]
water shortage Wasserknappheit [f]
water shortage Wasserverknappung [f]
shortage (of something) Knappheit (an etwas) [f]
shortage of food Nahrungsmittelknappheit [f]
food shortage Nahrungsknappheit [f]
food shortage Lebensmittelknappheit [f]
job shortage Knappheit an Arbeitsplätzen [f]
food shortage Nahrungsmittelknappheit [f]
bed shortage Bettenknappheit [f]
manpower shortage Arbeitskräfteknappheit [f]
food shortage Futterknappheit [f]
energy shortage Energieknappheit [f]
staff shortage Personalknappheit [f]
labour shortage Arbeitskräfteknappheit [f]
shortage of raw materials Rohstoffverknappung [f]
a period of shortage eine Zeit des Mangels [f]
shortage in weight Untergewicht [n]
manpower shortage Mangel {m} an Arbeitskräften
drinking water shortage Mangel an Trinkwasser
a severe housing shortage eine gravierende Wohnungsnot
the shortage of teachers der Lehrermangel
acute shortage akute Knappheit
housing shortage Wohnungsnot
shortage in weight Gewichtsmanko
housing shortage Wohnraummangel
housing shortage Wohnungsmangel
acute shortage kritischer Mangel
shortage in weight Fehlgewicht
housing shortage Wohnungsnot [f]
manpower shortage Mangel an Arbeitskräften
there is a shortage of something es mangelt an etwas
there was a shortage of something es mangelte an etwas
staff shortage Personalengpass [m]
job shortage Arbeitsplatzmangel [m]
shortage in cash Kassenfehlbetrag [m]
shortage of manpower Personalengpass [m]
shortage of material Materialmangel [m]
shortage of raw materials Rohstoffmangel [m]
shortage of staff Personalengpass [m]
shortage of manpower Personalmangel [m]
manpower shortage Arbeitskräfteengpass [m]
shortage occupation Mangelberuf [m]
shortage of staff Personalmangel [m]
manpower shortage Personalmangel [m]
shortage of money Geldmangel [m]
shortage of jobs Arbeitsplatzmangel [m]
labour shortage Arbeitskräftemangel [m]
shortage of staff Arbeitskräftemangel [m]
manpower shortage Arbeitskräftemangel [m]
shortage of labour Arbeitskräftemangel [m]
staff shortage Personalmangel [m]
shortage of capital Kapitalmangel [m]
shortage of manpower Arbeitskräftemangel [m]
shortage of money Geldnot [f]
shortage of capital Kapitalknappheit [f]
shortage of manpower Personalknappheit [f]
shortage of material Materialknappheit [f]
shortage of time Zeitnot [f]
shortage of staff Arbeitskräfteknappheit [f]
manpower shortage Personalknappheit [f]
shortage of staff Personalknappheit [f]
shortage in material Materialknappheit [f]
housing shortage Wohnungsnot [f]
staff shortage Personalknappheit [f]
labour shortage Arbeitskräfteknappheit [f]
manpower shortage Arbeitskräfteknappheit [f]
shortage in cash Kassendefizit [n]
shortage in cash Kassamanko [Ös.][Schw.] [n]
shortage in cash Kassenmanko [n]
shortage in weight Mindergewicht [n]
shortage of manpower Arbeitskräftedefizit [n]
shortage of labour Arbeitskräftedefizit [n]
shortage in cashs Kassendefizite [pl]
shortage in cashs Kassenfehlbeträge [pl]
labour shortage Mangel an Arbeitskräften
job shortage Knappheit an Arbeitsplätzen
shortage of jobs Knappheit an Arbeitsplätzen
shortage of jobs Mangel an Arbeitsplätzen
staff shortage Mangel an Arbeitskräften
cash shortage Mangel an Bargeld
manpower shortage Personalknappheit
manpower shortage Arbeitskräfteknappheit
shortage in weight fehlendes Gewicht
shortage of labour Mangel an Arbeitskräften
shortage of labor Mangel an Arbeitskräften
labour shortage Arbeitskräftemangel [m]
manpower shortage Arbeitskräfteengpass [m]
skill shortage Fachkräftemangel [m]
worker shortage Arbeitskräftemangel [m]
skills shortage Fachkräftemangel [m]
shortage of labour Arbeitskräfemangel [m]
job shortage Arbeitsplatzmangel [m]
housing shortage Wohnungsmangel [m]
labour shortage Arbeitskräftedefizit [n]
shortage of labour Arbeitskräftedefizit [n]
shortage of liquidity Liquiditätsengpass [m]
Business Correspondence
because of a shortage of raw material wegen eines Mangels an Rohmaterial
a shortage in weight ein Fehlgewicht
because of a shortage of essential parts wegen Mangels an wesentlichen Teilen
there was a shortage of goods Ein Teil der Ware wurde nicht geliefert
the acute shortage of der akute Mangel an
the shortage of raw material der Mangel an Rohstoffen
manpower shortage Arbeitskräftemangel [m]
shortage of staff Arbeitskräftemangel [m]
shortage of labor Arbeitskräftemangel [m]
job shortage Arbeitsplatzmangel [m]
shortage of manpower Personalmangel [m]
manpower shortage Arbeitskräfteengpass [m]
manpower shortage Personalmangel [m]
shortage of jobs Arbeitsplatzmangel [m]
shortage of manpower Arbeitskräftemangel [m]
labor shortage Arbeitskräftemangel [m]
shortage of staff Personalmangel [m]
shortage occupation Mangelberuf [m]
staff shortage Personalmangel [m]
staff shortage Personalknappheit [f]
manpower shortage Personalknappheit [f]
labor shortage Arbeitskräfteknappheit [f]
shortage of manpower Personalknappheit [f]
manpower shortage Arbeitskräfteknappheit [f]
shortage of staff Personalknappheit [f]
shortage of staff Arbeitskräfteknappheit [f]
shortage of labor Arbeitskräftedefizit [n]
job shortage Knappheit an Arbeitsplätzen
labor shortage Mangel an Arbeitskräften
staff shortage Mangel an Arbeitskräften
shortage of jobs Mangel an Arbeitsplätzen
shortage of jobs Knappheit an Arbeitsplätzen
Vocational Training
shortage of skilled labour Qualifikationsdefizit [n]
skill shortage Qualifikationsdefizit [n]
EU Terms
food shortage Nahrungsmittelknappheit [f]
labour shortage Mangel an Arbeitskräften
shortage in cash Kassamanko [n]
shortage of material Materialmangel [m]
water shortage Wassermangel [m]
energy shortage Energieknappheit [f]
water shortage Wasserknappheit [f]
shortage goods Mangelware [f/pl]
stock shortage ungenügende Vorräte
base shortage Basenarmut [f]
nitrogen shortage Stickstoffmangel [m]
skilled worker shortage Fachkräftemangel [m]
staff shortage Arbeitskräftemangel [m]
drug shortage Arzneimittelengpass [m]
doctors shortage Ärztemangel [m]
shortage of organs Organknappheit [f]
water shortage Wassermangel [m]
raw material shortage Rohstoffverknappung [f]
water shortage Wassermangel [m]
oil shortage Erdölmangel [m]
oil shortage Erdölverknappung [f]
water shortage Wassermangel [m]
fuel shortage Kraftstoffmangel [m]
parking space shortage Parkplatzknappheit [f]
parking space shortage Parkplatznot [f]
inventory shortage Lagerknappheit [f]
shortage in weight Mindergewicht [n]
SAP Terms
requirements shortage Bedarfsunterdeckung [f]
shortage quantity Unterdeckungsmenge [f]
material shortage Unterdeckung [f]
materials shortage list Materialunterdeckungsliste [f]
shortage planning Unterplanung [f]
food shortage Futtermangel [m]
food shortage Futterknappheit [f]
food shortage Futtermangel
food shortage Futterknappheit
material shortage Materialmangel [m]
food shortage Nahrungsmangel [m]