order - İspanyolca İngilizce Sözlük



Meanings of "order" in Spanish English Dictionary : 199 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
order ordenar [v]
order pedido [m]
order encargo [m]
order orden [m]
order mandado [m]
order mandamiento [m]
order mandato [m]
order encargar [v]
order pedir [v]
order mandar [v]
order precepto [m]
order decreto [m]
order ordenación [f]
order consigna [f]
order disponer [v]
order intimar [v]
order estado [m]
order congregación [f]
order determinar [v]
order solicitar [v]
order arreglo [m]
order asiento [m]
order concierto [m]
order curso [m]
order encargo [m]
order mandato [m]
order orden [m]
order ordenamiento [m]
order pedido [m]
order precepto [m]
order acordada [f]
order comanda [f]
order demanda [f]
order disposición [f]
order estalación [f]
order indicación [f]
order orden [f]
order ordenación [f]
order ordenanza [f]
order póliza [f]
order razón [f]
order acaudillar [v]
order dar [v]
order destinar [v]
order encargar [v]
order enhilar [v]
order enquiciar [v]
order guisar [v]
order mandar [v]
order ordenar [v]
order parar [v]
order poner [v]
order prescribir [v]
order recuestar [v]
order arreglar [m]
order arreglarse [m]
order mandato [m]
order prescripción [f]
order decisión [f]
order categoría [f]
order encomienda [f]
order mandar [v]
order recetar [v]
order decretar [v]
order pasar [v]
order arreglar [v]
order por encargo [v]
order asiento [m]
order reglamento [m]
order programa [m]
order método [m]
order rescripto [m]
order turno [m]
order disposición [f]
order clase [f]
order dirección [f]
order disciplina [f]
order distinción [f]
order cédula [f]
order forma [f]
order regia [f]
order regularidad [f]
order ordenanza [f]
order organización [f]
order razón [f]
order naturaleza [f]
order serie [f]
order textura [f]
order hacer [v]
order medio [m]
order sistema [m]
order círculo [m]
order medida [f]
order asociación [f]
order usanza [f]
order sociedad [f]
order condecoración honorífica [f]
order poner en orden [v]
order conferir las órdenes sagradas [v]
order regularizar [v]
order metodizar [v]
order comandamiento [m] disused
order comendamiento [m] disused
order encomendamento [m] disused
order establecimiento [m] disused
order mandado [m] MX CU NI
order estructura [f] fig.
order cantía [f] disused
order comendación [f] disused
order orden [f] MX CU DO
order ordinación [f] disused
order aclamar [v] disused
order ordinar [v] disused
order parar [v] disused
order principar [v] disused
order frailería [f]
order dar la orden [v]
order libramiento [m]
order endoso [m]
order pedido [m]
order encargo [m]
order decreto [m]
order mandato [m]
order ordenamiento [m]
order libranza [f]
order demanda [f]
order comisión [f]
order orden [f]
order ordenación [f]
order clase [f]
order ordenanza [f]
order efectuar un pedido [v]
order orden de pedido [v]
order sindicalizar [v]
order cometer [v]
order encargar [v]
order pedir [v]
order dirigir [v]
order ordenar [v]
order mandar [v]
order disponer [v]
order orden de pedido
order pedido [m]
order turno [m]
order ordenar [v]
order mandar [v]
order ordenamiento [m]
order lo acordado [m]
order mandamiento [m]
order resolución [f]
order exigencia [f]
order intimación [f]
order planificación [f]
order acordada [f]
order amonestación [f]
order providencia [f]
order preceptuar [v]
order a la orden [v]
order estatuir [v]
order dictar [v]
order requerir [v]
order prescribir [v]
order exigir [v]
order decidir [v]
order clasificar [v]
order dar órdenes [v]
order amonestar [v]
order dirigir [v]
order fallo [m]
order ordinal [m]
order arreglo [m]
order regla [f]
order disposición [f]
order instrucción [f]
order orden [f]
order giro postal
order orden [m]
order comando [m]
Molecular Biology
order edicto [m]
order la ordenación
order mando [m]
order mandato [m]
order exegir [v]
General Medicine
order indicación [f]
order rango [m]
Dam Terms
order encomendar [v]
order orden [m]
order mando [m]
order dar orden de [v]
order cursar pedidos [v]
order por orden
order por designación
order bando [m]
order orden [m]
order la orden [f]
order hilera [f]
order orden [m]
order orden [m]
order ordenanza [f]

Meanings of "order" with other terms in English Spanish Dictionary : 500 result(s)

İngilizce İspanyolca
in order to para [prep]
I will order encargaré [v]
you order ordenes [v]
purchase order pedido [m]
order people around caciquear [v]
set out (put in order) disponer [v]
cistercian order císter [m]
cistercian order cister [m]
money order giro [m]
order of chivalry caballería [f]
order of payment libranza [f]
out of order inservible [adj]
out of order desarreglado [adj]
call to order llamar al orden [v]
put in order orillar [v]
put in order enderezar [v]
in chronological order cronológicamente [adv]
in order that porque [conj]
in order to con el fin de [prep]
in order to a fin de [prep]
alphabetical order abecedario [m]
order used to begin acting in a scene accionado [m]
order or divide by the dozen adecenamiento [m]
putting in order adecentamiento [m]
member of the military order of alcantara alcantarino [m]
member of the order of san antonio abad antoniano [m]
member of the order of san antonio abad antonino [m]
court order arraigo [m]
dignity in the order of san juan bailiaje [m]
knight commander of the order of malta bailío [m]
preferential right to parcels or benefits in the order of saint john cabimiento [m]
member of the order of calatrava calatravo [m]
member of the religious order of the escuelas pías clérigo de la madre de dios [m]
counter-order contramandato [m]
knight bearing a cross of military order cruzado [m]
bearing a cross of military order cruzamiento [m]
statutory order decreto ley [m]
executive order decreto ley [m]
member of the order of alcántara military and religious order familiar [m]
knight of a military order freile [m]
knight of a military order freire [m]
priest of a military order freire [m]
money order giro [m]
postal order giro postal [m]
telegraph money order giro telegráfico [m]
military order hábito [m]
tall order imposible [m]
order of payment libramiento [m]
cross of the order of san juan martillo [m]
third order minister ministro de la orden tercera [m]
military member of the montesa order montesino [m]
order of the day orden del día [m]
established order orden establecido [m]
military order orden militar [m]
natural order orden natural [m]
public order orden público [m]
note made to order pagaré a la orden [m]
fee paid by knights of the order of san juan pasaje [m]
founder of a religious order patriarca [m]
deputy minister collecting funds of the order of saint john recibidor [m]
nun of the order of knights of the hospital of saint john of jerusalem sanjuanista [m]
order of santiago councilor trece [m]
nun of a religious order that educates and rehabilitates young women adoratriz [f]
ordering in alphabetical order alfabetización [f]
commandery district in the order of the knights of malta bailía [f]
court order carta [f]
open order carta abierta [f]
order letter carta orden [f]
carthusian order cartuja [f]
order of alcántara nun cilleriza [f]
order that a higher authority directs circular [f]
nun of the order of saint clare clarisa [f]
military order insignia compuerta [f]
religious order congregación [f]
dignity in the order of malta conservaduría [f]
arrangement in chronological order cronología [f]
military insignia from the order of alcantara cruz de alcántara [f]
military order of knighthood cruz de calatrava [f]
person of the order of saint john of jerusalem media cruz [f]
post conferred by the trecenazgo of the order of santiago as their replacement enmienda [f]
sister of a military order freira [f]
group of knights of a military order freiría [f]
group of priests of a military order freiría [f]
shouting order to take arms grida [f]
order of the jar jarra [f]
order of the garter jarretera [f]
order of payment libranza [f]
order of chivalry orden de caballería [f]
third order ministers orden tercera [f]
good order policía [f]
jubilee held on august 2 in churches and convents of the order of san francisco porciúncula [f]
order to publish publicata [f]
religious order religión [f]
contribution to the treasury of the order of saint john responsión [f]
order of santiago nun sargenta [f]
order of santiago nun sergenta [f]
male/female member of the order of brothers of our lady of bethlehem in guatemala betlemita [m/f]
man/woman belonging to the religious order of camandula or reformed benedictines camandulense [m/f]
issuer of an order of payment librancista [m/f]
member of the franciscan order of regular observance observante [m/f]
member of the order of friar servants of mary servita [m/f]
of a religious order that educates and rehabilitates young women adoratriz [adj]
member of the military order of alcantara alcantarino [adj]
pertaining to religious order of alcantara alcantarino [adj]
member of the order of san antonio abad antoniano [adj]
pertaining to the order of san antonio abad antoniano [adj]
being a member of the order of san antonio abad antonino [adj]
belonging to the order of brothers of our lady of bethlehem in guatemala betlemita [adj]
pertaining to the order of brothers of our lady of bethlehem in guatemala or members betlemita [adj]
pertaining to the order of poor clerics regular of the mother of god of the pious schools calasancio [adj]
of the order of calatrava calatravo [adj]
belonging to the religious order of camandula or reformed benedictines camandulense [adj]
of the order of saint clare clarisa [adj]
member of the order of santa cruz crucífero [adj]
out of order desarreglado [adj]
pertaining to a grand master of a military order maestral [adj]
member of the montesa order montesino [adj]
pertaining to the montesa order montesino [adj]
being a member of the franciscan order of regular observance observante [adj]
pertaining to the franciscan order of regular observance observante [adj]
member of the order of knights of the hospital of saint john of jerusalem sanjuanista [adj]
pertaining to the order of friar servants of mary or members servita [adj]
submit to an authority, rules or order acatar [v]
order by the dozen adecenar [v]
order by dozens adecenar [v]
put in order adecentar [v]
order by the dozen adocenar [v]
order by dozens adocenar [v]
arrange in alphabetical order alfabetizar [v]
bear a cross of military order cruzar [v]
receive investiture from a military order or other institute cruzarse [v]
be out of order desarreglarse [v]
put in order enquiciar [v]
have put in order enquiciar [v]
stir wax into sheets in order to bleach it enrehojar [v]
allow or order to leave a religious order exclaustrar [v]
leave a religious order exclaustrarse [v]
put in order secuenciar [v]
allow oneself to lose in order to con a third party torcerse [v]
in order that cómo [adv]
in chronological order cronológicamente [adv]
in order that a fin de que [conj]
in order to para [prep]
in order to por [prep]
ecclesiastical order, provision or decision letras [f/pl]
money order through the mail giro [m]
rush order pedido urgente [m]
order of the day orden del día [m]
mail-order business negocio de ventas por correo [m]
mail-order business negocio de ventas por encargo [m]
restraining order interdicto [m]
restraining order juicio de amparo [m]
stroke order orden de trazos [m]
total order orden total [m]
word order orden de las palabras [m]
world order orden mundial [m]
absence of order desorden [m]
a roman catholic order member capuchino [m]
law and order orden público [m]
lack of order descontrol [m]
member of the religious order which was establised by st. dominic dominicano [m]
someone who lies in order to attract attention macaneador [m]
actual order orden actual [m]
batting order orden de bateo [m]
automatic payment order orden de pago automático [m]
actual order pedido real [m]
actual order pedido existente [m]
affinity order orden de afinidad (electrodos) [m]
social order sociedad [f]
good order policía [f]
court order for the finding and arrest of a criminal requisitoria [f]
placing in order ordenación [f]
carthusian order or monastery cartuja [f]
order of knights skilled in riding maestranza [f]
interim order orden provisional [f]
excessive order rueda [f]
numerical order numeración [f]
purchase order orden de compra [f]
arrangement into chronological order cronología [f]
act of transferring heat from an object in order to cool it refrigeración [f]
restraining order inhibitoria [f]
lack of clarity or order confusión [f]
member of the religious order which was establised by st. dominic dominicana [f]
order to appear boleta de citación [f]
acceptance of order aceptación de pedido [f]
benedictine order orden benedictina [f]
battle order orden de batalla [f]
acceptance of order aceptación de orden [f]
acceptance of order aceptación de pedido [f]
actual order orden real [f]
ahi-order orden ahí (gremio de comerciantes que se remonta al imperio otomano) [f]
ahi-order orden de ahí [f]
appointment order orden de nombramiento [f]
batting order orden de batear [f]
battle order orden de batalla [f]
battle order orden de guerra [f]
out of order (000) desarreglado [adj]
on order contratado [adj]
out-of-order descompuesto [adj]
made to order hecho por encargo [adj]
out of order desalineado [adj]
pertaining to the religious order founded by st. dominic dominicano [adj]
pertaining to a member of a religious order who begs mendicante [adj]
having no order desorganizado [adj]
arranged in order dispuestos en orden [adj]
arranged in an order organizados en orden [adj]
by order por orden [adj]
arranged in an order ordenado [adj]
arranged in an order organizado por orden [adj]
arranged in order colocado en orden [adj]
order or summon conminar [v]
put in alphabetical order alfabetizar [v]
put out of order desconcertar [v]
read or touch on without order salpicar [v]
repeal an order desmandar [v]
get out of order desordenarse [v]
put out of order desordenar [v]
put in order compaginar [v]
order someone to stop dar el alto a uno [v]
put in order regular [v]
make a sacrifice in order to please the gods litar [v]
put out of order descolocar [v]
put things in the wrong order poner el carro delante de los bueyes [v]
act contrary an order contravenir [v]
put in order poner en orden [v]
put in order arreglar [v]
arrange in order ordenar [v]
arrange in order surtir [v]
order someone to do something ordenar a alguien que haga algo [v]
order that ordenar que [v]
be out of order (not working) ser improcedente [v]
countermand an order revocar una orden [v]
issue an order dictar una orden [v]
be ready to order estar listo para pedir [v]
obey the order acatar la orden [v]
comply with the order acatar la orden [v]
take the order tomar el pedido [v]
fill an order dar abasto a un pedido [v]
fill an order surtir un pedido [v]
be a tall order ser mucho pedir [v]
be out of order estar estropeado [v]
place an order with hacer un pedido a [v]
obey an order obedecer una orden [v]
order into group acabildar [v]
get one's affairs in order ordenar sus asuntos [v]
get one's life in order ordenar su vida [v]
order one's life ordenar su vida [v]
order one's affairs ordenar sus asuntos [v]
put one's affairs in order ordenar sus asuntos [v]
put one's life into order ordenar su vida [v]
answer an order atender a un pedido [v]
answer an order atender a una orden [v]
dig ground in order to prepare it for new plants binar [v]
put ideas in order poner en orden las ideas [v]
put the house in order poner la casa en orden [v]
put your house in order poner su casa en orden [v]
restore order restablecer el orden [v]
order someone to do something encargar a alguien que haga algo [v]
fill/meet an order dar abasto a un pedido [v]
order someone dar una orden a alguien [v]
give someone an order dar una orden a alguien [v]
order a person out mandar salir a una persona [v]
arange in an alphabetical order ordenar por orden alfabético [v]
acknowledge court order acatar una orden judicial [v]
accept the order aceptar el pedido [v]
brought order into colocar orden en [v]
brought order to colocar orden en [v]
bring something to good working order hacer que algo funcione bien [v]
bring the order traer la comanda [v]
bring order to traer orden a [v]
bring order into traer orden a [v]
bring the order traer el pedido [v]
bring an order traer un orden [v]
bring/deliver order traer un pedido [v]
be a member of a religious order ser miembro de una orden religiosa [v]
be arranged in an order poner orden [v]
be arranged in an order ordenarse [v]
be listed in alphabetical order estar enumerado por orden alfabético [v]
do in certain order hacerlo según cierto orden [v]
be put in order poner en orden [v]
do in certain order hacerlo en cierto orden [v]
be put in order ponerse en orden [v]
accept the order aceptar la orden (mandato) [v]
accept the order aceptar el pedido [v]
be arranged in an order estar dispuesto por orden [v]
be a member of a religious order pertenecer a una orden religiosa [v]
arange in an alphabetical order organizar por orden alfabético [v]
be arranged in an order estar organizado por orden [v]
be a member of a religious order ser miembro de una orden religiosa [v]
in order en regla [adv]
in the opposite direction or order al revés [adv]
in order of priority prioritariamente [adv]
in order en orden [adv]
at one's order a las órdenes de uno [adv]
in order that de manera que [conj]
in order that de modo que [conj]
in order that para que [conj]
in order to a fin de que [conj]
in the order of [uk] del orden de [prep]
on the order of [us] del orden de [prep]
in order to con el fin de que [prep]
in order to con el objeto de [prep]
in order to con el propósito de [prep]
in order to con la intención de [prep]
indicating that something is repeated in order to ensure it was done correctly caballo bueno repite [expr] CL
there should be order even in chaos el relajo con orden [expr] CU
immediate order (military) carrera mar [n] SV
apple-pie order orden perfecto
clean payment order orden de pago simple
postal order transferencia postal
public order orden público
international money order giro postal internacional
the final order la orden final
correction order orden de corrección
direct order orden directa
in order en orden
restraining order orden de alejamiento
first-order logic lógica de primer orden
court order orden judicial
standing order domiciliación de pago
order form hoja de pedido
money order giro postal
law and order el orden público
mail order pedido por correo
postal order giro postal
order status el estado del pedido
order status el estado de la orden
status of order el estado del pedido
status of order el estado de la orden
pay to the order of... páguese a...
standing order pedido fijo
bank money order giro bancario
postal money order giro postal
alphabetical order orden alfabético
power to order extensions of facilities poder para ordenar extensiones de instalaciones
west indian fish of the acanthopterygii order arnillo [m]
knight of the order of malta cabido [m]
right of claiming a commandery in the order of malta cabimiento [m]
knight commander of the order of malta bailío [m]
commandery of the order of malta bailiaje [m]
member of the order of calatrava calatravo [m]
obstructing the course of bees in order to get them into a new hive deshilo [m]
countermanding an order desmandamiento [m]
member of landed franciscan order conventual [m]
royal/official order decreto [m]
member of the government of a religious order definidor [m]
assembly of a religious order and place where chapter is held definitorio [m]
order for payment crédito [m]
commander (a knighthood order) comendador [m]
knight wearing the badge of a military order cruzado [m]
good order concierto [m]
friar of the order of st. dominic dominico [m]
threatening order conminatorio [m]
superior of a religious order general [m]
chance order in which cards remain at the end of a hand encarte [m]
order of lineage grado [m]
local superior of convents of the order of st. francis guardián [m]
knight or priest of a military order freile [m]
used as an appellation before the names of knights and clergymen belonging to a military order frey [m]
order of payment libramiento [m]
religious (a member of a monastic order, especially a nun or monk) monje [m]
dignity or jurisdiction of the grand-master of a military order maestrazgo [m]
master of a military order maestre [m]
founder of a religious order patriarca [m]
a fish of the acanthopterygian order torillo [m]
countermanding an order revoco [m]
nun of a religious order that befriends reformed women adoratriz [f]
successive order adra [f]
order of the day agenda [f]
precedence in order of time antelación [f]
order of knights caballería [f]
military order caballería [f]
dignity in the order of malta conservaduría [f]
a military order of knighthood orden de calatrava [f]
carthusian order/monastery cartuja [f]
religious order familia [f]
red insignia of the order of santiago espadilla [f]
commandery in a military order encomienda [f]
order or rescript of a tribunal for keeping possession firma [f]
an edible mediterranean fish of the acanthopterygii order japuta [f]
aragonese order of chivalry jarra [f]
order of the garter jarretera [f]
lay-sister of a military order freila [f]
working order marcha [f]
order of knighthood orden [f]
insignia of an order placa [f]
a spanish military order montesa [f]
inversion of a regular order preposteración [f]
circular order or notice sent to several towns on the same route vereda [f]
vessel next in order to the admiral's vicealmiranta [f]
order of stitches in a hose vuelta [f]
one given to method and order metodista [m/f]
opposed to society and order antisocial [adj]
relating to the order of calatrava calatravo [adj]
of or belonging to the order of camáldula camaldulense [adj]
belonging to the religious order of camaldula or reformed benedictines camandulense [adj]
of the first order/rank clásico [adj]
belonging to the order of the carmelites carmelitano [adj]
out of order descompuesto [adj]
made to order hechizo [adj]
in good order enhilado [adj]
said of a military member a friar or nun in the order of la merced mercenario [adj]
relating to a grand master of a military order maestral [adj]
last in order postre [adj]
last in order postrero [adj]
last in order postrimero [adj]
next in order sucesivo [adj]
put in order ordenar [v]
cancel the order cancelar el pedido [v]
put into order ordenar [v]
enclose sheep in a field in order to fertilize it amajadar [v]
heap/pile or throw things together, without order or choice amontonar [v]
put in order desempacharse [v]
be out of order desordenar [v]
put into due place/order colocar [v]
pause in order to consider a matter minutely detenerse [v]
arrange in order compaginar [v]
get out of order desajustarse [v]
steep in order to free from salt desalar [v]
put in order componer [v]
unmake in order to make anew fundir [v]
rest content with the lesser evil in order to avoid the greater encabezarse [v]
order goods encargar [v]
sit on eggs in order to hatch them encobar [v]
stir wax into sheets in order to bleach it enrehojar [v]
rub in order to spawn frezar [v]
set in order regular [v]
order several times remandar [v]
get out of order resentirse [v]
observe rule and order tasar [v]
change the state or order of things voltear [v]
change the order trastrocar [v]
change the state or order of things alterar el orden de las cosas [v]
change the order cambiar el orden [v]
change the order alterar el orden [v]
without order/regularity descabelladamente [adv]
in order to con vistas a [prep]
lay-brothers of a religious order hermanos [m/pl]
order of song-birds cantores [f/pl]
mail-order pedido postal [m]
postal order orden postal de pago [m]
knight of the order of the garter caballero de la orden de la jarretera [m]
money-order giro postal [m]
habit (a distinctive set of clothing or style of dressing, especially of a religious order) vestido [m]
order of the golden fleece orden del toisón de oro [f]
order of the garter orden de la jarretera [f]
money-order libranza postal [f]
made to order hecho de encargo [adj]
out of order desordenado [adj]
set in order arreglar [v]
set in order ordenar [v]
keep in order tener en buen estado [v]
be in order estar en regla [v]
order in mandar traer [v]
order in mandar entrar [v]
order off mandar salir [v]
order away mandar salir [v]
order out mandar salir [v]
order up mandar subir [v]
put something in order disponer [v]
set one's home in order arreglar sus negocios [v]
set one's home in order prepararse para la muerte [v]
go out of one's way in order to darse la molestia de [v]
go out of one's way in order to hacer todo lo posible para [v]
out of order fuera del orden del día [adv]
to the order a la orden [expr]
order of the thistle la más alta orden de nobleza en escocia
someone that invests money in order to make a profit inversionista [m] LAM
someone that invests money in order to make a profit inversor [m] AR ES
large tree with fine wood of order of the mimosa amarillo [m] AR
a fish of the acanthoptcrygii order pichihuén [m] CL
plant of the gramíneas order similar to millet maicillo [m] AMER
edible plant of the liliaceous order tiquizque [m] CR
a bird of the conirostrum order toche [m] CO VE
a fish of the plectognath order torito [m] CU
habit (garb of a particular rank, profession, religious order, etc.; dress) traje [m]
an insect of the order díptera which bores through the human skin sotuto [m] BO
a black bird of the conirostrous order tijuil [m] HN
order of the day alcance [m] UY
dance to lively music where the couples are joined only by the arms, which are extended and intertwined in order to form elegant and provocative poses alza que te han visto [m] EC
surprise visit to a house during the christmas holidays with musical instruments in order to dance and sing asalto [m] CU PR
surprise visit to a house during the carnaval holidays with musical instruments in order to dance and sing asalto [m] UY
children's' game where some players sit on a bench and those left standing try to sit down in order displacing players at the other end in the process apretacanuto [m] GT
obsequiousness in order to obtain something arrastre [m] HN NI derog.
children's' game where some players sit on a bench and those left standing try to sit down in order displacing players at the other end in the process aprietacanuto [m] GT
exercise of a horse before a race in order to get the horse ready apronte [m] CL AR UY
flat basket that hangs from the kitchen ceiling used to store food in order to protect it from animals balai [m] VE:W
side order agregado [m] CL
change that modifies an order or previous state cambio de bola [m] CU
grooved drill used to sample grains or other foods, without opening the bundles that contain them, in order to know their class or quality calador [m] CL AR UY
grooved drill used to sample grains or other foods, without opening the bundles that contain them, in order to know their class or quality calador [m] CL AR UY
person who seeks to establish romantic relationships with european or north american tourists in order to obtain a visa brichero [m] PE
wait in the lobby of the office of a powerful person in order to ask them a favor cabildeo [m] PA
person who fosters sexual relationships in order to obtain benefits cabrón [m] BO
guerrilla/paramilitary fighters who voluntarily abandon their activities as members of armed organizations on the fringes of the law in order to work for government organizations desmovilizado [m] CO
meeting of a government authority and collaborators in order to resolve a problem despacho [m] NI
person who inhales shoe glue in order to get high clefeador [m] BO
designation of a candidate to a public post (especially by executive order and ignoring the normal legal formalities) dedazo [m] MX HN NI CR BO EC
place where stolen vehicles are taken apart in order to sell the parts desguazadero [m] CR CO EC CL UY
lock of a woman's hair that is wrapped in paper in order to make a curl cuete [m] MX