fright - Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch



Bedeutungen von dem Begriff "fright" im Spanisch Englisch Wörterbuch : 34 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
fright susto [m]
fright espanto [m]
fright julepe [m]
fright sobresalto [m]
fright arredramiento [m]
fright engendro [m]
fright espante [m]
fright espanto [m]
fright sobresalto [m]
fright susto [m]
fright alteración [f]
fright pavor [m]
fright sobrecogimiento [m]
fright miedo [m]
fright facha [f]
fright amilanamiento [m]
fright horror [m]
fright pánico [m]
fright terror [m]
fright grima [f]
fright aguadón [m] GT
fright quisa [f] BO
fright cague [m]
fright trabucazo [m]
fright visión [f]
fright estantigua [f]
fright julepe [m] SA
fright jabón [m] AR UY
fright julepe [m] VE EC PE BO CL PY AR UY
fright naco [m] UY
fright espantajo [m]
fright esperpento [m]
fright pavura [f]
fright flete [m]

Bedeutungen, die der Begriff "fright" mit anderen Begriffen im Englisch Spanisch Wörterbuch erhalten hat: 59 Ergebniss(e)

Englisch Spanisch
illness caused by fright espanto [m]
stage fright miedo escénico [m]
take fright asustarse [v]
take fright espantarse [v]
give someone a fright darle un susto a alguien [v]
tremble with fright temblar de miedo [v]
overcome a fright sobreponerse a un susto [v]
shake with fright escalofriarse [v]
expression of pain, fright huy [interj]
stage fright miedo al público
stage fright pánico escénico
stage fright miedo escénico
anything causing needless fright espantajo [m]
shivering from fright entelerido [adj]
take fright asombrarse [v]
set the hair on end (from fright) espeluznar [v]
make one's hair stand on end with fright horripilar [v]
stage-fright miedo al público [m]
take fright cobrar miedo [v]
take fright atemorizarse [v]
phobia caused by fright desangelamiento [m] HN
alarm or fright caused by the appearance of a spirit, ghost, or mythical animal espeluzno [m] HN rur.
phobia syndrome caused by a fright desangelamiento [m] HN
astonishment, fright, or surprise that leaves one speechless pasme [m] PR
pale (from illness/fright) amarillo [adj] NI
shivering from fright entelerida [adj/f]
die of fright cagarse por las patas abajo [v]
have a fright pedir la escupidera [v]
burn not your house to fright the mouse away no haga algo drástico cuando no es necesario
burn not your house to fright the mouse away es peor el remedio que la enfermedad
suffer the greatest fright of one's life pasar el susto de la vaca [v] PR
don't burn your house to fright the mouse away no tomes medidas drásticas si no son necesarias
I have stage fright Tengo miedo escénico
what a fright! ¡vaya susto!
sudden shock/fright trabucazo [m]
get a fright arrugarse [v]
have a fright arrugarse [v]
have a fright coger jurel [v]
take fright coger jurel [v]
get a fright coger jurel [v]
get a fright pegarse un susto [v]
take fright pegarse un susto [v]
have stage fright tener miedo escénico [v]
have stage fright tener pánico escénico [v]
died of fright morirse de miedo [v]
get a fright agarrarse un jabón [v]
look a fright estar hecho un adán [v]
get a fright darse un susto [v]
of fright de espanto
phobia caused by fright or fear caída del semejante [f] HN:W PA
urinate a little from a fright pichonearse [v] PE
urinate a little from a fright pichonearse [v] PE
take fright chuparse [v] VE
take fright fruncirse [v] VE
stage fright miedo escénico
stage fright pánico escénico
fright reaction reacción de miedo
fright reaction reacción de miedo
stage fright pánico escénico